Midterm Intro To Crim - For Students

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NAME: DATE:__________
Multiple Choice.
Instruction: Encircle the letter that you perceived the BEST answer. Changing Answer is strictly

1. It is the body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon it includes its scope
the making of laws, the breaking of laws and the reaction towards the breaking of laws
a. Criminology b. Criminalist c. Criminalistics d. None of these
2. Who is the Father of Criminology?
a. Cesare Lombroso b. Ada Juke c. Rafael Garofalo d. Cessare Becaria
3. Is an act or omission in violation of a law committed without defense or justification.
a. Sin b. crime c. delinquency d. none of these
4. The belief that the majority of citizens in a society share a common value and agree on
what behaviors should be defined as criminals.
a. Consensus view of Crime b. Conflict View of Crime c. Interactionist view d. none of
5. According to this theory criminal behavior is defined by those in power to protect and
advance their own self-interest.
a Consensu view of Crime b. Conflict View of Crime c. Interactionist view d. none of
6. The true statement of Nullum crimen nulla poena sine lege?
a. There is no crime where there is no law punishing it
b. There is no crime if the committed act is minor
c. There is no crime if the actor is a minor
d. None of the above
7. An abuse that is kept secret for a purpose, concealed, or underhanded is called?
a. Clinical Abuse
b. Overt Abuse
c. Clandestine Abuse
d. Abuse of Authority
8. Who coined the word Criminology?
a. Cesare Lombroso b. Cessate Becarria c. Rafaelle Garofalo d. Hans Gross
9. Which statement is true about classical criminology?
a. created to punish the criminal and make them suffer.
b. The purpose of it is retribution.
c. To reform the person who committed the crime.
d. To reform the judicial and penal system and govern by the principle of “ Let the
punishment fit the crime”
10. It assumes that all human actions are calculated in accordance with their likelihood of
bringing happiness or unhappiness.
a. Princiliple of Utilitarianism c. Positive Principle
b. Scientific Method d. None of these
11. The doctrine whose central idea that pleasure is the main goal in life.
a. Positivism b. Determinism c. Utilitarianism d. hedonism
12. This suggest that human behavior is a product of social, biological, psychological or
economic forces that can be empirically measured.
a Positivism b. Determinism c. Utilitarianism d. hedonism
13. An Italian philosopher and politician best known for his treatise Essay on Crimes and
a. Cesare Lombroso 
b. Cesare Beccaria 
c. Jeremy Bentham  
d. Enrico Ferri 
14. Developed by Marcus Felson and Lawrence Cohen. It focused on the crime target or
anything an offender wants to take control of. 
a. Routine Activity Theory 
b. Drift Theory 
c. Social Disorganization Theory 
d. Rational Choice Theory 
15. It claimed that criminals are rational people who make calculated choices regarding what
they are going to do before they act. 
a. Rational Choice Theory 
b. Drift Theory 
c. Routine Activity Theory 
d. Anomie Theory 
16. Man only seeks pleasure and avoids pain. 
a. Hedonist 
b. Rational Calculator 
c. Celerity 
d. Deterrence 
17. It refers to the concept of making a punishment sure to happen whenever an undesirable
act is committed. 
a. Celerity 
b. Certainty 
c. Severity 
d. Hedonism 
18. People have free will to choose how to act and what to do. 
a. Classical School 
b. Positivist 
c. Neo-Classical 
d. Chicago School 
19. An English jurist, philosopher, legal and social reformer. An early advocator of
a. Jeremy Bentham 
b. Marcus Felson 
c. Lawrence Cohen 
d. Cesare Beccaria 
20. One of the schools of criminology that defined a man committed a crime because of free-
will but there are exemptions like lunatics and children. 
a. Neo-Classical 
b. Classical 
c. Positive  
d. Chicago 
21. It refers to a person committing a crime with intent. 
a. Motivated offender 
b. Suitable Target 
c. Visibility 
d. Inertia 
22. Referred by Lombroso as “born criminal”. 
a. Atavistic 
b. Neanderthal 
c. Homo Sapien 
d. Stigmata 
23. An Italian Criminologist and founder of Positivist or Italian School of Criminology. He
was regarded as the “Father of Modern Criminology”. 
a. Cesare Beccaria 
b. Enrico Ferri 
c. Marcus Felson 
d. Cesare Lombroso 
24. Refers to those who commit crimes in response to opportunities. 
a. Atavistic 
b. Criminaloid 
c. Criminal by Passion 
d. Social Positivism
25. Referred to a person who committed a crime motivated or because of anger and love or
a. Criminaloid 
b. Atavistic 
c. Criminal by Passion 
d. Insane 
26. An Italian jurist and student of Lombroso whom categorized criminals into four such as
murderer, deficient criminal, violent criminal and Lascivious criminal. 
a. Enrico Ferri 
b. Robert Ezra Park 
c. Rafaele Garofalo 
d. Enrico Ferri 
27. Refers to a criminal who kills another person and is satisfied from vengeance or revenge. 
a. Murderer 
b. Violent  
c. Lascivious 
d. Deficient 
28. Lacks pity and can be influenced by environmental factors. 
a. Lascivious criminal 
b. Violent criminal 
c. Deficient criminal 
d. Murderer 
29. Refers to a person who commits crimes against chastity like seduction. 
a. Murderer 
b. Violent criminal 
c. Deficient criminal 
d. Lascivious criminal 
30. Referred to this criminal as those alcoholics, kleptomaniacs, nymphomaniacs, idiots,
epileptics and child molesters. 
a. Criminal by Passion 
b. Criminaloid 
c. Insane Criminal 
d. Atavistic
31. Mother of Criminals 
a. Ella 
b. Eve 
c. Margaret
d. Erica 
32. Crime is inherited and criminals are born. 
a. Positivist or Italian School 
b. Neo-classical School 
c. Classical School 
d. Chicago School 
33. Social factors in relation to crime are population, religion and geography. 
a. True 
b. False 
c. Partially True 
d. Partially False 
34. Lombroso noted that most women are not criminal, however, they are most often
occasional criminals but, some women are atavistic criminal. He considered female
criminality to be restricted to prostitution and abortion and a man was invariably
responsible for instigating these crimes. 
a. True 
b. False 
c. Partially True 
d. Partially False 
35. The holy three of criminology are Lombroso, Ferri and Bentham. 
a. True 
b. False 
c. Partially True 
d. Partially False 
36. An act or omission punishable by law. 
a. Crime 
b. Law 
c. Criminal 
d. Criminology 
37. Hedonist means that man only seeks pleasure and avoids pain. 
a. True 
b. False 
c. Partially True 
d. Partially false   
38. Certainty refers to the concept of making a punishment sure to happen whenever an
undesirable act is committed. 
a. True 
b. False 
c. Partially True 
d. Partially false   
39. Classical School stated that people have free will to choose how to act and what to do. 
a. True 
b. False 
c. Partially True 
d. Partially false   
40. Jeremy Bentham is an English jurist, philosopher, legal and social reformer. An early
advocator of utilitarianism. 
a. True 
b. False 
c. Partially True 
d. Partially false   
41. Criminal by passion refers to those who commit crimes in response to opportunities. 
a. True 
b. False 
c. Partially True 
d. Partially False 
42. Criminaloid referred to a person who committed a crime motivated or because of anger
and love or honor. 
a. True 
b. False 
c. Partially True 
d. Partially False 
43. Enrico Ferri is an Italian jurist and student of Lombroso whom categorized criminals into
four such as murderer, deficient criminal, violent criminal and Lascivious criminal. 
a. True 
b. False 
c. Partially True 
d. Partially False 
44. Refers to the purpose in using a particular means to affect such result.  
a. Motive 
b. Capability 
c. Intent 
d. Opportunity 
45. Destruction includes the loss of life by way of murder, homicide and other violent
a. Crime is destructive 
b. Crime is expensive 
c. Crime is pervasive 
d. Crime is reflective 
46. This study accomplished by Richard Dugdale. This study was about a rural clan that
‘’over seven generations produced 1,200 bastards, beggars, murderers, prostitutes, thieves
and syphilitics’’. 
a. Kalikkak Family Tree 
b. Juke Family Tree 
c. Sir Jonathan Edwards Family Tree 
d. Heredity Studies  
47. Individual Factors in relation to crime are age, sex and ______. 
a. Psychological variables 
b. Population 
c. Culture 
d. Race  
48. The segments for Positivism are biological, psychological and __________. 
a. Social positivism 
b. Psychiatric positivism 
c. Behavioral positivism 
d. Cognitive positivism 
49. Routine Activity Theory delinquent youths were “drifting” between criminal and non-
criminal behavior and were relatively free to choose whether to take part in delinquency. 
a. True 
b. False 
c. Partially True 
d. Partially False 
50. One of the principal divisions of Criminology which is also called as the making of
a. Criminal etiology 
b. Penology 
c. Sociology of Law
d. Crime
51. Applies to other potential offenders by showing them that a punished individual would
not gain from his or her offense. 
a. Specific Deterrence 
b. General Deterrence 
c. Punishment 
d. Hedonism 
52. Crime is inherited and criminals are born. 
a. Positivist or Italian School 
b. Neo-classical School 
c. Classical School 
d. Chicago School 
53. It refers to the physical aspects of a person or property that impedes or disrupts its
suitability as a target. 
a. Value 
b. Inertia 
c. Visibility 
d. Accessibility 
54. The father of Empirical or Scientific Criminology 
a. Cesare Beccaria 
b. Cesare Lombroso 
c. Rafaele Garofalo 
d. Enrico Ferri 
55. Physical Factors in relation to crime are race, geography and temperature.  
a. True 
b. False 
c. Partially True 
d. Partially False 
56. Individual Factors in relation to crime are age, sex and ______. 
a. Psychological variables 
b. Population 
c. Culture 
d. Race  
57. Social factors in relation to crime are population, religion and geography. 
a. True 
b. False 
c. Partially True 
d. Partially False 
58. The components of Deterrence are Celerity, Certainty and __________. 
a. Just 
b. Fair 
c. Severity 
d. Specific 
59. The swifter and more certain the punishment, the more effective it is in deterring criminal
a. True 
b. False 
c. Partially True 
d. Partially False 
60. The segments for Positivism are biological, psychological and __________. 
a. Social positivism 
b. Psychiatric positivism 
c. Behavioral positivism 
d. Cognitive positivism 
61. Suitability of target is described by four attributes such as value, inertia, visibility and
a. Accessibility 
b. Neutrality 
c. Availability 
d. Absence  
62. Visibility refers to the convenience which increases the risk of attack. 
a. True 
b. False 
c. Partially True 
d. Partially False 
63. Routine Activity Theory was developed by Marcus Felson and _____________. 
a. Lawrence Cohen 
b. Rafaele Garofalo 
c. Paul Topinard 
d. Cesare Lombroso 
64. Drift Theory was advocated by ____________ 
a. Paul Topinard 
b. Jeremy Bentham 
c. David Matza 
d. Robert Ezra Park 
65. The schools of criminology are Classical, Neo-classical, Positivist and ______________. 
a. French 
b. German 
c. American 
d. Chicago 
66. The two forms of Deterrence are Specific and _____. 
a. General 
b. Individual 
c. Classified 
d. Specialized 
67. Violation of a penal law that forbids or commands it?
a. Sin
b. Crime
c. Infraction
d. Law
68. What right will the accused invoke if the question is directly tackling on why he
committed the crime?
a. The right to live
b. The right not to answer
c. The right of speedy trial
d. The right to remain in silent
69. X and Y are lovers. Their parents opposed their relationship because they are close
relatives. X and Y were desperately in love with each other. They decided to kill
themselves and prove to their parents that they love each other until death do, they part.
Armed with gun, X and Y shot each other. Y died but X survived. X is liable for?
a. Murder
b. Homicide
c. Giving assistance to suicide
d. No crime is committed because they love each other
70. A person commits crime due to frustration.
a. Social Control Theory
b. Labeling Theory
c. Strain Theory
d. None of these
71. Practice of assessing a person's character or personality from their outer appearance—
especially the face?
a. Born Criminal
c. Criminaloids
d. None of the above
72. Introduces and describes the theory that explains why the research problem under study
a. Problem
b. Framework
d. None of the Above
73. In 1885, Italian law professor RAFFAELE GAROFALO coined the term "criminology"
(in Italian, criminologia) to refer to the study of crime and criminal behavior.
a. True
b. False
c. Partially True
d. Partially False
74. A theory that explains crime in terms of crime opportunities occurring in our daily lives;
for a crime to occur, three elements must be present: (1) a person motivated to commit
the offense, (2) a vulnerable victim who is available, and (3) insufficient protection to
prevent the crime.
a. True
b. False
c. Partially True
d. Partially False
75. Mr. Trillings was arrested for the violation of illegal drugs. His reason for committing
such act is he can’t sustain his needs because he belongs to a poor family. What theory
can explain his act?
a. Social Structure Theory
b. Labeling Theory
c. Strain Theory
d. None of these
76. A pillar of CJS that has something to do with the administration of the sanction of the
sentence being handed down.
a. Law enforcement
b. Court
c. Community
d. Correction
77. Mr. Generoso was killed by Mr. Sam. The latter confessed that the reason why he killed
the former was because he was in Casino.
a. Born Criminal
b. Insane Criminal
c. Criminaloids
d. Crimal by passion
78. Edwin Sutherland expounded the theory of DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION which
contends that the criminal conduct is a learning behavior.
a. True
b. False
c. Partially True
d. Partially False
79. Refers to investigation of the nature of criminal law and its administration.
a. Sociology of Crimes
b. Sociology of law
c. Sociology of Crimes and law
d. None of the Above
80. Stealing because of jealousy is what type of youth behavioral disorder?
a. Pyromania
b. Megalomania
d. None of the Above
81. Something happened and difficult to accept and make conclusion why it happened.
a. Reconstruction
b. Rationalization
c. Commitment
d. None of the Above
82. No one can carry firearms and explosives, even police officers who are not on duty.
a. True
b. False
c. Yes
d. No
83. A type of Victim who is an easy target.
a. Easy Victim
b. Victim Vulnerability
c. Victimless
d. None of the Above
84. A type of victim that can be victimized in a dark and uninhabited place?
a. High Risk
b. Low Risk
c. Medium Risk
d. None of the Above
85. Obligatory service to pay or render something?
a. Obligation
b. Mandatory
c. Commitment
d. None of the Above
86. Classical school form that crime involved traditional formal deterrence.
a. Rational Choice Theory
b. Neo- Classical theory
c. Positivist Theory
d. Differential Association Theory
87. When people find they cannot achieved valued goals through legitimate means they
experience stress and frustration, which will turn may lead to rule violating behavior.
a. Social Structure Theory
b. Labeling Theory
c. Strain Theory
d. Differential Association Theory
88. Child who is associated with people who are drug addicts will most likely become like
them this is theory of?
a. Social Structure Theory
b. Labeling Theory
c. Strain Theory
d. Differential Association Theory
89. Each police officer is allowed great deal of Discretion in deciding what to do while on
beat especially when encountered citizen in conflict with laws.
a. True
b. False
c. Partially True
d. Partially False
90. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without notice of charges. This is
the right to have?
a. Final Judgement
b. Due process
c. Right to remain silent
d. None of the Above
91. Family can be broken by divorce, separation, annulment or by?
a. Having relation to a beautiful woman
b. Accident
c. Death
d. None of the Above
92. It is the study of punishment for crime or criminal offenders.
a. Criminology
b. Penology
c. Phrenology
d. Anatomy
93. At the early age, Michael “Mike” Angelo stole apple and grapes of Philip Tang’s farm.
When Mike was busted, he was called by his friends as “Mike the apple snatcher.” Now
Mike lives up to the name and practices all types of burglars all throughout his life. This
theory is suggested by?
a. Social Structure Theory
b. Labeling Theory
c. Strain Theory
d. Differential Association Theory
94. Andy was absent for 20 days in school. He had not given satisfactory reason. He did not
like the aura of school, his terror teachers and the constant bullying of his classmates.
This theory is known as?
a. Social Structure Theory
b. Labeling Theory
c. Strain Theory
d. Differential Association Theory
95. Alisto went to the bar together with his friends and suddenly saw his friend Hippolito,
drinking beer. Alisto said: “I will tell our teacher that you did not get to school because of
this.” Hippolito right there and then punched Alisto and he died. What type of criminal is
a. Criminal by passion
b. Born Criminal
c. Criminaloid
d. None of the Above
96. Montejo is a suspect. He saw a girl on the street talking somebody on her cellphone. He
went over to the girl but he saw a police officer going near the girl. He was not able to
pursue his intention of snatching the cellphone. In this case, what is lacking?
a. Motive
b. Means
c. Opportunity
d. None of the Above
97. PO1 Nandy was born from a criminal family and he was always looking for a pleasure in
life but did not take any risk and avoided pain. PO1 Nandy is a great representation of a?
a. Good Example
b. Hedonist
c. Happy Police Officer
d. Careful kind of Police Officer
98. A scholar who studies the relationship of crime to social factors?
a. Criminologist
b. Sociologist
c. Sociological Criminologist
d. Criminalist
99. A child which is deserted for a period of at least 3 continuous months?
a. Neglected Child
b. Abandoned Child
c. Child in-conflict with the Law
d. None of the Above
100. The study of the shape of the skull & bumps on the head & linked them to
criminal behavior; advocates and developed by Franz Joseph Gall&Johann K. Spurzheim.
a. Criminology
b. Penology
c. Phrenology
d. Anatomy
Prepared by: Marlon S. Abellana

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