Mines (3.47MTPA) EC Compliance 16

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JCCUJ BCP/4(G) t2O 1 6- +Lr3

30'" November 2016

The Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests,
MoEF, Regional office (South Zone),
No: 34, Cathedral Garden Road.
Chennai - 600034

Sub: Compliance Report of EC granted by MoEF Vide Letter Ref. No J-11015/466/2008-lA.ll

(M) dt. 1Oth December,2OOg for Budawada Limestone Mine at Village Budawada, Mandal
Jaggayyapeta, District Krishna, Andhra Pradesh.

Dear Sir,

We are enclosing half yearly compliance report for the period April 2016 to September 2016 in
respect of Specific and General Conditions stipulated in Environmental Clearance received vide
MoEF letter under reference for your kind perusal and reference please.

Kindly acknowledge.

Thanking You.

Yours faithfully,
For Jaypee Balaji Cement Plant
(A Unit of Jaypee Cement Corporation Limited)

President - Technical

Encl: Compliance report of Stipulated Environmental Conditions.

Copy to:

i) 2no floors, Nirasaga Bhavan, A-Block, Thammaiah

Zonal Officer, CPCB, Zonal office, 1"' &
Main road, 7'n Cross, Shivanagar, Pushpanjali Theatre, Bengaluru-560 010, Karnataka.

ii) The Member Secretary, A.P.Pollution Control Board, Paryavaran Bhavan, A-2.
Industrial Estate, Sanath Nagar, Hyderabad-500018.

iii) The Environmental Engineer, Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board,

Regional office, Plot No.41, Sri Kanakadurga officers' Colony, Gurunanak Road,
Vijayawada - 520 008.

works : Posl Bag No. 9, Survey No. 99, Villag€ - Budawada, Jaggayyapet - Mandat
Krishna Districl (A.P) 521 175 Phr +91 (8654) 285011-18
i/ Fax: +91 (8654)285010 Email

Corp.&Reg.: Sedor '128, -
Noida 201304, Uttar Pradesh (lNOlA)
Offc€ Ph:+91 (120) 4609000,2470800 Far:+91 (120) 4609464,4609496
Head Otfic. : JA House, 63 Basanl Lok, Vasant Viha( New DelhiJ10057 (lndia)
Ph + 9l('11) 26141540, 26147411 Fax :+91 (11)26145389, 26143591

Clearance Letter No MoEF Vide Letter Ref. No J-11015/455/2008-lA.ll (Ml

oated| tolL2l2oog

Period of Compliance Report : l't April, 2015 to 30th September, 2016

Specific Conditions:

Forest clearances were issued by MoEF (FC Div.), GOI vide

Environmental clearance is subject to
letter F.No.8-93/2010-FC dated 01.03.201L.
obtaining forest clearance under the Forest
Diversion of forest land for mining purpose was approved
(Conservation) Act, 1980 from the
vide G.o.Ms.No.130 Dated 30.12.2011.
Competent Authority before start of work at
Mining activity commenced from

Wildlife conservation plan shall be prepared Conservation plan approval received, vide letter
in consultation with the office of the Chief No.48837/2010/WL1 Dt.18.11.2010. Permission received
Wildlife Warden and imDlemented within six vide letter G.O Ms. No 130. Dt. 30.12.2011.
months. The plan shall comprise of in-built As per new rules, this approved RRCP cannot build in
monitoring mechanism with . special isolated location. lt has to be linked with zoological areas.
emphasis to orotection of Schedule-l Deposited Rs.1.4 Cr. towards construction and maintenance
species. The status of implementation shall of enclosures for RRCP to Prl. Chief Conservator of Forest.
be submitted to the Ministrv. Hvderabad.

Hydro-geological study is being carried out annually. lt has

been carried out during post monsoon period 2014 to poat
monsoon period 2015 for the last time by Hydro-Geosurvey
Consultants (P.) Ltd. No adverse impact on ground water
quality and quantity has been found.

Hydro-geological study of the area shall be

reviewed annually and results submitted to
the Ministry and concerned agency in the
State Govt. In case adverse impact on
ground water quality and quantity is
observed, mining shall be immediately
stopped and resumed only after mitigating
steps to contain any adverse impact on
ground water is implemented.
8H-CB-17 16.70 76.62 21.10 -4.40

8H-CB-18 26.50 2t.25 -0.0s

BH.PJ8.21 IO.J7 74.52 1!.24 -0.47

BH-CB-40 13.75 20.26 15.70 17.40 -3.6s

8H-CB-41 15.42 collapsed collapsed collapsed collapsed

8H-CB-42 18.30 collapsed collapsed collapsed collapsed

BH-CB-31 13.40

A 50 m barrier no mining zone on the side(s)

of the nallahs/streams flowing in or adiacent There are no Nallahs/Streams in or adjacent to ML area,
(iv) the lease (if any) shall be demarcated and hence not applicable.
the barrier shall be thickly vegetated with
native soecies of trees and shrubs.
The company shall ensure that no silt
originating due to mining activity is There is no surface water course adiacent to M[ area.
transported in the surface water course (if
any) flowing in the area.
Cumulative impact of this mine and other A study was conducted and a report for "Cumulative impact
mines including Madras Cements Ltd and of this mine and other mines including Madras Cements Ltd
(vi) cement olants in the area on the ambient air and cement plants in the area on the ambient air quality"
quality shall be assessed and data submitted was prepared. Copy of the same was submitted in June-2011
to the Ministrv within six months, as a part of six monthly compliance reports.

Shelter belt i.e. Wind Break consisting of

Shelter belt is not required as of now since there is no
adequate tiers of plantations around lease
habitation. However, greenbelt is being developed along the
(vii) facing the human habitation, boundarv of the Mine.
school/agricultural fields etc. (if any in the
vicinity) shall be raised.

Occupational health cell headed.by a qualified occupational

health professional has been constituted. Thorough medical
checkup is being conducted for all the personnel being
inducted for operation and maintenance of the Mines, which
shall be base data for improving mitigative measures.
Employees are monitored for occupational diseases by
conducting following tests:
* periodic medical examination-Yearly
* lung function test-Yearly
OccuDational Health Cell shall be created at *Audiometry-Yearly
the company under the charge of an officer *Chest X-Ray once in five year
(viii) of adequate seniority who is qualified +Eve test
person in occupational health.
105 no's of employees have been undergone Medical
checkup in Ma rch,2016.
First aid training is being imparted to the selected
emplovees regu larly.
Personnel dust exposure monitoring is being carried out
regularly. Persons exposed to dust are provided with masks
Personnel exposure monitoring for dust shall

(ix) and wet drilling is adopted.
be carried out for the workers.

Apr 2015 3.4 3.2 3.5 2.9 2.1 2.6 2.3 2.8

M.y2016 3.7 3.0 3.2 3.0 2.4 2.1

,un 2016 3.1 2.6 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.1 2.6 2.2

,f ul 2015 2.5 2.2 2.6 3.0 2.3 1.9 2.7 2.8

Au8 2016 2.8 2.4 3.2 2.8 2.6 2.3 3.0 2.7

sep 2016 2.2 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.0 2.7 2.8 3.2

Land use pattern of the nearby villages shall

There are four villages existing in the nearby area i.e.
be studied, including common property
Budawada (1.4 Km.), Muktyala (2.a Km.), Kavutuvari
resources available for conversion into
Agraharam (0.7 Km.) & JagBayyapet (8.4 Km.). Land use
productive land. Action plan for abatement
pattern of these villages has been studied and had been
(x) and compensation for damage to submitted to MoEF. As such no damage is envisaged due to
agricultural land/common property land (if
the mining activity to the agriculture land / common
any) in the nearby villages, due to mining
property in these villages.
activity shall be submitted to the Ministry
within six months.
Need based assessment for the nearby
villages shall be conducted to study Uodated status till date.
economic measures with action plan which
can help in upliftment of poor section of Expenditure
society. Income generating projects S.No. Nature of Activity incurred in Lakhs
consistent with the traditional skills of the I Community welfare ro4.26
people besides development of fodder farm, Environment
2 324.27
(xi) fruit bearing orchards, vocational training Emolovment 30.80
etc. can form a part of such programme.
Education 407.93
Company shall provide separate budget for
Health 184.68
community development activities and
income generating programmes. This will be Social Commitment 150

in addition to vocational training for 7 Social welfare 12.64

individuals imparted to take up self Total 1214.58
employment and iobs.
Dust emissions in the form of sPM are being monitored
regularly in buffer zone of Mine lease area.
Fugitive dust generation shall be controlled. Fugitive dust emissions due to transfer, loading and
Fugitive dust emission shall be regularly unloading of raw material from mine lease area to crusher
monitored at locations of nearest human plant are being monitored regularly.
(xii) habitation (including schools and other Following measures are being taken
public amenities located nearest to sources a) Fixed Water sprinklers are being installed along the haul
of dust generation as applicable) and records road and upto unloading hoppers ofthe limestone crushers;
submitted to the Ministw. b) Wet drilling process is in operation
c) Limiting the speed of loaded dumpers
d) Overloading of dumpers is strictly avoided.
Rain water harvesting shall be undertaken to It is planned to store rain water in the mined out pits, in line
recharge the ground water source. Status of with the Mine Conceptual Plan, already submitted to MoEF.
implementation shall be submitted to the Since the mining operation has commenced, there are pits
M inistrv within six months. available for storage of rain water.
Monitoring of ground and surface water Ground water monitoring is being carried out at locations
(xiv) quality shall be regularly conducted and lying in buffer zone. Monitoring of Arsenic in ground water is
records maintained and data submitted to undertaken regularly.
the Ministry regularly. Further, monitoring Average arsenic contents observed in the range of 0.0050 to
points shall be located between the mine 0.01 mg/|, which is well within the prescribed limits as
and drainage in the direction of flow of furnished under.
ground water and records maintained.
Monitoring of Arsenic in ground water shall
be undertaken.

Measures for prevention and control of soil

erosion and management of silt shall be
Top soil thickness is ranging up to 0.3m to 0.7m only which is
undertaken. Protection of dumps against
being used in Safety Zone area for plantation.
erosion shall be carried out with geo textile
There is no overburden in the mines and entire mined ore is
matting or other suitable material, and thick
being used in the Cement Plant as Raw material.
Dlantations of native trees and shrubs shall
No dumping ofOB is envisaged.
be carried out at the dump slopes. Dumps
shall be Drotected bv retainins walls.
Provision shall be made for the housing the
labourers within the site with all necessary
infrastructure and facilities such as fuel for
Not applicable, as no construction activity is involved in
cookinB, mobile toilets, mobile 5TP, safe
mining. There is no temporary or permanent housing for the
drinking water, medical health care, cr€che
etc. The housing may be in the form of labours at site.
temporary structures to be removed after

Trenches /garland drains shall be

constructed at foot of dumps and coco filters
The limestone in the Ml area outcropping and devoid of
to arrest silt thick
installed at regular intervals
soil overburden, hence no high rise soil dumps are
from being carried to water bodies. likely to be created during mining. Moreover, there are no
Adequate number of Check Dams and Gully
prominent and perennial water bodies within ML area,
Plugs shall be constructed across hence construction of check dams for arresting
the silt or de-
seasonal/perennial nallahs (if any) flowing
silting is not required. However, two gully plugs have been
through the ML area and silts arrested. De-
silting at regular intervals shall be carried
Occupational health and safety measures for The training is being imparted to all new recruits during their
the workers including identification of work induction period only, regarding "awareness of impact of
related health hazards, training on malaria mining on their health "and "precautionary measures to be
eradication, HlV, and health effects on taken " like use of Personal Protection Equipment etc.
exposure to mineral dust etc shall be carried Such programmes are also being organized periodically. The
(xviii) out. The company shall engage a full time Occupational health cell has been constituted having 2 nos.
oualified doctor who is trained in senior resident doctors supported by a team of health
occupational health. Periodic monitoring for workers. At present Dispensary with 10 bed capacity is
exposure to respirable mineral dust on the established with one ambulance van.
workers shall be conducted and records All the staff and workers recruited for the mines are
maintained includine health records of the full medical tests, during their induction
workers. Awareness programme for itself. These records will be used for monitoring further
workers on impact of mining on their health health problems First review report will be prepared by year
and precautionary measures like use of 20!6.
personal equipments etc. shall be carried Regular monitoring of dust is being carried out by expert
out periodically. Review of impact ofvarious team and corrective actions to minimize dust levels are
health measures undertaken (at interval of taken accordingly.
five years of less) shall be conducted Employees are being monitored for occupational health
followed by follow up action wherever Check uo.
reouired. First aid training is being imparted to the employees
regu larly.
A Green Belt Development Plan (year wise plantation and
rehabilitation) which is part of Mining Plan has already
submitted vide fetter No.JBCP/4CI2010 /732/ drd. 25 Feb
Green belt development and selection of plant species is
undertaken as per CPCB guidelines. Tree plantation is being
carried out all along 7.5m boundary. Year wise afforesiation
programme is furnished as under. Mined out pits are being

Green belt develooment and selection of

plant species shall be as per CPCB guidelines.
Herbs and shrubs shall also form a part of (20u-r31 to t8l 12022-231 lzou-2al
afforestation programme besides tree {2015-17) l'2021-
to 12026-
ro (2031-
plantation. Details of year wise afforestation 221

programme including rehabilitation of mined Complete

d iillDate
out area shall be submitted to the Ministry TarSet
Target Target Target Targel

within six months. 14)

I{o. of
9000 20000 5750 5750 5750 5750

6.0 3.75

Cost {Rs,
4.32 45.0 13.58 L7.96
in lakh3l

rehabilitated into water reservoir.

Top soil/solid waste shall be stacked

properly with proper slope and adequate
A small quantity of topsoil generated during mining being
safeguards and shall be utilized for
backfilling (wherever applicable) lor stacked separately with
proper slope and adequate
(xx) safeguards. The soil is being used for green belt
reclamation and rehabilitation of mined out
area. Top soil shall be separately stacked for
utilization later for reclamation and shall not
be stacked along with over burden.
Over burden (OB) shall be stacked at
earmarked dump site(s) only and shall not There is practically no overburden in the mining area.
be kept active for long period. The maximum Whatever small quantity of shale's is encountered will be
height of the dump shall not exceed 30 m, segregated and dumped in the designated areas. Such
(xxi) each stage shall preferably be of 10 m and dumps shall be treated as detailed in the mining plan.
overall slope of the dump shall not exceed
28". The OB dump shall be backfilled. The Top soil is being stacked separately and being used for green
OB dumps shall be scientifically vegetated belt development.
with suitable native sDecies to Drevent
erosion and surface run off. Monitoring and
management of rehabilitated areas shall
continue until the vegetation becomes self-
sustaining. Compliance status shall be
submitted to the Ministrv of Environment &
Forests on six monthly basis.
Slope of the mining bench and ultimate pit Slope of mining benches as 10'to 15'and ultimate Pit limit
limit shall be as per the mining scheme 42m is being maintained as per Mining Scheme approved by
approved by Indian Bureau of Mines. IBM and submitted to ministrv also.
The waste water from the mine shall be
treated to
conform to the prescribe
standards before discharging in to the
natural stream. The discharged water from
(xxiii) No waste water was generated during mining:
the Tailing Dam (if any) shall be regularly
monitored and report submitted to the
MOE&F, Central Pollution Control Board
and State Pollution Control Board.
Action Plan with resDect to
suggestion s/im provements and
recommendations made during public Action plan was submitted to Ministry and State Govt. within
ring shall be submitted to six months.
consu ltation/hea
the Ministrv and State Gow. within six
A final mine closure plan, along with details
of Corpus Fund, shall be submitted to the
Shall be complied as detailed in the mining plan.
Ministry of Environment & Forests,5 years
in advance of final mine closure for approval.
To control vehicular emissions, PUC certificates carrying
Vehicular emissions shall be kept under vehicles are allowed to mining lease area.
control and regularly monitored. Vehicles All applicable clauses of Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989
used for transportation of ores and others and its amendment are strictly observed, such as:
shall have valid permissions as prescribed > Certificates of registration
under Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 and > Permit
its amendments. TransDortation of ore shall ) Driving license
(xxvi) be done only during day time. The vehicles F Soeed limit
transporting ores shall be covered with a ) Exhaust Emission
tarpaulin or other suitable enclosures so that Following practices are being strictly followed for
no dust particles/fine matters escape during transportation of limestone from ML area to crusher unit
the course of transDortation. No located outside the ML area
overloading of ores for transportation of / setting speed limit
ores shall be committed. / Coverage of loaded vehicle with tarpaulin.
r' No overloading of vehicle.

The environmental clearance is sub.iect to

Mining plan is approved by IBM vide letter no
.MP/APIKSN/LST-190-SZ,Dated 25/09 /2008. The conditions
the condition, if any, stipulated by the IBM
(xxvii) stipulated therein are being followed and complied.
on the mining scheme submitted by the
Copy of approved mine plan has already been submitted to
project proponent for its approval.
the ministrv.
Adequate buffer zone shall be maintained
Not applicable as there is no consecutive mineral deposit
(xxviii) between two consecutive mineral bearing
adiacent to ML area.
(i) No change in mining technology and scope of
working shall be made without prior approval of Hasn't been carried out so far.
the Ministrv of Environment and Forests.
(ii) No change in the calendar plan including
excavation, quantum of mineral and waste shall Hasn't been carried out so far.
be made.
(iii) Fugitive dust emissions from all the sources shall The dust emissions are being monitored in buffer zone of
be controlled regularly. Water spraying Mine lease area.
arrangement on haul roads, loading and Fugitive dust emission due to transfer, loading and
unloading and at transfer points shall be provided unloading of raw material from mine lease area to crusher
and properly maintained. plant will be regularly monitored.
Following measures are being taken and will be strictly
a)Water sprinkling on haul roads,loading points;
b)Wet drilling process;
c) Limiting the speed of loaded dumpers.
(iv) Four ambient air quality-monitoring stations shall
be established in Core Zone as well as in the
Buffer Zone for RPM, PM10/PM2.5, SOr,NOx
monitoring. Location of the stations should be Monitoring is being conducted at the locations approved by
decided based on the meteorological data, State Pollution Control Board.
topographical features and environmentally and
ecologically sensitive targets and frequency of
monitoring should be undertaken in consultation
with the State Pollution Control Board.

(v) Data on ambient air quality (RPM, PM10/PM2.5, ,t present Monitoring is being conducted at 4 locations lying
SO2, and NOx) should be regularly submitted to in buffer zone. Data is being regularly submitted to RO-
the Ministry including Regional office at MoEF & RO-APPCB. Efforts are being made for uploading on
Bangalore and APPCB/CPCB once in six months. compa ny's website.
The monitored data of critical Dollutants PM 2.5
mentioned above shall be regularly uploaded on
the company's website and also displayed at
project site. 70







Max Min Avg
****VSP Colony ***Agraharam

-{- Muktyala *** Bud awada







Max Min Avg
-+VSP +Agraharam
+Muktyala .,.)<-Budawada




..rFvsp corony -a-AEraharam
+Muktyala -9{-Budawada


Max Min Avg

-a-- Colony
VSP -{-Agraharam
* Budawada
- -Muktyala

(vi) Measures shall be taken for control of noise Noise levels are being controlled within the prescribr
levels below 85 dB (A) in the work environment. limits of 85dB at source.
Workers engaged in operations of HEMM etc. Modern machineries are being deployed with reduced noi:
shall be provided with ear plugs/muffs. levels. Ear muffs /Plugs provided to workers engaged
operations of HEMM.
(vii) Industrial waste water (workshop and waste No waste water is generated during mining.
water from the mine) should be properly "Zero Discharge" is maintained for the water generat€
collected, treat so as to conform to the standards from HEMM work shop.
prescribed under GSR 422(E) dated 19th May, Oil & Grease Separator is under Installation for treatir
1993 and 31st December, 1993 or as amended waste water from the HEMM work shop.
from time to time. Oil and grease trap shall be O&G free waste water is utilized for green be
installed before discharge of workshop effluents. develoDment & dust suoDression onlv.
(viii) Personnel working in dusty areas shall be Persons working in dusty areas are being impart€
provided with protective respiratory devices and adequate training and information on safety & heah
they shall also be imparted adequate training and aspects. They are provided with PPES especially respirato
information on safety and health aspects. devices to protect themselves from dust. Health surveys al
being conducted by qualified team of Occupational Healt
(ix) Provision shall be made for the housing the
labourers within the site with all necessary
infrastructure and facilities such as fuel for
cooking, mobile toilets, mobile STP, safe drinking
Not applicable, as no construction activity is involved.
watet medical health care, crdche etc. The
housing may be in the form of temporary
structures to be removed after the comDletion of
the project.
(x) A separate Environmental Management Cell with A seoarate Environment Cell has been constituted to hand
suitable qualified personnel shall be set up under environment management related issues. The compositic
the control of a senior Executive, who will report and structure of Environmental Manasement Cell
directlyto the Head ofthe Organization. furnished as under.
Environment Manasement Cell

GM GM fl ,s,.o.,r
(P & (Mechanical (Electrical) I | (Mire
(xi) The proiect authorities shall inform to the
Regional Office of the Ministry located at
Bangalore regarding date of financial closures Date of financial closure is L6/06/2O09 and land
and final approval of the project by the development work is commenced from 07.03.2012.
concerned authorities and the date of start of
land develooment work.
(xii) The funds earmarked for environmental
protection measures shall be kept in separate
account and shall not be diverted for other The funds earmarked for environmental protection
purpose. Year wise expenditure shall be reported measures haven't been diverted for other purpose.
to the Ministry and its Regional Office located at
(xiii) The project Authorities shall inform the Regional
Office at Bangalore regarding date of financial
closures and final approval of the project by the
Date of financial closure is t6/O6l2OO9 and land
development work is commenced from 07.03.2012.
concerned authorities and the date of start of
land develooment work.
(xiv) The Regional office of the Ministry at Bangalore
shall monitor compliance of the stipulated
conditions. The project authorities shall extend All necessary cooperation shall be extended to the visiting
full cooperation to the officer(s) of the Regional officials.
Office by furnishing the requisite
data/information/monitoring reports.
(xv) The project proponent shall submit six monthly
reports on the status of the implementation of
the stipulated environmental safeguards to the
MOE&F, its R.O at Bangalore, CPCB and APPCB.
Being complied. All updated six monthly compliance reports
The project proponent shall upload the status of
are being submitted to RO-MoEF, Chennai, ZO-CPCB &
compliance of the environment of the
environmental clearance conditions on their
website and update the same periodically and
simultaneously send the same by e-mail to the
(xvi) The project proponent shall advertise in at least
two local newspapers widely circulated in the
region around the project, one of which shall be
in the vernacular language of the locality, office
Already Complied
of Municipal Corporation/Gram Panchayat
concerned and on the company's website within
seven days from the date of this clearance letter,
informing that the project has been accorded
environmental clearance and copies of clearance
letter are available with the State Pollution
control Board/Committee and may also be seen
at website of the Ministry of Environment and
Forests at htt p://e n vfo r. n ic. in.
(xvii) A copy of clearance letter will be marked to
concerned Panchayat local NGO, if any, from
whom suggestion/representation has been
received while processing the proposal. The
clearance letter shall also be put on the website The clearance letter was put on the company web site.
of the company.
(xviii) State Pollution Control Board shall display a copy
of the clearance letter at the Regional office Copy of the clearance letter was displayed at the Reglonal
District Industries Centre and Collector's office / office District Industries Centre.
Tehsildar Office for 30 davs.
{xix) The environmental statement for each financial
year ending 31st March in Form-V as is mandated
shall be submitted to the State Pollution Control
Board as prescribed under the Environment
Being complied. The Environmental Statement for the year
(Protection) Rules, 1985, as amended
2015-2016 has been submitted vide letter no.
subsequently and shall also be put on the website
JCCL/ JSCP/ 4(ll/ 2Of6-4771. dated 3oth September 201G.
of the company along with the status of
compliance of environmental clearance
conditions. The same shall also be sent to the
Regional Office of Ministry by e-mail.
Budawada Limestone Mine of Jaypee Balaji Cement Plant

Mining is being carried out as

1 Present status of the project
per the IBM approved plan.
Quantity of mineral mined out
2 800639 Metric Tons
for the reporting period
Target production is 3.00
3 Calendar plan of mining activity Million Ton, from four
benches of open pit.

Annexures for Condition No. XI, XIV of Specific Conditions and V of General


AMBIENT AIR QUALITY REPORT “April -2016 to September- 2016”


week PM 2.5 PM 10 S02 N0x PM 2.5 PM 10 S02 N0x
1 51.4 65.8 11.8 13.8 48.2 68.2 11.5 14.2
2 52.7 70.9 10.1 15.6 51.2 68.4 12.4 14.2
Apr 2016 3 48.1 71.2 11.9 14.9 53.4 74.6 12.0 13.8
4 49.2 70.2 10.6 13.8 50.6 69.1 11.5 13.7
1 Sample was discarded as it rained 46.1 62.4 10.5 12.6
2 48.2 68.1 12.1 13.3 50.2 62.5 10.2 12.6
May 2016
3 46.8 79.2 11.5 12.6 45.6 68.1 11.4 13.4
4 41.8 70.5 11.1 13.1 49.2 66.4 10.5 12.8
1 Sample was discarded as it rained Sample was discarded as it rained
2 Sample was discarded as it rained 20.4 32.5 7.6 6.2
Jun 2016
3 19.6 30.3 6.1 5.8 Sample was discarded as it rained
4 Sample was discarded as it rained Sample was discarded as it rained
1 Sample was discarded as it rained 18.3 26.7 6.8 11.2
2 15.2 20.6 8.2 10.6 15.6 22.6 5.6 10.9
Jul 2016
3 20.3 41.6 5.9 11.6 18.9 28.6 6.4 9.5
4 Sample was discarded as it rained Sample was discarded as it rained
1 Sample was discarded as it rained 17.6 24.6 6.8 7.6
2 14.7 24.5 7.2 10.6 19.3 31.6 7.5 11.6
Aug 2016
3 15.5 48.6 8.2 10.9 27.9 49.5 10.5 11.3
4 Sample was discarded as it rained Sample was discarded as it rained
1 Sample was discarded as it rained 19.2 35.1 9.4 10.6
2 22.8 39.3 7.5 9.1 Sample was discarded as it rained
Sep 2016
3 6.2 9.5 6.8 4.1 4.2 10.6 6.8 8.5
4 Sample was discarded as it rained Sample was discarded as it rained


week PM 2.5 PM 10 S02 N0x PM 2.5 PM 10 S02 N0x
1 42.8 72.8 12.4 13.2 51.5 72.6 12.8 12.6
2 51.8 68.3 11.6 12.8 52.8 78.9 12.8 14.6
Apr 2016 3 47.2 68.7 11.3 15.2 46.5 81.5 12.1 14.1
4 52.8 80.6 11.8 12.8 49.2 76.2 12.5 13.9
1 45.5 68.2 12.1 13.8 Sample was discarded as it rained
2 46.8 66.5 11.4 12.8 Sample was discarded as it rained
May 2016
3 43.8 69.1 12.5 12.9 42.8 69.7 10.9 12.9
4 48.2 64.2 12.0 13.6 43.5 70.3 11.1 13.5
1 Sample was discarded as it rained 46.2 66.5 10.5 13.1
2 21.4 29.3 6.9 8.6 Sample was discarded as it rained
Jun 2016
3 Sample was discarded as it rained Sample was discarded as it rained
4 Sample was discarded as it rained Sample was discarded as it rained
1 Sample was discarded as it rained 9.6 19.2 5.6 8.5
2 14.6 22.5 8.6 10.5 13.5 23.6 7.2 11.5
Jul 2016
3 20.8 31.8 9.1 9.4 24.6 35.6 10.8 10.5
4 Sample was discarded as it rained Sample was discarded as it rained
1 19.3 35.6 8.5 9.1 Sample was discarded as it rained
2 21.6 29.4 8.1 10.6 15.3 23.6 8.5 9.4
Aug 2016
3 27.1 55.6 10.6 12.5 12.4 28.4 7.3 10.6
4 Sample was discarded as it rained 18.7 33.5 10.6 11.5
1 19.2 39.8 8.5 10.9 18.2 26.8 8.6 10.5
2 Sample was discarded as it rained Sample was discarded as it rained
Sep 2016
3 11.5 28.4 8.4 8.1 Sample was discarded as it rained
4 Sample was discarded as it rained Sample was discarded as it rained

Crusher Area Mines Office Working Pit Area Magazine Area

Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night

Apr 2016 69.3 64.1 53.4 46.8 70.6 61.3 57.2 43.8

May 2016 70.5 63.4 56.5 45.6 72.5 60.7 55.4 42.1

Jun 2016 71.3 60.8 51.8 41.8 69.5 62.5 56.8 40.6

Jul 2016 68.4 62.5 54.2 42.8 68.5 63.8 51.2 43.5

Aug 2016 69.4 63.9 53.5 48.5 71.6 62.1 53.8 45.8

Sep 2016 71.5 64.4 56.8 42.1 70.8 61.4 58.4 41.6

Norms as per Environment(Protection) Rules,1996

Standards (dB)
Day Night
Industrial 75 70
Ground Water Sample Analysis Report

Date of Sampling 05-06-2016

Nature of Samples Ground water (Buffer zone - Mine lease area)
No. of Samples 09
Parameters Chemical & Physical
IS 10500:2012
(Acceptable - Permissible)

1 pH - 8.31 7.57 7.65 7.63 7.83 6.5 - 8.5

2 Turbidity NTU 2.4 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.9 1-5
3 Total hardness mg/L 464 239 227 237 404 200 - 600
4 Alkalinity mg/L 510 486 414 222 284 200 - 600
5 Dissolved solids mg/L 1138 614 647 347 706 500 - 2000
6 Chlorides mg/L 151 56 91 43 119 250 - 1000
7 Sulphates mg/L 371 28 26 12 116 200 - 400
8 Nitrates mg/L 9.2 5.5 10.3 15 7 45
9 Fluorides mg/L 0.8 0.5 0.9 0.2 0.8 1.0 - 1.5
10 Calcium mg/L 168 118 76 72 119 75 - 200
11 Magnesium mg/L 21 18 22 10 26 30 - 100
12 Copper mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.05 - 1.5
13 Manganese mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.1 - 0.3
14 Zinc mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 15
15 Iron mg/L 0.22 0.16 0.13 0.08 0.11 0.3
16 Mercury mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.001
17 Cadmium mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.01
18 Selenium mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.01
19 Arsenic mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.05
20 Cyanide mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.05
21 Lead mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.05
22 Chromium mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.05
Coli form count MPN/1 Shall not be detected
23 00mL
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil in 100ml of sample
Ground Water Sample Analysis Report

Date of Sampling 05-06-2016

Nature of Samples Ground water (Buffer zone - Mine lease area)
No. of Samples 09
Parameters Chemical & Physical
IS 10500:2012
(Acceptable - Permissible)
1 pH - 8.19 8.21 8.19 8.26 6.5 - 8.5
2 Turbidity NTU 2.0 1.5 1.3 2.4 1-5
3 Total hardness mg/L 672 512 506 582 200 - 600
4 Alkalinity mg/L 270 204 410 264 200 - 600
5 Dissolved solids mg/L 1535 1323 1099 847 500 - 2000
6 Chlorides mg/L 492 350 210 175 250 - 1000
7 Sulphates mg/L 312 368 157 124 200 - 400
8 Nitrates mg/L 31 48 11 30 45
9 Fluorides mg/L 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.0 1.0 - 1.5
10 Calcium mg/L 156 118 180 112 75 - 200
11 Magnesium mg/L 68 56 14 18.7 30 - 100
12 Copper mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.05 - 1.5
13 Manganese mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.1 - 0.3
14 Zinc mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL 15
15 Iron mg/L 0.22 0.13 0.08 0.11 0.3
16 Mercury mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.001
17 Cadmium mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.01
18 Selenium mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.01
19 Arsenic mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.05
20 Cyanide mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.05
21 Lead mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.05
22 Chromium mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.05
Coli form count MPN/100 Shall not be detected
23 mL
Nil Nil Nil Nil in 100ml of sample
Surface Water Analysis Report

Environment Lab, Jaypee Balaji Cement Plant.

Date Of Collection 18-04-2016

Source Of Samples Krishna (Muktyala) & Paleru (Budawada)
Nature Of Samples River Water (Surface Water)
No. Of Samples 02

Surface Water
KRISHNA PALERU Quality Standards
(Muktyala) (Budawada) (Class E – Water for
irrigation, industrial
1 pH - 8.22 8.31 6.5 - 8.5
2 Conductivity µs/cm 676 1159 2250
3 TDS mg/L 411 728 2100
4 CHLORIDES mg/L 58.4 73.2 250 - 1000
5 FLORIDES mg/L 0.8 0.8 1.5
6 SULPHATES mg/L 41 221 200 - 400
7 NITRATES mg/L 10.7 22.8 ---
mg/L 175.6 253.8 ---
9 ALKALINITY mg/L 211.3 339.7 ---
10 ARSENIC as AS mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.2
Surface Water Analysis Report

Environment Lab, Jaypee Balaji Cement Plant.

Date Of Collection 08-06-2016

Source Of Samples Krishna (Muktyala) & Paleru (Budawada)
Nature Of Samples River Water (Surface Water)
No. Of Samples 02
Surface Water
KRISHNA Quality Standards
(Muktyala) (Class E – Water for
irrigation, industrial
1 pH - 8.13 8.29 6.5 - 8.5
2 Conductivity µs/cm 749 1209 2250
3 TDS mg/L 475 756 2100
4 CHLORIDES mg/L 79.4 91.2 250 - 1000
5 FLORIDES mg/L 0.6 0.8 1.5
6 SULPHATES mg/L 56 274 200 - 400
7 NITRATES mg/L 14.2 19.8 ---
mg/L 188.9 232.8 ---
9 ALKALINITY mg/L 232.5 274.2 ---
10 ARSENIC as AS mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.2
Surface Water Analysis Report

Environment Lab, Jaypee Balaji Cement Plant.

Date Of Collection 17-08-2016

Source Of Samples Krishna (Muktyala) & Paleru (VSP Guest House)
Nature Of Samples River Water (Surface Water)
No. Of Samples 02

Surface Water
KRISHNA Quality Standards
(Muktyala) (Class E – Water for
irrigation, industrial
1 pH - 8.25 8.36 6.5 - 8.5
2 Conductivity µs/cm 595 1082 2250
3 TDS mg/L 368 684 2100
4 CHLORIDES mg/L 64.5 73.5 250 - 1000
5 FLORIDES mg/L 0.5 0.8 1.5
6 SULPHATES mg/L 39 312 200 - 400
7 NITRATES mg/L 11.6 16.8 ---
mg/L 121.3 168.9 ---
9 ALKALINITY mg/L 155.8 176.8 ---
10 ARSENIC as AS mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.2
Annexure for Condition No. XI of Specific conditions.

Implementation of CSR & Fufillment of Commitments Made During

Public Hearing

Donation of 200 bags to Banjara Seva Sangam of Thanda of
Budawada for construction of Ankamma, Mahalakshmamma,
10.09.2016 0.64 Community
Tirupatamma, and Nagendra Swamy in Tanda of Budawada

Provided 300 no's of Cement Bags for finishing work of Shiv

17.08.206 0.96 Community
Mandir at Budawada

Provided Arrangements for Shower bath on the eve of Krishna

12.08.2016 0.3 Community
Pushkar Mahotsav at Muktyala Ghat

12.07.2016 Provided 800 sft Granite pieces for flooring activities 0.4 Community

Provided 110 no's of T-Shirts for APPCB, RO, Vijayawada on the

02.06.2016 0.16 Environment
eve of awareness rally

11.04.2016 Provided 300 no's of Tree Guards for Tahsildar, Jaggayyapet 0.69 Environment

Provided drinking water supply daily through Water Tankers for

01.04.2016 Budawada villagers on their request for two months (April & 0.5 Community

Provided drinking water supply daily through Water Tankers for

01.04.2016 Y.Tanda villagers on their request for two months (April & May- 0.5 Community

Provided Construction Material (Cement, steel & stone

31.03.2016 14 Community
agregate) for Shiv Mandir at Budawada
10.03.2016 Celebrations of Holy Festival at Budawada Village 0.15 Sports/Community
Celebrations of MahaSivaratri Festival at Muktyala Village
07.03.2016 0.2 Community
(Arrangements for Shower bath, Floodlights)
Provided assistance for Pongal Festival Celebrations at
04.12.2015 0.15 Community
Budawada (Banjara Seva Samithi Sangam)
Provided rescue services (HEMM like Hyva) for Flood Relief
23.11.2015 0.5 Community
Operations in Nellore District
Relaying of Old Donka Road (2 km) towards farming fields from Community
05.10.2015 Crusher gate 0.81
30.09.2015 Provided Employment for 13 no's of inhabitants 1 Employment
Removal of grass and bushes along both sides of irrigation
24.09.2015 0.76 Community
Canal at Budawada
Assistance to the Construction of compound wall of Shiva
23.09.2015 1.5 Community
mandir at Budawada.
Donation of 800 Cement bags for construction of Temple
22.09.2015 2.7 Community
(Ganga - Ramalingeswara Swamy) at Lingala
Provided drinking water supply daily through Water
30.08.2015 Tankers for Y.Tanda villagers on their request for two 0.37 Community
11.08.2015 Relaying of Old Donka Road for field farmers of Budawada 0.98 Community

Donation of 200 Cement bags for construction of New

04.08.2015 0.67 Community
Hope Church at Muktyala

Medical assistance offered for accident injured person

20.06.2015 1 Health
(B.Krishna) of Y.Tanda village.

25.04.2015 Provided 200 no's of Safety Jackets to RTA- Nandigama 0.5 Community

Sponsorship towards AP Revenue services association State level

06.04.2015 0.5 Sports/Community
sports meet at Vizag.

06.04.2015 Celebrations of SriRamaNavami Festival at Ramapuram Village 0.1 Community

06.04.2015 Celebrations of SriRamaNavami Festival at Budawada Village 0.05 Community

30.03.2015 Employment
Provided apprentiship training for 80 no's of ITI students 28.8
Medical Camps conducting at near villages No's 08
29.03.2015 (Budawada,Muktyala,Ramapuram,Kuchipudi,Y Thanda,RN 2 Health
Thanda,K Agraharam,Annavaram.(Monthly)

Expenses incurred in maintaining water pumping systems

28.03.2015 0.72 Community
at Muktyala village

Domestic water supply to Budawada villagers and system

25.03.2015 4.2 Community

05.03.2015 Celebrations of Holy Festival at Budawada Village 0.2 Community

05.03.2015 Celebrations of Holy Festival at Redyanaik Tanda Village 0.1 Community
25.02.2015 Celebrations of MahaSivaratri Festival at Muktyala Village 0.2 Community

Donation of 800 cement bags for Construction of Police Station

11.02.2015 2.8 Community
at Penuganchiprolu, Krishna Dist.

Donation of 200 cement bags for Construction of Veternary

30.01.2015 0.68 Community
Hospital at Ramapuram

06.01.2015 Distric Level Kabaddi Championship at Budawada 0.15 Others

Widening and levelling of road by removing barren trees at

08.12.2015 0.22 Community
Kuchipudi Village

15.11.2014 Celebrations of Moharram Festival at Muktyala Village 0.05 Community

Medical Camps conducting at near villages No's 08

01.11.2014 (Budawada,Muktyala,Ramapuram,Kuchipudi,Y Thanda,RN 1 Health
Thanda,K Agraharam,Annavaram.(Monthly Twice)

Donation for Govt.of AP NTR Sujala Padakam for providing

25.09.2014 3 Community
Drining ( RO )water to Budawada Village

Providing drinking water supply daily for Budawada villagers

11.09.2014 10 Community
through pipe line

Donation of 400 Cement Bags to Sh Venugopala Swamy Temple

15.08.2014 1.4 Community
for construction at Jaggayyapeta, Krishna Distt (A.P)

Donation of 400 Cement Bags to Sh Ramachandra Swamy

16.07.2014 1.4 Community
Temple for construction at K.Agraharam , Krishna Distt (A.P)

Donation for P.Rama Rao(Ex.MPP) for Community welfare

20.06.2014 0.2 Community
regarding Temple, Ramapuram , Nalgonda Dt.

Donation of 750 bags to District Fire Office, Vijayawada for

19.06.2014 1.87 Community
construction of New Fire Head Quarters of the New state (AP)
Donation of 450 bags to Banjara Seva Sangam of Thanda of
Budawada for construction of Ankamma, Mahalakshmamma,
19.06.2014 1.12 Community
Tirupatamma, and Nagendra Swamy in Tanda of Budawada

Donation of 165 no.of Logo printed T-Shirts for World

05.06.2014 Environment Day 2014 celebrations for Regional Offices of 0.33 Environment
Vijayawada and Guntur of APPCB

31.03.2014 Construction of Church in SC colony area Budawada village 9 Community

Donation to ST Community of Budawada for Puja celebrations of

18.03.2014 0.15 Community

Cleaning and arrangements for Snan Ghat including providing

27.02.2014 Shower bath for Muktyala Village on occasion of Sivarathri 0.2 Community

Donation of 100 bags to Sri Chenna Kesava Swamy & Anjaneya

02.02.2014 Swamy, Ramalingeswara swamy temple for constructioon of 0.25 Community
temple in Bobbarla padu village

Donation for financial assistance to Krishna District Association

17.01.2014 0.5 Others
to conduct Sports in Jaggaiahpet.

Donation for financial assistance to conduct cultural

10.01.2014 0.1 Community
programmes in Budawada Village

Financial assistance for construction and maintanance of RRCP

07.01.2014 140 Environment
to Curator SV Zoological park, Tirupathi

Donation of 100 bags to for rennovation of Police station of

06.01.2014 0.25 Community

Donated to Directrate of Education for State School games

04.12.2013 0.25 Others
(Wieght Lifting) in Jaggaiapeta Municipal Stadium.
Donating to Army recruitment drive through district collector,
14.06.2013 1 Employment

Donating to M.P.U.P.School, Budawada for celebration of

19.04.2013 0.15 Community
Annual Function

Donating to Kanaka Durga Temple Commitee for celebration of

19.04.2013 0.05 Community
Srinama Navami, Budawada.

Contribution for SC welfare Cricket Association, Budawada for

28.03.2013 0.05 Others
conduting Cricket tournament

27.03.2013 Contribution for Holi Puja Celebrations in Muktyala Village 0.03 Community

27.03.2013 Contribution for Holi Puja Celebrations in Budawada Village 0.4 Community

Cleaning and arrangements for Snan Ghat including providing

09.03.2013 Shower bath for Muktyala Village on occasion of Sivarathri 0.285 Community

Contribution for MRO office for White Wash & Indoor painting
03.03.2013 0.22 Community
at Tahsil Office, jaggiapeta

01.03.2013 water Supply arrangements for Muktyala Village people 2 Community

Donating to B. Venkateswarulu S/o Ramulu Budawada

20.02.2013 0.3 Health
Residence for Medical Treatmentfor jaundice in Andhra Hospital

contributio of 100 cement bags for district Industrial Center,

14.02.2013 0.25 Community
Vijayawada for renovation.

Active Bicycles Association, Vijayawada. Cycles rally from

14.02.2013 0.15 Others
Jaggaiapeta to Tirupathi, for creating peace awareness.

Contribution to Gaddam Laxmana, resedence of Budawda S/o

14.02.2013 0.5 Health
Late Kota for medical treatment for wife due to Snake bite

Contribution for 250 Cement bags Contruction of Compound

13.02.2013 0.625 Community
wall for Masjid in Madipadu Village to Protect from Animals
Donation to Banjara yuvajana Seva sangam, Budawada for
11.01.2013 0.15 Others
conducting sports on occasion of pongal

Donation of 400 bags of Cement for Raod Works Commitee for

10.01.2013 laying of cement Road in Muktyala Village limits by R&B 1 Community

02.01.2013 Donation to Sri Sita Ramachandra swamy temple at Dondapadu 0.05 Community

Donation of 100 bags of cement to Madina Masjid and Ed ga

02.01.2013 0.25 Community
Commity Ramapuram

25.12.2012 Donation For renovation of church at Muktyala village. 0.02 Community

17.11.2012 Donation For Moharram Celebration at Muktyala Village 0.1 Community

19.10.2012 Donation to Amature Boxing Association Hyderabad 0.2 Others

Donation to SC welfare Boys Hostel,Gandrai,Jaggayyapet for

19.10.2012 0.089 Education

Donation for Sri Mahalakshmi Temple, Addala Bazar,

19.10.2012 0.11 Community

Donation of 200 bags of cement to Madina Masjid,

25.09.2012 Torraguntapalem village, Jaggaiapet for development Works of 0.5 Community

Donation of 200 bags of cement to Madrasa Islamia Darul Uloom

25.09.2012 0.5 Community
Siddiquie, Jaggaiapet for improvement of Masjid

Donation of 100 bags of cement to Krishna District BSNL sports,

25.09.2012 Cultural & Welfare board, Vijayawada for proposed 0.25 Community
conventioncenter construction
Donation of 200 bags of cement to to Sri Ganga Bramarambika
10.09.2012 Sameta Mallikarjuna Swamy Temple, Srisailam for devolepment 0.5 Community
of temple.

24.09.2012 Donation for PYKKA lower level competition,Jaggaiapet 1 Education

24.09.2012 Donation for vinayaka Chaturdi festival, Muktyala Village 0.1 Community

Donation of 300 bags of cement to Sri Krishna Yuvasena

31.07.2012 samskhema Sangam, Shivaganga committee for construction of 0.75 Community
gangalamma Temple K.Agraharam.
Donation to District Collector for Deepam Scheme for providing
02.07.2012 3 Others
Gas Cylinders for BC/SC Welfare Hostel

Financial Assistance provided to M.Raja,s/o Chinna Saidulu

18.06.2013 0.175 Education
Budawada Village, for her higher study purpose

Financial Assistance provided to G. Ramadevi d/o Ms Gaddam

18.06.2012 0.175 Education
Saidulu, Budawada Village, for her higher study purpose

Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Youth, Ramapuram, to provide Free food &

12.04.2012 0.05 Community
free cloths for poor & aged people on Ambedkar's Birth Day.

Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Spoorthy Youth Association, Dondapadu, to

12.04.2012 provide Free food & free cloths for poor & aged people on 0.05 Community
Ambedkar's Birth Day.

Donation to Sri Rama Temple for Ramanavami celebrations in

10.04.2012 0.1 Community

Donation of 200 bags cement to Church of South India at

07.04.2012 0.5 Community
Budawada for construction of Church

06.04.2012 Donation of 200 bags cement to Masjid E Rukhia at Jaggaiapeta 0.5 Community

Donation of 1020 bags (51 tonnes)of cement to Sri Durga

06.04.2012 Malleswara swamy Temple, vijayawada for devolepment of 2.55 Community

Donation of 1020 bags (51 tonnes)of cement to Sri Ganga

06.04.2012 Bramarambika Sameta Mallikarjuna Swamy Temple, Srisailam 2.55 Community
for devolepment of temple

Donation of 2020 bags (101 tonnes)of cement to Thirumala

06.04.2012 5.05 Community
Tirupathi Devasthanam(TTD) for devolepment of temple

Donation to the Chairman Indian Red Cross Society, Krishna

28.03.2012 Dist.(Rs.20000 + Rs.10000) for conducting blood donation 0.3 Health

Sponsorship for Maha Shivaratri festival at Mutyala village

20.02.2012 0.17 Community
( Flood lights decoration & arrangement of bathing showers)

30.01.2012 Donation for Bhoomi puja of Shivji Temple in Budawada 0.03 Community
2 days National Seminar Conducted at SGS College Jaggayyapet
30.01.2012 on "the role of local indusrties in Sustaining Healthy 0.1 Education
Environment' on 24th 25th january

19.11.2011 To conduct PYKAA sports in Jaggayyapet Mandal 1 Others

Donation for Sri Mahalakshmi Temple, Addala Bazar,

01.10.2011 0.11 Community

Financial Assistance provided to Ms A Rajani, Budawada Village,

06.09.2011 0.35 Education
for her higher study purpose(B.Pharmacy)

14.08.2011 Red Cross Blood Donation camp help at Balaji site 0.18 Health

NabhiShila Establishment function in Annavaram

25.06.2011 1 Community
Village,Jaggayyapet mandal

17.06.2011 Donatin to Sri Venkateswara Temple Committee, jaggaiapet. 0.21 Community

Establishment of Dwajastambam & Rennovation of Temples in
01.06.2011 2 Community
Ramapuram - Grama Abivrudhi Committee

01.05.2011 Rennovation works done at 2 schools in Budawada Villagee 1.35 Education

Sri Prasannajaneya Swmiwari Devalayam, Share Mahammadpet

19.05.2011 0.1 Community
village, Jaggayyapet mandal

Amount paid to Dr.Ambedkar Youth Association on the occation

13.04.2011 0.15 Others
of Dr.Ambedkar Birth Day, program conducted at Ramapuram

2 pairs of uniform given to 425 school childreen in Budawada

19.03.2011 2.125 Education

Donation to Sri Rama Temple for Ramanavami celebrations in

15.03.2011 0.1 Community

Village Health Program started from 28th February 2011, the

28.02.2011 0.5 Health
program is still continues alternative Friday's of every month

Active Bicycles Association, Vijayawada. Cycles rally from

02.02.2011 0.5 Others
Vijayawada to New Delhi, 45 students particiapated in this rally.
Financial Assistance provided to Ms A Rajani, Budawada Village,
26.01.2011 0.35 Education
for her higher study purpose(B.Pharmacy)

Furniture worth 36,925/- provided to Budawada school &

24.12.2010 0.37 Education
Panchayat Office

Financial Assistance to JDAV Public School, VSP Steel plant

02.12.2010 0.5 Education
Colony, Jaggayyapet

Convener District Organising Committee 500 convocation

22.07.2010 3 Others
celebration of Sri Krishna Devaraya, Vijayawada

Donated to B.Suneel S/o Late Konda R/o Budawada village who

belongs to SC Community for taking coaching classes at
Jul-10 0.25 Education
Chembiosis Coaching Centre, Hyderabad for pursuing Higher

Organised free food campaion and blood donation camp. In

addition to distribution of cloths to poor , old aged people on
Jun-10 0.05 Others
the occasion of new Mother Teressa statue inauguration,

Training given for 35 days in PS BOSE driving school Munacharla,

Apr-10 Nandigama, Krishna Dist., and provided Boarding & Lodging 1.04 Others
Uniform free of cost and licence fee paid

Company Contributed rural sports like Kabaddi & Cricket

Jan-10 0.15 Others
tournments conducted in Budawada village

Annadhanam, Blood donation camp & Distribution of cloths to

Jan-10 poor people - Program organised by Netaji Yuvajana Sangha, 0.05 Others

3632 saplings planted in Budawada as part of green belt

Dec-09 10.89 Environment

Provided 5000 saplings of fruit bearing trees - a green drive

Dec-09 20 Environment
taken up by thee APPCB regional office, Vijayawada

Donated Green Tree - NGO for development of Greenery in and

Dec-09 0.3 Environment
around Budawada village
Donated to A.P.Chief minister 's Relief Fund for providing
Nov-09 assistance to flood affacted victims of river Krishna at 150 Environment

Donation to Govu samrakshana Samiti( an NGO for development

Nov-09 0.5 Community
and welfare of Cows in villages , Jaggayyapet

Trained Villagers in animal care & conducted animal husbendry

Nov-09 classes and to implement artificial insemination cross breed up-
gradation in CRDP, Budawada

Donated Material for the Revenue Employees Welfare

Oct-09 2.25 Others
Association for Construction of building in Jaggayyapet

Fishing nets to fishermen of Muktyala village due to floods in the

Oct-09 2.05 Environment
River Krishna in the Month of Oct 2009,

Oct-09 Uniforms provided to 880 school children of Budawada Village 1.1 Education

Donation for renovation of SriRam Temple & Ramanavami

Mar-09 0.2 Community
Celebration in Ramapuram

Local villagers encouraged & provided for doing certain project

construction jobs like civil works, running of canteen,
establishment of Grocery shops & provissional shops in town
ship, camp & plant area.

Indirect Employment provided to local villages youth Employment

Employment provided to exland holders Employment
2009 to Provided drinking water supply daily for Budawada villagers
15 Community
2014 through Water Tankers

Providing unconsumed food items from Mess for cattles of

Budawada villagers daily

Providing Education facility for surrounding villagers through

School constructed in Township - Started in June 2013(Total 400 Education
Investment 4.6 Crore)

Construction of 28 beded hospital in Township - Work in

progress, which will be opened to local villagers with free
178.9 Health
medical treatment & medicines
(Total Investment 2.1 Crore)

Providing fire services to Budawada villager Others

Providing ambulance facility with free of cost to Budawada
villagers in case of emergencies
Construction of cement roads from Budawada to Ramapuram
area, for easy movement of villagers - work already started 70 % 150
completed (Total Investment 2.5 Crore)

Total 1210.584
Environmental Statement for the financial year, 2015-2016

Environmental Statement for the financial year ending with 31st March 2016.


1. Name & address of the owner/ Shri.Naveen Kumar Singh

occupier of the industry, operation Unit In charge
Survey No.99, Budawada,
Jaggayapet Mandal,
Krishna Dist (AP)-521 175
2. Industry category Primary (STC
Code), Secondary (STC Code) : --

3. Production Capacity- Units : 3.47 MTPA Limestone

4. Year of establishment : 2012

5. Date of last environmental 30.09.2015

Statement :


1 Water Consumption m3/day process : 500

Name of Products Water consumption per unit of products
During the previous During the current
financial year financial year
1 Limestone 0.033 m /MT of 0.038 m3/MT of
Limestone Limestone
2 Raw Material Consumption
Consumption of Raw Material Per unit of output
Name of Raw Name of During the previous During the current
Materials Products financial year financial year
(1) (2)
3. Limestone Production:

During the previous financial year During the current financial year
2356777 MT 2438443 MT


Pollution Generated
(Parameters as specified in the consent issued)

Quantity of Percentage of variation from

Pollutants prescribed standards with
generated reasons.
a. Water Zero Water Discharge __ __

b. Air Annexure I


[as specified under Hazardous Wastes (Management & Handling) Rules, 1989]

Hazardous Wastes During the During the current

Total Quantity previous financial year
financial year
a From process Used oil generated, Used oil generated, Used oil generated,
1200 Ltrs 5310 Ltrs 1200 Ltrs
b From pollution
control facility

Solid Wastes

Total Quantity During the During the

(Tonnes) previous current
financial year financial year
a From process
Nil Nil Nil

b From pollution
control facility
c Quantity recycled or
Nil Nil Nil


Please specify the characteristics (in terms of concentration and quantum) of

Hazardous as well as solid wastes and indicate disposal practice adopted for
both these categories of wastes.

Hazardous Waste
Quantity (KL) Mode of Disposal
Sold out to authorized recyclers.
Used oil 1.2 M/S Zen Lubs,
Solid Waste
Quantity (Tonnes) Mode of Disposal
Greenbelt development & Road
Top Soil 2780


Impact of pollution control measures on conservation of natural resources and

consequently on the cost of production.
• Systematic & Scientific Mining operations and use of HEMMs.
• Stationary Water sprinklers are installed on haul road to suppress dust in Haul road.
• Blast holes are initiating by short delay detonators and blasting is being done using
sequential blasting machine by avoiding excessive confinement of charges. Number
of blast hole per delay is being kept to the minimum. Each blast will be carefully
planned, checked, executed and observed; during blasting a responsible officer will
be supervising the whole operation.
• As per reviewed Conservative Plan of Forest given by Chief conservative of Forest,
we have submitted 1.4 crores for Wildlife conservation plan. As per new rules, this
approved RRCP cannot build in isolated location. It has to be linked with zoological
areas. Deposited 1.4 Cr. towards construction and maintenance of enclosures for
RRCP to Prl. Chief Conservator of Forest, Hyderabad.


Additional investment proposal for environmental protection including abatement of


• Further greenery development at mines and Screening & Crushing plants by planting
trees of various varieties.
• Awareness and implementation of EMS-ISO-14001 for improvement in Environment
by systematic activities, audits and corrective actions.
• Planning for Installation of Stationery Water sprinklers on haul road for remaining 0.5
km to control fugitive dust.

The Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986


Any other particulars in respect of environment protection and abatement of
• Low noise design- reduced noise by adoption of electronically controlled variable fan
drive, large hybrid fan and low noise muffler.
• Overloading is being strictly avoided by loading the Dumpers as per their actual load
carrying capacity.
• The drilling process has the latest dust control system built-in equipments.

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