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Colosseum, also called Flavian amphitheater built in between 70 to 80 AD under the Flavian emperors. it
is located just east of the palatine hill, on the grounds of Nero’s golden house. It has long been one of
Rome’s major tourist attractions, receiving close to seven million visitors annually.

As one of the few mostly intact structures from the roman empire, the colosseum (world’s largest
amphitheater) stands today as a monument to ancient Rome’s architectural and engineering skills. The
colosseum’s greatest innovation was its use of concrete. Colosseum was probably the widest spread use
of engineering and construction with concrete in that period of time.

Almost all the stadiums in the world now have their designs based on the colosseum, which in fact an
amphitheater. It was, in a way, a model for sports stadiums arenas we have today. The shape was a
major way that influenced our football stadiums now.

The engineering and construction process is extremely crucial even to the world of modern engineering
and architecture. The designs used in the initial construction was amazing.

It also tells us how smart the ancient romans were. They were the first people in ancient times that used
the techniques in the design of colosseum.

The historic background of colosseum, the need of the project and the architectural characteristics,
details and construction technology of colosseum is to be known in the most complete way possible.

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