1st Quarter ZOINKS

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Describe the components of a scientific investigation. (S7MT-Ia-1)

1. Hannah soaked six different kinds of seeds in water for 24 hours. Then she planted the seeds in soil at a
depth of 1cm. She used the same amount of water, light and heat for each kind of seed. What step of
scientific method is being described by the statement?
A. recognize a problem C. experimentation
B. form a hypothesis D. draw a conclusion

2. Robert noticed that a group of eggplant in their school garden grows differently. He asked the school
gardener and his teacher about his observation. He read books and search the internet about how to grow
plants. This step of scientific method shows________________.
A. Conclusion C. Formulating a hypothesis
B. Collection of data D. Identifying the problem

3. Kim’s experiment showed that chicken egg shells become stronger if the hen ate feed to which extra
calcium has been added. What step of scientific method is this?
A. recognize a problem C. experimentation
B. formulate a hypothesis D. drawing a conclusion

4. Rayven said “If acid affects plants in a particular lake, it can affect small animals, such as crayfish, that
live in the same water.” This step of scientific method shows
A. identifying the problem C. drawing a conclusion
B. formulating a hypothesis D. experimentation

Describe some properties of metals and non-metals such as luster, malleability, ductility and
conductivity. (S7MT- Ij-7)
6. An electrical engineer is planning to install the electrical wires in a newly built house. He is planning
to use copper wires. What characteristic/s of copper makes it ideal for electrical wirings and why these
wires are coated by a rubber?

A. Copper is ductile and good conductor of heat and electricity while rubbers are non-conductor.
B. Copper is malleable and non conductor while rubber is good conductor of electricity.
C. Copper conducts heat and brittle while rubber is non conductor and ductile.
7. Substance A and substance B were tested for their physical characteristics. The results showed that
substance A is malleable, heat conductor, shiny and ductile, while substance B is brittle, dull and
nonconductor of heat. What is the nature of substance A and substance B?
A. Substance A is metal while substance B is non – metal.
B. Substance A is non-metal while substance B is metal.
C. Both substances are metals.
D. Both substances are non-metals

9. Sulfur, carbon and phosphorus are nonmetals. Iron, Gold and silver are metals. What best distinguishes a
nonmetal from a metal?
A. Non-metals are ductile and malleable while metals are brittle and dull.
B. Non-metals are insulator while metals are good conductor of heat and electricity.
C. Nonmetals are brittle, dull and poor conductors while metals are malleable, lustrous and good
D. Both B and C
10. Which of the following statement/s is/are TRUE of metals and non-metals?
I. Non-metals are heat conductors while metals are non-conductor.
II. Metals are malleable and lustrous while non-metals are brittle and dull.
III. Metals are brittle and malleable while non-metals are insulators and ductile.
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I and II

Recognized that substances can be classified as elements and compounds.(S7MT-Ig-h-5)

11. Substance A is made up of only one kind of atom and that cannot be broken down into a simpler form
by ordinary chemical means while substance B is made up of two different kinds of atoms and can be
broken by chemical means. What can you infer about substances A and B?
A. Substance A is an element while substance B is a compound.
B. Substance B is an element while substance A is a compound.
C. Both substances are element.
D. Both substances are compound.

12. Two substances were heated in a test tube. After a few minutes, the yellow substance returned to its
original color and became solid again, while the other substance which is white in color turned black
and produced moisture at the sides of the test tube. What is nature of the substances?
A. The yellow substance is a compound while the white substance is an element.
B. The yellow substance is an element while the white substance is a compound.
C. Both of them are elements.
D. The white substance is a mixture.

14. When a blue solid is heated in the absence of air, two other substances- a colorless gas and a white
solid are formed. Which of the following statement/s is/are true about blue solid?

A. The blue solid is an element because it cannot be separated anymore.

B. The blue solid is a compound because two new substances were produced upon heating.
C. The blue solid is an element because it produced two different kinds of substances upon heating.
D. The blue solid is a compound because it did not produce a new substance.


15. A black, crystalline solid substance forms a purple vapor when it is heated. Upon cooling it returned to its
original color and became solid again. How will you classify the sample?
A. Element, because it does not change its property.
B. Compound, because it decomposed into other elements
C. Mixture because vapour was produced.
D. Solution because it can be separated by heating.

Investigate properties of acidic and basic mixtures using natural indicators. (S7MT-Ii-6)
16. Mary wanted to know whether an unknown substance is a base or an acid. She created a natural
indicator from violet colored camote leaves. Using the indicator, she observed that it turns blue. What
can be the nature of the unknown substance?
A. weak acid B. strong acid C. weak base D. strong base

17. Henry spills some of his sprite into the baking soda used for his baking class. He eventually observed
evolution of gas. If Henry will use a violet colored camote leaves for his indicator, what will be its
resulting color of the indicator if added to baking soda?
A. Green B. Red to pale red C. Blue D. No change in color

18. A sample substance shows the following properties, it tastes sour and turns blue litmus paper to red.,
and turns the red camote extract to pale red. The sample substance is___________.
A. Acid B. Base C. Salt D. Neutral

19. An unknown sample has a bitter taste and slippery when touched. And it turns green in camote extract
indicator. To what kind of compound does it belong?
A. Acid B. Base C. Salt D. Oxide

21. A drain cleaner like liquid Sosa contains large amount of sodium hydroxide, commonly known as lye.
Its pH value is 13.0 and it turns violet camote leaves indicator to yellow. What is the nature of the drain
A. strongly acidic C. weakly basic
B. weakly acidic D. strongly basic

Distinguish mixtures from substances based on a set of properties. (S7MT-Ie-f-4)

23. Two transparent liquids were allowed to evaporate. Liquid A boils at a range of 64.7oC – 100oC and has
white solid particles left at the bottom of the container after evaporated while liquid B boils at 100oC and
has no particles left on its container, what can you infer about the two liquids?
A. Liquid A is a mixture while liquid B is a substance.
B. Liquid A is a substance while liquid B is a mixture.
C. Liquid A is a heterogeneous mixture while liquid B is a solution.
D. Both liquids are mixtures.

24. Sample A is a transparent liquid material and can be separated by distillation while sample B is a black
solid material and cannot be separated by ordinary chemical means. What can be inferred about these
A. Sample A is a substance while sample B is a mixture.
B. Sample A is a solution while sample B is a heterogeneous mixture.
C. Sample A is a mixture while sample B is a solution.
D. Sample A is a mixture while sample B is a substance.

25. Oliver heated a liquid in a casserole. He forgot to turn off the stove right away and all the liquid was
gone. But he noticed that there were some solid materials that settled at the surface of the casserole.
What can be inferred from this observation? The liquid ______.
A. The liquid was a pure substance while the solid materials is a mixture.
B. The liquid was a mixture and the solid materials was a pure substance.
C. The liquid was composed of a single material.
D. The liquid material and the solid particles were pure substances.

26. Sodium chloride is a white crystalline solid substance. Water is a liquid colorless substance that boils at
100oC. Sodium chloride dissolves very well in water . Which is NOT TRUE in the following statements?
A. Water is pure substance.
B. Sodium chloride is a compound.
C. Dissolving sodium chloride with water produces a mixture.
D. Dissolving sodium chloride with water produces a new substance.

27. A gaseous material has a strong smell, evaporates quickly, particularly boils at -33.34 0C and melts
at -77.73 0C, while a liquid material is colorless, odorless, and boils at a range of 78oC -100 oC. What
can you infer about the materials?
A. The gaseous material is a mixture, while the liquid material is a substance.
B. The gaseous material is a solution, while the liquid material is a substance.
C. The gaseous material is a substance, while the liquid material is a mixture.
D. Both of them are mixtures.

36. What will Patricia do if she wanted to dilute hydrochloric (HCl) acid on a 500mL of water to clean her
A. Add 100mL of HCl C. Add 750 mL of HCl
B. Add 600 mL of HCl D. Add 1L of HCl

37. How much is the alcohol content in a 750 mL of wine labeled 25% alcohol?
A. 163.5 mL C. 187.5 mL
B. 175.5 mL D. 192.5 mL

38. Determine mass percent of solution made from dissolving 30.0 grams of H202 with 70.0 grams of H2O.
A. 3% C. 0.3 %
B. 30% D. 3.30 %

39. What is the percent by mass of ethanol in a solution containing 2.0 grams of ethanol dissolved in 10.0
grams of water?
A. 5.0 % C. 1.67 %
B. 20.0 % D. 16.67 %

40. What is the percent by volume of 25 mL acetic acid in 500 mL vinegar?

A. 0.5 % C. 5 %
B. 2.5 % D. 15 %

TRUE or FALSE. Compounds are made up of one or more kind of elements.

How many steps are there in scientific investigation? 6

Which of the following elements is most likely ductile at room temperature?

A. Sulfur
B. Mercury
C. Nitrogen
D. Aluminum

Which of the following is NOT a mixture?

A. Mineral water
B. Sea water
C. Distilled water
D. Vinegar

What is the 4th step in the scientific investigation? Experimentation

What is the chemical symbol of Potassium? K

What are the 3 types of elements?

What are the 2 types of mixtures?

______________ is a characteristic of a substance that can be observed or measured without

changing the identity of the substance.

What physical property describes that a material can be easily bend? Malleable/malleability

These elements are SEMI-CONDUCTORS. Metalloids

These elements are POOR CONDUCTORS of heat/electricity. NON-METAL

It is a measure of how acidic/basic water is. The range goes from 0 - 14, with 7 being neutral. pH

It is a substance which is found naturally and can determine whether the substance is acidic or

What happens when you soak a blue litmus paper in vinegar? it turns red

What do you call substances with less than 7 in pH scale? ACIDS

What are the 3 types of solution?

What type of solution is formed when the solution is above the saturation point?

What type of solution is formed when the solution is below the saturation point?

It is a substance that is dissolve in a solvent. SOLUTE

It is a substance in which a solute dissolves into. SOLVENT

It is anything that occupy space and has mass. MATTER

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