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Strategy & Corporate Finance Practice

The strategy-
analytics revolution
It’s time to bring advanced analytics into the strategy room—
here’s why.

by Chris Mulligan, Nicholas Northcote, Tido Röder, and Sasha Vesuvala

© Stevecoleimages/Getty Images

April 2021
Over the past decade, advances in digital analytics specifics of the case at hand combined with their
have transformed the way businesses operate. From personal experience and intuition (commonly
marketing and pricing to customer service and referred to as “the inside view”), without taking into
manufacturing, advanced analytics is now central to account the distribution of outcomes of similar
many corporate functions. The same, however, cases (“the outside view”).2 As a result, many
cannot be said for strategy—at least not yet. forecasts are overly optimistic. The two
collaborators went on to propose a corrective
While strategy development will always require procedure called “reference class forecasting” that
creative and thoughtful executives to set aspirations involves complementing the inside view with data on
and make bold choices, analytics tools can give you real-world outcomes, or “base rates,” from a
an edge. Advanced analytics can be used to reference class of similar cases.
accomplish the following:
In the past 20 years, the use of this technique has
— Reduce bias in decisions by calibrating the gathered impressive momentum, with hundreds of
likelihood of your strategy succeeding before articles highlighting the methodology’s application
you allocate resources. in both academic and practical settings. To date,
such calibrations have been limited largely to
— Unearth new growth opportunities by the field of project management, but forecasts
complementing traditional brainstorming made during strategic planning confront similar
methods to reveal hidden pockets of growth. challenges. Strategic plans, too, involve estimating
the future costs and benefits of investments,
— Identify early-stage trends by painting a real- making an outside view just as valuable in
time picture of how your business context is informing those decisions.
unfolding so that you can trigger big moves
before your competitors do. In our recent book Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick
(Wiley, February 2018), we introduced the idea of
— Anticipate complex market dynamics by using data analytics to bring an outside view to
generating proprietary insights about the strategy. By embracing the outside view, you can
combined impact of myriad forces. estimate your strategy’s odds of success before you
allocate resources to that strategy. For example, if
Each of these applications can sharpen business your target is to grow economic profit by $100 million
leaders’ views of the competitive arena and how they per year in the next decade, would it not be helpful to
can position themselves to win. But that requires know that only 35 percent of large companies
putting advanced analytics front and center in the managed to achieve that over a decade? And if we
strategy process. told you that companies which implemented
programmatic-M&A3 strategies and reached the top
quintile in productivity improvements were 1.5 times
Reduce bias in decisions more likely to achieve that profit target, would you
When Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky 1 not consider prioritizing those two areas in your
observed that even experienced planners tend strategic efforts (Exhibit 1)?
to underestimate the cost and time required to
complete projects, they termed the phenomenon We have often applied this methodology to calibrate
“planning fallacy.” They argued that this tendency strategies and performance aspirations against data
results from people making forecasts based on the from thousands of publicly listed companies. The

Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, “Intuitive prediction: Biases and corrective procedures,” TIMS Studies in Management Science, 1979,
Volume 12, pp. 313–27.
The terms “inside view” and “outside view” were proposed by Daniel Kahneman and Dan Lovallo in “Timid choices and bold forecasts: A
cognitive perspective on risk taking,” Management Science, January 1993, Volume 39, Number 1, pp. 17–31.
Many small deals that accrue to a meaningful amount of market capitalization over multiple years instead of episodic, “big-bang” transactions.
For more, see Jeff Rudnicki, Kate Siegel, and Andy West, “How lots of small M&A deals add up to big value,” McKinsey Quarterly, July 12, 2019,

2 The strategy-analytics revolution

Web 2021
Exhibit 1
Exhibit 1 of 3

By embracing
By embracing the
the outside
outside view,
view, you
you can
can estimate
your strategy’s
before you
success allocate
before you resources.
allocate resources.
Companies by absolute economic profit growth, 2005–09 to 2015–19, % share
All large companies¹ Plus top quintile productivity Plus programmatic M&A³
100 100 100

35 41 52

Annual economic profit,

$ million

¹Average of >$3 billion of invested capital in 2005–09.

²Top quintile reduction in sales, general, and administrative expenses relative to industry peers.
³More than 1 acquisition per year, none larger than 30% of market capitalization.

approach can be used to motivate bold strategic new products or services, or even new applications
moves while, in some cases, demonstrating that for existing offerings. The most effective of these
an ambition is unlikely to be achieved without algorithms use sophisticated network analysis and
exceedingly strong execution. For example, when natural-language processing to parse and find
shown this approach, an energy company realized connections among hundreds of disparate text data
that their planned strategy had achieved the sources such as company descriptions, patent
financial performance they were targeting in only filings, M&A data, and academic papers.
10 percent of historical cases. The strategy was
simply too timid. This led the company to reassess For example, a company that specializes in
the plan and include bigger, bolder strategic moves producing brominated compounds (largely used
that would improve their odds of achieving desired in commodity-chemicals segments such as
gains. At the other extreme, a materials-industry detergents) scanned all publicly available
company set a strategy that only 5 percent of information on such compounds, including more
companies in a database had managed to execute than 120 million patents and 100 million academic
successfully. Highlighting the stretch of this ambition publications, to identify hundreds of potential new
helped demonstrate the importance of establishing a applications for its products. The organization
rigorous execution- and performance-management prioritized 30 higher-margin applications, such as in
infrastructure for the plan’s delivery, helping to lower niche medical devices, which ended up collectively
the risk in $8 billion worth of investment. contributing $50 million of revenue to its growth
plan. Similarly, when another company specializing
in performance materials wanted to analyze growth
Unearth new growth opportunities opportunities within the gasket and insulation space,
Advanced analytics can also enhance strategic it used a text-clustering algorithm and network
planning by unearthing growth opportunities that analysis to pinpoint 45 potential growth areas within
would otherwise be hard to spot, be they attractive five clusters, each with a shortlist of acquisition
industry segments and acquisition targets, ideas for prospects (Exhibit 2).

The strategy-analytics revolution 3

Exhibit 2

A performance-materials company analyzed growth opportunities within the

gasket and insulation space.

A text-clustering algorithm and

network analysis pinpointed Waterproofing
5 clusters of opportunity ... and sealants

Packaging and adhesives

Construction insulation and repair

Industrial gaskets and seals

... and 45 potential growth Filtration membranes and equipment

areas, each with a shortlist
of acquisition prospects
Asphalt Garment
patching bags
Crack Billboards
Soil- Specialty
stabilization boxes
layers Tapes filter
Geosynthetic Reinforced Masks Heavy-duty
lining paper sealing bands
Reinforce- Masking filters Noise Specialty
ment tapes reducers packaging
Portable Carbon-
water particulate
filters filters
Erosion- Pipe Core Gaskets Disposable
control Air- business Air- and containers
layers purification at center filtration O-rings
modules modules

Geogrids Spiral-wound Conveyor Fluid Sanitary membranes
gaskets belts filters seals
Locomotive Heating Sealing
Geomembranes rubber gaskets sealants membranes
Molded Heavy-
gaskets duty mats
Geotextiles Elastomeric
Thermal Moisture
insulation Wall Slab barriers
insulation water-

4 The strategy-analytics revolution

Identify early-stage trends could gain these insights through near real-time
State-of-the-art artificial intelligence engines can tracking of patent and academic-publication
analyze, in real time, publicly available information momentum, announcements, and investments
spanning billions of web pages, patent filings, news across different technologies. They could also track
sources, clinical-trials reports, earnings-call relevant regulatory changes such as zero-emission-
transcripts, and more. By finding patterns in these vehicle mandates that stimulate demand for electric
disparate data sources, they can help executives vehicles or local ownership rules in countries where
identify emerging trends by, for example, measuring lithium supply is concentrated (Exhibit 3).
the change in the frequency of a term appearing in
the data. Some of these real-time tools can also perform
“sentiment analysis,” which uses trained algorithms
Take the example of a manufacturing company trying to classify news and social-media content based on
to decide which electric-vehicle battery technology the event or topic, the companies involved, and the
to invest in. This is not a trivial decision—the capital positive or negative sentiment associated with each
expenditure alone would run into billions of dollars company. Quantitative investors seeking short-term
and likely lock the manufacturer into a specific market inefficiencies use this type of data to inform
technology for many years. Executives in this their trades. Companies developing strategies can
company would benefit from knowing how similarly tap such analyses for timely perspectives
associated trends are evolving and when a specific on customer sentiment or reputational risk.
technology is likely to have a clear advantage. They

Web 2021
Exhibit 33
Exhibit 3 of

Companies can gain insight by tracking

Companies can tracking emerging
emerging trends.
Illustrative tracking dashboard

Concept Trend momentum Top patent applicants in the last 6 months

Inductive Patents
charging Firm 1
Publications Firm 2
Firm 3
Social Firm 4
Firm 5

battery Firm 2
Firm 1
Patents Firm 4
Social Firm 3
Firm 5

Primary Patents
cell Firm 3
Firm 1
Firm 2
Firm 4

Near real-time count of patent filings, Companies ranked by the

academic publications, and social number of times they are
(announcements) across different technologies mentioned with the concept

The strategy-analytics revolution 5

In a world of increasing uncertainty, companies need minimize downtime and cost while ensuring reliable
to be dynamic in how they set and manage their capacity in the grid. The resulting savings reached
strategic plans. That requires combining no-regret an estimated $500 million.
moves that work in any condition and can be
executed immediately with a few bigger, bolder bets Models can be particularly useful in analyzing
that would be executed once the executive team is systems with many independent entities, where
comfortable a conducive scenario is unfolding. By behavior cannot be anticipated at the aggregate
using advanced analytics to track emerging trends, level because it evolves in unpredictable ways from
you can trigger these contingent moves before your the interactions and choices of the numerous agents,
competitors do. such as customers or competitors. In such situations,
strategists can turn to so-called agent-based
modeling and simulation. These tools assign each
Anticipate complex market dynamics agent a set of decision-making rules and then
By approximating real-world behavior, mathematical simulate their choices based on the information
modeling and simulation can be used to highlight available to each agent. Behavior “emerges” from
important trade-offs and assumptions associated the system in ways that often could not have been
with various strategic choices, forecast market predicted using more traditional top-down models.
demand under different scenarios, and help
managers understand and predict competitive While commonly used to model dynamic social
responses or customer behaviors. The modeling behavior, epidemics and natural systems, agent-
methods currently available include system based modeling is not yet widely applied in strategy.
dynamics, agent-based simulations, Monte Carlo However, companies operating in markets with many
analyses, and a range of machine-learning customers, competitors, or suppliers, such as
approaches. Models are especially helpful in e-commerce and digital ecosystems, can find such
assessing complex market and competitive models valuable. For example, a consumer-goods
situations where managerial intuition is insufficient company used this approach to develop an
to fully account for the implications of many integrated market model that captured the behaviors
interdependent parties’ actions. of its customers, suppliers, and competitors. It then
used the model to understand the impact that new
Consider the experience of an electric-power-grid product launches and competitor-pricing strategies
operator that used a detailed power-flow model to would have on demand for its products.
create a capital-spending strategy based on
different scenarios for the future energy mix (wind,
solar, nuclear). The model considered more than
10,000 variables, including all grid assets, current Relative to most corporate functions, strategy has
and future generation capacities and their profiles, not yet captured the benefits of advanced analytics,
expected load distributions and their profiles, and missing out on potentially critical insights. By
import and export capacities. The probabilistic- tapping these technologies to complement the
optimization engine then ran 40 million iterations creativity of your team, you can materially improve
that enabled the utility to determine how to deploy your strategic outcomes.
billions of dollars of capital in a way that would

Chris Mulligan is a partner in McKinsey’s New York office; Nicholas Northcote is strategy and corporate finance director in
the Brussels office; Tido Röder is a solution associate partner in the Munich office; and Sasha Vesuvala is a solution associate
partner in the Mumbai office.

The authors wish to thank Anchal Aggarwal and Felipe Gonzalez for their contributions to this article.

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Copyright © 2021 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

6 The strategy-analytics revolution

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