Zaham Communication Skills and Relations

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1. As a student of public administration, demonstrate how community social responsibility can

be useful to restore and improve confidence and trust in an organization.


Community Social responsibility is an ethical theory in which individuals in the

community are accountable for fulfilling their civic duty, and the actions of an individual must

benefit the whole of society. In this way, there must be a balance between economic growth and

the welfare of society and the environment.

Therefore as student of public administration, the following demonstrates how community social

responsibility can be useful to restore and improve confidence and trust in an organization

Community Social responsibility is one of the key pillars of corporate social

responsibility (CSR), alongside the concern with the workplace, the marketplace and the

environment. Community involvement can take many forms. For example, some businesses

choose to: support a local charity with financial contributions.

Community Social responsibility works as a platform for companies and consumers alike

to make a positive impact on local and global communities. Communities that implement a

social responsibility initiative that's in line with their values have the opportunity to increase

customer retention and loyalty The most important of these concepts is the concept of corporate

social responsibility (CSR) towards the society in which it is located, the safety and health of its

products, and contribution to a range of social activities from combating poverty and pollution

control, and the pivotal role it plays in sustainable

Community Social responsibility can benefit society and the environment while lessening

negative impacts on them. Companies engaging in social responsibility can do so in a number of

ways, including making changes that benefit the environment, engaging in ethical labor

practices, promoting volunteering, and philanthropy

Community Social responsibility is important because it provides a sense of purpose, in

addition to building resilience amidst adversity on an individual and societal level. Like an

addiction, sidestepping responsibility may feel good in the short-term, but leads to exponentially

worse pain and suffering in the long term

Community Social responsibility is an ethical framework in which an individual is

obligated to work and cooperate with other individuals and organizations for the benefit of the

community that will inherit the world that individual leaves behind.

Working with your local community can bring a wide range of benefits. For example, for

many businesses, local customers are an important source of sales. Demonstrating commitment

to your community can also improve your business reputation and, in turn, make it easier for you

to recruit or retain employees. A good relationship with local authorities can also help. For

instance, some local authorities prefer to award contracts to businesses with a record of

community involvement.

Responsibility is important because it provides a sense of purpose, in addition to building

resilience amidst adversity on an individual and societal level. Like an addiction, sidestepping

responsibility may feel good in the short-term, but leads to exponentially worse pain and

suffering in the long term

2. Discuss the relevance of internal communication in an organization.

By definition, Internal is a process that involves the interaction of the people working

within a team or an organization to achieve a common set of goals and objectives.

Internal communications creates another dimension to the workplace of an organization

This is where good internal communications steps in. It promotes learning and speaking

events, leadership training programs, shares customer feedback and media coverage, and

provides opportunities for people to get more involved, if they want to.

Internal communications creates a channel for feedback, debate, and discussion

To promote open communication at the company, the communications strategy needs to

create room for feedback, pushback, and public debate of issues and ideas. This is how

collaboration happens and it’s often not pretty.

Internal communications can be harnessed to create a channel for these tough

discussions. This can happen in a number of ways: employee polls, a link to an internal

discussion forum, an event announcement to encourage feedback and criticisms, or even an org-

wide invitation to debate a particular goal or project.

The same goes for feedback. One more time: internal communication is (or ought to be) a

two-way street. Good IC is always finding a way to improve and better serve the organization’s


Improves employee engagement

Internal communication allows employees to understand the goals of the business,

participate actively to devise plans and strategies to achieve those goals, and get appreciated for

all their efforts. When employees know that their contributions are valued and appreciated, they

push themselves to be at their best at work every day. Employees who are engaged with their

work tend to do their everyday tasks passionately and feel motivated to do so. Also, they connect

themselves with the vision and the values of the organization.

 Makes teams stronger

It’s a fact that teams cannot grow stronger when they cannot communicate and coordinate

properly. When the team has large communication gaps, there tends to be an abrupt and untimely

flow of information. As a result, misunderstandings arise and teams fall apart.

On the contrary, if the organization follows effective internal communication practices,

then it becomes realistic for teams to deal with every situation in a proactive manner. Moreover,

every team member will take responsibility for their actions, and thus the teamwork will stretch

in the right direction.

Additionally, by staying in touch with one another over text chats, audio calls, video

calls, or face-to-face meetings, every team member stays informed of what they need to do at a

given time. Also, there will be harmony in the team and team members will feel connected as a


Ensures transparency

The biggest and the most evident challenge that weak internal communication spurs in an

organization are rumors. If the organization’s internal communication strategy is weak or if

there isn’t one, you are likely to observe that rumors circulate so frequently in the organization

that you cannot even trace their origin.

Lowers chances of conflict

When people get together and work together to achieve shared objectives as a team,

conflicts become unavoidable. One of the most common reasons for conflicts to arise among the

members of a group is the difference in their ideas and beliefs.

Establishes a good work environment

It’s the work environment that decides whether the employees are going to stay with you

for many years to come or leave as soon as they get even a slightly better opportunity. Internal
communication plays a pivotal role in establishing a good work environment and the culture of

the organization.

Internal communication builds company culture

Internal communication bridges the gap between leadership and employees to help the

workplace community succeed and thrive. By showcasing and sharing company values and pictures,

it gives employees insights to what’s happening within the organization. 

When employees feel satisfied with their work and where they work, it will affect their

motivation, cooperation and work effectiveness leading to a good company culture. 

Internal communication keeps employees calm in times of crisis

These days, good internal communication is more important than ever before. Companies are

able to put out a united message and prevent employees from panicking while figuring out proper


Being transparent about situations like mergers, acquisitions or even societal news reassures

employees of what it means for the organization and gives them transparency into company values.

Addressing employee concerns and questions will squash any fears and help employees have their

voices heard. 

Promotes feedback among employees

When an individual or a team is unaware of the results produced by their efforts, they

cannot assess their performance and the areas that need improvement. The similar is true when

you have no idea of what the employees need from the organization to improve the output of the

business. The single thing that can eliminate both the situations mentioned above is feedback.
An effective internal communication strategy prioritizes constant feedback and makes it possible

by enabling two-way communication.

The feedback needs to be enabled between employees, employees, and their immediate

supervisors, and between supervisors and C-level executives. Employees and managers can

immediately share their responses, which will help them to take corrective actions if things are

not moving as planned.

Allows to deal effectively with crises

Businesses do not sail smoothly all the time and there may be situations when things start

to go south and give rise to a crisis. At such times, internal communication becomes the most

important thing that can prevent the employees from panicking.

With adequate transparency in communication, individuals at the management level can

share the exact details of crisis with the employees. Also, employees will have several questions

regarding the emergency and they will seek answers from their managers.

Assist with employee management

Managing employees efficiently is easier said than done, especially when an organization

has hundreds or thousands of employees. Also, employees will feel secure and connected to the

organization if they feel that you consider their feedback seriously and care for their wellness.

Employees will coordinate with you and it will become much easier to manage them and

exercise HR policies without facing any issues. Employee management policies that ignore the

needs and issues of employees tend to fail miserably when put into practice.

Drives the growth of the organization

To understand the point here, you need to compare the organization with a machine

having several interconnected parts that work together harmoniously to make the machine work
properly. The employees and teams act as those machine parts and are responsible to drive the

growth of the organization.

Internal communication is the main force that binds everyone and assists them to

coordinate their efforts to achieve the goals of the organization. When an organization keeps

accomplishing its goals effectively and on time, the business grows and so do the employees who

are responsible for the organization’s success.

A lack of internal communication delays the information to reach its intended destination, which

in turn will delay actions required to attain the business objectives successfully.


In conclusion internal communication's purpose is to provide an effective flow of

information between an organization's departments and colleagues. This applies both up and

down the management/employee chain. It also works among employees who are interacting with

each other in the company

Johnston, K., Beatson, A., & Lings, I. (2015). The influence of internal communication on
employee engagement: A pilot study. Public relations review, 41(1), 129-131.
Sriramesh, K. (2012). Internal communication: Definition, parameters, and the future. Public
relations review, 38(2), 223-230.
Verghese, A. K. (2017). Internal Communication: Practices and Implications. SCMS Journal of
Indian Management, 14(3).
Welch, M. (2015). Internal communication education: a historical study. Journal of
Communication Management.
White, C., Vanc, A., & Stafford, G. (2010). Internal communication, information satisfaction,
and sense of community: The effect of personal influence. Journal of public relations
research, 22(1), 65-84.

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