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nanotechnology in agriculture (


is one of the most important tools in modern agriculture, and in the field of Agri-Green
Technology of product Production .where, Agri-food nanotechnology is anticipated tobecome a
driving economic force in the near future. Agri-food themes focus on sustainability
and protection of agriculturally produced foods, including crops for human consumption and ani
mal feeding. Nanotechnology provides new agrochemical agents and new delivery mechanisms t
oimprove crop productivity, and it promises to reduce pesticide use. Nanotechnology can
boostagricultural production, and its applications include: 1) Nano formulations of
agrochemicals forapplying pesticides and fertilizers for crop improvement; 2) the application
ofnanosensors/nanobiosensors in crop protection for the identification of diseases and residues
ofagrochemicals; 3) nanodevices for the genetic manipulation of plants; 4) plant disease
diagnostics;5) animal health, animal breeding, poultry production; and 6) postharvest
Precision farming techniques could be used to further improve crop yields but not damage soil a
nd water,reduce nitrogen loss due to leaching and emissions, as well as enhance nutrients long-
termincorporation by soil microorganisms. Nanotechnology uses include nanoparticle-mediated
geneor DNA transfer in plants for the development of insect-resistant varieties, food processing
and storage, nanofeed additives, and increased product shelf life. Nanotechnology promises to
accelerate the development of biomass-to-fuels production technologies. Experts feel that
the potential benefits of nanotechnology for agriculture, food, fisheries, and aquaculture need to 
bebalanced against concerns for the soil, water, and environment and the occupational health
ofworkers. Raising awareness of nanotechnology in the agri-food sector, including feed and
foodingredients, intelligent packaging and quick-detection systems, is one of the keys to
influencingconsumer acceptance. On the basis of only a handful of toxicological studies,
concerns have arisenregarding the safety of Nanomaterials, and researchers and companies will
need to prove thatthese nanotechnologies do not have more of a negative impact on the
Key words:
 Nano System of Agriculture (NSOA), Nano Food andNanotechnology (NFANT), Nanoparticle
(NP) Nanopesticides, (NP) Nanosensors Smart Delivery Systems (NSDS).
Cite this Article:
Dr. Ramesh Chandra Rath, Puspita Acharya, Anoopa Laly and Bishnu ChanranRout, Role of
Nano Technology on Agri-Green Product Production Process: Emerging Needs andChallanges.
 International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology,
8(1),2017, pp 34–50
The practice of agriculture also known as “farming” is the process of producing food, feed, fiber,
and manyother desired products by the cultivation of certain plants and the raising of livestock.
Agriculture is
the backbone of most developing countries and it provides food for humans, directly and indirect
ly. Theworld’s population will grow to an estimated 8 billion people by 2 025 and 9 billion by 2
050, and it iswidely recognized that global agricultural productivity must increase to feed a
rapidly growing world population. The agri-
food production is of vital importance, as it has been one of the primary drivers ofeconomy. In
addition, it can offer routes to value-added crops. Agricultural practices are often in the
publiceye because climate change, energy and resource constraints, and rapidly growing global
are placing unprecedented pressure on food and water resources. The Food and Agriculture Orga
nization ofthe United Nations predicts that annual meat production of 200 million tons will be
required by 2 050 torespond to the food needs brought about by increasing global population,
 and this predicted increasingdemand for meat puts further pressure on agricultural land because
farmers need to grow crops to produceanimal feed. Land for food crops also faces increasing
competition from the need for crops for other purposes – such as the production of bio-fuels and
pharmaceuticals. Thus food production capacity is facedwith many challenges, which include a
falling ratio of arable land to population. Agriculture as a source offood is becoming increasingly
important in a world of diminishing resources and an ever-increasing global population
2 Given the increasing world population, it is necessary to use the modern technologies such
asnanotechnology and nanobiotechnology in agricultural and food sciences. Nanotechnology has
atremendous potential to revolutionize agriculture and allied fields, including aquaculture and
fisheries. Nanoagriculture focuses currently on target farming that involves the use of nanosized 
particles withunique properties to boost crop and livestock productivity.Agri-food
nanotechnology is multidisciplinary in nature .Nanotechnology application to the agricultureand
food sectors are relatively recent compared with its use in drug delivery and
pharmaceuticals. Nanotechnology has the potential to protect plants, monitor plant growth,
detect plant and animal diseases, increase global food production, enhance food quality, and
reduce waste for “sustainable intensification”. Food and agricultural production are among the
most important fields of nanotechnology application.
In this section, we the researcher have trying to our level best to proof the authenticity and
genuineness astaken the said title
“ Role of nano technology on Agri-Green product Production Process : Emerging Needs and
Challenges ”
 where, Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary field, as it combines the knowledge from different
disciplines: chemistry, physics, and biology amongst others (Schmid, 2006; Schmid,
2010). Nanotechnology is the art and science of manipulating matter at the atomic or molecular
scale and holdsthePromise of providing significant improvements in technologies for protecting
the environment by producing various
 Agri-Green products. While many definitions for nanotechnology exist, the U.S.Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) uses the definition developed by the National
NanotechnologyInitiative (NNI). According to National Nanotechnology Initiative of the USA,
nanotechnology is definedas: research and technology development at the atomic, molecular,
or macromolecular levels using a lengthscale of approximately one to one hundred nm in any
dimension; the creation and use of structures, devicesand systems that have novel properties
and functions because of their small size; and the ability to controlor manipulate matter on an
atomic scale (USEPA, 2007). The technology has excellent prospects forexploitation across the
medical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, engineering, manufacturing,telecommunications and
information technology markets in the present world.
In this invited article, we the researcher set the following objectives for observing the impact
ofnanotechnology for producing Agri-green product production in order to sustaining an ecology
through thegreen innovation with low level of monitoring of nanotechnology .
The main theme of this report is
to provide a comprehensive overview of nanotechnology developments globally through a syste
matic andalso critical analysis of already available and comparable indicators and statistic. In
particular, the reportaims to assess the following questions:

 What is nanotechnology and how has this field developed?

 Which are the expected socio-economic impacts of nanotechnology?
 What are the extent, nature and distribution of nanotechnology R&D activities?
 Which are the main, emerging, application fields of nanotechnology?
 How are countries positioned and specialised in nanotechnology application fields?
 How are companies responding, which are the main challenges in commercialisation?
As the word ‘Nanotechnology’ is concerned it is a modern science of engineering, and
technology ofrecent origin by conducted at the nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100 nanometers
 Nanoscience andnanotechnology are the study and application of extremely small things and can
be used across all the otherscience fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, materials science,
and engineering. This wasdiscovered by a famous Physicist named as Richard Feynman in 29
th December 1959 in USA, due to his pen contribution he was called the “Father of
 Nanobiosensors can be effectively used for sensing a wide variety of fertilizers, herbicide, pestic
ide,insecticide, pathogens, moisture, soil pH, and their controlled use can support sustainable
agriculture forenhancing crop productivity. Precision farming, with the help of smart sensors,
could increase productivityin agriculture, as this Technology provides farmers with better
fertilization management, reduction ofinputs, and better management of time and the
environment. Nanosensors and nanobased smart deliverysystems could help in the efficient use
of agricultural natural resources like water, nutrients, and chemicalsthrough precision farming.
Precision farming’s enabling technologies include satellite positioning systems,geographic
information systems, and remote sensing devices that could remotely detect crop pests
orevidence of stress such as
drought. Nanosensors dispersed in the field can also detect the presence of plant viruses and othe
r crop pathogens, and the level of soil nutrients. Levels of environmental pollution
can be evaluated quickly bynano-smart dust (the use of tiny wireless sensors and transponders)
and gas sensors. Nanobarcodes andnano-processing could also be used to monitor the quality of
agricultural produceNanotechnology-
based plant regulation of hormones such as auxin helps scientists understand how plant roots ada
pt to theirenvironment, especially to marginal soilsThe development of sensors/biosensors based
on specific interactions makes atomic force spectroscopymore effective in detecting enzyme-
inhibiting herbicides. A nanobiosensor based on an atomic forcemicroscopy tip functionalized
with the acetolactate synthesis enzyme was successfully detected for theherbicide metsulfuron-
methyl (an acetolactate syntheses inhibitor) through the acquisition of force curves.
BioNanosensors also allow the more quantification and rapid detection of bacteria and viruses,
therebyincreasing the safety of the food for the
customer. Noble metal (palladium, platinum, and gold)/DNA/single-walled carbon nanotube (S
WCNT) hybridnanostructure-based gas sensor arrays were fabricated by means of inkjet printing
of metal ion-chelatedDNA/SWCNTs on micro fabricated electrodes, followed by electro less
deposition to reduce metal ions tometal. DNA served as a dispersing agent to effectively
solubilize pristine SWCNTs in water and as metalion-chelating centres for the formation of
nanoparticle. The results on the sensitivity and selectivity of thegas sensors toward various gases
such as H2 , H2 S, NH3, and NO2 indicated the enhancement of thesensitivity and selectivity toward
certain analytes by functionalizing with different metal nanoparticle (e.g.,PD/DNA/SWCNTs for
H2 and H2S). The combined responses give a unique pattern or signature for eachanalyte by which
the system can identify and quantify an individual gas. Nanosensors are expected to impact
agricultural, food, and environmental sectors. The NanotechnologySignature Initiative
“Nanotechnology for Sensors and Sensors for Nanotechnology: Improving andProtecting Health,
Safety, and the Environment” is the fifth to be launched by agencies of the
National Nanotechnology Initiative. Portable nanodevices can rapidly detect insects, diseases,
pathogens, chemicals,and contaminants and can result in faster treatments. Nanosensors based on
using electrochemically functionalized SWCNTs with either metal nanoparticleor metal oxide
nanoparticle, and metal oxide nanowire and nanotube for gases such as ammonia,
nitrogenoxides, hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, and volatile organics have potential
application in monitoringagricultural pollutants for the assessment of impacts of these pollutants
on biological and ecological healthand in increase of crop productivity and reducing land burden.
Researchers addressed the fabrication,functionalization, assembly/alignment, and sensing
applications of field-effect transistors based on carbonnanotubes, silicon nanowire, and
conducting polymer nanowire. Further, they evaluated how such sensorshave been used for
detection of various biological molecules and how such devices have enabled theachievement of
high sensitivity and selectivity with low detection limits. Nanotechnology-enabled devices
will increase the use of sensors linked to global positioning systemsfor real-time monitoring of
crops. In the field of sensor research and development, bio nanotechnology
is poised to make significant contributions and has the potential to radically alter the way sensors 
aredesigned, constructed, and implemented. Biomimetic nanosensor designs based on
immobilized tyrosinasefor determination of toxic compounds and smart biosensors for
determination of mycotoxines werereported. Biosensor design showed good compatibility
between membranes and enzymes without a changeof the conformation of the enzyme molecule,
and binding always takes place outside the enzyme activecentres.Carbon–ceramic electrode
modified with multi-walled carbon nanotubes–ionic liquid nanocompositewas used for
electrochemical determination of the food dyes, sunset yellow and tartrazine, in food
and beverage samples.
In sum, we conclude that many diverse opportunities for nanotechnology exist to play an
important role inagriculture and food production as well as in livestock production. The potential
uses and benefits ofnanotechnology are enormous. Productivity enhancement through
nanotechnology-driven precisionfarming and maximization of output and minimization of inputs
through better monitoring and targetedaction is desirable. Nanotechnology enables plants to use
water, pesticides, and fertilizers more
efficiently. Nanotechnology use may bring potential benefits to farmers through food production 
and to the foodindustry through development of innovative products through food processing,
preservation, and packaging. Anticipated Agri-Green Nanotechnology applications include
Nanosensors/Nanobiosensors fordetecting pathogens and for soil quality and for plant health
monitoring, nanoporous zeolites for slow-release and efficient dosage of water and fertilizers for
plants and of nutrients and drugs for livestock,nanocapsules for agrochemical delivery, creating
bio-fuels, nanocomposite for plastic film coatings used in food packaging, antimicrobial
nanoemulsions for applications in decontamination of food, nanobiosensorsfor identification of
pathogen contamination, and improving plant and animal breeding.Even so, less effort is going
into applications of nanotechnology in agri-food sectors. Further, existingefforts are more
oriented to reduce the negative impact of agrochemical products in the environment andhuman
health, rather than the utilization of nanotechnology applications to improve their properties
forfood and livestock production.Experts envision numerous nanoparticulate agro formulations
with higher bioavailability and efficacyand better selectivity in the near future. Multidisciplinary
approaches could potentially improve food production, incorporating new emerging technologies
and disciplines such as chemical biology integratedwith nanotechnologies to tackle existing
biological bottlenecks that currently limit further developments.The potential benefits of
nanotechnology for agriculture, food, fisheries, and aquaculture need to be balanced against
concerns for the soil, water, environment, and the occupational health of workers.Finally we
conclude of the above said titled, with the followings recommendations that:

 Green technology has some defects; everything done should have both positive & negative impact in
 Global warming & energy cross cannot be solved with one & two years.
 It really requires our determination & continues effort in improving the situation.
 Green technology, will definitely help us to the afore said problem solution to get the
potential in order tosolve those problems & improve our environment
Firstly, We the researcher are tender our deep thanks and obligatory to the almighty for their
blessing to us by given this opportunity to complete this articleSecondly, we also tender
solidarity and gratitude with bowing heads to our beloved parents for theirvaluable support and
encouragement to us in order to complete the said invited research articleBesides, we also thank
full to the esteemed Management of EATM, for providing their valuablesupport for doing the
research work at the centre of Excellence of EATM by the personal guidance of Prof.(Dr.)
Ramesh Chandra Rath Dean (R&D) for his personal guidance from time to time for doing
thevaluable research work.Lastly. We are also thankful to our friends, colleagues, research
scholars, Professors, readers for theirvaluable support and encouragement to us, without their
support it is not possible to complete the researcharticle
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