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Fear the Righteous The holy fury with which this warrior slays their enemies while wielding

this weapon
is terrifying to behold. The first time in each turn that an attack made with this weapon destroys an
enemy model, until the end of the battle, subtract 1 from the Leadership characteristic of models in the
destroyed model’s unit and subtract 1 from Combat Attrition tests taken for that unit. 2 Guided by a
Higher Power None can hope to evade blows made with this blessed weapon. Each time an attack is
made with this weapon, you can ignore any or all modifiers to the bearer’s Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill,
and you can ignore any or all modifiers to the hit roll. In addition, each time an attack is made with this
weapon, the target does not receive the benefits of cover against that attack. 3 Destroyer of Will Those
struck by this weapon are filled with the righteous judgement of a god, and such a hammer blow can
destroy even the strongest warriors’ will to fight. The first time in each turn that an attack made with this
weapon destroys an enemy model, at the end of the phase, your opponent must roll 3D6. If the result is
equal to or less than the Leadership characteristic of the destroyed model’s unit, then until the start of
your next Command phase, the destroyed model’s unit cannot perform actions (any action it is currently
performing automatically fails) and it cannot control objective markers (when determining who controls
an objective marker, ignore all models in such a unit). 4 Divine Wrath This weapon seems to hum with a
holy power against which no armour is proof. Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to
an enemy model, that enemy model cannot use any rules to ignore the wounds it loses. In addition, each
time an attack is made with this weapon, on an unmodified wound roll of 6, saving throws of any kind
cannot be made against that attack. 5 Pious Vengeance This warrior channels their piety and delivers
every strike at their foe with an accompanying prayer. Such prayers do not go unanswered … Each time
an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified hit roll of 6 automatically wounds the target. 6
Miraculous Blow It is said that unbelievers struck by this weapon may burst into holy flames as the anger
of the gods is made manifest. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, on an unmodified wound
roll of 6, that attack inflicts a number of mortal wounds equal to the Damage characteristic of that attack
and the attack sequence ends

Holy Shame These warriors carry the burden of shame around them like a yoke, and it prevents them
from achieving martial greatness. Each time a model in this unit makes an attack, you cannot re-roll the
hit roll, cannot re-roll the wound roll and cannot re-roll the damage roll for that attack. 2 Driven to
Repent This unit’s members can never stand still, so eager are they to close with the enemy and slay
them in the name of their deities in hope of gaining atonement. This unit cannot Fall Back and, unless it
starts your Movement phase within Engagement Range of an enemy unit, it cannot Remain Stationary. 3
Lost in Despair So consumed with guilt and despair are these fighters that they have all but lost sense of
who they truly are. This unit cannot gain any Detachment abilities, but including this unit in a
Detachment does not prevent other friendly units from gaining Detachment abilities. 4 Flagellants
Through an offering of their own blood, these warriors hope to wash away their sins. You must take an
Out of Action test for this unit at the end of every battle in which it fought, even if it was not destroyed
(if it was destroyed during the battle, subtract 2 from its subsequent Out of Action test). 5 Driven to
Sacrifice All thoughts of tactics and strategy are lost to these pious desperates. They wish only to offer up
the bodies of their fallen enemies as a tribute to atone for their failure. This unit can only gain
experience points as a result of Dealers of Death. Any additional experience points are lost. 6 Seeking a
Martyr’s Death The members of this squad believe they are poor wretches, unworthy of their deity’s
patronage, and they seek a martyr’s death on the battlefield. This unit cannot receive the benefits of
cover, it cannot Hold Steady and it cannot Set to Defend.

GAINING XENOTECH Buried throughout the Argovon System, and unearthed by the conflict, strange
xenotech devices are being discovered by forces on both sides. While the Imperial forces seek to study
these to better aid their understanding of the impending threat facing the system, the Necron forces
seek only to reclaim their ancient artefacts and restore them to their rightful place within their tomb
complexes. Each time you fight a battle during campaign phase 2 of the Argovon Campaign, you can
accumulate Xenotech points. Xenotech points are added to your total at the end of the battle unless
otherwise stated. Each time you gain any Xenotech points, record the total gained. At the end of each
battle in phase 2, when reporting the number of war zone points gained, each player must also report
their current Xenotech points total to the Campaign Master. These points will be used in phase 3 of the
Argovon Campaign. Xenotech points are gained for the following: • If you win a battle, gain 3 Xenotech
points. • If you draw a battle, gain 2 Xenotech points. • If you lose a battle, gain 1 Xenotech point. • If the
enemy Warlord is destroyed during the battle by a melee attack made by a model from your army, gain 1
Xenotech point at the end of that phase. • Selecting the Search for Xenotech Crusade Agenda (see
below). If you are fighting a Crusade battle during campaign phase 2 of the Argovon Campaign, you can
select the following agenda instead of another that is available to you. Search for Xenotech Xenotech
Agenda Infantry and Biker units from your army can attempt the following action, as described in the
Warhammer 40,000 Core Book: ‘Search for Xenotech’ (Action): At the end of your Movement phase, one
unit from your army that is within 3" of an area terrain feature can start to perform this action. This
action is completed at the start of your next Command phase. If completed, gain 1 Xenotech point.

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