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Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Education REGION IV-A


Name: ______________________________________ Score: ____________ Section:

____________________________________ Date: _____________

Directions: Read each statement carefully and write only the CAPITAL LETTER of the correct
answer on the space provided.
_____1.Alex was excited by the tremendous monster trucks at the show. They were bigger than
he had ever seen. What does tremendous mean?
A. powerful
B. very big
C. very small
D. brightly colored

______2.The lamb was very feeble whereas the lion was very strong. What does feeble mean?
A. small
B. tall
C. firm
D. weak

______3.Using the information below, convert them into their proper citations using the APA 7th
edition format.

A. De Leon, R. (2015). The art of printing books and magazines. Arts and Design,
2,2, 12-16.
B. De Leon, Ramon. (2015). The art of printing books and magazines. Arts and
Design, 2(2), 12-16.
C. De Leon, R. (2015). The art of printing books and magazines. Arts and Design,
2(2), 12-16.
D.De Leon, Ramon. (2015). The art of printing books and magazines. Arts and
Design2.2, 12-16.

______ 4. Which of the following refers to any materials or information taken from the
A. broadcast media
B. online source
Address: Cabuyao Enterprise Park, Cabuyao Athletes Basic School (CABS), Brgy.
Banay-Banay, Cabuyao City, Laguna
Telephone No.: (049) 545 4597 / (049) 545 4878
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Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Education REGION IV-A

C. print source
D. social media

______ 5.Choose the correct modal to complete the sentence: My mother works abroad,
but she promised that she ________ return home on my graduation day.
A. could
B. might
C. must
D. would

_____ 6. Identify the function of the underlined modal verb used in the sentence: Could
you tell me where the bank is, please?
A. offer
B. permission
C. promise
D. request

_____ 7.Identify the modal noun used in the sentence: There is a possibility that it will rain
A. possibility
B. chosen
C. join
D. contest

______ 8. Identify the modal adverb defined in the underlined phrase in the sentence: A big
disaster is something that is possible to happen today.
A. possibly
B. necessarily
C. decidedly
D. willingly

For items 9-10, examine the following sentences. Identify the appropriate transition signal
for each statement.

______ 9.The Department of Health distributed personal protective equipment, __________

surgical masks, boots, and face shields.
A. likewise
B. also
C. together with
D. namely

_____ 10. The old system was fairly complicated __________ the new system is really
very simple.
A. besides
B. whereas
C. also
D. moreover

Address: Cabuyao Enterprise Park, Cabuyao Athletes Basic School (CABS), Brgy.
Banay-Banay, Cabuyao City, Laguna
Telephone No.: (049) 545 4597 / (049) 545 4878
Email Address:

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Education REGION IV-A

_____ 11.Which of the following is the correct definition of an adjective?

A. It is a word that expresses a state of being.
B. It is a word that expresses a strong obligation.
C. It is a word that describes a noun or pronoun.
D. It is a word that name of person, place, thing, or idea.

______ 12. Which among the sentences uses a linking verb that expresses an opinion?
A. You are brave enough to tell what you feel.
B. You should talk to a guidance counselor when you feel sad.
C. You made the right decision in sharing your problems to me.
D. You do not know that your parents can help you in times of need.

_____ 13.Which of the following sentences expresses the feeling of being contented?
A. I am satisfied with my grades for this quarter
B. I am happy with my high score in the quiz.
C. I am looking forward for the next lesson.
D. I am thankful for my parent’s supports.

_____ 14.This is a type of adverb that emphasizes the intensity of your stand about an
A. Adverb of Manner
B. Adverb of Opinion
C. Adverb of Place
D. Adverb of Time

______ 15.As your friend, I am resentful to listen to your sad love story. Replace the
negative underlined word with positive word.
A. Helpless
B. regretful
C. delighted
D. thankful

For 16-18, study the figures in the table given below. Answer the questions that will help
explain the data shown.

As the president of the class, Merlie helped her teacher in collecting the projects
from different groups in their section. She has recorded the groups who already submitted
their works and compiled the data over the last four days.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Group 1 3 1 1 4

Group 2 3 2 3 1

Group 3 2 2 1 1

Group 4 3 7 1 1

Group 5 2 2 4 2

Address: Cabuyao Enterprise Park, Cabuyao Athletes Basic School (CABS), Brgy.
Banay-Banay, Cabuyao City, Laguna
Telephone No.: (049) 545 4597 / (049) 545 4878
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Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Education REGION IV-A

_____16.How many outputs were collected by Merlie on Tuesday?

A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
D. 15

_____ 17.What group has the most submitted output on Thursday?

A. Group 4
B. Group 3
C. Group 2
D. Group 1

_____ 18.What is being measured in the table above?

A. Number of Students’ Output Submitted in the Last Four Days
B. Number of Submitted Output by Maria
C. Students’ Output in Grade 8
D. Output of Maria’s Classmates

_____19. The phrases below are used to express someone’s opinion except
___________. A. In my opinion…
B. Based on the latest update…
C. My personal view is that…
D. I believe one can say…

_____ 20. Minda loves to celebrate her birthday at the beach. During her 7th birthday, she
had a picture building sandcastle with her gown on. On her 16th birthday, they visited
Boracay Island to celebrate. Now on her 18th birthday, she will be spending her birthday
on the beaches of Palawan. Based on the paragraph, what can you say about Minda?
A. I would say that Minda loves to celebrate her birthday at the beach.
B. I guess Minda’s parents have favoritism.
C. In my opinion Minda does not care about her parents.
D. I think Minda celebrated her birth only three times.

____21.If we put our faith in God, I believe that we can overcome whatever crisis that may
come in our lives. Give the opinion marking signal in this sentence.
A If we put our faith in God
B. I believe that
C. we can overcome
D. crisis that may come in our lives

_____22. Complete the analogy:

weather forecast : weather report
factual report : documentaries
news update : ____________
A. internet websites
B. news flash report
D. sports news

Address: Cabuyao Enterprise Park, Cabuyao Athletes Basic School (CABS), Brgy.
Banay-Banay, Cabuyao City, Laguna
Telephone No.: (049) 545 4597 / (049) 545 4878
Email Address:

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Education REGION IV-A

____23. Margarita, a party coordinator, wants to know if the chosen day of her client for a
garden birthday party will have a fine weather condition. What viewing material should
Margarita see?
A. documentaries
B. movie trailers
C. news
D. weather report

_____24.It is the process of looking at the similarities of two things or idea with the use of
appropriate transition signals.
A. Comparing
B. Contrasting
C. Fact
D. Opinion

_____25.Use the appropriate transitional signal/ word to complete the thought of the
statement. The Filipinos value their family. __________, the Thais also regard family as
an important aspect of life.
A. unlike
B. in spite of
C. similarly
D. nevertheless

______26. Which of the following sentence conveys a negative message?

A. Filipinos are divided in this time of election.
B. Filipinos have a united spirit in nation-building and spreading peace.
C. Filipinos have a different point of view, but they do know how to respect one
D. In the end Filipinos will bring home the bacon.

_____27. Mang Jose cannot work on his daily duty as a tricycle driver due to the doubled
oil price hike. For this reason, he might not be able to provide for his family. However,
Mang Jose looks at this situation with a silver lining. What word in the statement signals a
positive message?
A. Mang Jose cannot work
B. doubled oil price hike
C.he might not be able to provide for his family
D. looks at this situation with a silver lining

____28. What word signals a negative message in the statement?

“I’m no longer in the darkness because I was forgiven.”
A. I’m no longer
B. darkness
C. because
D. I was forgiven

Address: Cabuyao Enterprise Park, Cabuyao Athletes Basic School (CABS), Brgy.
Banay-Banay, Cabuyao City, Laguna
Telephone No.: (049) 545 4597 / (049) 545 4878
Email Address:

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Education REGION IV-A

____29.It is an opinion that influences a person’s thought, feelings, or actions. It can be

“for” or “against” on a certain idea.
A. Opinion
B . Fact
C. Bias
D. Statement

____30.Which of the following statements does NOT show Bias against?

A. Nations will rise and fall, but equality remains the ideal.
B. The universal aim is to achieve respect for the entire human race, not for the
dominant view.
C. Love should have no alternatives.
D.I want our people to be like a Molave Tree, it is strong and resilient.

_____31.It is a propaganda technique that uses negative words or feelings against an

idea, product or person.
A. Name calling
B. Bandwagon
C. Testimonial
D. Emotional words

______32.What propaganda technique is being used in the given picture?

A. Name calling
B. Bandwagon
C. Testimonial
D. Emotional words

_____33.It is a problem that influences many citizens within a society. Poverty,

unemployment, unequal opportunity, racism and malnutrition are examples of social
A. Social issue
B. Moral issue
C. Economic issue
D. Family issue

______ 34.Analyze the given picture, what specific type of issue is shown?

Address: Cabuyao Enterprise Park, Cabuyao Athletes Basic School (CABS), Brgy.
Banay-Banay, Cabuyao City, Laguna
Telephone No.: (049) 545 4597 / (049) 545 4878
Email Address:

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Education REGION IV-A
A. Social issue
B. Moral issue
C. Economic issue
D. Family issue

______35.What element of a short story shows the logical arrangement of events, with a
beginning, middle and end?
A. Character
C. Plot
D. Conflict

_____36. What element of a short story refers to place, time, weather condition, social
condition and even mood or atmosphere?
A. Character
C. Plot
D. Conflict

_____ 37. Cabuyao City is already Covid-19 free, ________ health protocols are still
strictly observed.
A. because
B. moreover
C. yet
D. although

_____ 38. Cabuyao City is one of the cities in Laguna with many industrial companies,
besides, it is still rich in agricultural lands. (Replace the underlined word with correct
cohesive device.)
A. Since
B. therefore
C. consequently
D. yet

Address: Cabuyao Enterprise Park, Cabuyao Athletes Basic School (CABS), Brgy.
Banay-Banay, Cabuyao City, Laguna
Telephone No.: (049) 545 4597 / (049) 545 4878
Email Address:

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Education REGION IV-A

_____ 39.Baguio, the summer capital of the Philippines, is where the tourists enjoy biking,
horseback riding and night shopping. Which is not parallel?
A. biking
B. horseback riding
C. night shopping
D. no error

_____ 40. To plant trees, to dispose waste properly and to avoid using plastic are ways to
invest in our mother earth. The underlined parallel structures in this sentence are ____. A.
B. infinitives
C. verbs
D. modifiers

_____ 41. I forgot to set my alarm clock, as a result, I woke up late and missed the school
bus. What is the underlined part of the sentence?
A. Cause
B. Effect
C. grammatical signal
D. transitional signal

______42.Teenagers today are easily influenced and impulsive, however, they are open
minded and responsible. (What is the underlined part of the sentence?) A. Cause
B. Effect
C. grammatical signal
D. transitional signal

_____ 43.A diary or autobiography of a famous person is considered a _______ source.

A. Primary source
B. Secondary source
C. tertiary source
D. basic source

_____ 44.You wanted to get information about an incident that happened. You interviewed
one of the survivors. Why is this interview a good primary source?
A. The interviewee may go trending because he survived.
B. The interviewee is in the actual incident.
C. The interviewee is still in shocked.
D. The interviewer (you) came early after the incident.

____ 45. What should be considered when making summary for an informational text?
A. Solution
B. Facts and details
C. Character and setting
D. Problem

Address: Cabuyao Enterprise Park, Cabuyao Athletes Basic School (CABS), Brgy.
Banay-Banay, Cabuyao City, Laguna
Telephone No.: (049) 545 4597 / (049) 545 4878
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of
Education REGION IV-A

____ 46.Which is NOT a step to synthesize information from different sources.

A. Organize your sources.
B. Outline your structure.
C. Write any paragraph with topic sentence.
D. Revise, edit and proofread.

____ 47. Good health requires a balance diet, plenty of exercise and a positive attitude.
First to keep then body strong it is important to have a balanced, nutritious diet. For
example, it is important to eat many kinds of fruits and vegetables. Second, getting
a lot of exercise is very important for keeping a strong body and burning off fat. For
instance, swimming is an excellent way to exercise and have fun at the same time.
Third, having a positive attitude is the best way to keep a heathy mind and body.
For example, an optimist is usually healthier than a pessimist. In conclusion, eating
the right foods, being physically active, and thinking positive thoughts are the best ways
to stay healthy. The highlighted part of paragraph is called _______________.
A. topic sentence
B. supporting sentence
C concluding sentence
D. main paragraph

____ 48.The SMC store has the lowest prices and the best collection of footwear in the
entire town. Visit us today for a great experience. The short paragraph is a text type of
A. Persuasive
B. Expository
C. Narrative
D. Factual

____ 49.It means pronouncing the words and speaking with clear dictation that effectively
transmit the message.
A. articulation
B. modulation
C. stage presence
D. audience rapport
____ 50.It refers to the capacity to adjust or manipulate the resonance and timbre of the
vocal tone.
A. articulation
B. modulation
C. stage presence
D. audience rapport

Address: Cabuyao Enterprise Park, Cabuyao Athletes Basic School (CABS), Brgy.
Banay-Banay, Cabuyao City, Laguna
Telephone No.: (049) 545 4597 / (049) 545 4878
Email Address:

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Address: Cabuyao Enterprise Park, Cabuyao Athletes Basic School (CABS), Brgy.
Banay-Banay, Cabuyao City, Laguna
Telephone No.: (049) 545 4597 / (049) 545 4878
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