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 MEDIA and press .................................................................................................................................2

school & EDUCATION..........................................................................................................................4
Covid 19.....................................................................................................................................................11
fashion & clothing.................................................................................................................................12
Personalities and characteristics.............................................................................................................15
Crime & punishment................................................................................................................................16
SYNONYMS & ANTONYMS (ADVANCED)..................................................................................................18

 MEDIA and press 
1. media outlet = cơ quan truyền thông
2. information overload = sự quá tải thông tin
3. to be hot off the press = là tin sốt dẻo trên báo
4. a news anchor = a journalist who informs the public by reporting news stories and events happening on a
local, national and international level = phát thanh viên
5. a photojournalist = phóng viên ảnh
6. an investigative journalist
7. invasion of privacy
8. the gutter press= the yellow press = yellow journalism = báo chuyên đăng tin giật gân ( thường thì sai sự
thật )
9. an advice collumn = a column in a question and answer format
10. make the headlines = lên trên đầu mặt báo, trở thành chủ đề chính
11. to regulate advertising
12. make inroads into something = xâm nhập vào cái gì đó
13. the wealth of news and knowledge = sự phong phú của tin tức và kiến thức
14. to cater for sth = phục vụ cho cái gì đó
15. be subject to = phải tuân thủ, phải chịu
E.g: The press is subject to the laws of the local authorities.
Synonym: to abide by
16. the thrills of modern technology
17. the print media = báo giấy
18. news bulletin = bản tin (trên đài)
19. hitch (n) = sự cản trở, vướng mắc
Antonym: assistance
20. a scathing article = bài báo gay gắt
21. get the lay of the land (idiom) = to find out the details of a situation or problem
E.g: In this meeting today, we’ll get the lay of the land about how business works.

1. Banner Ad = a form of advert found on web pages and mobile applications, usually in image format =
quảng cáo biểu mẫu

2. Clickthrough Rate (CTR) = The number of times people click on an item of interest, like an advert, in
comparison to the number of times users are exposed to that item. = Tỉ lệ nhấp
E.g: My click-through rate on ads about external painting is 2%, but my CTR on ads about indoor
murals is less than 1%.
3. Web Analytics Tools = The analysis of data generated by people’s activity on websites or mobile apps,
for the purpose of discovering ways to improve websites and marketing campaigns.
•Wix Analytics = provides information on traffic trends and enables you to drill down using a myriad of
metrics with its comprehensive reports; gives you the wherewithal to understand where your website
visitors come from, how they get to your site, which site pages they dwell on and more.

•Gg Analytics = A go-to for those looking for a free option from a well-known brand. It offers a lot of
information, including live website traffic data, helpful insights about your audience and integrations for
other Google products like Adwords and AdSense.
•Open Web Analytics = A slightly more technically savvy user looking for a free tool. In addition to
tracking live site traffic, referrals, and other expected metrics, OWA also provides page heatmaps, that
allow you to see where visitors clicked on a page.
•Adobe Analytics = Businesses with multiple data sources looking for advanced features. It allows you
to bring data from virtually anywhere and have it all in the same place.
•Mixpanel = Businesses that want to get deep insights with a visually pleasing interface look into their
users and make them loyal customers. This tool allows you to easily visualize your data for free.
Mixpanel’s tracking features allow you to get insights on your users and follow their journey on your
website. You can add users to groups, compare them to others.

1. aftermath (n) = consequence
E.g: Millions of people underwent the harsh aftermath of World War II.
2. civil strife (n) = xung đột dân sự
3. civil war
E.g: Roughly 6.6 million Syrians were displaced by their country’s decade-long civil war.
4. corrupt political officials = các quan chức chính trị tham nhũng
5. consumerism (n) = the belief that pp and society should spend lots of money on goods and services
E.g: Consumerism generally refers to very high levels of excessive consumption.
6. to cover basic living expenses = trang trải các chi phí sinh hoạt cơ bản
7. ethnic and religious persecution = đàn áp sắc tộc và tôn giáo
E.g: Ethnic and religious persecution has led to dire consequences to the life of the Afghans.
8. economic crisis/depression/downturn/recession/crash
Antonym: economic growth/rise/recovery/boom
9. emerging economy/ emerging market economy = a nation’s economy progressing toward becoming
developed and advanced

Category Definition Example

Global village The idea that we became a single People are afraid that the evolution
community due to affordable and of a global village will raise
effective transportation, mass conflicts between cultures.
media, and electronic
Global economy Refers to economy of the world Thanks to global economy a shirt
comprising economies of different is now likely to cost roughly the
countries closely interrelated. same amount of money in New
York as in New Delhi.
Global trade (international trade) The exchange of goods and Global trade not only results in
services between countries. increased efficiency, but also
allows countries to participate in
global economy, encouraging the
opportunity of foreign

11. exodus (n) = a mass departure of people, especially emigrants.
E.g: There has been a mass exodus of workers from the villages to the towns.
12. governtment intervention = sự can thiệp của chính phủ
E.g: The protests were so severe that government intervention was of great necessity.
13. Human Development Index (HDI) = an index prepared by the United Nations which lists countries in
the order of human achievement taking into consideration three dimensions: health, education and living
 HDI also shows that countries with lots of income do not always spend money in ways that create
high life expectancies or education levels.


 Immigrate = to settle in a foreign country + permanent relocation +

applies to people.
 Emigrate = leave one country in order to settle in another + applies only
to people.

15. inter-ethnic conflict = xung đột giữa các sắc tộc

16. international relations (n) = quan hệ quốc tế
17. liability (n) = trách nhiệm pháp lý
18. outsourcing (n) = the process of paying to have part of a company's work done by another company
E.g: Offshore outsourcing has become a major economic and political issue ;
The business has been cutting costs through increased outsourcing of labour.
19. political repression (n) = đàn áp chính trị
20. political unrest (n) = tình trạng bất ổn chính trị
E.g: Economic crisis, rebellions, extreme famine and poverty result from the nation’s political unrest.
21. post-colonial war (n) = hậu chiến thuộc địa
22. social unrests and revolts = bất ổn xã hội và các cuộc nổi dậy
23. sweatshop (n) = a workplace with unacceptably severe conditions and usually extremely low wages.
E.g: In 2006 Apple faced allegations that its iPod was being produced in China’s sweatshop conditions.
The Apple incident illustrates how sweatshops can thrive with such practices as outsourcing.
Synonym: sweat factory
24. tax revenues (n) = doanh thu thuế

school & EDUCATION

Certificate - for short academic programs .
Diploma - university level programs shorter than a degree .
Degree - relatively long academic programs covering specific areas in great depth.

Tuition fees - are what you pay directly to the university.

Cost of attendance - food, housing, transportation, books, and supplies. 4
Scholarships are awarded for scholastic achievement.
Bursaries are awarded on the basis of financial need, so it is a certain
type of social financial help. FINANCIAL
Grants are funds provided by a certain party, often a government
department, corporation, or foundation to an individual or institution.
Fellowships usually refer to grants in support of postbaccalaureate
projects, or to prebaccalaureate projects pursued outside the standard
All scholarships and fellowships are grants and need not to be repaid.

1. alumnus (n) = cựu học sinh

2. an old head on young shoulders = già trước tuổi, ông cụ non, bà cụ non
3. a quick learner
4. a glow of satisfaction
5. all-inclusive (adj) = bao quát
6. be of the old school (idiom) = traditional
E.g: She’s a teacher of the old school who believes in strict discipline.
7. call the roll (idiom) = take attendance = điểm danh
8. crack out a newspaper (idiom) = mở sách, mở vở
Synonym: crack a book
9. cut class = skip class
10. cover a lot of ground (idiom) = to review a large amount of information or discuss many topics
E.g: We need to cover a lot of ground in American History before the exam date.
11. conducive (adj) = thuận lợi
E.g: Such a noisy environment was not conducive for studying.
12. deserve an A for effort
13. deliver a lecture = conduct/carry out a lecture
14. demonstrate academic gains = show academic progress / education achievement
15. do detention = bị phạt ở lại lớp
16. dole out sth = to give money, food, or something else that can be divided to several people
E.g: The teacher doled out the notebooks to his students.
17. dissertation /ˌdɪs.əˈteɪ.ʃən/ (n) = luận văn
E.g: Ann did her dissertation on Baudelaire.
18. draw a blank (idiom) = to get no response or result
E.g:I asked him about his plans for the next school year, but I drew a blank. He didn’t get my point.

19. Entry Admissions = Entrance Requirements = requirements for prospective students and could be
expressed as your minimum grade level during your previous studies, minimum score in specific
standardized tests (like IELTS, TOEFL, ACT, GMAT, etc.).
20. exasperate (v) = to make someone very annoyed, usually when they can do nothing to solve a problem
21. espouse /esˈpaʊz/ (v) = to become involved with or support an activity or opinion
E.g: The concept of liberal education for men only, which had been espoused by Aristotle, prevailed.
22. feel apprehensive about sth
23. fall between two tools (idiom) = fail to achieve either of two aims
E.g: I’m falling between two tools! I don’t have enough time for both jobs though I thought I would.
24. have a (mere) smattering of sth = have a slight knowledge of something, or a small amount
E.g: I have a mere smattering of French.
25. have one’s nose in a book (idiom) = to be reading something and giving it all your attention
26. hit the nail the head (idiom) = to be accurate, correct
E.g: You should hit the nail on the head when you use idioms in speaking tests.
27. in the school of hard knocks (idiom) = những trải nghiệm khó khăn, gian nan
E.g: I wasn’t able to go to college, but I learnt a lot in the school of hard knocks. It taught me about life.
28. (by) leaps and bounds (idiom) = very quickly
E.g: My Korean is progressing by leaps and bounds.
29. knack (n) = năng khiếu
 have a knack for sth
30. learn by rote (idiom) = học vẹt
31. lend color to sth (idiom) = make a piece of information seem more credible or probable
E.g: At first no one believed she was a student, but her documents lent color to her statements.
32. mediocre /ˌmiː.diˈəʊ.kər/ (adj) = not very good, of only average standard
33. major in a subject = pursue an academic major
34. on the dot (idiom) = đúng giờ
E.g: The plane landed at two o'clock on the dot.
35. plagiarism /ˈpleɪ.dʒər.ɪ.zəm/ (n) = sự đạo văn
36. plush (adj) = expensive, comfortable, and of high quality = xa hoa, hào nhoáng
E.g: An MBA degree does not guarantee a plush job on Wall Street.
Synonym: lush, lavish, luxurious
37. pull an all-nighter (idiom) = to remain awake all night long to study or complete sth = thức trắng đêm
38. put one’s thinking cap on (idiom) = to try to solve a problem by thinking about it
39. see eye to eye on sth (idiom) = share the same view on sth
E.g: We’re very close friends but we just cannot see eye to eye on educational issues.
40. scrape a pass (idiom) = vừa đủ điểm đậu
41. shake a leg (idiom) = hurry up
42. shed light on sth = làm sáng tỏ cái gì
E.g: Tracking technologies have shed light on the birds' social nature.
43. sophomore /ˈsɒf.ə.mɔːr/ (n) = a second year student at a US college or high school
44. school(s) of thought (idiom) = a way of thinking that a number of people share
E.g: There are two schools of thought about how this illness should be treated.
45. suffice /səˈfaɪs/ (v) = be enough
E.g: Traditional methods of teaching no longer suffice in the techonological world.
46. tell tales out of school (idiom) = share secrets, knowing that doing so will cause problems for sb else
47. truant (n) = học sinh trốn học
 play truant = trốn học

48. s

1. a jack of all trades (idiom) = a handy versatile person
2. a dead-end job (idiom) = công việc không có sự thăng tiến
3. contract (n) = hợp đồng
 sign a contract
 terminate a contract
 renew a contract = tái kí hợp đồng
4. entry level jobs = công việc cho người mới bắt đầu
E.g: Fresh graduates have to start with entry level jobs before moving on to managerial positions.
5. learn the ropes (idiom) = học việc khi mới bắt đầu công việc nào đó
 show sb the ropes = chỉ giáo, hướng dẫn
6. main gig >< side gig = công việc chính >< công việc làm thêm bên ngoài
7. moonlight (v) = đi làm thêm
E.g: He is an accountant by day, but he also moonlights as an English teacher by night.
8. unsocial hours = những giờ làm việc trái khoáy (làm rất khuya, rất sớm, hoặc làm vào ngày lễ)
E.g: Some professions have really unsocial hours.
9. transferable skills = qualities that can be transferred from one job to another
E.g: In a rapidly changing economy, the importance of transferable skills cannot be overstated.
10. take sb under your wing = thu nạp ai đó làm đệ tử

1. a draw = trận hòa
2. to draw with sb = hòa với ai
3. a qualifying match = trận đấu vòng loại
4. a disallowed goal = bàn thắng không được ghi nhận
5. a golden goal = a single goal decides the result if the match has extra time
6. a roaring success = thành công vang dội
Synonym: a resounding success
7. a commentator = bình luận viên
8. a stretcher = cái cáng (khiêng người ốm, bị thương)
9. a football pitch = sân bóng đá
10. a small hooligan element = phần tử chống phá xã hội (usually appears in sports events)
11. be/come/go down to the wire (idiom) = until the last moment that it is possible to do something
E.g: John often write his best articles if he waits until the night before they are due. He leaves them until
they are down to the wire;
I think the election will go right down to the wire (= be won at the last moment).
12. be par for the course (idiom) = if a type of behaviour, event, or situation is par for the course, it is not .
good but it is normal or as you would expect
13. be plain sailing (idiom) = easy, without any problems
14. be in high spirits
15. be out of sb’s league = doing sth that you’re not skilled enough to do compared to other pp, out of reach.
E.g: She has been working very hard on the project, but I think she's a little out of her league.
16. be out in left field (idiom) = strange, unusual, completely wrong
E.g: I wouldn't vote for him – his ideas are way out in left field.
17. be sent off = bị loại bỏ
E.g: He was sent off for kicking the referee.
18. dethrone (v) = hạ bệ
E.g: The world champion was dethroned by a young Swedish challenger.
19. drop the ball on sth (idiom) = make a mistake, especially in a stupid way
20. free kick = cú đá phạt trực tiếp
21. number + years running = năm liên tiếp
E.g: The team won the championship 4 years running.
22. neck-and-neck (adj) = ngang ngửa nhau, có cơ hội thắng như nhau (horse-racing, marathon)
23. penalty kick = cú đá phạt đền
24. floodlights = đèn pha (ở các bãi thể thao, sân khấu nhà hát)
E.g: The stadium was illuminated by floodlights.
25. referee = trọng tài (football)
26. umpire = trọng tài (badminton, cricket, baseball)
27. the name of the game (idiom) = the most important part of an activity, or the quality that you most need .
for that activity
E.g: People say that in politics, the name of the game is making the right friend.
28. the ball is in sb’s court (idiom) = it’s sb’s decision or responsibility to do sth now
E.g: It's up to you what to do - the ball is in your court now.
29. to burn off (calories)
30. to chicken out = to decide not to do something because you are too frightened
E.g: I was about to try scuba diving, but I chickened out in the end.
31. to come into one’s own = to have the opportunity of showing what one can do = cơ hội thể hiện mình
E.g : She really comes into her own in the first match.
32. to chant in unison = hô đồng thanh
33. to call the shots = make decisions
34. to do sth off one’s own bat = do sth without anyone telling or asking you to do it
35. to get a second wind = have a burst of energy after tiring
36. to have the upper hand (idiom) = to have better chances of winning
37. to jump through hoops (idiom) = have to do a lot of things that seem difficult or unnecessary in order to .
achieve something.
38. to pour into the streets = đổ ra đường
E.g: The football fans poured into the streets to celebrate the victory of Manchester United.
39. to play on = continue playing
40. to play off = chơi trận quyết định đội nào sẽ thắng
E.g: United and Rangers are playing off for the championship.
41. to race against time (idiom) = hurry up
42. to skate on thin ice (idiom) = to do sth risky
43. to squander one’s chance = bỏ lỡ, lãng phí cơ hội
44. to settle a score with sb (idiom) = san bằng tỉ số
= take revenge on sb
45. to step up to the plate (idiom) = to take action when something needs to be done,although this is difficult
E.g: He took over the team when it became obvious no one else was going to step up to the plate. ;
In this crisis we all need to step up to the plate and make a difference.
46. to start/get the ball rolling on sth (idiom) = begin sth
E.g: We gotta get the ball rolling on our project soon.
47. to take a rain check (idiom) = used to tell someone that you cannot accept an invitation now, but would .
like to do so at a later time
E.g: Do you want to come to the movie with us? – Sorry, I might have to take a rain check.
48. to take the wind out of one’s sails (idiom) = to make sb feel less confident or less determined to do sth
49. to take the bull by the horns (idiom) = accept the challenge and try your hardest
Synonym: grasp the nettle
50. to take sides (idiom) = to support one person or opinion over another
E.g: He doesn't like confrontation, so he never takes sides in an argument.
 Synonym: take a stand
51. to throw in the towel (idiom) = give up
52. to win hands down (idiom) = to win very easily
53. to win a decisive victory = giành bàn thắng quyết định
54. to work off sth = giải tỏa (stress, pressure, anxieties,etc)
55. to no avail = without success or any effect
E.g: The team tried so hard to win, but to no avail.
56. to wheel/ride a bicycle

1. be all the rage (idiom) = be very popular at a particular time
E.g: Billie Eilish is all the rage right now, especially with youngsters.
2. be on the roll (idiom) = đang trên đà thành công
E.g: Olivia Rodrigo is on the roll with her new album titled “Driver License”.
3. diehard (adj) = cuồng si, si mê
E.g: I am a diehard fan of Taylor Swift.
4. dethrone (v) = hạ bệ
5. E.g: After 1 year, “Baby Shark” attracted an impressive 8.8 billion views, dethroning the previous
world record “Despacito”.
6. endorse (v) = quảng cáo cho sản phẩm
E.g: They pay Son Tung 200 million VND to endorse their new OPPO.
7. fanbase (n) = lực lượng người hâm mộ
8. feat (n) = kì công, chiến công
9. fusion (n) = sự kết hợp, hợp nhất
E.g: Her new MV is a fusion of modern and traditional melodies.
10. limelight (n) = public attention and interest
E.g: She's been in the limelight recently, following the release of her controversial new MV.
11. make a killing (idiom) = make a lot of money after a short period of time with little effort
12. mainstream (adj) = đại trà
13. promotional (adj) = intended to advertise sth
E.g: a promotional campaign/video/tour/period
14. premiere (n) = buổi công chiếu, ra mắt
E.g: At the time of premiere, her first music video got 100 million views.
15. rack up = obtain or achieve sth
Synonym: garner
16. rap (n) = judgment or reaction
17. sensation (n) = sth very exciting or interesting = hiện tượng, sự giật gân
E.g: Taylor Swift has become a pop sensation in recent years.
18. under sb’s belt (idiom) = learned or succeeded in, and now a part of your experience
E.g: Taylor Swift is regarded one of the top artists in the world with a number of hits under her belt.
19. virtuoso/ˌvɜː.tʃuˈəʊ.səʊ/ (adj/n) = a person who is extremely skilled at something, especially at playing an
. instrument or performing = bậc thầy
E.g: Famous mainly for his wonderful voice, Cole Porter was also a virtuoso on the piano.
20. kmk


Contamination is the presence of unwanted or foreign substances. Contamination may be natural.

Pollution is produced by the influence or activities of people.

1. a trail of devastation
2. adverse environmental effects
3. be enveloped/blanketed in sth = bị cái gì bao vây dày đặc xung quanh
E.g: The whole area is enveloped in thick fog.
4. be made accountable for sth = be responsible for sth
5. be culpable for doing sth = đáng bị khiển trách vì đã làm gì
6. biodegradable (adj) = capable of being slowly destroyed and broken down into very small parts by
natural processes, bacteria, etc.
7. bode (v) = to be a sign of sth good or bad for the future = báo trước
E.g: The melting of the Artic ice does not bode well for the future of global climate.
8. carbon-neutral (adj) = in which the amount of carbon dioxide produced has been reduced to nothing or is
balanced by actions that protect the environment
Synonym: zero-carbon
9. climate change mitigation = actions to limit the magnitude or rate of long-term climate change
10. corrode (v) = ăn mòn, mòn dần (metal)
11. depredation (n) = destruction, damage = sự phá hoại, phá phách
E.g: the depredation of the environment
12. drainage (n) = sự thoát nước
13. discernible = obvious, apparent
E.g: discernible reason ; discernible improvement.
14. exacerbate (v) = worsen
15. an environmental pressure group (n) = nhóm gây sức ép về môi trường
16. flash floods = lũ quét
17. green credentials (n) = the qualities that show you believe it is important to protect the natural
18. harness /ˈhɑːnɪs/ (v) = collect and control sth so that it can be used effectively = khai thác
E.g: Solar energy can be harnessed through solar panels.
It is important to help developing countries harness the power of technology.
19. hybrid cars (n) = cars in which two or more distinct types of power, such as internal combustion
engine+electric motor are used
20. inundate /ˈɪnʌndeɪt/ (v) = to flood an area with water
E.g: If the dam breaks, it will inundate large parts of the town.
21. looming (adj) = (of something bad) serious and likely to happen soon
E.g: a crisis looming;
Most studies bear bad news regarding the looming, very real threat of a warming planet.
22. magnitude (n) = the great size or importance of something
E.g: We didn’t realize the magnitude of the problem, never thought it could turn out so bad.
Synonym: importance, significance
23. negate /nɪˈɡeɪt/ (v) = stop sth from having any effect
Synonym: nullify
24. ozone depletion = sự suy giảm tầng ozone
25. offshore (adj) = xa bờ, ngoài khơi
Eg: offshore oil ; offshore fishing
26. oil spill (n.phrs)= sự tràn dầu
27. plunging (adj) = dropping suddenly
E.g: Dramatic decreases in rainfall may lead to severe droughts and plunging agricultural yields.
Synonym: plummeting
Antonym: soaring, burgeoning, rocketing, proliferating
28. photovoltaic (adj) = thuộc về quang điện
E.g: photovoltaic tiles, photovoltaic panels, photovoltaic cells
29. pristine (adj) = fresh, clean, as if new
E.g: The car is in pristine condition.
= unspoiled = not developed or changed in any way; left in its original condition = ban sơ
E.g: pristine, pollution-free beaches ; pristine habitat
30. rebound (v) = increase in value again (rates, prices,etc)
31. scorching (adj) = nóng như thiêu đốt
32. sweltering (adj) = nóng oi ả, ngột ngạt
33. temperate (adj) = not extreme, within a middle range = ôn hòa, ôn đới
E.g: temperate climate ; temperate rainforests
34. the indiscriminate use of sth = sự sử dụng bừa bãi cái gì
35. to launch steps = đưa ra những biện pháp
36. unleaded petrol = xăng không có chì
37. sad

1. animal testing (n,phrs) = thử nghiệm trên động vật
Synonym: animal experimentation, in vivo testing, vivisection
2. barbaric (adj) = man rợ
3. blood sports = sports that do harm to animals
4. be released back into the wild = được thả về tự nhiên
5. be on the verge of extinction = trên bở vực tuyệt chủng
6. captive breeding (n.phrs) = nhân giống nuôi nhốt
7. conservation organizations
E.g: The Nature Conservancy, The World Wildlife Fund, The Sierra Club, Oceana, etc
8. endangered species = loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng
9. genetically modified animals = động vật biến đổi gen
10. herbivore (n) = động vật ăn cỏ
 carnivore (n) = động vật ăn thịt
 omnivore (n) = động vật ăn tạp
11. instinct (n) = bản năng
12. livestock(n)=domestic animals like poultry, cattle raised for home use or for profit, especially on a farm.
13. marine creatures = các sinh vật biển
14. migratory animals = các loài di cư
15. predator (n) = loài săn mồi
16. wild/feral/tame animal = động vật hoang dã/hung dữ/đã thuần hóa
17. wildlife conservation projects

Covid 19
1. a ripple effect = phản ứng dây chuyền
2. bar sb/sth from sb/sth = prevent sb/sth from sb/sth
3. control/contain/curb/rein in/retard/arrest/stem/slow the spread of (a disease, pandemic, virus, etc)
4. contract a disease = mắc bệnh, nhiễm bệnh
E.g: He contracted the coronavirus
5. complete/total/international isolation
6. die of sth # die from sth
 Die of = chết vì một nguyên nhân tác động trực tiếp (heart failure, cancer, and other diseases)
 Die from = chết vì một nguyên nhân tác động gián tiếp (exposure to radiation, virus, etc)
7. death toll (n.phrs) = số lượng người chết
8. exact a toll on sth = take a toll of
9. exponential increase = sự tăng lên theo cấp số mũ
10. fatal (adj) = gây chết người
 to prove fatal
 be potentially fatal
Synonym: deadly, lethal
11. market sentiment (n.phrs) = tâm lí thị trường
E.g: European stocks plunged as the spread of the corona virus continues to dominate market sentiment.
12. outnumber (v) = to be greater in number than someone or something
13. put sb/sth under quarantine
14. rattle (v) = worry, frighten, panic sb
E.g: The spread of the corona virus continues to rattle markets and policymakers around the world.
Synonym: spook
15. stay in quarantine
Synonym: be kept in quarantine
16. stem from = derive from
E.g: Most of the infections stemmed from the city of Daegu.
17. stockpile (v) = tích trữ
18. suspend (v) = to officially stop sth for a time; to prevent sth from being active, used, etc. for a time

E.g: VN will temporarily suspend the entry of foreigners for tourism purposes.
She was suspended from school for a week.
19. take precautionary measures against sth
20. the outbreak of a disease
21. wreck havoc on = cause damage to

fashion & clothing

1. apparel and footwear = hàng may mặc và giày dép
2. a pair of mittens = găng tay hở ngón, găng tay bóng chày
3. be dressed to the nines (idiom) = to be wearing fashionable or formal clothes for a special occasion = ăn
mặc sang trọng
E.g: The whole family will be dressed to the nines at the wedding.
4. be dressed to kill (idiom) = wear sth with an intention to stand out, impress people and be noticed
5. bespoke (adj) = specially made for a particular person = được đặt may sẵn
E.g: Bespoke leather shoes cost an average 1000 pounds per pair.
6. beige (n) = màu be
7. close-fitting (adj) = ôm sát người
E.g: I prefer baggy outfits to close-fitting ones.
8. coduroy (n) = vải nhung kẻ
E.g: coduroy trousers
9. chic (adj) = the quality of being fashionable and attractive = kiểu cách, sang trọng
E.g: A perfectly dressed woman with an air of chic that was unmistakably French.
10. fit like a glove (idiom) = to be the perfect size and shape for sb = vừa như in
E.g: I love these pants because they fit like a glove and they’re so comfortable.
11. off-the-peg (adj) = made to a standard average size and not made specially to fit you = may sẵn
E.g: Our company produces off-the-peg suits.
Synonym: off-the rack
12. prohibitive /prəˈhɪbətɪv/ (adj) = (of a price/a cost) so high which prevents pp from buying or doing sth
13. pinstriped (adj) = kẻ sọc nhỏ
E.g: pinstriped suits
14. sophisticated (adj) = sành điệu
E.g: She studies many magazines and books about fashion, entertaining and social behaviour as she
wants to appear sophisticated.
15. tailored (adj) = used to describe a piece of clothing that is shaped to ir a person’s body closely = vừa vặn
E.g: She is wearing a beautifully tailored suit.
16. wear perfume
17. swg


1. bite 2. chew
EATING VERBS 3. taste 4. savour = enjoy the taste or smell
5. swallow 6. digest
7. indulge =devour= eat up greedily
Causes of excessive weight and obesity

1. Poor dietary habits

2. The quality of food consumed (processed food – cheap/ vegetables and fruits – expensive)
3. The addictive nature of engineered food

Food Adjectives
syrupy bitter chewy ambrosial = savoury = mouth-watering
extremely having a
pleasing to taste pleasant taste or
or smell smell
sugary juicy spicy crunchy unfavoured scrumptious =
crispy sour peppery delicious zesty = having a
strong, pleasant,
and somewhat
spicy flavor

Negative Aspects Of Food

allergy anorexia = famine
chứng chán ăn
intolerance = lactose
inability to intolerance
metabolize a
bulimia = a obesity
illness –
followed by
vomitting so
as not to gain

1. cabbage 2. radicchio 3. bok choy 4. collard 5. spinach = 6. watercress 7. kale = cải
= bắp cải = cải bắp tím = cải thìa greens = cải cải bó xôi = cải xoong xoăn
8. choy sum 9. mustard 10. Swiss 11. Brussels 12. Napa 13. 14. broccoli
= cải ngồng green = cải chard = cải sprout = cải cabbage = cauliflower = = cải bông

bẹ xanh cầu vồng bi xen cải thảo cải bông xanh

1. butter sb up = flatter, be very nice to someone, usually for selfish reasons

2. Can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs (idiom) = it is impossible to make important change
without causing some unpleasant effects
3. Eat the rainbow (expression) = to remind us that we need to consume more vegetables of all colors
4. eat humble pie (idiom) = to be forced to admit that you did something wrong and apologize
5. engineered food (n) = thực phẩm chế biến
Synonym: processed food
6. fiber (n) = chất xơ
7. have a sweet tooth (idiom) = love eating sugary foods
8. know on which side your bread is buttered (idiom) = know where your interests lie
E.g: Only when you know on which side your bread is buttered will you be able to set goals for life.
9. obesity (n)
Synonym: overweight, adiposity
10. That’s the way the cookie crumbles (idiom) = that’s the way it is and nothing can be done about it
11. tough cookie (idiom) = a self-confident ambitious person who will what is necessary to get what they
12. take the biscuit (idiom) = refers to something very annoying or irritating
13. take the bread out of sb’s mouth (idiom) = take away sb’s means of earning
14. whole grains (n) = ngũ cốc
E.g: wheat, wild rice, barley, corn, millet, buckwheat, oats, etc.

1. to bury the hatchet (idiom) = to stop not being friendly and become friends again
E.g: After not speaking to each other for years, the two brothers decided to bury the hatchet.
2. to bottle up one’s emotions = hide/suppress one’s feelings
E.g: He bottles up his emotions and tries to pretend to feel okay.
3. to feel out of place = feel not comfortable in or not suitable for a situation = lạc lõng, khác biệt
4. to make a fuss over something
5. to present one’s condolence to = gửi lời chia buồn đến
6. to ruffle sb’s feathers (idiom) = to make sb upset
7. to show one’s distaste for sth
8. to seeth with anger
9. to see red = hit the roof/ceiling= be driven up the wall= become very angry
10. to sincerely consider sth
11. to thoroughly enjoy sth
12. to bitterly regret

13. to be as keen as mustard = very eager and intersted
14. to be blissfully happy
15. to be immensely grateful
16. to be visibly annoyed
17. to be woefully neglected
18. to be wigged out = be scared and anxious
19. to be on cloud nine = be in seventh heaven = be over the moon

Personalities and characteristics

1. as sharp as a needle (idiom) = intelligent + quick thinking
2. abundant
Synonym: copious
3. affability (n) = niềm nở. nhã nhặn
 Antonym : caution
4. audacious (adj) / ɔːˈdeɪʃəs/ = willing to take risks or to do something that shocks people.
E.g: an audacious decision, an audacious move
Synonym : daring
5. callous (adj) = unkind, cruel, without sympathy or feelings for other people = máu lạnh
6. courteous (adj) = polite, especially in a way that shows respect = lịch thiệp
7. conceited (adj) = be to proud of oneself = tự phụ
8. gracious (adj) = kind, polite and generous, especially to somebody of a lower social position = tử tế
E.g: Lady Caroline was gracious enough to accept our invitation.
9. insubordinate (adj) = refusing to obey orders or show respect for somebody who has a higher rank
E.g: He was so insubordinate that he lost his job within a few weeks.
10. level-headed (adj) = điềm đạm
11. on the level (adj) = honest
12. on the ball (adj) = aware of any changes or developments and quick to react to them
E.g: We need someone who’s really on the ball to answer questions from the press.
13. pathetic (adj) = thảm hại
14. (show) complete disregard for sth = hoàn toàn không quan tâm đến
E.g: Her complete disregard for protecting the environment should be criticised.
15. preposterous (adj) = vô lý, phi lý
E.g: Other scientists did not believe Simon and found his claims about overpopulation preposterous.
16. relentlessly (adv) = in an extreme way that continues without stopping
E.g: This summer is relentlessly hot
Synonym: unceasingly
17. sly = acting or done in a secret or dishonest way, often intending to trick people = gian xảo
E.g: a sly political move
 Synonym : cunning
18. sluggish (adj) = chậm trễ, chậm chạp
E.g: sluggish traffic; a sluggish economy; sluggish sales


Crime & punishment

1. an open-and-shut case (idiom) = a situation that is easy to prove or answer; apparent
2. alibi /ˈæl.ɪ.baɪ/ (n) = bằng chứng ngoại phạm
3. arbitration (n) = sự phân giải
E.g: Both sides in the dispute agreed to go to arbitration.
4. acquit (v) = to decide officially in a law court that someone is not guilty of a particular crime = trắng án
E.g: She was acquitted of all the charges against her.
5. abduction (n) = sự bắt cóc
6. assault (n) = sự hành hung
 assailant (n) = the attacker
 launch an assault on sb/sth
 indecent assault = hành hung không đứng đắn
7. a cat burglar = a thief who enters and leaves a building by climbing up walls to an upper window, door.
8. a stool pigeon = a person, often a criminal, who gives info in secret to the police so that they can catch
9. as thick as thieves (idiom) = to be very close friends and share secrets
10. be accused of sth
11. be charged with sth = bị kết tội gì đó
E.g: She was charged with theft/murder/
12. be in the can for sth(crime) = ở trong khám
13. be held accountable/responsible/liable for sth
14. be sentenced to sth = bị tuyên án
15. behind bars (idiom) = in prison
E.g: He spent most of his life behind bars.
16. beat the rap = to escape or avoid blame or punishment
17. blow the whistle on sth = bring sth to the attention of other pp to stop sth bad from happening
E.g: The company stopped using certain chemicals only after some workers blew the whistle on it.
18. blackmail (n) = hăm dọa tống tiền
19. bribery (n) = hối lộ, đút lót
20. culprit (n) = thủ phạm
21. custody /ˈkʌs.tə.di/ (n) = sự tạm giam
 take sb into custody
 be in custody
E.g: You will be remanded in custody until your trial.
22. Court of conscience (n) = Tòa án lương tâm
23. come clean (with sb about sth) = thú nhận
Synonym: confess to sb about sth
24. clear one’s name (idiom) = to prove that someone did not do something that they were accused of
E.g: The men say they have been falsely accused and are determined to clear their names.
25. conviction (n) = sự kết án
26. crime escalation = sự gia tăng tội phạm
27. cover one’s tracks = try to hide what you’ve done, because you do not want other pp to find out about it
E.g: He had attempted to cover his tracks by making her death appear like suicide.
28. catch sb red handed = bắt quả tang ai đó
29. crime doesn’t pay (idiom) = tội phạm sẽ luôn bị trừng phạt bởi tội ác của chúng = Ông trời có mắt
30. deposition (n) = a formal written statement made or used in a law court = lời cung khai
E.g: Before the court case, we had to give a deposition.
31. extradition (n) =the act of making sb return for trial to another country or state where they have been .
accused of doing sth illegal = dẫn độ
E.g: His lawyers say he plans to fight extradition.
They have applied for his extradition to Ireland.
32. face the music = to accept criticism or punishment for something you have done
33. get away with murder (idiom) = phá phách, làm điều sai trái mà không bị trừng phạt
E.g: The boss’s son comes in late everyday, but we can’t complain. He’s getting away with murder.
34. go strictly by the book (idiom) = làm việc gì đấy chính xác, đúng đắn, bài bản
E.g: My lawyer always goes strictly by the book.
35. hijack (v) = to take control of an aircraft or other vehicle during a journey, especially using violence
E.g: Two men hijacked a jet travelling to Paris and demanded $125,000.
36. highway robbery (n) = a situation in which you have to pay far too much money for sth = chặt chém
E.g: $20 for two drinks? That's highway robbery!
37. immunity (n) = sự được miễn tội
 be granted immunity
38. manslaughter (n) = tội ngộ sát
39. make off with sth = tẩu thoát
E.g: The burglars made off with 50000$.
40. money laundering = rửa tiền
41. motive (n) = a reason for doing sth = động cơ
42. not have a leg to stand on = to be in a situation in which you cannot prove something
E.g: If you have no witnesses, you don't have a leg to stand on.
43. prick one’s conscience = khiến ai đó cắn rứt, gặm nhấm lương tâm
E.g: It pricked my conscience to see my brother being led away in handcuffs, but I know it was the right
thing to call the cops on him.
44. pull a fast one on sb = successfully deceive sb
45. the long arm of the law (idiom)
E.g: You can't escape the long arm of the law.
46. raid (v) = đột kích
47. smuggling (n) = buôn lậu
E.g: drug smuggling
48. sharp practice (n) = thủ đoạn làm ăn bất chính
49. sb’s partner in crime (idiom) = sb who you do sth with, especially sth that other pp do not approve of
E.g: Tom made sure no one was looking when I set off the fire alarm. He was my partner in crime.
50. take a neutral stance on sth = giữ lập trường trung lập về cái gì
51. turn sb in = to take a criminal to the police, or to go to them yourself to admit a crime
52. trafficking = buôn bán người
53. vandalism /ˈvæn.dəl.ɪ.zəm/ (n) = tội có ý phá hoại tài sản, công trình
E.g: Beset by violence and vandalism, this is one of the most unpleasant areas in the city.
54. white-collar crime = tội phạm ko sd bạo lực để thực hiện các hành vi cho mục đích lợi ích tài chính
55. fgs


1. abide by sth/sb = comply with sth/sb = conform to sth/sb
2. bewitching (adj) = exquisite

3. be at loggerheads with sb = strongly disagree with sb
4. blow hot and cold about sth = to change your opinion about something often
5. drive sb around the bend (idiom) = confuse sb
6. devise (v) = invent
7. deplorable (adj) = apalling = very bad and unacceptable, often in a way that shocks people
8. embark on sth = start sth
9. engender (v) = cause = trigger = arouse
10. exaggerate = overstate = overstress = amplify
11. exacting = demanding
12. impediment (n) = obstacle = hindrance = barrier = disadvatage
 an impediment to sth
13. impede (v) = deter = hinder
14. lavishly (adv) = impressively
15. live beyond one’s means (idiom) = to spend or owe more money than one is earning or is able to repay
16. musty (adj) = dank = stale = smelling wet and unpleasant because of a lack of fresh air
E.g: a musty smell of old books ; a musty room
17. nudge (v) = encourage
18. neutral (adj) = objective
19. replenish (v) = refill = restock
20. resounding (adj) = emphatic = very great = huge
 a resounding victory/win/success/defeat
21. rule of thumb (idiom) = a practical and approximate way of doing or measuring something
E.g: A good rule of thumb is that a portion of rice is two handfuls.
22. stigma(n)= stain = negative feelings that pp have about circumstances or characteristics that sb may have
E.g: There is no longer any stigma attached to being divorced.
23. steer clear of sth = avoid
24. shun (v) = evade
25. the nuts and bolts of sth = basic details = the practical facts about a particular thing, not theoretical.
26. Axg
1. advocate (v) >< protest
2. by all means >< by no means
3. essential (adj) >< dispensable
4. exaggerate (v) >< understate
5. lenient (adj) =khoan dung, khoan hồng >< strict
 a lenient sentence/fine
E.g: The judge was far to lenient with him.
6. main gig >< side gig = công việc chính >< việc làm thêm bên ngoài
7. pat oneself one the back >< criticize oneself


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