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Name : Nada el amraoui

Course: 1° gestion de ventas Date: 04/11/2022
Book title : (Les misèrable) the miserables
Author : Victor hugo

Summarise the book

One of the french books or novels talk about a history of a women who had a child with
her boy friend , but when the father knows the fact that he will be a father he refused . so he
pased away ,
in the other way, there is a tall man with a strong muscles and dirty clothes, just went out
from a prison of spending 19 years into it .he entered for a theft charge “a food theft” , he
fount it very difficult to adapt into the society. they had a false image at the point of knowing
that he had many years into the prison . also the police men never let him alone . after alot of
difficult he started a new life with a new name , which is “jean valjean”
the story start when the women gave birth to the baby , she has a lot of problems to found a
work, so she changed the city intent founding a job without separation of her child. in this
case it will be so difficult for her. she had no choice except letting her child in with a stranger
family temporary until founding a new stable situation .the first meeting with them was when
she found a cheap hotel, and then she told her story to the landlady ,who’s didn't take her
eyes of the little child “cosette”.the owner and her husband were a type of greedy people ,
thats why she suggest a idea for the poor woman to let the little girl with them and start to
research in city beside the town also she told her she going to have a lot of chances.on
condition to send amount of money monthly for the child’s expenses.
And then.In the end of a lot of research it ended up with a job in some factory of jewelry
which’s owned by jean valjean.
jean valjean the richest man in the town. who’s famous of his generosity and justice within
people.but also he had a really deep past .fantin founded her self in a problems with some
colleagues , when the news of fantin being a single mom , but she keep working and sending
money for her child every month ,without knowing that in fact her child beeging a maid fo the whole
family and the hotel .they exploited the little girl so badly .she didnt know the free time ,she didnt
knew having fun and play with friends ,but the two daughters of this exploitative family knew .
afer many years the new inspector of the city who’s name javert , he decided opening the old
issues of the dangerous criminals and jean valjean was a one of them .
fantin expelled in the factory cause of the stigma she had .she had no idea to do , but she wanted
talk with the ower of the factory , at that moment he had no time he was so busy for his personal
problem , he was so afraid of catching the police and then he gonna spend of the rest of his years
in the prison .
Fantin get so sick ,with losing the job she couldn’t send money to” her child “even her medical
drugs she couldn’t buy it ,she couldn’t pay the rent , her physical and health situation get bad after
every day .
Finally after a many tries she could spoke with jean valjean she was so tired and sick , she was
begging him to take up her daughter just to see her for the last time because she knows that she
had no more time alive with her healthy case . the man knows how it is big his mistake .he
regretted and promised her to bring the little girl and the both will live with him in his house .
In the morning of the next day , fantin dead .
Jean valjean decided to found the girl and adoption her , as she gave him the little of the hostel's
address , after a long way he founded a little girl into the hostel cleaning rooms . he gave them an
offer price to take a girl from them . Indeed they accepted it , in return the freedom of the girl.
After that cosette was the only daughter of jean valjean , they moved in other city to keep
themselves safe .
After years , cosette became a young lady she meet a brave guy and after a love story they
married with the approval of her father .

the characters :

Jean Valjean:the main character

Fantine:the main character
Cosette: fantine’s daughter . the orphan girl
Inspector Javert : the police man who was researching for Jan valjean
Madame and monsieur thenardier : the exploitive family
Eponine and Azalma : the daughters of thenardier
Marius : cosette’s lover

new words learned from the book :

threatened : amenazada
avict : desalojar
fateful: fatidico
get rid of : deshacerte de ….
gasped : dio un grito ahogado

Personal opinion and conclusions :

the whole story and the events that Victor hugo put his attention on touch the reality . the
injustice exist .the poverty make people do things that in fact they didnt want to. Like the
women when she let her daughter between strangers hands. The greed and lies and no
marcy in that family make the story in a deeply way and make sees . In my opinion.i think
this one of the best novels ive been read before .

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