GROUP 2-The FoMO Phenomenon Among College Students-AKN BP2

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STEVI WONG J0314211164
DEVI ANGGUN L J0314211334

Dra. dewi indrajanti
tedjasukmana, m.pd.
accounting-vocational school
ipb university-2022
The FOMO Phenomenon Among COLLEGE Students
Audience :
CollEge Students, and Member of Organization
Welcome to the audience on this beautiful day, we are very grateful and happy to you for
your presence, may on this beautiful day all gather in a good condition. Before we start the
presentation, Me, Angel Margareth Tetelay as the group leader want to introduce my
group members, starting from Andrew Christmercy Nababan, Stevi Wong, Salsabila Putri
Mardien, and Devi Anggun Lestari. On this day, we will discuss the topic of “The FoMO
Phenomenon among College Students”.

At this presentation, we divided into 5 sections. First, the background by Salsabila Putri,
followed by the definition of FoMO by Devi Anggun, the case of FoMO and its negative
impact by Stevi Wong, the solution to deal with FoMO by myself, and finally the conclusion
by Andrew Christmercy.

No need to linger any longer, I call the first speaker, Salsabila Putri Mardien, the time and
the floor is yours.

Thank you Angel for the opportunity that has been given for me, this time I will explain the
background about FoMO. First thing first, Imagine you are a college student with a tons of
assignments that must be finished in the next day, then your friends invite you to hangout.
Finally, you don't do your homework and join your friend’s invitations to hangout because
fear of missing out on moments with your friends. This experience is a common
phenomenon and seems to be often referred to in popular media as Fear of Missing Out
(FoMO).This FoMO has become a "culture" and has spread to the community.

This time, we will explore FoMO more deeply, which usually happens to students at
University. The current FoMO phenomenon tends to be significant among college students
because it can be assumed that social media make it easier for users to access various
information related to activities, current news, and conversation through social media that
make users experience FoMO. That means the college students become dependent on
social media because the FoMO phenomenon has an impact on human life in the field of
psychology and mental health.

FoMO in college students lifestyle, of course is different from college students in general;
from research results by Journal on the Measurement of Psychology and Education in
Indonesia from Jakarta State Islamic University in 2020. FoMO argues that obtaining
information related to the experiences or activities of others is a need that becomes a
desire. Actions and activities carried out, it will become a habit for college students with
FoMO, which makes them ignore their own activities to find out about other people's
activities and they tend to do something on the basis of following their friends on social
media because they are afraid of being left behind and missing the moment. So at the
end of the day, they do something not on the basis of need or interest. College Student’s
actions based on FoMO are carried out in every activity, such as studying, organizing, and
even relying on social media.
Based on the survey that we held on Wednesday, April 20 2022 (Attachment 1). The survey that
we do through a questionnaire and then we share it to a group or post it on Whatsapp status.
From 39 respondents. Most of the respondents did not participate in organizational, academic,
or non-academic activities on the basis of FoMO, this is supported by the data we got where
59% of college students who have never participated in organizations, academic activities, or
non-academic on the basis of FoMO. Meanwhile, 30.8 % another of respondents participate in
organizational, academic and non-academic activities on the basis of FOMO and 7,8% said that
they sometimes also participate in several activities because fear of being left behind. Well,
that's enough explanation from me. I'll forward it to Devi for the next material.

Thank you Salsabila for the explanation of the previous material. So, I will explain the definition
of FoMO in general and why FoMO often occurs. FoMO is defined as a feeling of anxiety and
fear when you feel left behind or when you see your friends are experiencing more pleasant
things than what you experienced (Putri,Purnama, & Idi, 2019). When someone is consistently
connected to social media and can see things that are overlooked, this will cause anxiety,
experience dissatisfaction, and feel unworthy or valuable. The most prominent characteristic of
FoMO is the fear of being left behind compared to friends on social media. According to
Przybylski (2013), FOMO can be identified by the emergence of a desire to keep up-to-date or to
be connected to what other people do.

People in whom this condition is expressed believe that while they are not on social networks,
they can miss much. In addition, the convenience that social media offers, the abundance of
forms of social information, activities that are updated all the time if they are accessed too
often seem to exacerbate FoMO because it increases awareness of what has been missed.
Social media and its relation to FoMO has become a common thing, it is caused by many other
people's activities/achievements related to anything uploaded to their social media, then people
who see it will feel left behind and start comparing themselves with the achievements of others.
This proves that the FoMO phenomenon comes from the high intensity of social media uses as
well (Attachment 2). That's quite a definition explanation from me. The next material will be
explained by Stevi Wong.

Thank you Devi for the explanation of the previous material and the opportunity for me to
continue today's topic of FoMO Cases Among College Students and the Negative Impact of
FoMO. Cases of FoMO (Fear Of Missing Out) among college students often occur within the
scope of organization or academic and non-academic spheres. Many cases state that today's
college students experience FoMO or feelings of restlessness and anxiety due to seeing other
people's experiences or activities more than them through social media, At the end, FoMO can
have a negative impact on the physically and mentally of each college student. For example,
college students may feel physically exhausted from being too pushed to join an organization
simply because of the fear of being left behind. Also, they can feel mentally exhausted because
they always feel anxious if they don't participate in an event or organization. Prolonged mental
fatigue will cause college students to feel depressed and find it difficult to carry out daily

In the world of lectures, every college student must try to be more active to build a relationship.
One way is to join the organization. In case, many college students publish their activities while
organizing through their Instagram stories. Also with the advanced of technology, other college
students can see these activities. This is one of the triggers for feelings of anxiety in other
college students due to seeing the activities of others who are more productive than them.
Finally, college students who saw the post felt left behind and worried about not participating in
the organization.
Then, the college students tries to register for the organization when there is an open
recruitment. This makes college students in the future feel stressed and burdened with
their responsibilities in the organization. More over, they also feel left behind by the
achievements of others and their lifestyles. Because of this, they sometimes feel useless
and they do everything they can to be the “same” as society.

The ongoing feeling of FoMO (Fear Of Missing Out) can have a negative impact on college
students. Some of these negative impacts include:
Generating excessive negative feelings
College Students who experience FoMO often feel worried if their friends participate in
activities that are not followed by themselves. Then negative thoughts and feelings arise
that they are not capable or bad. (Attachment 3)
Disrupt productivity
If college students experience FoMO, they will continue to struggle with their cellphones so
they don't get left behind on news related to their college friends or about other news in
the community. This makes it difficult for college students to concentrate and ultimately
their productivity decreases.
Increase the risk of psychological problems
Excessive use of social media such as that of people with FoMO is known to make a
college students become stressed and obsessed with maintaining their image on social
media so that they don't seem left behind from others. If the incident continues to occur it
can trigger mental disorders such as easily depressed and frustrated.
Feeling inferior and not confident
Other people's posts on social media can make people with FoMO always compare
themselves to others. They will feel that other people's lives are more perfect and will
eventually lead to low self-esteem and feel that they have no value. This later can also
lead to mental disorders of a person with FoMO.

That’s all from me, I’ll forward it to Angel Margareth for the next material.

Thank you Stevi for giving the previous material and the opportunity for me to explain
how we can deal with this FoMO phenomenon. As my friends have explained, this FoMO
phenomenon has become a "disease" among college students, also the large influence of
social media for college students related to FoMO cases. College Students who are
addicted to social media tend to have a higher chance of feeling the phenomenon of
FoMO. Of course, this FoMO cannot be ignored constantly because it will give a bad
impact as Stevi mentioned before.

Then, from the above case and some of the negative impacts, how can college students
be able to deal with FoMO and prevent it from happening in the future. We think the
important thing is to start knowing yourself. Knowing ourselves means we know what our
weaknesses and strengths are, what we want to do in day by day, our goals, and most
importantly to know our priorities. By knowing our priorities as college students, we know
what to do in the present, tomorrow, and then in accordance with our priorities.
Oftentimes, they cannot set their own priorities, so they force themselves to do many
things at a time that can cause overwhelmedness in themselves. So, always remember
"One thing at a time", because when we can focus on one thing, it can give full attention
to what is being done and produce a hiqh-quality result.
More over, social media often shows highlight stories from other people’s lives. For example,
often college students see the achievements of others and will feel insecure also feel left
behind. Therefore, many of them end up stuck with their own thoughts regarding their
abandonment from others. Not all things must be followed/owned, just do the things you
really want to do, no need to have to see the achievements of others as the standard
(Attachment 4). Moreover, it's okay if we haven't achieved anything in our lives, everyone
has a different timeline. After all, life is not a competition between each other. By reducing
social media and being willing to not have it all at a time will prevent college students from

Last but not least, learn how to say “NO”. There are so many cases of FoMO that happen to
college students because of "'agreeing" to all things and that’s because their hypnotized by
"there is no chance that comes twice, if I don't follow it I will miss the opportunity forever" so
they will agree to everything. An example is the invitation from their friends to hangout,
even though there are many tasks and things that actually have to be done at that time,
but the invitation can make their thoughts and attention switched. Actually, hangouts for
build connections are okay, but if it's done constantly just to waste time, that's not good. At
the end, their priorities were simply passed through and it’s not done. More over, practicing
gratitude and focus on ourself (Attachment 5) instead of worrying other people’s lives can
be the best solution to deal with the FoMO.

I think this is enough to explain how the solution to facing FoMO among college students
outthere, I will forward to Andrew who will give a conclusion at this presentation.

Thank you Angel for the opportunity that has been given. So It can be concluded, this FoMO
phenomenon spreads among college students, this phenomenon can have a bad impact on
themselves. Those who feel this will be afraid of being left behind and missing the moment.
Even from the quesionare that we shared, 38.6% of college students who have done other
non-academic, organizational, and academic activities, do that based on FoMO. Not only
that, excessive use of social media can also cause FoMO.

The real effects that can be felt due to FoMO are the development of negative feelings,
excessive productivity, psychological-related problems, also decreased levels of confidence.
Of course, FoMO can be prevented together by starting from knowing our priorities,
reducing use of social media, learn how to say NO to activities we don't really want to do,
practicing our gratitude, and most importantly focusing on ourselves because we have
different goals from others. That's all from me, I will forward it to Angel as a moderator.

Thankyou Andrew and my friends for your explanation at today’s topic. So, we have arrived
at the end of the presentation. Are there any questions related to the topic? Don't bother to
give us the question anymore. We will answer as much as we can.

Thank you for all the questions, hopefully what we give to all of you can be useful for your
daily life, especially not FoMO in carrying out each of your activities. I am Angel Margareth
and other Group 2 members saying goodbye. See you in another presentation.

1. Survey

2. High Intensity of using social media

3. Negative thoughts arise

4. Achievement of others as a standard

5. Practicing gratitude and focus to ourself

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