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Life Science

by Rose Murray

Genre Comprehension Skill Text Features Science Content

Nonfiction Draw Conclusions • Diagrams Food Chains

• Labels
• Glossary

Scott Foresman Science 1.5

ISBN-13: 978-0-328-34211-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-328-34211-2
ISBN-10: 0-328-34211-4
9 0
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9 78
7 80
288 3
Vocabulary Food
What did you Chains
food chain 1. What do animals eat?
marsh 2. How doesby Rose
water Murray
move in a plant?
oxygen 3. Plants and animals are
linked in food chains. Write to explain how
rain forest
a food chain works. Use words from the
book as you write.
4. Draw Conclusions What would
a green plant be unable to do if it loses
its leaves?

Photographs: Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit
for photographic material. The publisher deeply regrets any omission and pledges to correct errors
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property of Scott Foresman, a division of Pearson Education. Photo locators denoted as follows: Top
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Visuals Unlimited, (TC) ©William J. Weber/Visuals Unlimited, (TC) ©Royalty-free/Corbis, (TR) ©Ted
Levin/Animals Animals/Earth Scenes, (BR) ©David A. Northcott/Corbis; 15 ©James Allen/Bruce
Coleman Inc.

ISBN 13: 978-0-328-34211-2; ISBN 10: 0-328-34211-4

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc.

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How do plants and Some animals eat plants.
animals get food? Some animals eat other animals.

All living things have needs. Some animals eat plants and other

All living things need food. animals.

2 3
Plants Make Food Leaves use air.
Plants need food. Leaves use water.
Green leaves make food for a plant. Leaves use light from the Sun.
Leaves use three things to make food.

4 5
Roots take in water from soil. Green leaves give off oxygen when
The water goes up the stem they make food.
to the leaves. Oxygen is a gas in the air.
Plants and animals need oxygen
to live.

6 7
How do living things get A plant grows in the rain forest.
food in a rain forest? The plant makes its own food.

A rain forest is a habitat. An animal eats the plant.

A rain forest gets lots of rain. Another animal eats this animal.

8 9
Food for Animals Plants make food.
Some animals find other Animals eat plants.
animals to eat. Other animals eat these animals.
This is their food. This is called a food chain.

Tayra Bird



Plant takes
in sunlight

10 11
How do living things Plants in marshes make food.
get food in a marsh? They use light from the Sun.

A marsh is a wetland habitat. Animals eat these plants.

It is a wet place. Other animals eat these animals.

Marshes have food chains too.

12 13
Finding Food Food chains are in all
Animals find other animals to eat. kinds of places.
A bird can catch a snake. All living things are linked
The snake is food for the bird. in food chains.

Snake Bird

14 15
Vocabulary What did you learn?
food chain 1. What do animals eat?
food chain the connection between living
marsh things and their food 2. How does water move in a plant?
marsh a wetland habitat 3. Plants and animals are
linked in food chains. Write to explain how
rain forest
oxygen a gas in the air a food chain works. Use words from the
book as you write.
rain forest a habitat that gets lots of rain
4. Draw Conclusions What would
a green plant be unable to do if it loses
its leaves?

Photographs: Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit
for photographic material. The publisher deeply regrets any omission and pledges to correct errors
called to its attention in subsequent editions. Unless otherwise acknowledged, all photographs are the
property of Scott Foresman, a division of Pearson Education. Photo locators denoted as follows: Top
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Opener: ©Jonathan Blair/Corbis; Title Page: ©David A. Northcott/Corbis; 2 (CL, B) ©Michael &
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©William J. Weber/Visuals Unlimited, (CL) ©DK Images, (TC) ©Taxi/Getty Images, (TC) ©Michael
Sewell/Peter Arnold, Inc.; 4 ©Gary Braasch/Corbis; 5 ©Gary Braasch/Corbis; 6 ©Hal Horwitz/
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©Rick & Nora Bowers/Visuals Unlimited, (TR, CR, BR) ©Michael & Patricia Fogden/Corbis, (TR)
©Kevin Schafer/NHPA Limited; 10 (CC) ©Kevin Schafer/NHPA Limited, (BL) ©Steve Kaufman/Corbis;
11 (CR) ©Rick & Nora Bowers/Visuals Unlimited, (TL) ©Kevin Schafer/NHPA Limited, (TL, Bkgd)
©Michael & Patricia Fogden/Corbis; 12 ©Sue A. Thompson/Visuals Unlimited; 14 (TL) ©Rick Poley/
Visuals Unlimited, (TC) ©William J. Weber/Visuals Unlimited, (TC) ©Royalty-free/Corbis, (TR) ©Ted
Levin/Animals Animals/Earth Scenes, (BR) ©David A. Northcott/Corbis; 15 ©James Allen/Bruce
Coleman Inc.

ISBN 13: 978-0-328-34211-2; ISBN 10: 0-328-34211-4

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is
protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher
prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission
in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
likewise. For information regarding permissions, write to: Permissions Department,
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