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PC NAVTEX Installation on VM 10.0.

1 Rev C Page 1 of 14

Experience for Installing

PC NavTex for VMFT v10.0.1
General comments
• Configure the node that has the electrical connection to the NAVTEX first. This is the
Server node

• Check in Service Mode that everything works on the Server node before doing the
Client nodes.

• Don’t configure the “External Announcement Provider” as it will take up too many
COM Ports.

• Important Note: PC NAVTEX maintains separate configurations for every user. It is

essential that NAVTEX is configured at each node in Operator Mode also. If you
configure from Service Mode only, the application will not work when the system is in
Operator mode.

• MIB 217 for version 10.0.0 PC Navtex has been restricted to nodes that are not
navigation workstations, i.e. planning stations only

• The Server node will be configured for “Single PC” using the database on the local hard

• The client nodes will be configured for “Network” using the database on the network
drive N:

• NAVTEX receiver setup for transmitting message over it serial port must be checked
and set up to send Navtex messages. ALR ( alarm messages ) can be used for interface
check, but not approved messages for final test of system .

• In operator mode , Starting the Navtex client, the system should NOT cause any errors.
Ie. RUN TIME ERROR or similar errors. In case Errors are seen , then installation have
to be stated from Scratch. ( loading of image again and installation of NAVTEX

• NAVTEX manual in additional features manual must be handed over to crew.

• The serial number generated by NAVTEX application must be reported to Sperry

Marine in order to obtain unlock code for Ships NAV officer to enter in system with in
next 30 days.

Updated 08. January 2019. Sperry DK – W.B.Rasmussen

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• HABOUR ACCEPTENCE TEST. Before leaving vessel. System test must be performed
witnessed by NAV officer.
1. Vision Master must run in Operator Mode
2. On planning station Navtex application is started by the NAV officer and the
Navtex Client window starts up automatically with no Errors ( run time error of
various kinds)
3. In case no unlock code is available then DEMO mode can be selected as a trial
4. Nav officer will have to witness NAVTEX messages is coming to NAVTEX Client
program as expected. Note Navtex messages from local station may be send every
4 hours, and it may be a good idea to select all messages to be transmitted for test
purpose in the NAVTEX receiver.
5. If Printer connected to planning station, please test and confirm printing function
from NAVTEX client.
6. Job considered completed when NAV officer accepts the system as fully
operational in operator mode.

A fresh start !
PC Navtex software should only be installed on a freshly re-imaged VM station with VMFT ver.
10.0.1 !

IMPORTANT NOTE: Don’t keep the existing partition for drive D: !

It’s also advisable to re-image in case of previously failed attempts to get PC Navtex up and

Software installation
Do this on the Server node only to start with!

1. In ServiceMode, Start up the VM station that will have the electrical connection to the
Navtex receiver (Server node).

2. Run the “Install PC NAVTEX” from the ServiceMode desktop.

3. Select English Language.

4. Select “Full version” if you have the license key or “Demo version” to get a 30 days
demo version.

Updated 08. January 2019. Sperry DK – W.B.Rasmussen

PC NAVTEX Installation on VM 10.0.1 Rev C Page 3 of 14

5. Select “No Interface”

6. Keep the default installation directory.

7. Click Finish when the installation has completed

8. Restart the VMFT station by using the ServiceMode shutdown function.

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VMFT Configuration
1. Start the VMFT Config tool and open config.cfg.

2. Under {Applications}\‘Optional Features’ add the NAVTEX option

Note: if NAVTEX option is already configured: Remove NAVTEX optional feature
and add it again to get default values.

3. Select the NAVTEX Server Node (In this case VM1).

4. Select the nodes that will have the NAVTEX Client installed (In this case VM1 and
Note: The Server Node will normally always need to the have NAVTEX Client.

5. Open the I/O Port Manager under {Resources}

6. Add a Port Usage Description for the COM-port where the NAVTEX is connected
to. In this case TSCJ/TSCT COM9. The purpose for this is to make sure that
VisionMaster does not use the same COM port, as this will create a COM Port

Updated 08. January 2019. Sperry DK – W.B.Rasmussen

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OBS: Make sure that no other parts of the VM Software is using this COM !!

7. Save the config file to all nodes.

Setting up PC Navtex Server

1. Launch the NAVTEX Server, by clicking on the Start menu button and select
“NAVTEX Server” program.

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1. Select “Continue evaluation..” and Continue if you do not have the unlock code

2. Locate the N icon in the lower toolbar and double click.

3. Open the “Serial Port Setting” in the Communications menu.

4. Select the COM Port connected to the NAVTEX and select the NAVTEX receiver
type. Enable “Download messages on startup” if you have a 2 way
communication established to your NAVTEX Receiver and if the Receiver is
supporting this feature.
Click OK.

5. Open “Server Settings” in the Communications menu.

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6. Enter the required server settings:

Single PC, Data file path: d:\VMFTDATA\NAVTEX
Click OK button.

7. Close the Server Connection window.

8. Double click on the “NavTex Configure” icon on the desktop to launch the post-
configuration script.

9. Restart the NAVTEX Server application.

Configure the PC Navtex Client (on the Server node)

1. Launch the PC Navtex Client, by clicking on the Start menu button and select
“PC Navtex” program.

2. Select “Continue evaluation..” and Continue if you do not have the unlock code

3. Open the NAVTEX NMEA

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4. Make sure to de-select “Navtex NMEA output enabled”

5. Make sure to de-select “Read GPS position”

Note: The NAVTEX software will anyway allocate the COM port selected even it
is not used. This is a bug!
Therefore: Make sure to select a COM port not being used for anything else.
For example on Q87 computers, COM2 can be configured as it is not in use.

6. Open “NAVTEX Server” in the Settings menu.

7. Enter the required server settings: Single PC, Data file path:
D:\VMFTDATA\NAVTEX and ensure Server Name and Local IP address is the
Note: IP = “local host” or you can put in the actual IP of this

Updated 08. January 2019. Sperry DK – W.B.Rasmussen

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8. Click OK button.

9. Close the Server Connection window and close Client application.

10. Double click on the “NavTex Configure” icon on the desktop to launch the post
configuration script.

11. The functionality of PC Navtex can now be checked in Service mode

12. NOTE: Remember to run the “NavTex Configure” icon on the desktop each time
something has been changed in the Server settings

13. Restart the VMFT node and allow it to start up in operator mode.

Configuration and check in OperatorMode

NOTE: PC NAVTEX maintains separate configurations for every user. It is essential that NAVTEX
is configured at each node in Operator Mode.

1. Start the NAVTEX Server by clicking the Start/Show NAVTEX Server button in

2. Select “Continue evaluation” if asked

3. Open the NAVTEX Server by clicking the Start/Show NAVTEX Server button in
the SYSTEM\NAVTEX Menu once more

4. Configure once more the Serial Port setting and the Server Settings. Same
settings as when done in ServiceMode.

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5. Restart the NAVTEX Server software after configuration completed.

6. Start the NAVTEX Client by clicking the “Start/Show NAVTEX Client” button in

7. Select “Continue evaluation” when asked.

8. Configure once more the NAVTEX NMEA and NAVTEX Server. Same settings as
when done in ServiceMode.

Updated 08. January 2019. Sperry DK – W.B.Rasmussen

PC NAVTEX Installation on VM 10.0.1 Rev C Page 11 of 14

9. Restart the NAVTEX Client software after configuration completed.

10. Check that everything works as it should.

11. Check that the printer works if connected!

12. Restart VMFT and check again that everything works as it should.
Remember: NAVTEX Server has to be running to collect any Navtex messages
from the receiver.

Client nodes software install (if required)

1. Repeat the PC Navtex software installation from step 2 on each of the client
nodes. As on page 1 .

Mapping Network Drive (client nodes only)

1. From the service desktop open a Windows Explorer window.

2. From the upper toolbar right click on Tools and select ‘Map Network Drive..’

Updated 08. January 2019. Sperry DK – W.B.Rasmussen

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3. Create the network drive N: and map to the shared folder vmft_data on the
Navtex server: \\{server-node}\vmft_data\NAVTEX

4. It’s not required to tick “Reconnect at logon”. The Navtex software will
automatically create the network drive N: in OperatorMode.

Configure the PC Navtex Client (Client nodes only)

1. Launch the PC Navtex Client, by clicking on the Start menu button and select PC
Navtex program.

2. Select “Continue evaluation..” and Continue if you do not have the unlock code

3. Open the NAVTEX NMEA

4. Make sure to de-select “Navtex NMEA output enabled”

5. Make sure to de-select “Read GPS position”

Note: The NAVTEX software will anyway allocate the COM port selected even it
is not used. This is a bug!

6. Make sure to select a COM port not being used for anything else. For example
on Q87 computers, COM2 is present but cannot be used for anything as there is
no connector for it.

Updated 08. January 2019. Sperry DK – W.B.Rasmussen

PC NAVTEX Installation on VM 10.0.1 Rev C Page 13 of 14

7. Open “NAVTEX Server” in the Settings menu.

8. Enter the required server settings (Network, Data file path: N:\ and ensure
Server Name is the name of the server (in this case VM1) and enter Local IP
address (in this case Click OK button.

9. Close the Server Connection window and close Client application.

10. Double click on the “NavTex Configure” icon on the desktop to launch the post
configuration script.

11. Restart the VMFT by using the Service Shutdown function

12. The functionality of PC Navtex can now be checked in Service mode

13. NOTE: Remember to run the “NavTex Configure” icon on the desktop each time
something has been changed in the Server settings

14. Restart the VMFT and allow it to start up in operator mode.

Configuration and check in OperatorMode (Client nodes)

NOTE: PC NAVTEX maintains separate configurations for every user. It is essential that NAVTEX
is configured at each node in Operator Mode.

1. Start the NAVTEX Client by clicking the “Start/Show NAVTEX Client” button in

2. Select “Continue evaluation” when asked.

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PC NAVTEX Installation on VM 10.0.1 Rev C Page 14 of 14

3. Configure once more the NAVTEX NMEA and NAVTEX Server. Same settings as
when done in ServiceMode.

4. Restart the NAVTEX Client software after configuration completed.

5. Check that everything works as it should.

6. Check that the printer works as it should – if any connected.

7. Restart VMFT and check again that everything works as it should.

Updated 08. January 2019. Sperry DK – W.B.Rasmussen

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