Financial Prompt

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The senior bank accountant, Harmony, has a reputation for being a good person. When

she learns that two of the four locations have failed to meet their sales goal for two years

running, she begins to feel sorry for them and the possible consequences they will face. She's an

accountant by trade, so the idea that she may pad the sales figures or otherwise alter the financial

report is unethical. She should steer clear of it because it could jeopardize her employment.

Employees are expected to uphold a set of moral norms within the workplace known as

"business ethics." According to an article by Peter Henning, When Money Gets in the Wy of

Corporate Ethics, businesses should base their judgments on sound business concepts. As a

result, Harmony's acts are unethical because they go against the established standards of the

company. Because she is not doing the right thing by altering the financial accounts, she needs to

adopt strong ethics that will direct her to make the right choice. She plans to do things that the

company's management will likely find out about and cause her to lose her job. When making

choices, it's best not to try to justify bad behavior by telling yourself it's for the greater benefit.

If Harmony does go ahead and tamper with the sales statistics, she will undoubtedly suffer

significant social and professional consequences. A disciplinary committee will likely be

convened, and she may lose her job as a result of the incident. The committee may decide to

revoke her employment authorization and place her in prison because of her involvement in

financial fraud. Because of this, Harmony needs to do the right thing even if it will cause her to
Last Name 2

feel bad for the people who are going to lose their jobs. The finest thing she can do for herself

and the people around her is to act ethically.

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Work Cited

Henning, Peter. J. "When Money Gets in The Way of Corporate Ethics (Published

2017)". Nytimes.Com, 2021,

of-corporate-ethics.html. Accessed 17 Apr 2017.

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