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Colon, Maasim, Sarangani Province

Senior High School Midterm Examinations
First Semester, School Year 2016 - 2017
Earth and Life Science
Name Grade & Section
Subject Teacher Mariel G. Villanueva Score
DIRECTION. Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
______1. The inside of the Earth consists of four major layers. Which is the hottest layer?
A. Mantle B. Inner Core C. Outer Core D. Crust

______2. The order of the layers from the inside of the Earth outwards is:
A. inner core, outer core, mantle, crust. C. outer core, inner core, mantle, crust.
B. inner core, outer core, crust, mantle. D. mantle, inner core, outer core, crust.

______3. The thinnest layer of the Earth is the:

A. Mantle B. Inner core C. Outer Core D. Crust

______4. The inside of the Earth consists of four major layers. Movement in which layer causes the movement of the
A. Mantle B. Inner core C. Outer core D. Crust

______5. At a divergent plate boundary

A. Two plates move closer together
B. Two plates move apart from each other
C. When the plates are transformed into another organism millions of years later.
D. When the plates suddenly transform into hard rock
______6. At a transform fault plate boundary, the plates:
A. Move past each other in the same direction at different speeds.
B. Move past each other in opposite directions at the same speed
C. Push together
D. Spread apart

______7. The theory of sea-floor spreading supports ideas that

A. the earth is expanding C. the earth is contracting
B. new crust is being made along oceanic trenches D. new crust is being made along mid-ocean ridges

______8. The Himalayan mountains are thought to have been formed by the collision of
A. two continental plates C. two oceanic plates
B. an oceanic plate and a continental plate D. two transform faults

______9. Which of the following best describes the material that makes up the earth's asthenosphere?
A. a rigid solid C. a solid that is able to flow
B. a liquid at high temperature D. a gas under great pressure

______10. The two kinds of crust are continental and:

A. Oprahanic B. Oceanic C. Octopanic D. None of the above

______11. Most of the earth's mass is contained in the:

A. Crust B. Mantle C. Outer core D. Inner core

______12. Which is NOT a possible way that scientists can learn about the mantle?
A. By digging down directly to it. C. By studying rocks.
B. By observing the Earth's surface D. By studying the ocean floor.

______13. The Sun derives its energy from

A. the fusion of hydrogen into helium.
B. the conversion of energy into mass.
C. a steady gravitational contraction of its core.
D. chemical reactions that convert hydrogen and oxygen into carbon, accompanied by the release of
______14. Compared to its neighboring planets, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, the surface of the Earth is relatively young.
This youthful appearance results from
A. tectonic activity still shaping the surface of the Earth.
B. the Earth is furthest from the Sun.
C. the fact that few major impacts ever occur on the Earth.
D. the Earth having the largest Moon of all of these planets.

______15. The terrestrial planets are rocky because

A. the Sun converted all the hydrogen and helium in the inner Solar System into iron and nickel.
B. the Sun's gravity drew primarily heavy elements into the inner part of the early Solar System.
C. Once planetesimals formed, the rocky ones drifted inward and the icy ones moved outward in the Solar
D. Only rocky material was able to condense in the hot inner parts of the early solar nebula.

______16. The difference between mechanical and chemical weathering

A. the length of time each takes to break up a rock C. that each occurs only in certain parts of the world
B. the way they affect the composition of a rock D. that only chemical weathering involves water

______17. Scientist believe that the inner core is made mostly of:
A. Gold B.  Silver C. Magnesium D.  Iron

______18. Which of Earth's spheres contains mountains, valleys, and other landscapes?
A. atmosphere B. biosphere C. geosphere D. hydrosphere

______19. Which of the following are examples of destructive forces?

A. ice B. wind C. both ice and wind D. neither ice nor wind

______20. Earth appears to be mostly blue when viewed from space because it is mostly covered by
A. water. B. oxygen. C. carbon dioxide. D. ozone.

______21. If you used the theory of plate tectonics to predict the most likely place for the next earthquake or volcanic
eruption, you should predict that it is most likely to occur:
A. Along boundaries between colliding lithospheric plates
B. Where one has not happened in at least 10 million years
C. In the interior of any continent
D. Where two plates are diverging from one another.

______22. The following is (are) true about Sun.

A. It is made up of gases C. It has its own heat and light
B. Sun is a star D. All of the above

______23. Seafloor spreading occurs at:

A. subduction zones C. terraine boundaries
B. transform faults D. divergent boundaries

______24. The correct ascending order of distance of planets from sun is

A. Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn C. Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
B. Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter D. Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn

______25.  As rock moves away from a mid-ocean ridge, it is replaced by:
A. continental crust B. molten rock C. suspect terraines D. older rock

 ______26. The region along a plate boundary where one plate is forced under another plate is called a:
A. rift valley B. subduction zone C. paleomagnetic band D. transform fault

______27.   Which of the following rocks are formed from sediments accumulated at the bottom of the oceans
thousands of years ago?
A. extrusive igneous rocks C. intrusive igneous rocks
B. metamorphic rocks D. sedimentary rocks

______28.  Removal of small pieces of disintegrated rock is called

A. erosion. B. mechanical weathering. C. chemical weathering. D. transportation.
______29.  Which sequence of processes occurs in the correct order?
A. weathering, erosion, transportation C. erosion, weathering, transportation
B. erosion, transportation, weathering D. All of these processes occur at the same time.

______30.Weathering involves the

A. picking up of rock fragments. C. movement of rock fragments.
B. mechanical and chemical breakup of rocks. D. formation of rocks by the action of weather.

______31. The type of mass movement characterized by the slow downhill movement of soil is called
A. slip. B. earthflow. C. mudflow. D. creep.

______32. Dissolving a rock in acid is the equivalent of

A. erosion. B. mechanical weathering. C. chemical weathering. D. transportation.

Carrying rock fragments to a new location is called
A. erosion. B. mechanical weathering. C. chemical weathering. D. transportation.

The material that constitutes the earth’s surface plates is the
A. asthenosphere B. mesosphere C. thermosphere D. lithosphere

The person to propose the hypothesis of continental drift in 1911 was
A. Wegener B. Hess C. Richter D. Dewey

The supercontinent composed of all the major continents joined together in the
A. Precambrian B. Cenozoic C. Paleozoic D. Mesozoic

The breakup of the above supercontinent occurred in the
A. Precambrian B. Cenozoic C. Paleozoic D. Mesozoic

The zone of plastic flow in the mantle is known as the
A. asthenosphere B. Benioff zone C. lithosphere D. mesosphere

Evidence for the former connection of Gondwana's fragments include
A. identical fossil reptiles and plants C. nearly identical sequences of Gondwana succession
B. similar history of continental glaciation D. all of the above

New ocean floor is created (use two answers)
A. at convergent boundaries C. at divergent boundaries
B. at transform faults D. at oceanic ridges

The process in which an oceanic plate slides beneath a continental plate or another oceanic plate is known as
A. exfoliation B. degradation C. tectonism D. subduction

. Divergent plate boundaries are characterized by
A. earthquakes B. volcanism C. creation of new ocean floor D. all of the above

. Divergent boundaries are
A. constructive B. destructive C. conservative D. deductive

. At transform boundaries movement between the plates is
A. towards one another C. away from one another
B. horizontal, with plates moving past one another D. vertical, with plates bumping each other
. In a chain of oceanic volcanic islands that increase in age away from the site of active volcanism, the active volcanism is assumed to
A. a subduction zone C. a granite batholith
B. a Benioff zone D. a plume of molten rock called a hot spot

. A strong positive magnetic anomaly is due to
A. sedimentation B. normal polarity during formation of ocean floor
D. subduction C. reversed polarity during the formation of ocean floor

. The San Andreas fault zone in California is an example of ________ plate boundary
A. divergent B. transform C. convergent D. none of above
. Chains of volcanic islands adjacent to deep sea trenches and volcanoes parallel to continental margins or trenches are located
A. mid-oceanic ridges B. grabens C. transform faults D. subduction zones

. Possible cause for plate movements include
A. plumes C. convection currents in the mantle
B. hot spots D. none of above

. Before metamorphism, marble was what type of rock?
A. basalt B. obsidian C. limestone D. sandstone

. What produces the tremendous energy of the Sun?
A. nuclear disintegration C. nuclear fusion
B. nuclear fission D. nuclear decomposition

. How is oxygen released into the Earth’s atmosphere?
A. burning forests C. burning fossil fuels
B. photosynthetic plants D. volcanic eruptions

. Which is TRUE of the earth throughout geologic time?
A. always colder than the present C. only warmer than the present
B. warmer and colder than the present D. a steady temperature

. Which type of rock is abundant in volcanic regions?
A. igneous C. metamorphic
B. sedimentary D. both sedimentary and metamorphic

. In which type of rocks are fossils formed and found?
A. intrusive igneous B. extrusive igneous C. metamorphic D. sedimentary

. A ____is a mass movement that occurs when underlying material is weakened and can no longer support
material on it
A. till B. slump C. mudslide D. rill

. Rocks formed by cooling magma are called
A. igneous B. sedimentary C. metamorphic D. none of these

. Which of the following best describes the plate tectonic theory?
A. fossils are formed everywhere C. Earth’s surface is broken to many pieces
B. Continents move over the ocean floor D. A new crust is formed over the ocean floor

. How did the Himalayan Mountains form?
A. Two continental plates diverged C. Two continental plates converged
B. Two oceanic plates converged D. An oceanic plate and a continental plate converged

.There are many elements present in the crust. Which is the most dominant element found in the crust?
A. carbon B. oxygen C. nitrogen D. phosphorus

. The lithosphere is composed of the
A. crust only B. mantle only C. upper layer of mantle D. crust and

End of the Test

Good Luck and God Bless

“Ang pag-aral ay para sa magandang hinaharap. Huwag ipagpalit sa panandaliang sarap”

Prepared by

Subject Teacher

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