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1. State the purpose of the experiment.

- Investigate the conditions for the occurrence of the external photovoltaic


- The dependence of the photocurrent intensity on the voltage applied to the

photoelectric cell.

- The dependence of the saturation photocurrent on the illuminance intensity. into

the photoelectric cell.

2+3. Draw layout pictures, assemble experimental equipment (not allowed to

take a photo of actual experiments or experimental videos. You could draw
pictures with drawing software or draw pictures on paper and take photos
then). Numbering on the figure just drawn corresponds to the main
components in the experimental set-up.

4. Briefly describe the main function of the main components in the


1) Light bulb: emits visible light, irradiating radiation directed at the photocell

2) Cathode: curved metal, giving off electrons when under the effect of radiation
3) Anode: capture the electrons bounced off the cathode

4) Glass: cover the cathode and anode to reduce environmental influences but still
allow ultraviolet rays to pass-through

5) Ammeter: measure the amperage of the photoelectric cell

6) Voltmeter: measure the voltage of a photoelectric cell

7) Available electrical circuit: for the investigation to focus on the radiation

entering the photoelectric cell.

5. Briefly describe the steps to conduct the experiment and predict the
evolution of physical phenomena in the experiment.
* Before conducting the experiment:
- Connect voltmeter and ammeter
- Power supply for equipment
* Ex1:
+ With low light intensity
- Forward current: U increases to +23V, then I saturate
- Reverse current: U decreases to -0.7V, then I equals 0
+ With great light intensity
- Forward current: U increases to +37V, then I is near saturation (slow increase)
- Reverse current: U decreases to -0.8V, then I equals 0
* Ex2:
+ With red filter
- Forward current: U increases to +11V, then I saturate
- Reverse current: U drops to -6V, then I equals 0
+ With blue tint filter
- Forward current: U increases to +40V, then I saturate
- Reverse current: U decreases to -0.9V, then I equals 0
6. Write the names of the physical quantities to be measured (quantitative) or
the names of the physical characteristics and properties to be observed
(qualitative) in the experiment.
+ The physical quantities to be measured:
- Voltage
- Amperage
+ Physical properties to be observed
Strong and weak intensity of incident light

7. State the purpose of the manipulations that will affect the experimental
The operations that will affect the experimental equipment:
- Rotate the potentiometers => change the light intensity, change the voltage
- Change the direction of the switch => change the direction of the current
(forward / reverse)

8. Draw a picture or take a picture from the experimental video of each step
of the operation on the experimental device and describe the operation.
* Before conducting the experiment:
- Connect voltmeter and ammeter

- Power supply for equipment

* Ex1:
+ Adjust light intensity small

+ Large light intensity adjustment

+ Change direction of current

* Ex2:
+ Replace the red filter
+ Replace the blue filter

9. Present the measured results (quantitative) or describe the characteristics

and properties of the observed phenomenon (qualitative)
* Ex1:
+ With low light intensity
- Forward current: U increases to +23V, then I saturate
- Reverse current: U decreases to -0.7V, then I equals 0
+ With great light intensity
- Forward current: U increases to +37V, then I is near saturation (slow increase)
- Reverse current: U decreases to -0.8V, then I equals 0
* Ex2:
+ With red filter
- Forward current: U increases to +11V, then I saturate
- Reverse current: U drops to -6V, then I equals 0
+ With blue tint filter
- Forward current: U increases to +40V, then I saturate
- Reverse current: U decreases to -0.9V, then I equals 0

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