25 31 - 34 00 Ley

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25:31 - 34:00 ley o It because in the determination

of the median value, we are

Properties of Median
looking for the middle value. If
- Unique and simple. we arrange our values in an
o Similar to mean which means array even though there are
there is only 1 median per data extreme values on both ends we
set and simple meaning will only make use of the
interpretation is easy. It’s the middle value.
middle most point in an array of
o Does not make use of all - The values which occurs most
observations in computation. frequently in a set of observations or
 Compared to arithmetic values.
mean we will get the o Meaning this is the most
sum of all the frequent seen number.
observations and we o It can be absent or multiple. We
will divide it to the no. can have only 1 mode that is
of observations. In common or multiple modes,
median, it is odd meaning there are many
numbers we will only different common observations.
get the one on the value - Computation is generally not needed
without concerning o Because what we need to do
other values. If the here is we need to tally the
number of observations answers on how many values
is even, we will only get are common to each other.
the mean of the 2 - May be determined for any type of
middle most position. variable or scale of measurement.
- Can be computed for quantitative o It has a more general application
variables and variables in the ordinal because even in the nominal
scale. scale we can determine the
o Since in the ordinal scale it is modes. There is no calculation.
qualitative, since it has ranking
system, we can get the median Example:
value of the ordinal. Example Eleven (11) students were asked about their
we have survey questionnaire favourite street food. The results were as
and the manner of answering is follows:
in a likert scale (1-5), if we
summarize those values the Student Street food
most appropriate is the median 1. Fish ball
to see the middle most 2. Kwek kwek
observation. It can be 50% of 3. Kikiam
the respondents answered 2 and 4. Kwek kwek
below and then the others more 5. Cheese sticks
than 2. 6. Kwek kwek
- The median is not as drastically affected 7. Fish ball
by extreme values unlike the mean. 8. Kwek kwek
9. Kikiam
10. Cheese sticks data set. Because if the data set
11. Kikiam have same values, for example
in a class of 40 students an
examination is conducted and
This are nominal scale date because the
all of the students got 30/40,
categories under street food are just labels or
there are no variation. But if
there are different scores such as
In order to determine the most frequent or mode 20, 15, 10, 40 so there will be
we just have to determine the street food with variability or variation.
the most response.
Arranged version by mode:

Street food
Cheese sticks
Cheese sticks
Fish ball
Fish ball
Kwek kwek
In the study of dispersion or variation, there
Kwek kwek
three frequency distributions with equal means
Kwek kwek
but different amount of dispersion. The graph
Kwek kwek
Therefore, by just looking by this arranged above that there are 3 frequency distributions
values we can see there are two (2) respondents that olds different colors. We have curve I, curve
that answered cheese sticks, two (2) for fish ball, II, and curve III. As we can see their central
three (3) for kikiam, and four (4) for kwek kwek. tendency is only one because their peaks are at
one place. However, their spread or width is
Kwek kwek is the mode of our data sets different where curve I has a narrow spread,
becauseit has the most observations. curve II has a wider spread than curve 1, and the
widest is curve III.
What does this graph means?
The most common (or most usual) street food
favourite of students is kwek kwek (4/11). Meaning curve I has a smallest dispersion or
variation, where its data sets has nearer values to
That is all for central tendency. Again the central
the central tendency compared to curve II and
tendencies are the best representation our data
curve III. The widest curve is curve III meaning
sets. Usual value in the center.
its values has larger gap from the central
Measures of Dispresion tendency or far from each other. Curve I has
values near to each other within the data set.
Dispersion / Variation
- Refers to the variety or spread exhibited
by a set of observations.
o Dispersion or variation happens
if the data set is different or the
values are not the same within a

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