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morpholo gy culture

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CAMPYLOBACTER JEJUNI HELICOBACTER PYLORI G-ve Slender,curved or spiral G-ve ,spiral shaped (helical rod) rods,that appear in comma, Motile + tuft of polar flagella Sshaped or Gull wings Microaerophilic,thermophilic,req a Microaerophilic,37C,blood red conc of O2 in atmosphere n Agar,choc agar,skirowws preferably,10%added CO2,37C selective medium better 42-43C,skirrows medium(lysed blood agar containing vancomycin,polymyxin n trimethoprim) Catalase,oxidase +ve Catalase,urease,oxidase +ve Unable to attack CHO Highly adapted org,live on gastric mucosa,esp G antrum n fundus, not invade epith chronic gastritis,peptic ulcer,gastric carcinoma main virulence factors: urease,protease vacuolating cytotoxins which cause damage to host cells Oral-oral Faecal-oral Common env source invasive: gastroscopy & antral biopsy specimens >direct urease test >Culture on skirrows medium >histopathological exams non invasive: >urea breath test >ELISA Triple theraphy of metronidazole,clarithomycin (eff in acidic Ph),omeperazole(proton pump inhibitor)

Pathogene Edematous exudative enteritis of sis jejunum,ileum n colon,with cellular infiltration n ulceration of mucosa. They enter,multiply in and damage the mucosal cells and hence again access to the blood stream. Produce 2 exotoxin: heat labile & cytotoxin Mode of infection Lab diagnosis Consumption of poultry foods/unpausterised milk Contact with anlimals icludg dogs Selective plating medium Incubated at 42C under microphilic condition for 48 hrs. Examine plate for effuse droplet like colonies that catalase & oxidase +ve Erythromycin (namely those with long persistence of symptoms,frequent bloody diarrhea/high fever)


morpholo gy culture

Vibrio cholera Short G ve rods (comma shaped) rapid,darting motility non sporing,non capsulated Fac anaerobes,37C Grows well on ordinary culture media Optimum pH 8.2 SEV SELECTIVE MEDIA: TCBS (Ph 8.6 much more favourable to the growth of vibrios) V Cholerae & El Tor Biovar >yellow colonies dt fermentation of glucose v.parahaemolyticus & non sucrose frementing vibrios > blue/green colonies

Pseudomonas aeruginosa G ve motile bacillus Pyocyanin, pyoverdin, pyorubin, pyo melanin Grows readily on many types of media (42C) NLF Cetrimide agar

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Frments glucose,mannose,not arabinose Oxidase +ve Produce indole sensitivity Killed by moist heat at 56C in 30 min,survice for 1-2 weeks in clean,non acid,fresh or sea water.many survive up to few days on moist fruits,vegetables,fish n cooked foods. Both classical N el-tor biovars are sensitive to a wide range of anti microbial drug,icludng sulphonamides,chloramphenicol,tetra cycline,ampicliin,kanamycin,trimetho prim.recently, strains resistant to one or more appear. Pathogene Under natural conditions,V C is sis pathogenic only for humans.not an invasive not reach blood stream,remains in intestinal tract. Virulent VC attach to microvlli of brush border of epith cell,multiply n liberate heat labile cholera enterotoxin (manifestation of cholera) Lab Faecal specimen by: diagnosis 1.rubber cathether into a sterile container 2.rectal swab 3.collection from a bed pan should be avoided microscopy culture molecular methods Treatment Water n electrolyte replacement to correct severe dehydration n salt depletion tetracycline

Xferments glucose but may oxidase glucose Oxidase +ve Love wet, hate dry & heat RESISTANCE to chemical antibacterials (dettol, cetrimide, quarternary ammonium compound)

Infections of wounds and burns Meningitis UTI RTI Otitis externa iin swimmers Infection in eye Fatal septicemia SPECIMENS Smear Culture -blood agar -MacConkeys agar -cetrimide agar

Combination of newer penicillins and an aminoglycoside Imipenem & ceftazimide (3rg gen cephalosporins) =vaccine

General characteristics of bacteria in 3rd semester IUMP =] 1. all G-VE bacilli/coccobacilli 2. all NON-SPORING 3. all NON-MOTILE except Salmonella(peritrichate flagella), E.coli, Proteus (swarming), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Vibrio cholera (darting), Campylobacter (polar flagella), Helicobacter pylori (a tuft of polar flagella), Yersina pseudotuberculosis, Y. enterocolita 4. pleomorphism Yersina 5. Biochemical properties Catalase +ve Oxedase ve Oxidase +ve Indole +ve Indole ve Urease +ve Urease ve Phenyl alanine deamine +ve Sugar fermentation inactive poorly w acid w acid & gas 6. Culture medium Ordinary medium Blood agar MacConkeys Selective media 7. Aeration Aerobe Aerobe & facultative anaerobe Anaerobe Microaerophilic 8. Characterized disease 9. Bacteremia

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