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Bom 56392


Name IYusn ATWANIA Date

Q. No. 2 S 5 6 78 9 10

Max 1 1 1 1 1 1
Q. No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Max 1

Total Marks and Percentage

When should the fog signal of a manned vessel under tow be sounded?
After the towing vessel's fog signal,
b. Before the towing vessel's fog signal,
C. Approximately one minute after the towing vessel's fog signal;
d. If the towing vessel is sounding a fog signal, the manned vessel being towed is
not required to sound any fog signal.

You are underway in fog when you hear the rapid ringing of a bell for five seconds
followed by the sounding of a gong for five seconds. This signal indicates a vessel

d. engaged in pair trawling

b. fishing while making no way through the water
more than 100 meters in length, at anchor

d. Bngaged on pilotage dutyy

The term "prolonged blast" means a blast of

a. two to four seconds duration
four to six seconds duration
C. six to eight seconds duration

d. eight to ten seconds duration

A power-driven vessel "not under command" at night must show hei sidelights when

making headway
b. nmaking no headway
. moored to a buoy

d. at anchor

At night, a broken down vessel being towed would showthe same lights as
A. a power-driven vessel underway
b. the towing vessel

a barge dogs d taikti

a vessel at anchor

6. During the day, a vessel picking up a submarine cable shall carry

a. three shapes, the highest and lowest shall be red balls, and the middle shall be a
white diamond
b. two black balls

C. three shapes; the highest and lowest shall be black balls, and the middle shall be
a red diamond
dthree shapes; the highest and lowest shall be black balls and the middle shall be
a black diamond

You see a vessel displaying the code flag "LIMA" below which is a red bal. The
vessel is

a. trolling
b. getting ready to receive aircraft

C. aground

in distress

When anchoring a 25-meter vessel at night, you must show

one all-round white light
b. two all-round white lights
C. one all-round white light and the sidelights
d. the sidelights and a stern light

9 Which signal is sounded ONLY when vessels are NOT in sight of each other?

a A signal of at least five short and rapid blasts

Four short blasts on the whistle

. One prolonged, one short, one piolonged, and one short blast on the whistle, in
that order

d Two short blasis on the whistle


10 Day shapes MUST be shown

duing daylight houws
b. duing daylight hous except in restricted visibility
C. ONLY between 8 AM and 4 PM daily
between sunset and sunrise

I1. Which statement is TRUE concerung a 75- meter power-driven vessel undcrway at
a. She must exhibit an all-round white light at the stern.

She must exhibit forward and after masthead lights.

C. She must exibit only a forward masthead light.
d. She may exhibit a red light over a green light forward.

12. You are the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation. If you think the give-way vessel is
NOT taking sufficient action to avoid collision, you should sound
d. one short blast and maintain course
b. two short blasts, alter to port, and pass astern
the danger signal
d. no signal and maneuver at will

13. Which statement concerning maneuvering in restricted visibility is FALSE?

3. A vessel which cannot avoid a close-quarters situation with a vessel forward of
her beam shall reduce her speed to bate steerageway.
A vessel which hears a fog signal forward of her beam shall stop her engines.
C. A vessel which hears a fog signal forward of the beam
shall navigate with

d If a vessel determines by radar that a

close-quarters situation is developing, she
shall take avoiding action in ample time.

14 A pilot vessel may continue to sound an identity signal if she is

a. aground
b at anchor

C. not under command

being towed

15. What is NOT distress

a A continuous sounding of the fog horn

Pane 3 ntd
Finng a gun cvery mnute

Five or more slhort iapid blasts on the whistle

A square tlag and balt tlown troin the nmast

16 While underway in tog. you hear a vessel ahead sound two prolonged blasts on the
whistle. You should
sound two blasts and change course to the left

O. sound whistle signals only if you change course

sound only fog signals until the other vessel is sighted

d. not sound any whistle signals until the other vessel is sighted

17 A traffic separation zone is that part of a traffic separation scheme which

a. is between the schene and the nearest land

D. contains all the trefic moving in one direction

is designaied as an anchorage area
separates trat++c proceeding in one direction ftom traffic proceeding in the
opposite direction

Your vessel is 75 meters in length and restricted in her ability to maneuver. Visibility
is restricted. What signai do you sound if you are carying out your work at anchor?
a. Five seconds ringing of a bell at intervals of not more than one minute
One prolonged blast followed by two short blasts on the whistle at intervals of
not more than two minutes

C. Five seconds ringing of a bell and five second sounding of a gong at intervals of
not more than one minute

d. Four short blasts on the whistle at intervals of not more than two minutes

19 A "flashing light" is a light that

flashes at regular intervals at a frequency of 120 flashes or more per minute

b. is yellow in color
is visible over an arc of the horizon of not less than i80° nor more than 225°

d. All of the above

20 if it becomes necessary for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision, she
shail NOT, if possible,
decrease speed
increase speed

lurn to port for a vessel on her own port side

urn tosiarboard fo a vessel on her own poil side

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