Philosophy of Love II - There Isn't Free Reason

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Philosophy of love part II there isnt free reason.

In this second part, i need to repeat what i wrote before, but additioning another very important conclusion: even though we know the cause of our love desire, yet we continues searching for love. My conclusion is: that we call reason isnt free of emotion. Is possible someone decide not love because he know what love is? It would be the only condition to finally resolve the question: if there is a free reason? I think isnt something like free reason, because i my experienced opinion is impossible not to love, not feel desire to get close something and maybe the reason itself is a desire to be closed to ancient books and ney ideas!

What is, finally, love? The ancient famous Pascal sentence (love has reasons that reason itself doesnt understand) instead of to help to answer the question, put tons of ignorance on the question. My students (wich ages is between teenagers until young adults) answer like Pascal, kind arguments i call lazy ones: love is a inexplicable feeling Observe examples of love. Lets try to identify what they have in commom: When people fall in love they go fast to the others arms, they forget world around them, seem they dont need any more, just that sensation of completeness,... Its strnge that Pascal, father of theory of habits (when he say that when we see images of sun sunrise, arise in our mind the idea of that in the next day the sun will come bock, not because we have any certainty, just because we have habit the see day after day that our nearby star). Why Pascal not purposed to explain love by notion of habit? It is impossible to love something or someone that we just had see onde in our lives! So, love seems to me to include notions of habit, affection (touch, hug) in general a very agressive way, what shows us a need, generally, not satisfied, but once satisfied

in he past, otherwise how could we search what we donst know (question made by Saint Augustine, in 4th century after Christy)? In a short ddefinition: love is the desire to reproduce in the adult life that phoetal (embrionary) state, where we were surronded (as embraced, involved that is involvement) by other human, that is, obviously, my mother, your mother. Or in more shorted words, in the expectation to become a sentence so remembered and repeated like Pascal sentence: Love is to come back to be phoetus. Or love is looking for a second utero. Its not accident that between me and my love that seems to exist a strong conection, that is, like (unconscious) umbilical cord! We could add: when people cant explain love it is because when the love idea arise in our mind is when we dont use words: before we were born! Observe the faces, expressions of two lovers: they seem like babies when see their mommies! By the way, althrough our culture accept poligamy, in general, we search for one partner, because we is searching for that person that did care us and with which we were connected! Sometimes, isnt rare, people conecting with money, material objects, when they dont establishing human relations! Of course, that are others elements, that will affect our decision for loving or not and if loving, they affect which kind of person we will choose, e.g, which color of her hair, tall, behaviour, etc. But all these things that will form our ideal person will depend from experiences (interaction with another people) that we will live after utero. So, Love involves habit, touch and conection. After that reflection, i ask: - Is God, love? - All we need is love? - Is love the most important meaning of our life? The answer is in your hands, good luck!

Antonio Jaques Teacher of Philosophy Porto Alegre, july, 20, 2011

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