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lon is such a clown, the way he handled that journalist to dismiss the water issue.



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Dorice Timko

Dorice Timko

1 month ago

Thank you. Love your documentaries

DW Documentary


Eric Neiman

Eric Neiman

2 months ago

It strikes me as odd how in my area I've seen water levels everywhere getting lower and staying low.
Also there was a beautiful old reservoir nearby that may or may not have been viable but they tore out
the damn and totally destroyed the ecosystem there. Was full of turtles and large fish now it's little
more 5hen a mud puddle. Seems counterproductive and no signs of fixing it. I believe water is being
stored in tanks and being horded. It sounds crazy but I think they might be making water scarce in it
natural state. Mark my words. It won't be easy to get clean water unless you can pay for it. Everyone will


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Abhijit Bobde

Abhijit Bobde

1 month ago (edited)

You can always dig water absorbing trench on hill slopes....for reducing rain water run off .....this may
increase ground water level 🙏 I have seen this happening 😳


Ron nel

Ron nel

2 months ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if 💦 water scarcity causes war and conflicts ‍♂️🤷‍♂️


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Max D30

Max D30

2 months ago

The solution to this crisis lies in simple yet highly efficient points which :

1- advanced irrigation systems will Lower the wasted water drastically

2- efficient water treatment plants along with water destination plants

3-mega reforestation projects

4- maintenance for the municipal water infrastructure to prevent the loss of water due to leaking pipes


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Jacqueline RICHARDS

Jacqueline RICHARDS

2 months ago

Elon musk laughing like an evil villain when asked about water scarcity fears.



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Jo Sargent

Jo Sargent

2 months ago

Great documentary. Noone needs Coca-Cola or Pepsi etc even meat... to survive. Its time for
governments and pressure groups to add serious pressure to stop this. Parents, teachers, dieticians
need to be active in teaching and learning about this. We can all save and recycle water in so many

DW Documentary

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Swati Sharma

Swati Sharma

2 months ago

I think people like Geoff Lawton should be consulted also for water conservation, harvesting and
replenishing ground water


Time is Fluid

Time is Fluid

2 months ago

Water is gold it should have always been more important than gold it is the source of Life on this planet
nothing can be done without it people should take into consideration how precious this resource really
is it's the only resource that keeps us alive without it we die


Nicolau MB

Nicolau MB

2 months ago
Good documentary. We all need to be conscious about the use of water. I would like to see the
Government and ONGs informing citizens about the real status of water reserves and creating a
sustainability rank for the products we have to consume. Then the consumer could make informed
decisions when it buys a specific brand or product.

This documentary would be even better if we had seen a list of the top 25 water-consuming industry
brands in each country. It seems biased to watch DW mention just a couple of companies.



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Jason Beneke

Jason Beneke

2 months ago

it's imperative to keep in mind that it's not just the corporations at fault but the politicians who allow
these corporations to take the water from the populace to sell back to them.

it goes without saying that water should be protected but it especially needs to be protected from
corporations that have absolutely zero ethics.

and we are seeing the catastrophic consequences of the unimpeded, unrelenting commoditization of
water by these corporations.

and it's only going to get worse. 🤷‍♂


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