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Modelling heat and mass transfer in a naturally ventilated greenhouse in


Article  in  Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences · February 2007

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4 authors, including:

Emmanuel Mashonjowa Frederik Ronsse

University of Zimbabwe Ghent University


Jan G Pieters
Ghent University


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Solar Energy 91 (2013) 381–393

Modelling the thermal performance of a naturally ventilated

greenhouse in Zimbabwe using a dynamic greenhouse climate model
E. Mashonjowa a, F. Ronsse b, J.R. Milford a, J.G. Pieters b,⇑
University of Zimbabwe, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, P.O. Box MP167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
Ghent University, Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, Belgium

Received 9 April 2012; received in revised form 2 September 2012; accepted 17 September 2012
Available online 18 October 2012

Communicated by: Associate Editor I. Farkas


The Gembloux Dynamic Greenhouse Climate Model (GDGCM), previously validated for a tomato crop in European greenhouses,
was adapted to simulate the microclimate in a naturally ventilated Zimbabwean greenhouse containing a rose crop. The GDGCM con-
sists of a system of differential equations based on the heat and mass balances of the layers of a greenhouse, and were worked out within
the Transient System Simulation (TRNSYS) program. Modified sub-models to calculate the greenhouse air renewal rates and crop can-
opy resistance to water vapour transfer were introduced. Numerical results obtained using the model were compared to experimental
measurements carried out in a full-scale commercial naturally ventilated Azrom type greenhouse with a rose crop. The simulated results
showed good agreement with the observed values of all parameters for most parts of the day. For the period of observation (the whole
year from May 2007 to April 2008) the mean standard errors between the predicted and experimental greenhouse air temperature and
relative humidity, canopy temperature and crop transpiration were 1.8 °C, 14.8%, 1.9 °C and 14.2 W m2, respectively, in winter and
1.3 °C, 8.6%, 1.6 °C and 21.8 W m2, respectively, in summer. The model adequately simulated the internal greenhouse microclimate
using outside climate data including incident solar radiation, cover transmittances and greenhouse configuration as inputs and can thus
be used to predict the inside greenhouse climate and as a design tool to evaluate and optimise the effects on the inside greenhouse climate
of ventilation, cover properties, the settings of the control system and other climate management practices.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Greenhouse microclimate; Solar collector; Gembloux Dynamic Greenhouse Climate Model; Natural ventilation; Plant evapotranspiration

1. Introduction thus reducing convective heat losses by the inside environ-

ment. Consequently, the climatic conditions inside a
The greenhouse acts as a solar collector, in which heat- naturally ventilated greenhouse directly depend upon the
ing is caused in part, by the selective transmission of solar solar radiation intensity, the cover material, the ambient
energy and by a trapping of the infrared radiation from the external air temperature, the overall heat transfer coeffi-
soil and plants in the greenhouse by the covering material cient, and the external wind velocity (Mashonjowa, 2010;
(Mashonjowa et al., 2009; Sethi and Sharma, 2008). Sethi and Sharma, 2007). A proper understanding of the
Another factor contributing to the greenhouse warming thermal behaviour of greenhouses is essential for the choice
is the cover material acting as a barrier to the outside air, and effective use of the most appropriate climate control
strategies that give satisfactory performance in commercial
agricultural production.
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +32 9 264 61 88; fax: +32 9 264 62 35.
Greenhouse construction and operation in Zimbabwe
E-mail addresses: (E. Mashonjowa), have developed considerably during the last three decades (F. Ronsse),
(J.R. Milford), (J.G. Pieters).
and several designs of greenhouses are currently in use.

0038-092X/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

382 E. Mashonjowa et al. / Solar Energy 91 (2013) 381–393


Agr greenhouse floor surface area, (m2) Ti internal temperature (°C)

AL plant leaf area, (m2) Tv crop (canopy) temperature (°C)
Ar, As, vent (roof, side) opening surface area (m2) Tvent ventilation set point temperature (°C)
CD discharge coefficient (dimensionless) ue wind velocity (m s1)
Cw wind effect coefficient (dimensionless) V volume (m3)
Fs stem sap flow rate (kg s1) VPDm vapour pressure deficit (kPa)
G ventilation rate (m3 s1) x height (m)
g gravitational constant, 9.81 m s2 yexp, ysim measured, simulated output
LAIc crop leaf area index (dimensionless) r standard deviation
Mr crop transpiration rate (kg s1) Dt time step (s)
N air renewal rate (h1)
PV floor area fraction covered by crop, dimension- Abbreviations
less GDGCM Gembloux Dynamic Greenhouse Climate
QSint global solar radiation (W m2) Model
R2 coefficient Of determination GGDM Gembloux Greenhouse Dynamic Model
RH relative humidity (dimensionless) LAI leaf area index
rst plant stomatal resistance (s m1) PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
rc canopy resistance to water vapour transfer TRNSYS Transient System Simulation program
(s m1) VPD vapour pressure deficit
Tc cover temperature (°C) WPT whole plant transpiration
Te external temperature (°C)

The majority of the greenhouses consist of traditional, low- Laboratory tests in small-scale experimental greenhouses
investment, non-heated, plastic-covered shelters, compati- may also be used, but the results from such tests are often
ble with the low investment capacity of the growers. How- difficult to upscale to full scale conditions.
ever, modern greenhouses equipped with computerised Greenhouse climate and crop models can be used to
climate control systems already cover a substantial and enhance our understanding of the physical greenhouse cli-
increasing hectrage. Most of these high-investment green- mate and to test the effectiveness of any greenhouse design
houses were imported (typically from Europe and Israel) or climate management strategy, and thus to control green-
as showcases of modern agriculture, but few have been eco- house microclimate optimally. The use of models that pre-
nomically successful in Zimbabwe. The major causes for dict the greenhouse microclimate using external weather
the discrepancy in performance of these production sys- data from local meteorological stations have proved to be
tems between Europe/Israel and Zimbabwe have been useful for understanding and improving greenhouse climate
identified as the climatic differences and the lack of experi- control and management elsewhere (Fitz-Rodrı́guez et al.,
ence of local growers for the complex management needed 2010; Impron et al., 2007; Luo et al., 2005a, 2005b; Nebbali
in these greenhouses (Davies, 2000). It is, therefore, very et al., 2012; Pawlowski et al., 2009; Panwar et al., 2011;
important to adapt greenhouse designs or climate control Sethi, 2009; Tavares et al., 2001; Roy et al., 2002; Uchida
strategies to local conditions. This may be achieved by Frausto et al., 2003; Wang and Boulard, 2000; Zhang
monitoring conditions within the greenhouse and adjusting et al., 1997). However, any such model must be calibrated
the greenhouse controls using empirical predictions of the and validated over a full range of conditions and types of
effects of such adjustments. However, because of the com- construction before it can be used operationally.
plexity of the interactions between the greenhouse con- In this study, the Gembloux Dynamic Greenhouse Cli-
struction elements, the crop within it and the greenhouse mate Model (GDGCM) (Pieters and Deltour, 1997) was
climate parameters, it is often impossible to predict the adapted, calibrated and validated to predict the microcli-
effect of different designs or climate control strategies on mate in a naturally ventilated plastic greenhouse with a
the production system before implementing them. While rose crop (Rosa hybrida) in Zimbabwe. The model was
tests in real greenhouses will no doubt provide the most originally developed by the “Centre d’Etude pour la Régu-
reliable data, the results obtained from such tests are site- lation Climatique des Serres” of the “Faculté des Sciences
specific and so are only valid for that particular greenhouse Agronomiques de Gembloux” in Belgium and was vali-
and its local climatic conditions. In addition, the financial dated for a tomato crop in naturally ventilated multi-span
implications and risks associated with these tests, particu- European glasshouses in Western Europe by Deltour et al.
larly for commercial enterprises, make them unattractive. (1985), and under Mediterranean climatic conditions by
Author's personal copy

E. Mashonjowa et al. / Solar Energy 91 (2013) 381–393 383

Wang and Boulard (2000). Initial confidence in the model’s Detailed descriptions of the equations in the GDGCM
ability to simulate accurately the thermal performance of model are given in Pieters and Deltour (1997). As a conse-
greenhouse systems arose from previous validation quence, only a short model description is presented and
programmes which had confirmed the suitability of the emphasis is put on the description of the modified ventila-
Transient System Simulation program (TRNSYS) and tion and transpiration submodels in this study.
GDGCM to simulate the performance of solar heat gener- The greenhouse microclimate is the result of heat and
ating systems and greenhouses (Cooper and Sheridan, mass exchanges between the greenhouse layers, including
1982; Deltour et al., 1985; Pieters and Deltour, 1997; Wang heat transfers by conduction, convection, solar radiation
and Boulard, 2000). A natural ventilation model was intro- and thermal radiation, as well as the latent heat exchanges
duced in the GDGCM. The greenhouse ventilation rates, (Fig. 1). It is assumed that these layers are homogeneous
which were required to calibrate and validate this model, and that all fluxes are vertical. However, since the solar
were obtained by measurement and application of physical radiation absorptance of some layers depends on the angle
mechanisms of natural ventilation. The modelling of of incidence, and thus on the sun’s position in the sky, the
transpiration was modified by considering the climatic model is not strictly one-dimensional. For that reason it is
dependence of the rose crop stomatal resistance. said to be semi-one dimensional. To describe the solar radi-
ation fluxes, the solar radiation transmittances of the
2. Materials and methods
greenhouse frame and cover, the slope angle and the orien-
tation of the greenhouse roof and the latitude at which the
2.1. Greenhouse model
greenhouse is situated must be specified. The energy and
mass balance equations are solved for given input parame-
2.1.1. Model description
ters (external air temperature and relative humidity, global
The GDGCM is a multiple component semi-one dimen-
solar radiant flux density, wind speed, cover transmittances
sional dynamic greenhouse climate model which calculates
and the climate control system settings for ventilation and
eight heat balances for the following greenhouse layers:
heating) and boundary conditions (the subsoil) using an
cover, air, vegetation, soil surface and four soil layers
iterative procedure to obtain the temperatures of the differ-
(Pieters and Deltour, 1997). It also includes a mass balance
ent layers and humidity of the inside air. To allow the sim-
for the simulation of the relative humidity of the green-
ulation of the effect of control procedures for the inside air,
house air. Although the model can be regarded as relatively
several user-selectable heating and ventilation strategies are
simple, especially compared to more recent greenhouse cli-
built into the model.
mate models using finite element or fine volume methods
(i.e. computational fluid dynamics, CFD) such as Majdou-
2.1.2. Modifications to the original model
bi et al. (2009), Molina-Aiz et al. (2010) and Nebbali et al.
The GDGCM, was developed, calibrated and validated
(2012), its required numerical load is low. Consequently,
for a soilless culture of tomato plants in large multi-span
the model described in this study is suited for use in process
and naturally ventilated European glasshouses. It was there-
(i.e. climate) controllers in greenhouse applications.
fore necessary to modify and adapt the model for another
Convection Far IR radiation Solar radiation Latent heat
Outside air


Ventilation system
vapour Inside air


Soil cover

Soil layers (4)



Fig. 1. The schematic diagram showing the heat and mass exchanges between the greenhouse layers (after Pieters and Deltour, 1997).
Author's personal copy

384 E. Mashonjowa et al. / Solar Energy 91 (2013) 381–393

crop (roses in this study) and for a naturally ventilated Eq. (2) applies when Ti > Te. If Ti < Te, Ti in the denom-
plastic greenhouse typical of Zimbabwe. The main sub- inator is replaced by Te and (Ti  Te) in the numerator is
models modified were the vegetation and ventilation replaced by (Te  Ti) (ASHRAE, 2005). If the greenhouse
sub-models. is closed (Ar + As = 0), the ventilation rate was set to equal
the leakage rate, (N = N0). The parameters CD and Cw Vegetation sub-model. As the crop transpiration were determined statistically in a previous study by fitting
rate is the main component of the greenhouse air water the experimental data to the ventilation model
vapour balance, its estimation is critical for climate control. (Mashonjowa et al., 2010b).
The modified transpiration rate sub-model considered the
climatic dependence of the rose stomatal (rst) and canopy 2.1.3. Model implementation
resistance (rc) to water vapour transfer. At ambient CO2 The system of differential equations was implemented in
levels and for well-watered crops, the leaf stomatal resis- the Transient System Simulation program (TRNSYS v16),
tance, rst (in s m1) can be considered as depending mainly a computer package developed by the Solar Energy Labo-
on global radiation above the crop and vapour pressure ratory at the University of Wisconsin–Madison for the
deficit (Baille et al., 1994; Jarvis, 1985; Kittas et al., 1999; treatment of solar energy problems (Klein et al., 2004).
Papadakis et al., 1994). If it is considered that the canopy The simulation engine was programmed in Compaq Visual
resistance includes most of the characteristics of the leaf FORTRAN Version 6.6. Simulations were carried out for
stomatal behaviour, rst can be normalised by the crop leaf a whole year from May 2007 to April 2008. The time-step
area index, LAIc, to obtain the canopy resistance, rc. For for integration was one minute. In this way, simulating a
greenhouse roses, the relationship suggested by Baille whole year on an Intel Pentium IV, 1.6 GHz personal com-
et al. (1994) was adopted: puter took less than 5 min.
rst;min a þ QS i nt
rc ¼ f1 þ exp½cðVPD  VPDm Þg ð1Þ 2.1.4. Model calibration
LAI c b þ QS i nt
A sensitivity analysis was performed to determine which
where rst,min is the minimum possible value for rst in condi- parameters highly affected the simulation results and hence
tions of optimal water supply and environment and VPDm should be calibrated most carefully. The rest of the param-
is the vapour pressure deficit of the air at which the resis- eters were either determined less accurately or adapted
tance is minimal and was taken to be 2.5 kPa (Baille from other studies. The calibration was based on the mea-
et al., 1994; Kittas et al., 1999). The parameters a, b and surements and the simulation results obtained for a period
c were derived statistically by fitting experimental data to of four weeks each in June 2007 (for winter) and December
the canopy resistance model (Mashonjowa, 2010). 2007 (for summer). The quality of the calibration was
assessed mainly in terms of the mean value of the absolute Ventilation sub-model. Ventilation is characterised deviations between the measured and simulated results.
by the air renewal rate, N (in h1), which expresses the Table 1 shows the values of the parameters that were used
ratio of the total volume of fresh air supplied to the green- in the model as obtained from the calibration or adapted
house volume in one hour. For the greenhouse used in this from other studies.
study, the air renewal rates were assumed to be described
by an equation reported by Fatnassi et al. (2003) and Kit- 2.1.5. Model validation
tas et al. (1997) for a greenhouse with continuous roof and The validation was based on the measured and simulated
side vents (Mashonjowa et al., 2010b): results of a winter period (12–31 May 2007 and 1–17 August
20 12 2007) and a 4-month period in summer (4 October 2007–29
    February 2008, but excluding the calibration period) for
3600 6B A r As C Ti  Te
N¼ q
C D 4@  ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
A 2g  x  which continuous data was available. For each time step,
V A2r þ A2s Ti the deviation between the measured and simulated values
 2 #0:5 was calculated. The results were then visualised by means
Ar þ A s 2 of histograms showing the relative frequency of each devia-
þ C w ue ð2Þ
2 tion class. Since some heat and water vapour fluxes cannot
be measured directly, the validation results are given for
where V is the greenhouse volume (m3), CD is the discharge the temperatures of the inside air, vegetation, cover and
coefficient for the openings (dimensionless), Ti and Te are the inside air relative humidity and not for the fluxes
the internal and external air temperature (K), respectively. themselves.
Further, Ar and As are the total opening area (m2) of the
roof and side vents, respectively; g is the acceleration due 2.2. Experimental measurements
to gravity (=9.81 m s2), x is the vertical height from the
midpoints of the side and roof vents (m), Cw is the wind 2.2.1. Description of the site and greenhouse
effect coefficient (dimensionless) and ue is the external wind Input and calibration data for the model were collected
speed at a height of 2 m (m s1). in a commercial 3-span Azrom type greenhouse (Fig. 2) at
Author's personal copy

E. Mashonjowa et al. / Solar Energy 91 (2013) 381–393 385

Table 1
Values for the Gembloux Dynamic Greenhouse Climate Model parameters (after Mashonjowa, 2010; Pieters and Deltour, 1997; Pollet and Pieters, 2000).
Soil characteristics First layer Second layer Third layer Fourth layer
1 1
Thermal conductivity (W m K ) 0.70 1.95 1.9 1.9
Layer thickness (m) 0.05 0.15 0.3 0.7
Density of soil layer (kg m3) 1300 1450 1600 1650
Heat capacity of soil layer (kJ kg1 K1) 1.35 1.25 1.20 1.20
Subsoil temperature (°C) 18.5
Thickness of the subsoil layer (m) 8.8
Floor reflectance for solar radiation (–) 0.79
Floor emittance for far infrared radiation (–) 0.79
Characteristic length of greenhouse floor (m) 1001
Cover characteristics, 200 lm diffused polyethylene (DPE)
Outer cover emittance for far infrared radiation (–) 0.79
Inner cover emittance for far infrared radiation (–) 0.79
Transmittance for far infrared radiation (–) 0.18
Cover absorptance for diffuse solar radiation (–) 0.04
Dry cover transmittance for diffuse solar radiation (–) 0.69
Wet cover transmittance for diffuse solar radiation (–) 0.55
Frame transmittance for solar radiation (–) 0.95
Dry cover heat capacity per unit area (kJ m2 K1) 0.725
Maximum condensation water film thickness (mm) 0.12
Transmittances and reflectances (beam radiation) at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90° (–)
Dry cover transmittance 0.75 0.74 0.72 0.69 0.63 0.46 0.00
Wet cover transmittance 0.61 0.61 0.59 0.59 0.57 0.46 0.00
Dry cover reflectance 0.21 0.22 0.25 0.27 0.33 0.50 1.00
Wet cover reflectance 0.35 0.35 0.37 0.37 0.39 0.50 1.00
Vegetation characteristics
Reflectance for solar radiation (–) 0.16
Canopy attenuation coefficient (–) 0.61
Characteristic length of the leaves (m) 0.06
Emittance for far infrared radiation (–) 0.95
Specific heat capacity (kJ kg1 K1) 4.18
Air characteristics
Humid air density (kg m3) 0.99
Volumetric heat capacity of humid air (kJ m3 K1) 1.0
Latent heat of condensation of water (kJ kg1) 2442
Inside air velocity (m s1) 0.30
Lewis Number (–) 0.89

Floraline Pvt Ltd. located within Harare, Zimbabwe tra, Bonfire, and Romeo and several trial cultivars) at dif-
(17.8°S, 31.1°E, altitude 1500 m above mean sea level). ferent growth stages, grown in vermiculite in slightly raised
Each span of the greenhouse was 9.6 m wide by 44 m 20  0.45  0.2 m (length  width  depth) containers and
long, with ridge and gutter heights of 6.5 and 4.1 m, respec- watered through an automated drip system of two drip
tively. The ridges were oriented north–south and the clad- lines 25 cm apart. All the cultivars were grafted onto Natal
ding material was a 200 lm polyethylene film with far Brier rootstocks.
infrared and UV absorbing additives (Ganeigar Co.,
Israel). The polyethylene sidewall roll-up curtains could 2.2.2. Climate and physiological measurements
be rolled up from 2 m above the floor to 3.45 m on the Climatic data were measured in two meteorological sta-
south wall and to 3.35 m on the north wall. Plastic nets tions, one inside and the other outside the greenhouse. Cli-
(50 mesh, that allow the passage of 0.35 mm diameter mate parameters that were continuously monitored in the
spheres) covered the openings. A ventilation window (1 m greenhouse during the experimental runs included net all-
wide) opened along the ridge, on the west side of each roof wave radiation and incoming solar radiation above the can-
span. The side and roof vents positions were controlled by opy, air temperature and relative humidity and air velocity.
an automated climate control system (NETAFIM NETA- Table 2 summarises the measurements of the different envi-
GROW Version 718.3, Priva, Israel), operating when the ronmental variables and the sensors used in this research
temperature rose above a calculated ventilation tempera- while Table 3 summarises the measurements of the different
ture (Tvent). The crop included several cultivars of roses plant parameters and the sensors used. Position of measure-
(commercial ones like Myrthe, Nectarine, Respect, Orches- ment instruments in the greenhouse is indicated in Fig. 2c.
Author's personal copy

386 E. Mashonjowa et al. / Solar Energy 91 (2013) 381–393

28.8 m
9.6 m

7.3 m

12 m
Z8 Z1

44 m


12 m
Z4 Z6

7.3 m
Side vents

Automatic weather station 2.4 m

Fan (showing blowing direction) 1.35 m

4.1 m
Air temperature & relative humidity sensors 2.0 m

Fig. 2. (a) The greenhouse in which measurements were taken, (b) orientation of the side and roof vents and (c) the geometrical characteristics of the
greenhouse (top and side view dimensions in metres) with indication of placement of measurements instruments in the greenhouse.

2.2.3. Ventilation rate determination on selected days and at selected times of the day. Leakage
Full scale ventilation rates (ventilators open) and leak- rates were calculated as the average value of the ventilation
age rates (ventilators closed) were measured throughout rates when the greenhouse was closed. In summer there
the day using the water vapour balance method (Boulard were no sufficiently long periods when the greenhouse
and Draoui, 1995; Kittas et al., 2002; Harmanto et al., was fully closed by the system, so the leakage rates were
2006; Teitel et al., 2008) during the periods 5–16 August measured on selected days by manually closing the green-
2007 and 1–30 June 2008 (winter) and 8–31 December house and then after allowing some time for steady state
2007, 1–16 January 2008 and 3–20 February 2008 (sum- conditions to be attained, monitoring the rate of decrease
mer) as described in Mashonjowa et al. (2010a). Assuming of absolute humidity while the greenhouse was closed
(i) perfect mixing of water vapour in the volume of the (Mashonjowa et al., 2010a).
greenhouse, and (ii) that evaporation from the soil and/
or other medium is negligible (justified by the presence of 3. Results and discussion
a plastic mulch on the soil surface and the cover offered
by the crop); the greenhouse ventilation rate, G (m3 s1), 3.1. Climatic and physiological parameters
can be calculated from the mass balance of water vapour
of the greenhouse using measured values of outside and Table 4 gives a summary of the prevailing outside
inside greenhouse air absolute humidity, the crop transpi- weather conditions during the experimental periods.
ration rate, Mr(t), leaf area and the leaf area index. The
ventilation model was validated by comparing the mea- 3.2. Determination of the model parameters
sured ventilation rates for the period 1–16 January 2008
and 3–20 February 2008 (summer) and 1–30 June 2008 3.2.1. Vegetation sub-model
(winter) with predicted values calculated for the same peri- Table 5 shows calculated values of the parameters a, b and
ods using Eq. (2). The areas of the vent openings were cal- c for the stomatal resistance model (Eq. (1)) obtained in this
culated by using the control algorithm of the ventilation study and the same parameters as were obtained experimen-
control system and compared to a few values measured tally by Baille et al. (1994) and Kittas et al. (1999) for two
Author's personal copy

E. Mashonjowa et al. / Solar Energy 91 (2013) 381–393 387

Table 2
Summary of the sensors used to measure environmental variables and their accuracy as stated by the manufacturers. All the variables were automatically
recorded by data loggers every 5 s and averaged over 30 min.
Parameter Measurement method or height Sensor Sensor type Accuracy Manufacturer
or model
Air temperature 1.5 m Above soil height or floor Temperature and humidity RHT2 nl ±0.2 °C Delta T Devices Ltd.,
(°C) and relative (located at five different positions in probes with radiation and and ±5% Cambridge, UK and Vaisala,
humidity (%) the greenhouse) shields HMP45C UK
Solar radiation 2 m Above soil height or floor Pyranometer (external Li-200SZ, ±5% Kipp and Zonen, Delft,
(W m2) AWS) and tube CM3 and Netherlands and Delta T
solarimeter (internal AWS) TSL Devices Ltd., Cambridge, UK
PAR 2 m Above ground or floor Quantum sensors PAR-LITE ±5% Kipp and Zonen, Delft,
(lmol m2 s1) Netherlands
Net radiation 2 m Above floor (above canopy) Net radiometer NR-LITE ±10 W m2 Kipp and Zonen, Delft,
(W m2) Netherlands
Wind speed (m s1) 2 m Above ground Cup anemometer A100 L2 ±0.25 m s1 Vector Instruments, N. Wales,
Wind direction (°) 2 m Above ground Wind vane (potentiometer W200P ±5° Vector Instruments, N. Wales,
type) UK
Greenhouse air 3 Places at 2 m above floor Air velocity transducer TSI 8475 ±0.05 m s1 TSI Inc., shoreview, USA
velocity (m s1)
Greenhouse cover Thermocouples stuck directly to the PTFE twin twist fine Copper – ±0.2 °C RS components, Northants, UK
temperature (°C) inner cover surface. thermocouple (0.2 mm constantan
diameter) (type T)

Table 3
Summary of the sensors used to measure plant parameters and their accuracy as stated by the manufacturers. Canopy temperature and sap flow rates were
automatically recorded by data loggers every 5 s and averaged over 30 min, while leaf area, LAIc and stomatal resistance were measured manually on
selected days.
Parameter Measurement method or height Sensor Sensor type Accuracy Manufacturer
or model
Canopy Taken as average of leaf temperatures at different PTFE twin twist fine Chromel– ±0.2 °C RS components,
temperature positions in the canopy thermocouple (0.2 mm alumel Northants, UK
(°C) diameter) (Type K)
Crop Upscaled from WPT (taken as stem sap flow rate) Heat balance sap flow SG10WS ±10% Dynamax, Inc.,
transpiration gauges Houston, USA
rate (kg s1)
Leaf area (m2) Destructive sampling Colour image analysis WinDIAS ±10% Delta T
system Devices,
Cambridge, UK
Canopy Leaf Non-destructive sampling Sunscan canopy analysis SS1-UM ±10% Delta T
Area Index, system Devices,
LAIc (–) Cambridge, UK
Canopy Taken as the average of several leaf stomatal Dynamic diffusion AP4 ±2 s m1(@<80% Delta T
resistance resistances divided by the canopy leaf area index, porometer RH) Devices,
(s m1) LAIc Cambridge, UK

varieties of roses grown in rockwool and perlite substrates, show that measured crop transpiration flux density in the
respectively. In this study LAIc averaged 1.9 in winter and early morning and late afternoon were generally higher
2.1 in summer (with small fluctuations due to harvesting) than the corresponding simulated values. This may have
and the cultivated fraction of the greenhouse floor area aver- been due to errors in the experimental method used to
aged 0.4 throughout the year. determine crop transpiration rates. While the heat balance
The vegetation sub-model was used to compute the sap flow gauge error is expected to be no more than 10%
expected transpiration flux density from measured param- (Dynamax, 2005), the main source of error with their use
eters and its value was compared to that measured by sap in estimating crop transpiration rates lies in the scaling
flow gauges and extrapolated to the entire canopy during up from single to whole canopy transpiration. In addition,
that period. The results indicate that the transpiration rate overestimation of WPT just after sunrise and just before
may be as high as 9 kg m2 day on a sunny summer day, sunset was observed. These have also been reported by
and only about 2 kg m2 day on cloudy summer days or Baker and van Bavel (1987), Baker and Nieber (1989)
winter days. The calculated transpiration flux density fol- and Grime et al. (1995) and explained as follows: in the
lowed the same trends as those measured. The results also mornings and late afternoon when soil temperature exceeds
Author's personal copy

388 E. Mashonjowa et al. / Solar Energy 91 (2013) 381–393

Table 4
Summary of outside weather conditions for the experimental measurement periods. Prevailing winds were mostly north to north-easterly.
Month Air temperature (°C) Relative humidity (%) Total solar radiation, (MJ m2 d1) Mean wind speed (m s1) Total rain (mm)
Min. Max. Mean Min. Max. Mean
May ‘07 6.8 23.9 15.6 33.1 96.9 74.5 18.4 0.9 4.7
June ‘07 4.8 21.4 11.5 28.0 90.1 60.1 15.6 0.7 0.0
July ‘07 5.0 20.5 12.6 27.6 83.0 54.6 16.9 1.8 0.0
August ‘07 5.7 22.9 14.5 23.7 82.2 50.4 20.9 1.2 0.0
September ‘07 9.7 25.1 17.5 25.8 80.1 50.9 22.2 2.0 4.0
October ‘07 13.7 27.3 20.4 27.8 78.0 51.4 23.6 2.7 12.4
November ‘07 15.8 27.0 20.8 39.9 88.7 65.9 21.1 2.3 153.4
December ‘07 16.4 23.6 19.2 64.6 96.1 84.8 16.7 2.0 328.6
January ‘08 16.6 24.1 19.5 63.1 97.0 85.4 17.7 1.3 212.2
February ‘08 14.6 25.5 19.6 47.2 94.9 74.0 23.9 1.0 31.2
March ‘08 13.3 24.4 18.6 48.9 96.4 75.8 22.1 1.1 42.0
April ‘08 8.8 24.8 16.2 38.2 96.9 72.3 21.1 1.8 33.7

air temperature, there is a negative temperature gradient in 3.3. Greenhouse model (GDGCM) validation
the sensor as warm sap enters a cooler stem, causing a tem-
porary overestimation of WPT if the sensor is near the soil Figs. 3 and 4 show the validation results for the most
(as was the case in this study). important parameters of the greenhouse climate for winter
and summer, respectively. Due to instrument limitations,
3.2.2. Ventilation sub-model validation data for the greenhouse cover temperature was
The values of CD and Cw were found to be 0.414 and only available for the summer season. The coefficient of
0.029, respectively (R2 = 0.857), while the leakage rate determination, R2, and the standard error (SE) for the
was 2.9 h1 in summer and 1.7 h1 in winter (Mashonjowa regression analysis between simulated and measured results
et al., 2010b). During summer, the ventilation strategy are listed in Table 7.
employed maintained air renewal rates above 10 h1 dur- The results from Figs. 3 and 4 and Table 7 show that in
ing the day, resulting in no more than a 10 °C difference general there is reasonable agreement between predicted
between the inside and the outside even on sunny days, and measured values for all the parameters under both win-
while adequately lowering the humidity in the early morn- ter and summer conditions, although the air temperature
ing periods to avoid condensation on the leaves and cover. and relative humidity simulations were in better overall
In winter, the ventilation settings, coupled with the rela- agreement with observations than temperatures for the
tively low wind speeds characteristic of most winter days, cover and vegetation. The model underestimates the green-
maintained low air exchange rates (N averaged around 5– house air relative humidity during the night, while over-
10 h1 during the day), while keeping the greenhouse air estimating it during the day, particularly in winter; hence
warmer than outside for the greater part of the day. The the double peaks in the humidity in Figs. 3b and 4b. The
air renewal rates during the night in both winter and sum- disagreement between measured and simulated vegetation
mer were mostly low (even when the greenhouse was fully temperature was ascribed to the inevitable scatter in mea-
open), owing to the very low external wind speed and dif- sured leaf temperatures. Leaf temperatures depend on cul-
ference in temperature between inside and outside. tivar, leaf orientation, exposure to direct solar radiation,
The ventilation sub-model was tested by comparing the age, etc. Since these conditions are different for all leaves,
modelled (Eq. (2)) and measured air renewal rates. Table 6 vegetation temperature can therefore not be considered to
summarises the results. The results show a good fit between be a unique value for the whole canopy while the model
measured and predicted values, particularly during the day. only considers a mean vegetation temperature. In addition,
Most of the significant differences between measured and the greenhouse contained several varieties of roses, each
predicted ventilation rates were observed during the night, with different properties and at different stages of growth.
in the early mornings (around sunrise) and during rain. This further complicated and reduced the accuracy of the
This may be explained in terms of instrument errors in measurement of the vegetation temperature. The differ-
the measurement of the high relative humidity that occurs ences between measured and simulated cover temperatures
at night, early morning and during rain periods, errors in can be explained as follows: the thermocouples used to
the estimation of the crop transpiration rates in general, measure cover temperature were exposed to direct solar
and particularly in the early morning and late afternoon radiation, which disturbed the accurate measurement of
and the fact that there may be some night-time transpira- the cover temperature, despite the application of a correc-
tion and soil or medium evaporation; yet the assumption tion factor. The unavailability of infrared thermometer
is that these are negligible (Seginer, 1984; Blom-Zandstra measurements prevented the determination of a more suit-
et al., 1995). able correction factor. Furthermore the sensor disturbed
Author's personal copy

E. Mashonjowa et al. / Solar Energy 91 (2013) 381–393 389

Table 5
Model-specific parameters obtained in this study compared to those found by Baille et al. (1994) and Kittas et al. (1999) for two cultivars of roses (Rosa
Cultivar & substrate This study Baille et al. (1994) Kittas et al. (1999)
Average of several cultivars in vermiculite cv Sonia in rockwool (LAIc = 2.3) cv First red in perlite (LAIc = 1.7)
a 532.1 ± 145.9 349 566
b 76.5 ± 21.6 28 90
c 0.319 ± 0.056 1.45 0.276
rst,min 150.0 ± 57.7 100 100
R2 0.93 0.84 0.52

Table 6
Results of regression analysis between the predicted and observed air renewal rates, including the standard error (r), 95% confidence intervals in the slope
(m) and intercept (c), for the equation Nexp = m  Nsim + c.
No. of obs., R2 m r 95% confidence interval c (h1) r 95% confidence
n of m interval of c
Calibration 5–16 August ‘07 426 0.86 0.93 0.02 [0.90; 0.98 0.28 0.07 [0.13; 0.42]
Validation 1–30 June ‘08 630 0.80 0.85 0.02 [0.82; 0.89] 0.85 0.08 [0.70; 1.00]
Calibration 8–31 December ‘07 764 0.87 0.93 0.01 [0.90; 0.96] 1.04 0.17 [0.71; 1.34]
Validation 1–16 January and 3–20 1165 0.81 0.86 0.01 [0.83; 0.88] 1.77 0.15 [1.48; 2.06]
February ‘08

the thermal behaviour of the cover, particularly around less, the results obtained show sufficient accuracy for the
noon under sunny conditions, when differences of up to model to be used to simulate the ventilation rates all year
10 °C between measured and simulated cover temperatures round in a naturally ventilated Azrom type greenhouse
were obtained. Mean differences between measured and and give good estimates of ventilation rate without involv-
simulated cover temperatures at night were mostly lower ing specialised and expensive equipment, provided the
than 2 °C under all conditions. ambient conditions and geometrical data of the greenhouse
are available.
4. Conclusions The modelling of transpiration was modified by consid-
ering the climatic dependence of the rose crop stomatal
The Gembloux Dynamic Greenhouse Climate Model resistance. Although measurement showed that the canopy
(GDGCM) was adapted and used to simulate the climate resistances were strongly dependent on cultivar, the agree-
inside a naturally ventilated Azrom type greenhouse con- ment between the canopy resistance model and measure-
taining a rose crop in Zimbabwe. The selected ventilation ment was generally good (R2 = 0.95), but there was a
model, based on the stack and wind effects, was fitted to general loss of prediction of the model in conditions of high
experimental data of air renewal rates, and discharge and vapour pressure deficit in excess of 4 kPa, particularly in
wind effect coefficients of 0.414 and 0.029 (R2 = 0.86), summer. The calculated transpiration flux density followed
respectively, were determined. The model was validated the same trends as those measured. Good overall agree-
by comparison with measured air renewal rates. The results ment was found between the experimental and simulated
showed a good fit between measured and predicted values inside air temperature and humidity, cover temperature
(R2 = 0.80 and 0.81 for winter and summer, respectively), and vegetation temperature. The mean standard errors
although there was a general overestimation of the green- between the predicted and experimental greenhouse air
house ventilation rates, particularly during the night. The temperature and relative humidity, canopy temperature
theoretical approach of predicting ventilation rates and crop transpiration were 1.8 °C, 14.8%, 1.9 °C and
adopted in this study enabled the greenhouse air renewal 14.2 W m2, respectively, in winter and 1.3 °C, 8.6%,
rate to be modelled, but requires that two parameters, 1.6 °C and 21.8 W m2, respectively, in summer.
the discharge and wind effect coefficients, be determined These values are higher than the results of other research-
in situ by fitting the model to experimental data. A compar- ers’ studies using the same model (Deltour et al., 1985; Piet-
ison of the values of these parameters obtained in this ers and Deltour, 1997, 2000; Wang and Boulard, 2000;
study with published values showed that not only are they Uchida Frausto et al., 2003). This may have been caused
greenhouse and ventilation system dependent, but are also by the present validation which was carried out in a commer-
dependent on the prevailing weather conditions. Nonethe- cial horticultural enterprise with different cultivars at differ-
Author's personal copy

390 E. Mashonjowa et al. / Solar Energy 91 (2013) 381–393

(a) 20



Frequency (%)



-7 --7.5
-6.5 --7
-6 --6.5
-5.5 --6
-4.5 --5
-4 --4.5
-4 --3.5
Frequency class (°C)

(b) 12
Frequency (%)

-32.5 --35
-30 --32.5
-27.5 --30
-25 --27.5
-22.5 --25
-20 --22.5
-17.5 --20






Frequency class (%)

(c) 14


Frequency (%)

-7 --7.5
-6.5 --7
-6 --6.5
-5.5 --6
-4.5 --5
-4 --4.5
-4 --3.5

Frequency class (°C)

Fig. 3. Distribution of residuals between modelled and measured (a) greenhouse air temperature, (b) greenhouse air relative humidity, and (c) canopy
temperature (simulated – measured values) for the winter season (May–August 2007) calculated from 30 min averages of the parameters.

ent stages of development, whereas the other studies were niques could be applied. Nonetheless, the model is a good
conducted in experimental greenhouses where conditions indicator of the microclimate in naturally ventilated green-
could be more closely controlled, and better measuring tech- houses and where solar radiation is the main energy input
30 min averages of the parameters.
Frequency (%) Frequency (%) Frequency (%) Frequency (%)



-15.5--15 -7 --6.5 -22.5 --25 -7 --6.5
-14.5--14 -6.5 --6 -20 --22.5 -6.5 --6

-13.5--13 -6 --5.5 -6 --5.5

-17.5 --20
-13--12.5 -5.5 --5 -5.5 --5
-12--11.5 -15--17.5
-5 --4.5 -5 --4.5
-11--10.5 -4.5 --4 -12.5--15 -4.5 --4
-10--9.5 -4 --3.5 -10--12.5 -4 --3.5
-9--8.5 -3.5--3 -7.5--10 -3.5--3
-8--7.5 -3--2.5 -3--2.5
-7.5--7 -2.5--2 -2.5--2
-7 --6.5 -2.5--5
-6.5 --6 -2--1.5 -2--1.5
-6 --5.5
-5.5 --5 -1.5--1 -2.5-0 -1.5--1
-5 --4.5
-4.5 --4 -1--0.5 0-2.5 -1--0.5
-4 --3.5
-3.5--3 -0.5-0 2.5-5 -0.5-0
-2.5--2 0-0.5 0-0.5
-2--1.5 0.5-1 0.5-1
-1.5--1 7.5-10
-1--0.5 1-1.5 1-1.5
0-0.5 1.5-2 10-12.5 1.5-2
Frequency class (°C)

1-1.5 2-2.5 12.5-15 2-2.5

Frequency class (°C)

Frequency class (%)

Frequency class (°C)

2-2.5 2.5-3 15-17.5 2.5-3
2.5-3 3-3.5
3-3.5 3-3.5 17.5-20
Author's personal copy

3.5-4 3.5-4 3.5-4

4-4.5 20-22.5
4.5-5 4-4.5 4-4.5
E. Mashonjowa et al. / Solar Energy 91 (2013) 381–393

5-5.5 22.5-25
5.5-6 4.5-5 4.5-5
6.5-7 5-5.5 25-27.5 5-5.5
7.5-8 5.5-6 27.5-30 5.5-6
8-8.5 6-6.5 6-6.5
8.5-9 30-32.5
9-9.5 6.5-7 6.5-7
9.5-10 32.5-35

Fig. 4. Distribution of residuals between modelled and measured (a) greenhouse air temperature, (b) greenhouse air relative humidity, (c) canopy
temperature, and (d) greenhouse cover temperature (simulated – measured values) for the summer season (September 2007–April 2008) calculated from
Author's personal copy

392 E. Mashonjowa et al. / Solar Energy 91 (2013) 381–393

Table 7
Results of regression analysis between 30 min averages of the predicted and observed greenhouse climate parameters and crop transpiration rate, including
the standard error (r), 95% confidence intervals and the slope (m) and intercept (c) for the equation yexp = m  ysim + c, where y represents the parameter
of interest. Differences in the number of observations were a result of availability of validation data.
Parameter na r in y R2 m r in m 95% Confidence interval of m c r in c 95% Confidence interval of c
Winter: May–August 2007
Ti (°C) 2745 1.82 0.94 1.02 0.01 [1.01; 1.03] 0.55 0.08 [0.39; 0.70]
RHi (%) 2745 14.75 0.57 1.15 0.03 [1.10; 1.21] 11.401 2.22 [15.76; 7.05]
Tv (°C) 1879 1.85 0.92 0.78 0.01 [0.77; 0.79] 3.58 0.10 [3.39; 3.77]
Summer: September 2007–April 2008
Ti (°C) 8905 1.26 0.95 1.07 0.01 [1.07; 1.08] 2.15 0.06 [1.46; 1.29]
RHi (%) 8905 8.58 0.78 1.25 0.01 [1.23; 1.26] 22.72 0.56 [23.82; 21.62]
Tv (°C) 7000 1.60 0.88 0.79 0.01 [0.79; 0.80] 4.29 0.08 [4.13; 4.44]
Tc (°C) 4203 3.52 0.80 1.24 0.01 [1.22; 1.26] 1.61 0.18 [1.97; 1.25]
Remarks: number of observation.

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