PH Bahasa Inggris

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TAHUN AJARAN 2020-2021

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

: 29 January 2021, 28 January
Hari / Tanggal

Pilihan Ganda

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat.

1. They translated some old documents last week. What is the

passive form of this sentence?

A. Some old documents are translated by them last week.

B. Some old documents have been translated by them last week.

C. Some old documents were being translated by them last week.

D. Some old documents were translated by them last week.

2. The important email has been sent by my secretary. What is the

active form of this sentence?

A. My secretary was sending the important email

B. My secretary has sent the important email

C. My secretary is sending the important email

D. My secretary has been sending the important email

3. We can see many beautiful paintings in this exhibition. They

were ……. by famous Indonesian painter.

A. Painting

B. Painted
C. Be Painting

D. Being painting

4. They cancelled all flights because of fog. The passive form of the
sentence is, because of fog….

A. All flights were cancelled

B. All flights have been cancelled

C. They be cancelled

D. They are being cancelled

5. A well known architect is designing our new office. The passive

form of the above sentence is, Our new office …… by a well
known architect.

A. Designed

B. Be designing

C. Is designed

D. Is being designed

6. "Why does the baby next door keep crying ?"

"As usual, it .... by the babysitter."

A. is neglected

B. is neglecting

C. is to be neglected

D. is to neglect

7. Why are the students staying outside ?

Their classroom ....

A. is being cleaned
B. being cleaned

C. was cleaned

D. is cleaning

8. The picture is not here anymore

It must have ... away

A. being taken

B. taken

C. been taking

D. been taken

9. A: Why are you so hurry?

B: I have arrive there on time because I . . . by my fiends there.

A. Waited

B. To be waited

C. Am waiting

D. Am waited

10. A: Why does he panic?

B: He is panic because his name . . . by the principal.

A. is called

B. was called

C. are called

D. were called

11. Tom opens the door. The passive is ...

A. The door was opened by Tom

B. The door opened by Tom

C. The door is opened by Tom

D. The door is being opened by Tom

12. Mary helped the boy. The passive is ...

A. The boy is helped by Mary

B. The boy was helped by Mary

C. The boy is being helped by Mary

D. The boy helps by Mary

13. The waiter is serving the customer. The passive is....

A. The customer is served by the waiter

B. The customer are served by the waiter

C. The customer is being served by the waiter

The customer was being served by the customer

14. We are attending the agenda. The passive is ...

A. The agenda are attended by us

B. The agenda is attended by us

C. The agenda was being attended by us

D. The agenda is being attended by us

15. Dr. Ikada developed the theory. The passive is ...

A. The theory is developed by Dr. Ikada

B. The theory is being developed by Dr. Ikada

C. The theory developed by Dr. Ikada

D. The theory was developed by Dr. Ikada

16. A hurricane destroyed a few houses. The passive is ... .

A. A few houses were destroyed by a hurricane

B. A few houses was destroyed by a Hurricane

C. A few houses are destroyed by a Hurricane

D. A few houses destroyed by a Hurricane

17. Government will build a new palace next year. The passive is ...

A. A new palace will built by the government

B. A new palace will be built by the government

C. A new palace will build by the government

D. A new palace will be build by the government

18. Juan has studied Math for a test. The passive is ...

A. Math has studied by Juan for a test

B. Math has been studied by Juan for a test

C. Math has been study by Juan for a test

D. Math has studied by Juan for a test

19. Tiara was eating popcorn at the cinema. The passive is ...

A. Popcorn is being eaten by Tiara at the cinema

B. Popcorn was eaten by Tiara at the cinema

C. Popcorn was being eaten by Tiara at the cinema

D. Popcorn was being ate by Tiara at the cinema

20. “Pilot flies the plane twice a week”. The passive is ...

A. The plane is being flew by pilot twice a week

B. The plane is flown by pilot twice a week

C. The plane is flew by pilot twice a week

D. The plane is being flown by pilot twice a week

21. “Math is being taught by Mr. Heri”. The active sentence is ..

A. Mr. Heri teaches Math

B. Mr. Heri taught Math

C. Mr. Heri was teaching Math

D. Mr. Heri is teaching Math

22. “The electricity will be repaired by technician”. The active sentence is ...

A. The technician will repairs the electricity

B. The technician will repaired the electricity

C. The technician will repair the electricity

D. The technician will be repairs the electricity

23. “Why do those people panic?”

Their semi-permanent houses .... now.

A. Demolished

B. Are demolished

C. To be demolished
D. To demolished

24. Omar wrote a letter last night. The passive sentence is ....

A. A letter were written by Omar last night

B. A letter are written by Omar last night

C. A letter is being wrote by Omar last night

D. A letter was written by Omar last night

25. “They are wearing jackets in the class.” The passive is ...

A. Jackets were being wore by them in the class

B. Jackets are being wore by them in the class

C. Jackets is being worn by them in the class

D. Jackets are being worn by them in the class

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