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Dosen : Dr. Cayandrawati Sutiono, M.A.

Mata Kuliah : Extensive Reading A4

Nama : Nanda Mulya
NIM : 2110117110018

Don’t Fear the Reaper

By Lucas Flint

In the wake of the 2000 US presidential election, Cadmus Smith, Director of the Department
of Extraterrestrial & Superpowered Beings, travels to a graveyard in rural Texas to kill the
supervillain known as the Reaper of the Night, a superpowered serial killer who can steal
souls with a touch and has been killing public officials who supported the President.

It had started about a week after the President's swearing in , two months ago in January ,
2000. A noted supporter of the President and Mayor of Silvers , Enrique Garcia had been
found murdered in front of his mother's grave in Silvers . Mayor Garcia had been found lying
dead , with no signs of injury on his body . There had been a note left by Heisenberg , in
which he claimed that he had killed Garcia by stealing his soul and had plans to do the same
to all supporters of the President.

After that , a string of killings - mostly in Texas , each one identical to Garcia's death , in
which the souls of the victims were stolen - occurred over the next two months , mostly
public officials who had supported or voted for the President . It was what had drawn the
attention of the G - Men , because there were now fears that Heisenberg was going to try to
kill the President himself at one point . The main reason the G - Men had gotten involved was
because Heisenberg had powers . If the reports were accurate - and Cadmus had no reason to
doubt nem , based on what he'd seen - then Heisenberg could steal the souls of other people
with a touch . Reports also indicated that Heisenberg had started wearing a robe and carrying
a huge scythe with him , but Cadmus didn't find that disturbing , given how the vast majority
of superhumans in the world had an odd obsession with dressing up in outlandish costumes
and giving themselves cheesy names . Cadmus didn't see the point of it , but then , there was
a common theory in the mental health community that all superhumans suffered from mental
illness of some sort and that they coped with it by dressing up and fighting crime .

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