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[ Reading and Use of English Part 1

Exam skill s 1 Collocation is one aspect that is tested in Reading and Use of English Part 1. Complete
the following word combinations with the correct part of speech.
adjective + noun a mutual friend / a fake identity
_ _ _ _ _ +noun a bank account/ a sense of humour
_ __ _ _ +noun make a mistake/ take a photograph
verb+ _ __ __ come into fashion / mistake someone for someone else
_ _ _ _ _ +verb deeply regret something/ distinctly remember something

Read the text quickly for
2 Make common collocations by combining a word from list A with a word or phrase from
list B. There are five words in A that do not combine with anything in B.
general understand ing before A: act close concea l confidential cover friend judge pee r perform rank
you look at the four options B: information pressure sb by their appearance suspiciously your true identity
for each gap .

--{ Exam practice Jr------------------~

Multiple-choice cloze 3 For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best
fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Should children wear school uniform? ·

In Britain, the issue of whether or not children should be By contrast, Japanese schools are very (6) _ _ _ __ about m
(0) made to wear school uniform has been the wearing of uniform. Boys in secondary schools wear a dark
(1) debated for many years. Newspapers jacket with buttons down the front, while girls wear a blue and n
frequently include reports of children being (2) _ _ _ __ white uniform (7) on a nineteenth-century sailor Q)
home for wearing the wrong (3) _ _ _ _ _ of shoes or the suit. There is a correct length for girls' skirts, and teachers will Q.

wrong colour of pullover. Britain has no national uniform sometimes use a tape measure to check this. In Japan, as in many Q.
(4) : it is the responsibility of each head teacher to other countries, children find ways of (8) the ::i
decide whether their students should wear a uniform, and to uniform rules. '<
(5) down exactly what that uniform should be.

0 A encouraged B allowed
~ D persuaded

1 A strongly B hotly c heavily D powerfully

2 A sent B directed c shown D lead

3 A fashion B mode c model D style

4 A policy B principle c strategy D procedure

5 A put B lay c rule D decide

6 A heavy B stern c strong D strict

7 A founded B related c based D associated

8 A changing B adapting c bending D twisting

Over to you 4 Discuss these questions.

a How do you feel about uniforms that students and others have to wear?
b Do you think uniforms help to create a strong group identity or crush individuality?


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