22P236 Simran Banka MP Assignment

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Simran Banka – 22P236

Section – D
Marketing Planning
Fret and Regret: Buyer’s Remorse Case Analysis
Since the past two years, Ian has been using an ancient blackberry phone. He needs to
purchase a new phone, but his girlfriend gave him an iPhone 4s in lieu of that purchase.
Later, he realised that an Android phone—likely a Samsung Galaxy S2—was what he really
wanted to purchase. He debated whether to utilise his iPhone or to return Molly's gift and
purchase a different phone.
Ian lists the benefits of the iPhone 4s as follows:
Facetime function, top-rated phone, high-definition camera, and sentimental attachments
Benefits of Samsung are as follows:
4.27-inch, sharp display, more storage, easy to connect with computers, personal
Error of omission: Ian doesn't want to give the phone back because he wants an Android
phone, something he may come to regret.
Error of commission: If he returns the gift and purchases a phone of his choosing, he will
have committed an error of commission. This could irritate Molly.

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