Machine Design Algorithm For MD 3pim - 1

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Description of Online Classes during Lockdown Period

Subject:-CAD Department:-Electrical Engineering

Practical - 1

Main dimension of 3 phase i.m.(Algorithm)

Input hp, kw, kva, pf, efn,co, Bav, ac, wf, nm, ns, p, f, pr, sf, va;

if the value of hpis given, convert it in to kw; // hp = output power in hp,

kw = hp*0.746; // kw = output power in kw,

if the value of kw is given, convert it in to kva; // kva = output power in kva,

kva = kw/pf; // pf = power factor,

if the value of input kva is given, convert it in to output kva;

q = kva/efn; // q = stator slot per pole per phase,efn =efficiency,

if the value of co is not given, calculate the value of co, // co = output coefficient,

co = 0.011*Bav*ac*wf; // wf = winding factor, ac = ampere conductor per metre,

if the value of nm is given, convert it in tons; //nm = synchronous speed in rpm,

ns = nm/60; // Bav = average flux density in the air gap,

if the value of ns is given, calculate the value of p; // ns = synchronous speed in rps,

p = 2*f/ns; // p = no. of poles,

if the value of p is given, calculate the value of ns;

ns = 2*f/p; // f = frequency,

if the value of pr is given, calculate the value ofD, L, nd, Li &va ,// pr=ratio of pole pitch to pole length,

D =cube root of (q*p/(co*ns*3.14*pr)); // D = Bore dia of stator,

L = 3.14*D*pr/p; // L = length of the stator core,

va = 3.14*D*ns; // va = peripheral speed,

nd = L*10-0.2; // nd = no. of duct,sf = stacking factor,

Li = sf*(L-nd*.01); // Li = net iron length of the stator core,

if the value of va is given, calculate the value of D, L, nd, & Li;

D = va/(3.14* ns);

L = q/(co*ns*square root of D);

nd = L*10-0.2;

Li = sf*(L-nd*.01);

Output D, L, Li, nd, co, va;

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