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Due to what happened, Simione stayed the rest of her days in her room, leaving only

when necessary. She felt utterly guilty about what happened to Tabitha and felt more
sorry for Hawk who according to Nana Doring had been coming home late and very
She had always been aware of the burden Hawk had to carry being the President of
the M Conglomerate and the with recent events in Isla Sargaus—from the rebels down
to Tabitha’s injury, she was very aware she only made his work more difficult.
Certainly, she could have at least been considerate because, for the last few days, the
only thing she thought of was her own hurt and burden, looking not on the face of her
husband whom she knew had always been physically tired. Not to mention he had just
undergone a scandal in the capital that almost put the M Conglomerate to the edge,
and guess what, she too had participated in such a downfall. It seemed like; Hawk had
always been the one who picks up her trash.
That morning, Simione was called by Butler Samsoon. The man had just arrived
bearing the news that Tabitha will be arriving tonight from the hospital.
“I’m glad Tabitha is okay now,” Simione was somehow relieved to have learned it. “I’m
really thankful for what she did. I wish I could do something to make her feel better,”
“Actually, that is why I called you madam,” Butler Samsoon started.
“Well if she needs anything that I can be of help, I will not hesitate to extend her one,”
Simione pressed in and her determination only made Butler Samsoon confident on his
“Well can you leave Isla Sargaus?”
“Leave what?” Simione thought she heard it wrong but when she looked at Butler
Samsoon’s face, she kind of understood the suggestion. “Does Tabitha—”
“Not really,” The old man cut her in. “You see things are not going well here. The
president had been doing his best but I’m afraid now that Tabitha is injured, he’ll not
be able to cope with everything. Tabitha was his best help, you see,”
“I am very aware of that,”
“Your presence however does not help in any way. In fact, it only makes the situation
worst,” Butler Samsoon told her. “The President for some reason has to come home
every night because you are here. This only makes his job more difficult. Last night he
was in Town Mondre, that’s like five hours away and yet he had to come home
because he was worried about his wife,”
“But we are not even seeing each other,” Simione said in a low tone, almost a whisper.
Thinking about Hawk’s sacrifices, her recent rebellion only made her more guilty.
“Madame, Tabitha is injured and the President had so many on his plate right now,”
The butler pressed further, giving Simione the idea that he wanted to push to her
mind. “We are trying our best to support the President but now that Tabitha is
injured, we have to double our effort. Your presence here and us worrying about your
safety and wellness would only make all the job complicated,”
“I’m sorry, it never occurred to me that I am already a burden,”
“You are the boss’ wife. We ought to welcome you but with things around, I don’t think
it is best for you to stay. Please go home,” Butler Samsoon added. “The President for
sure also wanted you to go but perhaps he had been too busy to deal with you. Please
understand, he was not really in a good state of mind now especially with Tabitha’s
current situation,”
“Well, then If you think my presence only makes things worst. I really have no
problems leaving,” If this suggestion took place a few days ago, Simione would have
probably partied with joy as it had always been her wish to go back to the capital.
However, right then, it didn’t sit right in her heart. Instead of being joyful, she felt
utterly sad that she would be leaving. She wished she could do something to alleviate
the situation or help her husband in a way but as the butler said, it would be best if
she would just leave.
“I implore you to do this on your own madam,” Butler Samsoon sounded like he was
begging but deep inside he was really glad that things were going on his plan. “You see
it wouldn’t help if you make a fuss about leaving. It will only make Tabitha guilty and
your husband too,”
“No worries I understand. I’ll leave on my own, I can have someone pick me up,”
Simione assured him. “I guess I should leave now before Tabitha comes home,”
“About that,” Butler Samsoon seemed to have remembered something. “Your recent
escape from the mansion was the reason why Tabitha got hurt. It's only right I guess if
you leave after settling things with her. A little apology won’t hurt,”
“You want me to apologize to her?”
“Our clan, the Claws had been in great turmoil because of what happened to Tabitha,”
He started explaining their relationship to Hawk so Simione would make sure not to
mess with them in the future. “Our clan had been in service with the Monsanto’s for
many generations and so our relationship with the Monsanto family was one of the
things they value the most. With the accident that took place, the Claws were
somehow offended and the President had been trying his best to ease our elders. If you
apologize to Tabitha then I think it will help ease the elders,”
Simione bit her lips. She didn’t really know anything about the Claws or how things
work within the M Conglomerate but by what Butler Samsoon revealed it seemed like
offending the Claws comes with great consequences. Knowing that she could at least
help Hawk, she hesitated not to agree with Butler Samsoon.
“I’ll drop by in the hospital before I leave,” Simione assured him so. “I’ll make amends
to Tabitha and will ask her for forgiveness,”
“Thank you, madam,” Butler Samsoon's lips twitched at the end but he made sure
that Simione would not see it. “Have a safe travel back to the capital. As for your
husband, with the current situation here, I don’t think he can come back soon right
Simione only made her bows and leave. With a deep sigh, she walked down the
hallway quietly and back to her room with the intention to pack her things up.

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