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Writing task 2

Discuss both views and give your opinion

1. Introduction (2 sentences)

Structure for the introduction

 Trường hợp 1: Nghiêng về một phía

#First sentence: viết về quan điểm mình không ủng hộ
- It is a common belief that/ There is no denying that/ It is true that S + V + O
- In the contemporary world, …/ In contemporary life, …/ In recent decades, …/ Over the past decades, ...
- These days, Noun is growing in popularity / is a pressing issue faced by the government and
individuals / is the top priority for the government / is a matter of great concern to the governments and

#Second sentence: viết về quan điểm mình ủng hộ

- However, I personally believe that S + V + O
- Nevertheless, I am more convinced that S + V + O
- From my point of view, S + V + O
- Although some people advocate Noun/ V-ing, I would contend that S + V + O

 Trường hợp 2: Trung lập

#First sentence: viết về quan điểm đầu tiên
- It is a common belief that/ There is no denying that/ It is true that S + V + O
- In the contemporary world,…/In contemporary life,…/In recent decades,…/Over the past decade, S + V

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- These days, Noun is growing in popularity// is a pressing issue faced by the government and
individuals // is the top priority for the government// is a matter of great concern to the governments and

#Second sentence: viết về quan điểm còn lại

- I hold the belief that A and B are equally important. (I hold the belief that A and B + V)
- From my perspective, A and B play an equally important/ significant role (in our life)
- While I accept that S + V + O, I think there are other possible solutions/measures.
- Although I acknowledge that S + V + O, I also advocate Noun/V-ing

2. Body
A. Cách chia đoạn:
Nghiêng về 1 phía (ủng hộ B) Trung lập
Đoạn 1
Đoạn 2

B. Dàn ý thân bài:

C. Công thức gợi ý:

Suggested topic sentence (câu đầu của mỗi đoạn văn thân bài)

 Trường hợp 1: Nghiêng về một phía

Paragraph 1: Đoạn văn về quan điểm mình không ủng hộ
- On the one hand, it is obvious that A brings a number of substantial benefits.
- Advocates / Supporters of A may argue that S + V + O
- There are several compelling reasons why people might argue that S + V + O

Paragraph 2: Đoạn văn về quan điểm mình ủng hộ

- On the other hand, I still believe that B is superior/ more important/of greater importance.
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- Despite the importance/effectiveness of A, I still advocate B.
- In spite of the above arguments, I fully support the view that S + V + O
 Trường hợp 2: Trung lập
Paragraph 1: Đoạn văn về quan điểm đầu tiên
- It is obvious that A brings a number of substantial benefits.
- On the one hand, A is beneficial/ attractive for the following grounds.
- There are several reasons why people might argue that S + V + O

Paragraph 2: Đoạn văn về quan điểm còn lại

- Besides A, B also plays an important role in our life.
- On the other hand, we cannot deny the benefits/ advantages B brings.
- On the other hand, there are some other effective approaches/measures.

3. Conclusion

 Trường hợp 1: Nghiêng về một phía

- In conclusion, it seems to me that it would be wrong / unreasonable / unwise / ineffective to V because S
+ V + O.
- Taking everything into consideration, N/V-ing wins my total support because S + V + O.
- All in all, the indispensable role of N/V-ing is undeniable since S + V + O.
- All in all, it is my strong conviction that N/V-ing brings us a number of substantial benefits, among
which is Noun.

 Trường hợp 2: Trung lập

- In conclusion, it seems to me that both N/V-ing and N/V-ing has a key role to play in sth. While S + V +
O (nói về cái lợi của quan điểm đầu tiên), S + V + O (nói về cái lợi của quan điểm còn lại).
- All in all, although I show my strong support for N/ V-ing, I also thik we should not downplay the role
of N/V-ing. While S + V + O (nói về cái lợi của quan điểm đầu tiên), S + V + O (nói về cái lợi của quan
điểm còn lại).
- For the reasons mentioned above, I adopt a balanced viewpoint. While S + V + O (nói về cái lợi của
quan điểm đầu tiên), S + V + O (nói về cái lợi của quan điểm còn lại).

III. Sample essay

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Some people believe that the only purpose of films is to entertain. Others say films should have
educational value.

Discuss both view and give your opinion.

These days, people’s opinions regarding the purposes of films greatly vary, causing great debate. While
other people maintain that movies are intended for entertainment, I am of the opinion that they should
also be an education tool.

On the one hand, there is one main reason why the entertainment aspect of movies is highly appreciated.
Nowadays, it is less likely for adults to work in a stress-free environment since high productivity at the
workplace is strongly emphasized. For that reason, after tedious working hours, they are under great
strain and the need to recover from burnout can be satisfied thanks to watching the latest blockbusters.
Movies with realistic sound effects, brilliant acting of the cast along with the application of state-of-the-
art technology can help people ease their mind and forget about all burdens, which in turn contributes to
excellent job performance the next day. If people are exposed to films with heavy educational contents
after long hours struggling at school or at work, their mental and emotional well-beings will be severely

On the other hand, I also hold the belief that role of movies should also be imparting moral lessons and
practical knowledge. It can be observed that in almost every film lies a meaningful message. Take
“Avengers: End Game” which earned the tittle of the highest-grossing film of all time as an example.
After watching this masterpiece, fans are not only fully satisfied with up-to-date technology in the film-
making industry but they can also contemplate about the meaning of teamwork, friendship and sacrifices.
Furthermore, the animated characters in cartoons are also be more effective in conveying the practical
knowledge to the younger audiences whose intellect has not fully developed. These films instill in
children curiosity about the world around them and can greatly broaden their academic horizons.

Taking everything into consideration, the indispensable roles of films in our lives are undeniable as they
greatly contribute to our mental and intellectual well-beings. Without doubt, both the aspects of recreation
and education should be considered as top priorities when film-makers create their works.

(Written by Tuấn Duy)

Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams, like football.
Other people think that taking part in individual sports like tennis or swimming is better.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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It is a common belief that participants in sports requiring individual effort can reap more benefits.
Nevertheless, I acknowledge the superiority of team sports such as football or volleyball.

On the one hand, solo sporting activities like swimming or tennis can offer players some major
advantages. Primarily, their performance level can be greatly increased as these athletes often have strong
motivation and self-discipline. In order to master these kinds of sports, they need to plan and adopt a
suitable strategy as well as practise on their own initiatives. Take swimming as an example, regardless of
the comprehensive instructions of coaches, no progress will be made if swimmers are reluctant to try and
fail to reflect on the previous attempts. More importantly, since it is their sole contribution that leads to
well-deserved victories, players can gain personal recognition and reputation. Engaging in team sports
means that the sporting achievement is often the result of shared effort, which unwittingly downplays the
role of some distinguished individuals.

On the other hand, more valuable lessons can be learned thanks to the participation in team sports, most
notable among which are team spirit and sportsmanship. The success of a team often hangs on not only
the performance of individuals but the group solidarity as well. For that reason, players learn to
collaborate closely with their fellow members and let go of their ego for moments of major triumph.
Additionally, these sporting activities also foster the development of healthy relationships, allowing
athletes to expand their social circles. Thus, they can learn from others’ virtues, receive constructive
counsel or simply words of consolation from teammates when struggling. However, opponents state that
some members in a team are apt to be over-reliant on other outstanding players but this counter-argument
is quite flawed since each and every individual in a team has an even role to play. Those who do not pull
their weight will be considered a hindrance and therefore eliminated.

Taking everything into consideration, team sports win my total support because they can widen the skill
sets of players as well as teach them precious moral lessons regarding team spirit.

(Written by Tuấn Duy)

Compiled by Tuấn Duy 5

IV. Practice

Practice 1: Some people think that extreme sports should be banned, but others think the people should
have their freedom to choose sports activities.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Suggested vocabulary:

* extreme sports = dangerous sports = risky sports = adventurous sports = action sports

* ban = prohibit = forbid sth / sb from doing sth

* to place a ban / a prohibition on sth

* sport = sporting activities

* players = participants / thrill-seekers = adrenaline junkies (những người đam mê mạo hiểm)


Intro : It is................................................................................................................................................

......................................Nevertheless, I am of the ...................... that each and every citizen has the

..................................... to choose their favorite ............................................

II/ Body:

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Para 1:

Exercise: Put the sentences below in the right sequence to form the first paragraph about banning
extreme sports. Some sentences may not be used.

 Sporting activities of this nature involve substantial risks, thereby posing great threats to the health
of participants.

 Their participation can be attributed to the fact that these individuals are at an impressionable age
and easily affected by peer pressure.

 This can be illustrusted in the case of my brother who is a professional racer. Last year, he
experienced a tragic accident, falling off his vehicle and having multiple fractures.

 After stressful working hours, people can easily relieve stress thanks to these extreme sports which
can also help them to expand social circles.

 Take BASE jumping, the most notorious extreme sport, as an example. Unforeseen parachute
malfunctions can possibly lead to fatalities or those who do not die may suffer paralysis, brain
damage or multiple fractures.

 On the one hand, there are two main reasons why I show full support for the prohibition on risky

 Ultimately, players need to undergo intensive training with the aim of reducing the likelihood of

 Another justification is that teenagers, who are not qualified for these activities, may be tempted to
take part in action sports.

 To begin with, people advocate the prohibition on extreme sports for the following grounds.

Para 2 (Shouldn’t ban extreme sports)

On the other hand, it is my conviction that citizens are entitled to take part in extreme sports.

(to be entitled to verb = to be given the right to verb)

1. extensive training and knowledge are needed(why? what for?)

2. expand their social networks / social circles

-> promote mental and social well-being

3. develop + broaden players’ skill set

(which skills they can gain when playing these sports?)

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III/ Conclusion:

Taking everything into consideration, the prohibition on risk-intensive hobbies is quite unreasonable
because every citizen is entitled to choose their favorite sports. Participation in risky activities helps
players establish new relationships and also enhance several key skills.

Practice 2: Some people say that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of
sports facilities. Others, however, say other measures are required.
Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

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Suggested vocabulary:

* sports facilities: public gyms, sports centres, fitness equipment, exercise machines.

* increase the number of ... =

* take / adopt / implement + measures / approaches (v.p): áp dụng biện pháp

* improve / enhance + people’s health / people’s physical ............................ / people’s

physical ............... / people’s fitness ......................

* people = residents = citizens


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