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Supplier Data Registration Manual

1. Overview
Supplier Manual

□ Data registration process

- Supplier Data Input  SEC Approval  Reflect to Evaluation

Approval SEC Approval Reflect to

Data Input Approval
Request Evaluation

※ If approved data is changed, it is able to be updated after requesting to person in charge of

Supplier evaluation in Samsung.

□ System : G-SRM (

□ Data : Performance data per evaluation items

2. Evaluation System
Supplier Manual

G-SRM login (

Access Supplier Evaluation Module

Check Target for Evaluation (Schedule & Contact Info.)

Select Data Registrant and input data

Select Data Registration and input data

Supplier Manual

□ Evaluation System Access : G-SRM login  Supplier Evaluation


Supplier Manual

□ Evaluation System Access : G-SRM login  Supplier Evaluation


Supplier Manual

□ Check Evaluation Target : Click “Schedule & Contact Info.” menu

① If you’re a target  You can see an evaluation details

※ Evaluation Name of 2022 : "2022 Supplier Evaluation(DX)"

Supplier Manual

② If you’re not target  You can see “No Ongoing evaluation” message.

Supplier Manual

□ Evaluation Schedule & Contact Person of GBM/Subsidiary

- Evaluation Information  Schedule & Contact Info.
★If you have inquiry, please contact to person in main-subsidiary

Supplier Manual

□ Search for Checklist

- Evaluation Information  Checklist

Supplier Manual

□ Agreement of “Confirmation for Data Correctness “

- Select Evaluation Name  Search  Agreement Pup-up  Agree

Supplier Manual

□ Registration of person in charge of data registration

- Evaluation Execution  Data Registrant

Evaluation Name - Select evaluation to proceed

Search - Search CEO & Data Registrant Information
Edit - If you need to edit CEO’s contact info for only supplier evaluation, you can modify it
Register Data Registrant - Add a line  Search G-SRM ID  Select ID  Save

※ This contact info. will be used for “Data Confirm of Representative” and the reply for approval request.
Unless this register contact info, You can not use other menu.

Supplier Manual

□ Main screen of Data Registration

- Evaluation Execution  Data Registration

Evaluation Items - Evaluation item list, supplier have to register the data for all items.
- Registration status
(Unregistered  Save  Request for approval  Approved)
Confirmation for Data Correction - Check the agreement contents and the person who submitted it

3. Data Registration
Supplier Manual

□ Data Registration in G-SRM system

- Menu : Evaluation Execution  Data Registration  Evaluation Items

- Data : Performance data per evaluation items

ㆍ Put the data for all items under ‘Data Registration’ menu
 Items are different by Industry, Check Industry in ‘Schedule & Contact Info.’ menu

- Step for completion

ㆍ Data input & Document attach  Save  Request for Approval

 SEC Approval  Score will be reflected

※ You can login through any login ID given all supplier code you transact and
you can see items to input are same in every supplier code, so please input merged data for all your plant in same country
(supplier code is normally given by each supplier plant)
※ When SEC purchaser is rejected, please modify data and Re-request approval  Must check approval status

Supplier Manual

□ The screen type of registration

1. No. of valid patent
2. Ability of technology, Investment on R&D
3. Self Improvement Project
4. Information Security management capability

Supplier Manual

[ Screen Type 1 ]
- The number of valid patent


Supplier Manual

- Add a line  Input Detail  Save  Request for Approval

Technology Type - Input technology type (Patent or utility model)
Patent Name - Input Patent Name registered in Patents Office
Registration date - Input the Date of Patent registered in Patents Office
Valid date - Input Patent valid Date (must Valid in evaluation period)
Identification No. - Input Identification No.
Attachment - Attaching evidence materials
Save & - Click Save after input all data and attachment and Click “Request for Approval”
Request for Approval (supplier can click save button anytime)
No performance - Check if you have no performance to register
List - To the main screen

Supplier Manual
[ Screen Type 2 ]
- Ability of technology


- Person who develop new technology, product in R&D team (exclude outsourcing person)
No. of engineers - Person who develop production technology, yield improvement, etc.
- If R&D center is located abroad, Calculate including all abroad employee
No. of all employees - Input all employee
Attachment - Related document which shows clearly evidence
Save & - Click Save after input all data and attachment and Click “Request for Approval”
Request for Approval (supplier can click save button anytime)
No performance - Check if you have no performance to register
List - To the main screen

Supplier Manual
[ Screen Type 2 ]
- Investment on R&D


Sales amount - Input “Sales amount” from credit rating report or financial statement based on last year

R&D expenses - Input “R&D expenses” from credit rating report or financial statement based on last year
Attachment - Related document which shows clearly evidence
Save & - Click Save after input all data and attachment and Click “Request for Approval”
Request for Approval (supplier can click save button anytime)
No performance - Check if you have no performance to register
List - To the main screen

Supplier Manual
[ Screen Type 3 ]
- Self improvement projects


Title - Input project title

Execution Period - Input start date and end date of project
Performance Item - Select improved result ; Quality, Productivity, Cost, Process Improvement
Unit - Unit
Current Level - Input Current Level
Expected Level - Input Expected Level
Improved Level - Input Improved Level
Attachment - Related document which shows clearly in detail
Save & - Click Save after input all data and attachment and Click “Request for Approval”
Request for Approval (supplier can click save button anytime)

Supplier Manual
[ Screen Type 4 ]
- Information Security management capability

1. Download template 2. Attached result

Score - Download template and execute self-assessment and insert total score (Full score : 100 pts)

Attached result - Attached result file with total score and evidence
Save & - Click Save after input all data and attachment and Click “Request for Approval”
Request for Approval (supplier can click save button anytime)
No performance - Check if you have no performance to register
List - To the main screen

4. Expected Score
Supplier Manual

□ Calculation of Expected Score

- Scores of checklists with data registered by supplier or SEC

will be calculated by the actual data

- The previous evaluation data will be substituted

for when no data registered by supplier or SEC
(Previous evaluation data will only be valid for expected score calculation not for the final result)

- In case of no current data entered without previous data,

will get marked as "0" point

※ Scores before final result could be fluctuated

due to relative evaluation of performance within the same industry

Supplier Manual

□ Check Expected Score

- Evaluation Execution  Expected Score

Expected score is calculated by this year's approved data

5. Contact Point
Supplier Manual

- If you meet system error : contact to SERVICE DESK

ㆍContact : +82-1800-3131

ㆍE-Mail :

Supplier Manual

Thank you.


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