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Message Outline

Background: Diversity targets are centered on the company's objectives in order to foster a
culture in which employees are aware that their contributions to increasing efficiency and
successful job performance, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, age, etc., are valued by the
organization's leadership.

Issue/Problem: The primary issue that arises because of an organization's failure to consider
diversity targets is that its workforce is unable to function as a single, cohesive unit toward the
accomplishment of business goals. The inability to effectively collaborate and communicate with
one another, both within teams and among individual employees, leads to poor performance
results and, in almost all cases, an inability to successfully complete the duties that were given to

Question: Should companies adopt diversity?

Main Message:
It is vital that every firm establishes diversity goals
because the accomplishment of these goals generates a
sense of equilibrium in the corporate culture, proper
motivation, and a sense of belonging and concern on the
part of each and every individual working for the

Supporting Point #1: Supporting Point #2: Supporting Point #3:

Because they are well Because they will want to It will be simpler to hire
motivated and properly remain in a company where new applicants because, as
understand one other, and there is a diverse cultural they learn of the positive
because they are free from orientation that aligns to diversity targets being set
conflicts and arguments, the needs and shows by top management and the
you can anticipate the empathy to their opportunity for continuous
employees to have the best employees, it is possible to improvement that has been
level of productivity anticipate long-term allotted to them, more
possible. retention of highly skilled applicants will be attracted
employees who have and interested in applying
exceptional expertise. This to work in the organization
can be expected because whenever job postings are
such employees will prefer made available. This will
to remain in a company make it easier to hire new
where there is a diverse employees.
cultural orientation.
10 References

1. Carruthers. (2022, February 17). Examples of Diversity and Inclusion performance goals:
how to set and achieve them | Together Mentoring Software. Examples of Diversity and
Inclusion Performance Goals: How to Set and Achieve Them | Together Mentoring
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2. Dark. (2021, November 30). How to Set Smart Diversity Goals with Examples - FairHQ.
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Nurture an Engaged and Satisfied Workforce | Vantage Circle HR Blog. Retrieved
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4. Shook. (2021, June 25). How to Set — and Meet — Your Company’s Diversity Goals.
Harvard Business Review. Retrieved November 4, 2022, from
5. Campbell. (2022, July 19). What Diversity Means in the Workplace and Why it’s
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7. Lloyd, V. (2022). Diversity is not just about hitting targets | theHRD. theHRDIRECTOR.
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8. Trinidad, C. (2017, April 4). Part 3: Setting Diversity and Inclusion Goals. Lever.
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9. Bush, M. (2021, April 13). Why Is Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace Important?
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10. Duchek, S., Raetze, S. & Scheuch, I. The role of diversity in organizational resilience: a
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