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Journal of Computer Science

Original Research Paper

Design and Development of an Advanced Authentication

Protocol for Mobile Applications using NFC Technology
Reham Abdellatif Abouhogail and Ahmed H. Ali

Department of Electrical Quantities Metrology, National Institute of Standards (NIS), Egypt

Article history Abstract: In this paper, we proposed a new Authentication Protocol for
Received: 01-09-2019 Mobile Applications using NFC technology (AP for MAN). The proposed
Revised: 03-12-2019 protocol minimizes the required time to complete the authentication
Accepted: 24-12-2019
process between the shared entities with a high level of privacy.
Corresponding Author:
According to the main security measures, the proposed protocol is
Reham Abdellatif Abouhogail evaluated. The current paper presents a new idea for preventing denial of
Department of Electrical service attack and preserves the limited mobile device capability. The
Quantities Metrology, National proposed protocol is checked using BAN logic and established that it has
Institute of Standards (NIS), no redundancy, the mutual authentication property between the shared
Egypt parties is verified. The implementation of the proposed protocol shows
Email: rehlatif@yahoo.com that it works as designed and it is practical.

Keywords: NFC, Authentication Protocols, Integrity, Mobile Transactions,

Denial of Service Attack

Introduction These days, many smartphones as well, as mobile

devices, have embedded NFC to enable data transfers
Near Field Communication (NFC) is a wireless between devices to speed communication in a short-range
technology that operates in a short range of about ten (Ukalkar, 2017). Moreover, it is widely used as a wireless
centimeters for communication. NFC is based on the communication media in a mobile payment system
technology of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) (Ukalkar, 2017). This means that a consumer can purchase
(Timalsina et al., 2012). For communication, an NFC goods from a seller easily and conveniently way by using
initiator or transmitter device starts to generate a radio his mobile device. By using this payment, the customer
frequency at a frequency of 13.56 MHz. NFC receiver can has been allowed to transfer money to the merchant using
receive the sent message if it exists in close proximity. NFC the mobile device (Ukalkar, 2017). In addition, it can be
feature is a small chipset embedded in wireless devices such used on transportation tokens/tickets in addition to access
as PS (Point of Sale), mobile phones, cards posters and badges or keys to restricted locations (Thammarat and
many other wireless devices (Timalsina et al., 2012). Kurutach, 2019; El Madhoun et al., 2016).
Moreover, NFC can operate in three modes, the first Furthermore, NFC increases the capability of mobile
mode is a Card emulation mode. In this mode, NFC acts phones and it is predicted to have the potential to do
as an RFID tag embedded in a portable device, the more functions. However, there are many serious
second mode is a Reader/Writer mode. In this mode, a concerns in different factor as privacy, the satisfaction of
mobile device with NFC acts as an NFC reader and the user, speed of data transfer, the usability of functions,
writer similar to RFID tags and the last mode is Peer-to- etc. Moreover, the NFC feature is replacing various
peer (P2P) mode. In this mode, two NFC technologies popular devices communication technologies such as
can communicate directly between two NFC phones or RFID tags (Timalsina et al., 2012). Therefore, it is very
NFC can exchange data directly by touching each other important to measure and evaluate the performance of
(Thammarat et al., 2015). the NFC technology security protocol and where it
NFC is a bidirectional and a proximity coupling stands. In this paper, we proposed a new and lightweight
technology that based on standard ISO14443 of the authentication protocol using NFC technology and
smart card (Ukalkar, 2017). The physical and data link analyzing its performance compared with other
layer for NFC modes are based on standard ISO18092, authentication protocols in terms of various factors.
but applications, device architecture and related topics Also, due to the rapid development of short-range
standards are still discussed by the NFC-Forum wireless communication technology, there is an increasing
(Ukalkar 2017). demand to design secure and efficient mobile applications

© 2019 Reham Abdellatif Abouhogail and Ahmed H. Ali. This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons
Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 license.
Reham Abdellatif Abouhogail and Ahmed H. Ali / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1809.1819
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1809.1819

(Levy et al., 2015). Thus, security is a prerequisite for NFC NFC wireless media
applications. Moreover, NFC technology transmission M
capacity is limited as its operating frequency is 13.56 MHz
and its transmission speed starting from 106 Kbps up to 424 NFC PS NFC mobile
Kbps cm (Odelu et al., 2016). As a result, authentication
protocol should ensure high security in addition to low
computation and communication time (Levy et al., 2015).
During the last years, there are many types of Database
research presented for authentication protocols that are
based on NFC. However, most of these proposed NFC
protocols have some weaknesses in information security Fig. 1: Mobile payment system based on NFC technology
and fairness. And as a result, these protocols face a
problem with many attacks (Ukalkar, 2017). In addition, Related Work
the missed of fairness prevents the trust among all NFC
system parties and without trust, no NFC applications Number of efficient and secured protocols are
are to be used that lead to a failure of the mobile NFC proposed for payment system using NFC application
proposed system (Ukalkar, 2017). (Thammarat and Kurutach, 2019; Badra and Badra,
In this paper, a new authentication protocol (AP for 2019; Ahamad et al., 2013; Tung and Juang, 2017; Al-
MAN) allowing to overcome weaknesses of existing Fayoumi and Nashwan, 2018; Nashwan, 2017;
corresponding protocols. The proposed protocol depends (Thammarat et al., 2015; Ceipidor et al., 2012;
on online communication with an authentication Kungpisdan and Metheekul, 2009; Ahamad et al., 2012;
Application Server (AS) that considered a representative Bojjagani and Sastry, 2019). As proposed by
of the confidence and security of issuing and acquiring (Thammarat et al., 2015), Thammarat et al. proposed
data from other systems. Moreover, it depends on two two protocols, NFCAuthv1 and NFCAuthv2.
devices support NFC application. So The proposed NFCAuthv1 is the authentication protocol between an M
protocol has three main entities as shown in Fig. 1, the mobile device and the AS server. NFCAuthv2 is the
main component of driver entity is the application server authentication protocol between M mobile device, PS
that handles all authentication and registration processes, device and the AS server. In the NFCAuthv1 protocol,
second and third entities are NFC mobile device and each mobile user needs to install an application. Then, M
Point-of-Sale (PS), finally, all the data processed will be makes registration through a secure channel. After the
stored in a database. The main security target for these registration process, the AS server and the M mobile can
types of protocols is to satisfy the mutual authentication create a set of session keys, SKN-ASj, where j = 1, …, m,
between these three mentioned shared parties. as mentioned in (Kungpisdan and Metheekul, 2009).
The main contribution of this paper is: First the This method for session key generation is used to
proposed protocol is free from the most security drawbacks prevent sending the session keys over the internet.
that other similar protocols suffer from. Second, comparing However, it may cause a data desynchronization attack.
with other comparable authentication protocols, the These proposed protocols use six messages. Another
proposed one satisfies low processing time, because it’s protocol called SAP-NFC protocol proposed in
based on Keyed Hash Message Authentication Code (Nashwan, 2017) and its performance analysis is
(HMAC) function. The HMAC function verifies the presented in (Al-Fayoumi and Nashwan, 2018). The
integrity and authenticity. Therefore, the mobile device SAP-NFC protocol's structure consists of the AS server
doesn’t need to run heavy processing functions to be and two NFC devices. In SAP-NFC protocol, some
authenticated making the proposed protocol more practical. assumptions are required like: Both of the AS and the
Third, the proposed protocol uses pseudonyms instead of NFC devices can generate their session keys using Key
the real identity of the users to preserve their privacy. These Derivation Function (KDF). To solve the problem of the
pseudonyms are updated periodically for more privacy data desynchronization attack, the AS saves the new and
preservation. Moreover, the mobile device in the (AP for the old session keys of the NFC devices in its database.
MAN) has a great immunity against denial of service attack The AS updates the identity of the NFC user for each
which preserves its limited resources. authentication and saves only the new and the old one as
This paper is organized as follows the following mentioned. Hence, it may not satisfy the non-repudiation
section reviews the related work, the proposed protocol problem. The authentication phase needs five messages.
is described in Section3. The proposed protocol is Another protocol is presented by Tung and Juang (2017),
evaluated in Section4. Section 5 presents performance which is called "Secure and Efficient Mutual
analysis compared with other similar protocols. Authentication Scheme for NFC Mobile Devices". In
Implementation for (AP for MAN) is presented in this protocol, the system is divided into three entities,
Section 6. Finally, Section 7 concludes the paper. two NFC devices and one AS server. It's divided into two

Reham Abdellatif Abouhogail and Ahmed H. Ali / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1809.1819
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1809.1819

phases, the registration phase and authentication phase. Registration Phase

After the registration phase, the NFC device will have its
required session key. This session key has a limited Registration of the NFC Mobile Device
lifetime as mentioned. However, the method of updating Through a secure communication channel, the
the session key is not mentioned. Thus, this protocol NFC mobile device (Mi ) performs the registration
satisfies forward and backward secrecy. Its computation procedures with the Authentication Server (AS) as
overhead is better than other because it uses the only follows:
number of MAC functions. However, it lacks privacy
property. The storing of old identities is not mentioned in
this protocol. Therefore, it can't satisfy the non- MSG#1: Mi  AS: IDMi R1
repudiation property. Tung and Juang's proposed MSG#2: AS  Mi : I Mi , R2, K Mi , TMi ,C; where; I Mi is the
protocol needs five messages in the authentication phase. pseudonym of the NFC mobile and I Mi =
Furthermore, one of the recent research in NFC
H( IDMi ||Ri ). It is valid during the valid life
mobile payment systems is proposed in (Ali et al., 2017),
in this research, a proposed payment system was time TMi . Note: I Mi is unique as the real
presented using NFC technology, in this system a web identity of the mobile device is unique due to
application was developed using java programming the preimage resistance of the hash function.
language and for data storage a database was used. A C: Is a random number used for the denial of
mobile system was developed using android software service check in the authentication phase
development technology that installed in both customer given to each registered mobile device. After
mobile and point of sale NFC reader. The registration the NFC mobile device receives MSG#2, it
and authentication phases of the proposed system totally stores I Mi , K Mi , C and TMi in its database and
depend on mobile identification and serial number that prepares MSG#3.
hashed to create a system identifier and registration data
MSG#3: Mi  AS: HMAC(R2, K Mi )
for both POS and mobile (Ali et al., 2017).

The Proposed Protocol After receiving MSG#3, AS calculates HMAC(R2, K Mi )

and compares the calculated value with the received one
In this section, we propose a new authentication
protocol for NFC mobile payment communications to to verify the integrity of K Mi . Hence, most of the
resolve the previous problems and to resist the weak authentication operation will depend on this key. The AS
points of existing protocols. The proposed (AP for stores I Mi , K Mi and TMi in its database. Note that I Mi and
MAN) protocol consists of two phases, namely, K Mi are updated after the life time period TMi . The AS
registration phase and authentication phase as shown in
still keeps I Mi and K Mi after TMi expired to prevent
Fig. 2 and 3 respectively. Table 1 presents the used
notations in our scheme. non_repudiation as will be clarified later.

Table 1: Notations
AS The Authentication Server
Mi The NFC mobile device i
PSj The point of sale i
IDMi , IDPSj The identity of the NFC mobile and the identity of the point of sale, respectively.
I Mi and I PSj The pseudonym of the NFC mobile and the point of sale; where i, j = 0, 1,.....n, respectively.
C Random number used to prevent denial of service check.
K Mi and K PSj The NFC mobile key and the point of sale key generated by the authentication server;
where i, j = 0, 1,.....n, respectively.
R1, N1 Nonce random numbers generated by the NFC mobile.
R2, N2 Nonce random numbers generated by the point of sale.
Tmi ,TPSj The valid life time for the NFC mobile and the point of sale; where i, j = 0, 1, .....n, respectively.
H(x) Hash function of the message x.
HMAC(x, k) Keyed Hash Message Authentication Code function (MAC) for the message x using the key k.
Es/Ds(x)k Symmetric encryption/ Decryption function for the message x using the key k.
MSG#i Message number i.
VM, VPS Verification messages.
AM, APS Authorization messages.

Reham Abdellatif Abouhogail and Ahmed H. Ali / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1809.1819
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1809.1819

Mi /PSi

IDMi / IDPSj , R1

Calculate I Mi / I PSj

I Mi / I PSj , R2, KMi / K PSj , TMi / TPSj , C

HMAC  R2, K Mi / K PSj 

Fig. 2: The Registration phase in the proposed protocol (AP for MAN)

PSi Mi
I ,K j I Mi , K Mi

I PSj , N1

Calculate VM

I Mi , N1, N 2,VM

Calculate VPS

I PSj I Mi , N 2, N1,VPS ,VM

Verify VM, VPS

Verify APS


Verify AM

Fig. 3: The authentication phase in the proposed protocol (AP for MAN)

A. 2 Registration of the Point of Sale 1. MSG#1: PSjAS: IDPSj , R1

2. MSG#2: ASPSj: I PSji ,R2, K PSj , TPSj ,C; where; I PSj
The Point of Sale (PSj) performs similar sequences of
operations for registration, under a secure channel. As is the pseudonym of PSj and I PSj  h  IDPSj || R j  . It
follows: is valid during the valid life time TPSj . C: is a

Reham Abdellatif Abouhogail and Ahmed H. Ali / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1809.1819
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1809.1819

random number used for the denial of service the received I PSj and I Mi . Then, AS starts to compute
check VM and VPS and checks if the results are the same as
3. MSG#3: PS j  AS : HMAC  R2, K PSj  the received values to verify the identification of the
NFC mobile Mi and the point of sale PSj. If the
After the PSj receives MSG#2, it stores I PSj , K PSj verification is passed, AS authenticates M and PS.
Then, AS prepares A PS and A M as authorization
and TPSj . Note that I PSj and K PSj are updated after the life
messages; Where, APS  HMAC  I PS I M || N1 N 2, K PSj  and
time period TPSj .
AS stores I PSj , K PSj and TPSj in its database. After TPSj AM  HMAC  I PS | I M N1|| N 2, K MS
 . Then AS sends AM
expired, the AS still keeps I PSj and K PSj to prevent and APS to PSj. Otherwise, AS terminates the session.
non_repudiation. Then, AS sends a message to the user MSG#4:ASPSj:AM,APS
(either the NFC mobile device or the Point of Sale) asking
him to take the new pseudonym and the new key. In the After PSj receives MSG#4, it computes APS and
following Subsection, the authentication phase is declared. checks if the computed value equals the received one. If
the check is passed, PSj authenticates AS and Mi. Then,
B. Authentication Phase sends AM to Mi.
After the registration phase, each one of the NFC MSG#5: PSjMi:AM
mobile Mi and the PSj has the required data to start the
authentication operation as follows. After receiving MSG#5, Mi computes AM and checks
The PSj sends MSG#1 to Mi contains a generated if the computed value equals the received one. If the
random number N1 and the NFC PS pseudonym I PSj . check is passed, Mi authenticates AS and PSj and the
authentication phase is finished.
MSG#1: PSj  Mi: I PSj ,N1,H(C||N)
Security Analysis
After Mi receives MSG#1, it calculates the hash
function for the stored C number concatenated with the In this section, the security analysis is presented, the
received random number. Then it compares the result analysis is based on the main security measures.
with the received value. If there isn’t any match. Mi Furthermore, the security features of the proposed
closes the session with this sender and doesn’t continue protocol have been compared with other similar NFC
the authentication process. This fast check protects the mobile payment authentication protocols.
mobile device from the possibility of occurrence of
Mutual Authentication
denial of service attack by sending, receiving and
preparing number of fake messages. So it gives the The (AP for MAN) uses about four MAC values to
mobile device the ability to differentiate between the accomplish the mutual authentication between the three
legitimate and illegitimate received messages. If Mi finds entities. To authenticate the point of sale PSj and the
the required match, it generates N2, computes VM as a NFC mobile Mi, the AS checks if the received I Mi / I PSj in
verification message. Then, Mi sends MSG#2 to PSj as a the pseudonym list or not. So, the AS can determine the
response. Note that: required keys KMi / K PSj for the following steps. After

VM  HMAC I Mi N1 N 2, K Mi  that, the AS calculates VPS or VM to verify the received
ones. If the received pseudonym is not in the list or the
calculated verification function doesn't equal the
MSG#2:Mi PSj: I Mi ,N1,N2,VM received values then the AS will consider the NFC
mobile or the point of sale is not legitimate and the AS
After PSj receives MSG#2, it computes VPS as a terminates the authentication session. The PSj verifies if
verification message; where: the received APS value equals the calculated value. If
they are not equal, the AS will be considered not

VPS  HMAC I PSj N1 N 2, K PSj .  legitimate and the PSj terminates the session. In the same
way, The Mi mobile checks whether the calculated AM
Then, PSj sends MSG#3 to AS. equals the received AM. If they are not equal, then the Mi
terminates the session and the AS will be considered not
MSG#3: PSjAS: I PSj I Mj ,N2,N1, VPS,VM legitimate. Note that the PSj device and the Mi device
authenticate each other indirectly by the AS. So we can
After receiving MSG#3, AS extracted from its say that the proposed protocol accomplishes the mutual
database the stored data, K PSj , KMi ,TMi and TPSi related to authentication between the three entities.

Reham Abdellatif Abouhogail and Ahmed H. Ali / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1809.1819
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1809.1819

Data Integrity (Nashwan, 2017) and therefore, he can know all the
mutual messages either old messages (to penetrate the
Data integrity property is satisfied by using MAC backward secrecy) or forward messages (to penetrate the
functions, which are generated by the users’ own keys. forward secrecy) between the legal partners. In the
Privacy proposed protocol, the user's session keys are sent
through a secure channel. Moreover, the user’s session
The privacy property or preserving the anonymity of the keys expire after a valid life time. After the expiration
users are very essential property. Especially, according to period, the users contact the server to take a new session
the payment application. The proposed protocol ensures key. Hence, the new keys are independent on the
that the adversary can't trace the users. The user's real previous keys. Therefore, penetration of the forward or
identity like: IDMi , IDPSj ,......etc. are involved inside their backward secrecy is improbable.
corresponding pseudonyms: I Mi and I PSj ,......etc. Moreover, Non-repudiation
These pseudonyms are changed after their corresponding
valid life times: Tmi , TPSj .......etc. have expired. So the The proposed protocol satisfies the non-
repudiation property, which means that the mobile
proposed protocol satisfies the required privacy property. user can't deny that he performed this operation.
Immunity against Attacks Because the AS server stores the previous identity of
each user for a certain time period. This time period is
In this section, we assume that the adversary can obtain determined according to the database storage and
and retransmit the mutual authentication messages. Then, what suits the provisions and legislation.
we will make an analysis for the important types of attacks
to test the possibility of occurrence of them. Formal Analysis
Man in the Middle Attack In this subsection, a formal analysis using BAN logic
(Burrows et al., 1990) is presented. BAN logic is a logical
The proposed protocol satisfies the mutual analysis method for authentication protocols. Using BAN
authentication between the involved entities. Therefore, logic gives the ability to determine the unnecessary
the adversary can't impersonate the legal users. functions in the protocol. Moreover, it gives the required
Replay Attack trust between the shared parties by proving the mutual
authentication property. Before making our analysis
The adversary can't impersonate the legal users and using BAN logic, the important notations and logical
open a session with them by replaying the messages rules which are used in BAN logic will be presented.
because he doesn't know the legal keys with the
corresponding pseudonyms. So the proposed protocol is Notations (Burrows et al., 1990)
secure against the replay attack. P X P believes X.
Denial of Service Attack P ⊳ X P sees X.
P|X P once said X.
The proposed protocol presents a fast method to P  X P has jurisdiction over X.
check the authorization. The mobile user starts the #(X) The formula X is fresh.
authentication phase by calculating a simple hash {X}K The formula X is encrypted under the key K.
function and comparison as declared in the previous
section. The result of this comparison determines Logical Rules (Burrows et al., 1990)
whether the mobile will continue in the authentication
P | p 
 Q, P  X K
process or not. Therefore, the required time to neglect 1. R1: , P  Q . This rule is
the fault messages is minimized. So the proposed P | Q | X
protocol has a great immunity against denial of service called the interpretation rule.
attack which preserves its limited resources. P |  Q |  X ,Y 
2. R2: . This rule is called the
Desynchronization Attack P |  Q | X  , P |  Q | Y
message meaning rule.
The proposed protocol doesn't use time
P |   X  , P | Q ~ X
synchronization. Therefore, it's free from the data 3. R3 : . This rule is called the
desynchronization attack. P | Q | X
nonce verification rule.
Forward and Backward Secrecy of the Key P | Q  X , P | Q | X
4. R4: . This rule is called the
Forward and backward secrecy of the user's key P | X
means that the attacker can detect the session keys jurisdiction rule.

Reham Abdellatif Abouhogail and Ahmed H. Ali / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1809.1819
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1809.1819

P|    X  Using Equation (6) and R1, we obtain:

5. R5: . This rule is called the freshness rule.
P|    X , Y 
6. R6: P|  Q |~ X   P|  Q |~  X ,Y  . This rule is
AS  PS |  N1, I PS (7)

called the synthetic rule. Using Equation (7) and R5, we obtain:
P|   X , Y 
7. R7:
P|   X  P|  Y  AS  #  N1, I PS  (8)

This is called the belief rule. Using Equation (7 and 8) and R3, we obtain:
The proposed protocol will be transformed into the
following formulas. MSG #1 will be neglected, because AS  PS   N1, I PS  (9)
it’s consisted of plaintext.
To prove that the mutual authentication between the
From Equation (9) and R7:
shared parties is satisfied we have to prove:
AS  PS  I PS (10)
 First: For certain data X, ASPSX and ASX;
where; AS is the Authentication Server and PS is the
Point of Sale. From Equation (9 and 10) and R4, we obtain:
 Second: For certain data Y, ASMY and ASY;
where M is the mobile user: AS  I PS (11)

M  PS : I M ,# N1,# N 2,  I M ,# N1,# N 2K (1) From Equations (10 and 11), we prove that AS

authenticates PS.
PS  AS : I M , I PS , # N1, # N 2, Using Equation (6) and R4, we obtain:
 I M , # N1, # N 2 K ,  I ps , # N1, # N 2 K
m ps AS  M |  N 2, I 
M (12)

AS  PS :  I M , I PS ,# N1,# N 2K ,  I M , I PS ,# N1,# N 2 K (3)

m ps Using Equation (12) and R5, we obtain:

PS  M :  I M , I PS ,# N1,# N 2K
(4) AS  #  N 2, I M  (13)

We have some Initial assumptions: Using Equations (13 and 12) and R3, we obtain:

AS  AS  M AS  M   N 2, I M 
A1: (14)
A2: M  AS 
A3: PS  AS 
From Equation (14) and R7, we obtain:
AS  AS  PS
K ps
A4: AS  M  I M (15)
A5: AS# N1
A6: AS# N2 Using Equation (15), A8 and R4, we obtain:
A8: ASM  IM AS  I M (16)
A9: MAS  IM
A10: PSAS  IPS From Equations (15 and 16), So AS authenticates M.
A11: PS# N1 By dividing Equation (3) into three parts and by using
A12: M# N2 Equation (4) we can get the following three Equations:

Using Equation (1), A1 and R2, we obtain: AS  PS :  Im , I ps ,# N1, N 2  (17)


AS  M | I M , N1, N 2 (5)
AS  M :  Im , I ps ,# N1, N 2  (18)
Using Equation (2), A4 and R2, we obtain:
AS  PS :  I m , I ps ,# N1, N 2 
AS  PS | I PS , N1, N 2 (6) K ps

Reham Abdellatif Abouhogail and Ahmed H. Ali / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1809.1819
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1809.1819

From Equation (18), A3 and R2, we obtain: From Equation (29) and R7, we obtain:

M  AS | I M , I PS , N1, N 2  (20) PS  AS  I PS (30)

From Equations (30), A10 and R4, we obtain:

Using Equation (20) and R1, we obtain:
PS  I PS (31)
M  AS | I M , N 2 (21)
From Equations (30 and 31), we prove that PS
Using Equation (21), A12 and R5, we obtain: authenticates AS. From the previous analysis and the
properties of BAN logic, we prove that the mutual
M  #  I M , N 2 (22) authentication property between the three entities AS, PS
and M is verified. Moreover, our proposed protocol is
free from redundancy.
Using Equations (21 and 22) and R3, we obtain:
Performance Analysis
M  AS   I M , N 2 (23)
In the proposed protocol, the mutual authentication
property is satisfied by four MAC functions. No public
From Equation (23) and R7, we obtain:
or symmetric encryption operations are required. No
excessive processing operations are required from the
M  AS  I M (24) mobile user side, which considered suitable for its
limited capability. In this section, we select a number of
From Equations (24), A9 and R4, we obtain: recent and lightweight computations NFC authentication
protocols for comparison, that is described in Section 2
M  IM (25) (Tung and Juang, 2017; Al-Fayoumi and Nashwan,
2018). The performance comparison is according to the
From Equations (24 and 24), we prove that M following important parameters: Computation overhead,
authenticates AS. Computation cost (ms), the number of required messages
From Equation (19), A3 and R2, we obtain: through the authentication phase, M. The comparison is
performed for the authentication phase only. The
processing time for updating the session key after each
PS  AS | I M , I PS ,# N1,# N 2  (26) period is ignored. The computation time for different
cryptographic operations listed in Table 2 is used in our
Using Equation (26) and R1, we obtain: comparison to calculate the computation cost.
According to the results that are appeared in Table 3,
we can notice that NLA protocol has an intermediate
PS  AS | I PS , N1 (27) result between the other compared protocols.

Using Equation (27), A11 and R5, we obtain: Table 2: The computation time for different cryptographic
operations (Abouhogail, 2016)
Cryptographic function The used algorithm Time (ms)
PS  #  I PS , N1 (28) MAC HMAC 0.015
H SHA-2 0.009
Using Equations (28 and 29) and R3, we obtain: Epub RSA 1.420
Es AES 2.100
Dpub RSA 33.300
PS  AS   I PS , N1 (29) Ds AES 2.200

Table 3: Performance comparison among different NFC payment authentication protocols

Tung and Juang's protocol SAP-NFC protocol
(Tung and Juang, 2017) (Al-Fayoumi and Nashwan 2018) AP for MAN
Computation overhead 8MAC 2Es+2Ds+10H 9HMAC+ H
Computation cost (ms) 0.12 8.69 0.144
Number of messages through the 5 5 5
authentication phase.

Reham Abdellatif Abouhogail and Ahmed H. Ali / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1809.1819
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1809.1819

Simulation and Protocol Evaluation API to develop the proposed hashing mechanism
(Kasgar et al., 2013). Table 4 shows the protocol
The proposed protocol was developed using the Java variables for the test scenario as per the abbreviations
Software Development Kit (SDK) and mobile virtual that presented in Table 1.
machine simulator in additional to the Java Application The proposed protocol was implemented and
Programming Interface (API) to verify and evaluate the evaluated using the most recent Java API taking into
proposed protocol (Coskun et al., 2013). The consideration the time consumption for each part of the
implementation was simulated on a local host. The code to enhance the authentication process time. The
language used to write the protocol is a Java tool which implementation and evaluation of the proposed protocol
is a platform-independent tool (Cheon, 2019). Figure 4 show the efficiency of the protocol.
shows the used component and the development
environment consists of two Integrated Development
Environment (IDE): One platform-specific IDE and one
for developing NFC mobile proposed protocol. Thus, a Prototype project
combination of many tools is used for multiplatform
application development.
A Custom application was configured in the
development environment by composing platform-
specific IDEs and tools as shown in Fig. 4. The
proposed prototype consists of two developed Java IDE tool Android
applications as shown in details in Fig. 4, the first studio tool
application is an android application that developed
using android studio tool and this application will be
installed into customer mobile application, the second
application was developed using Java technologies
that developed using java IDE tool , this program will Java project
be installed at system servers to generate needed keys project
as per proposed protocol, the proposed system was
developed based on java pre-define library and used to
develop NFC based applications. Library project
We performed a small case study to evaluate the
proposed protocol, as the proposed protocol totally
depends on the hash function for all its variables, so Fig. 4: Project development environment
we used NFC Message-Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5)

Table 4: Protocol variables for the test case.

Variables Test case value NOTE
ID , M C7CWF0CQJC6M It can be mobile serial number
IDPS NE1GAM0750907202 It can be POS serial number
I M da8eee2f864555f65 Calculated using MD5 hash function
I PS 064bec6493a42a3f383 Calculated using MD5 hash function
K Mi MOBILE8 It is a concatenation between word “POS” in case of point of dale or
POS5 “MOBILE” in case of mobile and incremental number
R1 2zyxy Auto generated random variable
N1 71358925
R2 yy11z
N2 95286547
TPSi 11062019 Its value equal to registration date plus one day in format of ddMMyyyy
Tmi 11062019

Reham Abdellatif Abouhogail and Ahmed H. Ali / Journal of Computer Science 2019, 15 (12): 1809.1819
DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2019.1809.1819

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