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Udoye Marycynthia Chinaza





Psychology of substance abuse

Assignment- 1a)What are the opiate drugs

1b)What are the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse

2) What are the stages of alcohol dependence.

1a) Opiates, sometimes known as narcotics, are a type of drug that acts as depressants on the central
nervous system (CNS). Opiates come from opium, which can be produced naturally from poppy plants;
opioids are chemically synthesized opiate-like drugs. Some of the common opiates includes; morphine,
codeine, hydrocodone, fentanyl, heroin, oxycodone. e.t.c. Opiate is properly limited to the natural
alkaloids found in the resin of the opium poppy although some include semi-synthetic derivatives.
Opiates work by binding to specific receptors in the brain, mimicking the effects of pain-relieving
chemicals that are produced naturally.

1b) The dangers of drug and alcohol abuse are but not limited to

i) Health complications- Abuse can lead to abnormal heart rates and heart attacks. Injecting
drugs can lead to collapsed veins and infections in heart valves.
ii) Infections- Under the influence of drugs, one may have unprotected sex and thus contract
STD. Sharing the same needle used to inject certain drugs can give you diseases like hepatitis
C, hepatitis B, and HIV.
iii) Legal consequences- Drug and alcohol abuse not only has negative effects on health but has
legal consequences that you will have to deal with for the rest of your life. Abusing drugs
can leave you unemployed as many employers require a drug test for employment. Driving
under the influence of drug can cause a suspended drivers license.
iv) Financial problems- Drugs and alcohol are expensive and so set your finances back. It also
impacts your productivity and success at work and in school. The time spent on drugs can be
better spent learning new skills to advance one’s career.
v) Injuries and death- The use of alcohol and drugs can cause physical injuries because it
causes car accidents and other home accidents. Also, drug-related deaths are on the rise,
since the 1980’s. Alcohol has been said to kill 5.2 million accidental injuries and 1.8 million
each year.

2) The stages of alcoholic dependence are categorized into four. They are;

i) Pre alcoholic stage- It is characterized with little evidence of problem drinking. Drinking is primarily
social at this stage. But as time goes on, drinking is increased because it is used as a means of stress
reduction. The major physiological feature of this stage is that the individual develops a tolerance on
alcohol. This means that the individual would function properly even with greater amount of alcohol. It
also requires greater amount to reach the desired state. Drinking to forget or avoid worrying is an
indicator of the pre-alcoholic stage.

ii) Early alcoholic stage- There is growing discomfort with drinking and an inability to resist it. Tolerance
still grows, serious medical issues begin to arise, and the individual lies to close relatives and friends
about drinking.
iii) Middle alcoholic stage- Physical and social effects of drinking is noticed. Alcoholic blackout after
drinking is experienced. There is a strong craving for alcohol. Symptoms of withdrawal like Enlarged
pupils, severe headaches, loss of appetite, vomiting, heart palpitations, shakiness and so on are noticed.
Your drinking habit becomes obvious to those around you. And there would be problems completing
tasks at work or school.

iv) Late alcoholic stage- Total control here is lost. Drinking interferes with relationship between loved
ones. There is frequent alcoholic black-out, alcohol is needed to facilitate sleep. Work output diminishes
and so holding down a job because difficult. One starts experiencing medical problems. Mental focus is
on the next drink.

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