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Peace is an always about the freedom, but when we say freedom it’s not always about freedom
causes from the war it’s also about the disrespecting, misunderstanding and also debating about
the religion and fighting against belief. Peace is all what we want to achieve in our life, family,
community, and around the world. But most of us people can’t bring peace, we people we create
our own war inside our head.

According to the murid Al-javier S. Iskandal I’ve interviewed, for him peace is an art of
understanding and satisfying your mind in which with peace you'll feel something inside you that
no one can explain, generally it is observed that the minds of living beings are always agitated.
we easily get agitated when fear of failure runs in our mind, we easily get agitated when fear of
loss runs through our mind, and we have all experience anxiety and agitation with anger when
life won't happen or move as we desire… when a person realizes true knowledge then he
becomes peaceful. such a realized person becomes free from all the complexes (fear, lust, greed,
anger, illusion,and envy) of his mind and enjoys everlasting peace, satisfaction and happiness in

religion has a great impact when it comes to world peace. the ideologies and teachings of certain
religion influences its believers way of behaving or actions towards certain things. a person who
is well guided by his/her religion is most likely to be well-mannered and has the tendency to be a
peace advocate or someone who promotes peace. i think that despite the differences in religion
peace is still attainable as long as understanding and respect are present. because almost all
religion present in the world aims to transform the believers/followers to become good people
and peace advocates.

religious people are human. like the rest of us, they should be treated with dignity and respect.
respect does not mean “agree,” it means to be polite and decent. we can agree to disagree in a
polite and decent manner, that is respect but for me usually religious people are those who
preach and giving fatwa to others so that they can be guided to be a better person for god.

According to sir alpimar S. Jul-Asgara for him peace is about giving respect to each other it is
include respecting the religion, the beliefs of each people in this world. Mostly the reason why
we don’t have peace in our community is because of not giving the same respect. And some
people in our community are hardheaded and mostly it is most causes of making a huge trouble.
And sometimes causing of war.

For sir Alpimar Religion can affect the world peace it is started from given a respect to each other
and just try to accept what others beliefs and if we want to convince them we should try to talk
in a good way in convince without an offensive words that comes out from our mouth. Today,
mostly causes of war is about religion and beliefs just like in Israel and Palestine they’re fighting
over religion and taking the place of Palestinians because Israel and Palestinian have their own
beliefs. Religion can cause negative affect to world peace, just like in this month we Muslim we
celebrate a mauludun nabi and most of us are calling its bida’a or shirk and same religion are
attacking each because of that. Religion is can give a positive affect to world peace in our
community or country if we respect or just accept what peoples in what people do.

According to Sir Alpimar Religious leaders has two kind of leaders some religious leaders is teach
their members to respect the beliefs of others or what others do because in our community we
have the same religion but we don’t the same things to do in our religion, and some religious
leaders do are teach their member by attacking the others do like saying it’s shirk and those are
not what prophet Mohammad SAW did during his time. And as leaders they should be sources of
peace not be the leader of causing a war or a negative affect to the world.

I’ve learned to the two person I’ve interviewed they have their own definition of word peace and
negative and positive affect of each and I learn a lot of what they shared about peace and
knowledge the had. In addition to that, we should give the same respect to each other even if it
is a Christian or an animal because we all deserve to be respected and give love to each other to
promote a non-violence and peace in our country.

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