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With two of my brothers We have been farming in Quebec for nearly 45 years with minimal uses of

pesticides. The youngest pasted away 3 years ago from melioma cancer, l personally had my bladder
and prostate removed and my older brother was diagnose Parkinson 3 years ago. Was unable to find
any local epidemiological data on such diseases. Sold the farms.



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3 months ago

DW, great job at exposing and highlighting the shortcomings of German agricultural program comparing
to French counterpart. I recall 20 years ago being told by organic farmers in Canada that grapes are the
most pesticide laden food source on earth as they use so much of pesticides, and I was advised not to
use grape seed oil, and even stay away from drinking regular wine. Good thing that I followed their
advice as some old cooking shows were recommending grape seed oil then... It's surprising to witness
someone in France vividly affected by the pesticides use of those grapes. Thankfully now France is
producing some organic wine and I drink those when I want to enjoy wine. And to this day I always opt
for not using grape seed oil but some locally produced great quality oil and I even make my own ghee.
Now that I live in Japan, I know there is no rampant Parkinson's disease I am aware of, unlike the EU. My
grandma had her own vegetable gardens and my maternal side great aunts are all farmers. None had
Parkinson's disease. It was so heartbreaking to see the man in care facility at 68...around the same age
with my dad. Hope the situation improves in Germany and EU collectively stop producing all these
pesticides laden vegetables and wine.


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Cameras, Clocks & Watches

Cameras, Clocks & Watches

1 year ago

One of the most important documentary channel on Youtube...


DW Documentary


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1 year ago (edited)

Truly heartbreaking, not just for those suffering with it, but for their families as well!

My father is 91, I'm 61, & we both have tremors but not bad enough to be too debilitating. When I
asked my father what his GP thought about it, my dad said it was possibly due to the years he sprayed
Deltron (a pesticide containing Triazophos 35% + Deltamethrin 1% Ec) on a variety of fruit trees in our
backyard. As the trees were close to the rear of our house where my bedroom was, it could still be
smelt with the windows shut, & I can remember the smell even after all these years.
As I was quite young when the trees matured & began flowering, I suspect that even the infrequent
exposure to the toxins in my developing years could have easily affected my nervous-system, & possibly
contributed to my being diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
(ME/CFS), & Fibromyalgia, after years of ill-health.


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1 year ago

My neighbor has his lawn sprayed with pesticides by a company through out the summer. He also goes
around his four acre lot every month with a large canister of pesticides, spraying any herb he see's in his
lawn. He has had Parkinson's now for about 10 years, but keeps spraying. We have tried to hint to him
that the herbicides could be causing it, but he keeps doing it. He told us he has to take around 30
prescriptions a day to help with the symptoms. Now more and more info like this video keep coming
out, justifying our suspicions. Very sad to see him degrading like he is. He was a very hard worker and a
nice man. We just hope his ignorance doesn't effect us and our children.


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0 Animal product World

0 Animal product World

3 months ago

I really love DW! 🐇

I'm not sure why I always have supernatural peace and joy whenever a documentary from DW plays on
its own on my laptop! 🐎

God bless you 🦍 and rescue all animals 🦀




1 year ago
Best documentary channel on YouTube without a doubts. I am very honoured to subscribe and watch'
free documentations. Kudos to the DW Team.


DW Documentary


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2 months ago (edited)

This breaks my heart. It made me remember how when a kid, some of my friends would go through the
sheep dip for a laugh/something to do when we were playing. Wishing the farmers and all on earth
healing and love. Let's hope we can stop the criminals who dictate/recommend the use of poisons

Now I see why I need to pay more attention to Washing vegetables before I use them.


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Chris 432T

Chris 432T

1 year ago (edited)

Parkinson's pandemic is right.

Another fantastic documentary. Thank you.



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1 year ago

I’m almost certain this is also one of the reason why infertility is such a big issue in developed country
but not so much in 3rd word country.



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Karen Burns

Karen Burns

1 year ago

DW it would be great to see you do a similar story on Dental Offices. Dentist and their staff are exposed
to Mercury. Even Dentist who don’t place Mercury Silver Fillings. Taking out old fillings and replacing
them with white fillings can cause exposure when not done properly. Wonder how many of these
Parkinson’s patients have Silver Fillings? And how many Dentist and their assistants have Parkinson’s?



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1 year ago

I know at least one farmer that was providing crop spraying services for most of the smaller farms in the
area. So he was working with all kinds of agrochemicals almost every day for about 20 years. He died of
cancer before turning 50. I'm not sure he got the cancer from the chemical exposure, but when i heard
that he had died, that idea that it was caused by the chemicals was the first thing that came to my mind.


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