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[ Grammar (1)
Modal verbs of obligation 1 Look at the words in italics in sentences a-g. Match them to the meanings in 1-7.
• Grammar reference page 159
a I have to verify my account information. 1 Rule: I'm telling you to do this.
b You must look smart at the interview. 2 Advice: it's a very good idea to do this.
c You should contact them directly. 3 Rule: I was told to do this.
d You must carry ID at all times. 4 Advice: it's a good idea to do this.
e You don't have to give any personal 5 Not a rule: this is my own personal
details. wish.
You mustn't wear jewellery at work. 6 Not a rule: it's not necessary.
g I must get a new suit for work. 7 Rule: you're not allowed to do this.

2 Look back at 1. What are the future forms of the language in sentences a, d and e?
_3 In the following pairs of sentences is the meaning the same or different?
a There is no need to dress up./ I mustn't dress up.
b I needn't dress up./ I don't have to dress up.
c I must dress up. / I have to dress up.
4 What is the difference in meaning between these two sentences?
a There was plenty of time so I didn't need to hurry.
b There was plenty of time so we needn't have hurried. QJ
5 Read the text below about preparing for a job interview. For 1-12, choose the correct "D
modal verb. More than one answer may be possible. ...

Appearances count 0...

First of all, clothes. You (1) must I need to look Job advertisements normally say that you '<
smart. You (2) needn't I mustn't wear your (7) must I should prm~de references when
most formal clothes, but you (3) don't have to I applying for a job. If you haven't already sent
mustn't look as if you've just got out of bed. these, take them to the interview. You (8) have to I
should have extra copies of your CV with you.
Arrive on time. You (4) need to I must allow
more time than you think, in case there are If you are offered the job, you (9) must I haw to
unexpected hold-ups. ' try to find out anything you (10) need to I needn't
do before you start. For example, I expect (")
You (5) have to I should do everything you can
you (11) will have to I should have a medical
to prepare. You (6) must I should think of a few !<
examination. I remember I (12) must I had to
questions to ask about the company.
have one for the last job I went for. ll
Over to you 6 Think about the past. Discuss with a partner what you had to do or didn't have to do ...
a as a secondary school student.
b if you went out for the evening when you were under the age of sixteen.
c if you wanted extra pocket money from your parents.

7 Think about a recent event in your life. Complete these sentences.

a I didn't need to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
b I needn't have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


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