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Date:23-l l-2019

Pro.iect Manager,
Ardanuy India Private Limited.
C-41145,3'''r Floor, Safclarjung Development.
Area (SDA), New Delhi-110016

Subject: Submission o1'Water Reports

Refererrce No.: A I lP l3TglPl</PMC/SIf/RVN t-l52

Project: Construction of iutportant rail Bridgc No -8 uith span arrangorlront of 3rt)O nr through Truss
(Ballastccl Dcck)at CI-l:63+l05nr to C'l-.1: 63t-3t{3r'r.r ovor rivcr Alaknancla at l-achrrroli including othcr
ancillan,u,orks lrkc rir.,cl trainirrg. plotuction u,orks ctc. in connoction l'ith Rishikosh- I(aranprarag Nou
BG Rail Linc Projcct in the statc of Uttarakhand. Inclia.

As per above sr"rbject matter, Parmar'l'esting Lab And l{esearch Centre has Submitted
Following Construction Materials'l-esting Reporls.

S. No. Sample antit

I River Water 0l

Er. Jaydeep Pnrmar
Founder & CEO
Parmar Testing Lab & Research Centre
Mohorowala Pargana, Near Doon University
Dehnadun (U,K)P|N - 248001

(lSO Gertified & NABL Accredited Lab)

Doon University Road, Near Shiv Vihar, Mothorowala, Dehradun (,UK), 248001
Mobile.: +91 9068697634,635,636 I Email.:
(lSO Gertified & NABL Accredited Lab)
Doon University Road, Near Shiv Vihar, Mothorowala, Dehradun (UK), 248001
Mobile. : +9 1 9068697634,635,636 I Email. : parmartestinglabdd

Test Report
I)escription of Samplc: Construction Water ULR: TC7869 I 9000000084N
Repo rt No. : PTLR/DDN/20 I 9 1724(0 l)
Letter llef.: AI/P l3T91PK1PMC/SR/RVNL/52 Letter Date: 09i I l/2019
Issued to: Ardanuy India Private Limitcd. Date of Receipt: I lll ll20l9
C-4 1 |4 5, 3''r Fl oor, Safclar j Lrng Devel oprnent Date of Testing: ll-l4lll/2019
Area (SDA), New Delhi- I 10016. Date of Report: 23ll ll20l9

Client Name: Rail Vil<as Niganr t-imited.

Contractor: M/S Itahee lnfl'atech l,imited.
N.O.W: Corrstrr-rction ol'irnportant rail Brrdge No.-8 with span arrangerrent ol3x90 rn throLrgh'IrLrss (Ballastccl Decli)
at CH:6i+l05rn to CH: 63+383rn over river Alaknanda at Lachrnoli including other ancillary worl<s lil<e river training"
protection works etc. in connection with Rishil<esh- Kalanprayag New BG Rail Line Plo.iect in the state ol'
Uttaral<hand, India.
LOA No.: RVNL/RKSH/T'lW/llail Bridge-8/291l32 I Dated 24.05.2019
CA No.: RVNL/RI(SH/T/W/Rail Bridge-S/291 ICA-43 Dated 05.08,2019
Location Of Sampling: .lanasu Side (Alaknarrda Riever)

S.No. Cha racteristics lest Value Max. Permissible Lirnit Method of

As per I5-456-2000 Test Ref to.
(Clause 5.4)
l. 0.02N NaOH consurned to 0.1 5 rnl ls- 3025(P-22) tL)86
neutralize l00rnl of water using
Phenolphthalein as indicator.
2. 0.02 NH2SOa conSLlrlled 5.2 25 ml rs- 3025(P-23) r986
to ner.rtralize l00ml of water r-rsing
Mixed indicator. ml.
3. Organics, mg/1. 45 200 rs-302s (P- r 8) r 984
4. Inor"ganic, mg/1. 60 3000 rs-302s (P-r 8) 1984
() 5. SLrlfate as SOr, mg/|. 12.2 400 IS-3025 (P-24) Reaff:2009
6. Chloride as Cl, mg/l 6 500 rng/l for RCC & rs-3025 (P-32) r 988
2000 rng/l for concrete
withoLrt ernbedded steel.
7. pll 7.48 Not less than 6.0 rs-3025 (P-l l) reSi
ti. SLrspended rratter, mg/l j9 2000 rs-302-5 (P-r7) r984
9. 'l'DS, mg/l r05 2000 rs-1025 (P-r6) re84

Remarl<: With Respect to above test, Sample complies with I5-456-2000 Clause 5.4.

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r< r< s< rt
En d Of R ep O fi r< r< r< )< r<

Authorised Signatory

1. The result listed refer only to the tested samples and applicable parameters endorsement of product is neither enferred nor implied.
2. Total liability of our lab is limited to the invoiced amount.
3. Samples will be destroyed after 90 days from the date of issue of test report.
4. This report is not reproduced wholly or in part and cannot be used as an evidence in the court of law and should not be used in any
advestising media without our special permission in writing

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