Alfdrain S10-225

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Product : ALFDRAIN S10-225

ALFDRAIN S10-225 is a high performance geocomposite consisting of an
impermeable HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) cuspate sheet laminated to
a nonwoven geotextile filter layer. ALFDRAIN replaces use of aggregate
drainage layers and provides excellent drainage and protection to the
outside face of basement walls, preventing the build-up of water pressure
and protecting the structure from aggressive water.
For drainage behind retaining walls and as drainage and protection of
waterproofing system on foundation and basement work, tunnels, roof decks
& patios.
Property Method Units Value
Thickness ( Under 2kN/m2) EN 9863:1 mm 11.05
Mass per Unit Area EN ISO 9864 g/m2 1120
Compressive Strength EN ISO 25619-2 kPa 500
In-plane Flow Capacity using hard/hard Platens
(i=1.0) @ 20 kPa 5
EN ISO 12958 l/s/m
@ 100 kPa 4
@ 200 kPa 2
Polymer Polypropylene
Apparent Pore size 90% finer ( O90 ) EN ISO 12956 μm 90
Water flow EN ISO 11058 l/s/m2 100
Static Puncture Strength (CBR) EN ISO 12236 kN 1.675
Tensile strength ( MD ) EN ISO 10319 kN/m 10.2
Tensile strength ( CMD ) EN ISO 10319 kN/m 10.2
Polymer High density polyethylene
Chemical Resistance Highly resistant to acids and alkalis
Roll Dimensions
Roll Dimensions Width x Length m 2.8 x 25
Note :
Values are Typical, with the exception of Thickness, which is Nominal. Typical indicates the mean value derived from the samples
taken for any one test as defined in the EN ISO standard - usually the mean of five samples. Nominal is a guide value.
Values reported in this data sheet are the average results obtained in our laboratory and Independent testing institutions and are
subject to manufacturing tolerances.
Engineered grades to meet specific project requirements are available upon request.
Properties optimization and practical experience can make revisions necessary, the right is reserved to make changes without prior
The products are manufactured in Saudi Arabia in collaboration with GEOfabrics, UK.

Rev. 0 Issue : 1 January’2020 - ALFDRAIN S10-225

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