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Lesson 1: ETHICS Theories ➡ Actions

● Know the theories or ethical principles and

Ethics is the study of right or wrong. one has to translate these theories into
● Greek word ethos, a characteristic way of actions.
acting. ● Knowing what is right without changing
● Free and deliberate use of the will one's actions is useless.
● Science of human acts or human conduct
● John Deigh - the study of what are good Characteristics of Moral Principles:
and bad ends to pursue in life and what is 1. Prescriptivity - refers to the action-guiding
right and wrong to do in the conduct of life. nature of morality. Something that
○ Morality - standards of right and wise "prescribe" or guide and direct people what
conduct determined by reason rather to do or should not do.
than custom. ○ Ex. Obey your parents, you should
● Ethics is a Science - a complete and not tell lies
systematically arranged body of connected 2. Impartiality - moral principles should be
data together. neutral. It should apply to anyone
○ It presents the reasons which show regardless of the status.
this data to be true. 3. Overridingness- moral principles should
○ A practical science bec. It presents surpass all other norms or standards of
data which directly imply and evaluation.
indicate directions for human 4. Autonomous from Arbitrary Authority - moral
conduct. standards should be independent, hence,
○ Speculative science - opposite of ps. be able to stand on its own.
Ss presents truths that are to be ○ An act should be based on ethical
known, but not necessarily acted principles and not on what men say.
upon. 5. Publicity - moral standards guide people on
what to do, so they should be made public.
Material and formal object 6. Practicability - rules are made for men to
Material object follow. Hence, moral standards exist in
● the subject matter of the science which human beings are capable of doing.
● Human acts
Formal object The Values and Importance of Ethics
● The aim or special way 1. Ethics should make clear to us why one act
● The right morality or rectitude of human acts is better than another.
2. Ethics seeks the most intelligent principles
Dimensions of Ethics of behavior or the principles which will make
General Ethics life most wholesome.
● Focuses on the basic concepts 3. Moral conduct and ethical systems both
Applied or Special ethics from the past and present, must be
● The application of the moral principles, intelligently appraised and criticized. There
standards, and norms is the constant need to study the
○ Legal ethics for lawyers fundamentals of morality which is not
○ Judicial ethics for judges subject to change or modifications.
○ Code of ethics for teachers 4. Ethics seeks to point out to men true values
of life. It employs the marvelous faculty of
Ethics is both a theory and practice. human reason (idealism/realism).
● Right - good actions 5. Ethics is a science deserving of careful
● Wrong - bad actions study. Faulty ethical theories and lack of
definite ethical principles are causes of
great disorders in the political and social ○ Advertence - an important factor that
world. affects the voluntariness of an
What is Human Act? ■ The act whereby the intellect
Acts perceives the action that the
Human Act person is about to perform or
● Act which proceeds from the deliberate free is performing.
will of man. Consciousness ■ Volition follows upon
○ Ex. Any acts performed by a human cognition, there can be full
being consent only if there was full
Acts of Human advertence to the act.
● Acts that man performs indeliberately or ■ Actions performed
without the full exercise of free choice. semi-advertently are for that
Unconsciousness reason semi-deliberate
○ Ex. Sleep walking/talking actions, they are not done
○ Being drunk with full consent.
● Ex. Out of surprise,
Acts of man may sometimes become human acts Sudden anger,
by the consent of the human agent (doer of the Sudden fear
Modifiers of Human Act
Constituents of Human Act - Things that may affect human acts in the
● Knowledge - act whereby the intellect essential qualities of knowledge, freedom,
perceives the action that the person is about voluntariness and so make them less
to perform or is performing. perfectly human.
○ A person must know first what he is 1. Ignorance - absence of intellectual
doing . knowledge in man. Negation of knowledge
○ Someone is not held responsible for ➡ negative thing
what he does while he is sleeping. a. The absence of knowledge that
○ The will cannot act in the dark, for ought to be present ➡ Not merely
the will is a "blind" faculty in itself. negative, but privative
○ An essential element of the human b. absence of math of Structural steel
act. worker - merely negative
● Freedom - is the capacity to act or not to act c. Absence of math of architect or
(freedom of exercise), or to choose this engineer - privative
thing in the preference of others. d. Kinds of Ignorance:
○ Freedom of Choice - gives man full i. Ignorance in its Objects -
dominion over his actions. His will don't know a thing (Ignorance
does not necessarily adhere to the of law, Ignorance of fact,
goods known and presented to it by Ignorance of penalty-lack of
the intelligence. knowledge of precise
○ What is the root of freedom? sanction)
○ Its root lies in man's intelligence. The ii. Ignorance in it Subject - the
will loves only that object which the person in whom it exist
intellect presents to it as good in all 1. Vincible ignorance -
respects. can be dispelled by
● Voluntariness - will (voluntas - hindi ka the use of
pinilit) 2. Invincible ignorance -
ordinary and proper
diligence cannot d. Levels of Intention:
dispel. Never the i. Actual intention
fault of the person. ii. Virtual intention - intention is
Causes: not present during the act
a. No realization because the act was
b. Finds influenced by prior intention
ineffective his iii. Habitual Intention - the act is
effort to dispel not influenced by prior
it intention or the act is just a
mere coincidence.
2. Fear - The shrinking back of the mind from iv. Interpretative intention - the
danger. More accurately, it is the agitation of intention is created after the
mind (ranging from slight disturbance to intention.
actual) brought about by the apprehension 3. Deliberation - weighing the pros and cons of
of impending evil. cheating.
-actions may proceed from fear as their 4. Practical Judgment - consent for approval or
cause, or may be done with fear as an choice
accompanying circumstance. 5. Command - means directing some parts of
- fear a.k.a coaction- the external force the body.
applied by a free cause for the purpose of 6. Enjoyment - means the satisfaction
compelling a person to perform an act which
is against his will. Theories in Ethics
3. Violence - martyrs suffered violence Utilitarianism - satisfaction (economics)
a. Cannot reach the will directly. ○ Moral Philosophy that actions derive
b. Not controlled by the body, rather, their moral quality from their
the body is controlled by the will. usefulness as means to some end,
4. Habit - operative habit is a lasting readiness ○ Ex. Trolley problem - choose which
and facility, born of frequently repeated acts, one to sacrifice
for acting in a certain manner. ○ You choose for the greater good.
○ Ethical dilemma (by Philippa Foot
A man who has always endeavored to speak the 1897) 3 kinds:
truth, has a habit of truthfulness, and it goes ■ Personal dilemma - you
against his habit to lie. decide to solve a dilemma.
You choose a decision but
A man who has the habit of lying, finds it very easy still feel wrong.
to falsify or evade the truth and it is difficult for him ■ Organizational dilemma -
to tell the truth when a lie would prove convenient. happens when you are in an
organization. Problems in the
Elements of Human Acts organization arise
1. Like/Liking - means the desire of a person in ■ Structural dilemma -
doing the act. everyone is involved
2. Intention - possibility of attaining the desire ● Ex. Universal
a. One of the great factors considering Healthcare Law -
whether an act is an accident or not. poor and rich are
There are levels of intention to be entitled of healthcare
considered such as actual, virtual, services
habitual and interpretative. ○ Jeremy Bentham (author) - act
b. Homicide - no intention utilitarian; right actions result in
c. Murder - has intention
'good or pleasure' wrong actions ○ Instrumental - acts are done as
result in pain or absence of pleasure means for other ends;
■ Pig philosophy - max medium/means
pleasure, minimum pain ○ Intrinsic - acts that are done for their
■ Some have argued lecture, own end; end
that "The ends cannot justify ● Eudaimonia - act is good if it leads to
the means" in moral choices happiness
■ Hedonic Calculus measuring ○ A right action that leads to
pleasure and pain using what happiness
amounts to a formula (for a ● Tripartite
group, it measures intensity, ○ Irrational part
duration, certainty) ■ Appetitive component
○ John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism ■ Vegetative component
■ Concerned with quality of ○ Rational part
pleasure ● Virtue as the Golden mean
■ Lower pleasures: eating, ○ Virtue is something that we have to
drinking, sexuality, etc. develop.
■ Higher pleasures: ○ The Golden Mean - ang lahat ng
intellectually, creativity, and sobra ay masama

■ 'better to be Socrates Extreme Extreme
dissatisfied than a fool
satisfied '
■ 'Rule' utilitarianism - would
lead to greater utility Two kinds of reasoning
○ Rule of thumb always to be followed - Practical
unless in conflict with another rule.
○ Higher level rules which override Principle distinction
thumb rules. - Involuntary acts
○ No rules apply - do your best - Voluntary acts
○ Henry M. Stilson
Chapter 3: Natural Law
Deontology vs. Teleology Cicero - "True law is the right reason in agreement
Deontology - you do a thing out of your duty with nature."
● Virtue ethics - David Hume
Teleology - consequence; ex. Aquinas and Natural Law Theory
● Utilitarianism - common good - Built on his thought and developed a system
● Hedonism - pleasure of ethics known as Natural Law
● Egoism - kanyang perspective lang iniisip;
satisfaction (utils) Aristotle
- Telos - end/purpose; there is an unchanging
Natural ethics - Aristotle Nichomachean Ethics order in the physical changing world
● Teleological - greek root teleos means end, - Efficient Cause - means to an end
goal - Final causes - end to itself; what should
● Happiness is the goal happen if we do the right things.
● Happiness (ultimate good) = Virtue - Inner principle of human nature is REASON
● A person who lives a virtuous life… - 'Good' if it fulfilled its 'telos' or purpose for
● 2 major kinds of ends: which it was created.
Thomas Aquinas
- The moral life is the life which is lived
according to reason
- 4 ends which humans were created:
- To live harmoniously in society
- To reproduce
- To learn
- To worship God
- Apparent good vs. Ideal good - the reason
behind immoral action is to confuse
'apparent good' with the 'ideal good.'

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