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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Brahmadevdada Mane Polytechnic Solapur

A report on

Industrial Training (22057)

Completed Successfully

Submitted To

Computer Engineering Department

Under the Guidance

of Prof. R. R.

Pawar Submitted

Roll Name of students Enroolment

no. no.
2329 Pasale Vaishnavi Vishnu 2009930109
2305 Tadaval Shweta Irappa 2009930078
2355 Mane Divyarani Balkrishna 2009930131
2345 More siddhi raju 2009930129
2334 Shinde Akash santosh 2009930114

Academic Year: -2022-2023

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
Certificate OfCompletion

Of Industrial Training

(By respective Head of the Institute & Head of the Department)

This is to certify that Mr. Akash santosh shinde with Enrollment No. 2009930114
has successfully completed Industrial Training (22057) in Mobile application development.
from Dream Technologies for partial fulfillment towards completion of Diploma in
Computer Engineering from Brahmadevdada Mane Polytechnic Institute Code 0993.

Signature Signature

Head ofthe Department Head of the Institute


Industrial training is an important phase of a student life. A well planned,

properly executed and evaluated industrial training helps a lot in developing a professional
attitude. It develops an awareness of industrial approach to problem solving, based
on a broad understanding of process and mode of operation of organization.

The aim and motivation of this industrial training is to receive discipline, skills,
teamwork and technical knowledge through a proper training environment, which will
help me, as a student in the field of Computer Engineering, to develop responsiveness of the
self-disciplinary nature of problems in information and communication technology.

During a period of 6 weeks training at Dream Technology. I learnt many new things like
Creating my own Mobile Application, also I learned to create My own application for myself and
also for my Training Project that I learned to make by the 6 weeks of Internship. Throughout
this industrial training, I have learned a new thing that required for the Best User Experience
and Performance, and able to implement what I have learnt for the past year as a Diploma in
Computer Technology student in Bramhadevdada Mane Polytechnic Solapur.

To become a professional in Computer Engineering, industrial training is

the foundation for each undergraduate student. It helps students to improve their
practical skills related to interpersonal, problems solving, research and reporting as
well as soft skills. Also, it helps the students get exposure to the industry, apply the
gained knowledge throughout the academic program and learn new updated
technologies. In addition, it helps student's career development and to prepare for
employment after graduation, by engaging in personal and professional development

I hereby to extend my sincere appreciation and thankfulness to my helpful

internship supervisor
Prof. R. R. Pawar Further I would like to thank Mr. S. V. Kulkarni, Principal of
Bramhadevdada Mane Polytechnic Solapur. The supervision and support that he gave truly
helped the progression and smoothness of the internship program.

And also, I would like to thank Prof. R. R. Pawar, Head of Computer Department
of Bramhadevdada Mane Polytechnic Solapur for their guidance and Support. And also,
my heartfelt thanks to:
Prof R. R. Pawar who was the mentor of our internship program. He was constantly
in touch with us during the whole internship period. Besides, this internship program made
me realize that the value of working together as a team and as a new experience in
working environment.

Not to forget, great appreciation to other department staff that helps me from time
to time during our internship. The whole program really brought us together to appreciate
the true value of friendship and respect for each other.
Sr. No. Chapters

1. Organizational Structure of Industry.

2. Introduction to Industry

3. Software, Hardware tools used.

4. Basics of Mobile Application Development

5. Introduction to JAVA

6. Developing a Deployable Application Project

7. Advantages and Applications of App


8. Challenges in app Development

9. Short report on topic

Chapter 1: Organizational Structure of Industry:

Organizational Structure means determining the form of entire organization system

of undertaking.

According to Henry H. Albert "The Organizational structure is the framework with management and
operating task are performed”.

Characteristics of organizational structure:

 Performance of business activities.

 Arranges functional relations among the manager and the employees.

 Various roles and positions are formed.

 Establishing the relation between the managers, employees and their group.

 Functions are assigned to various departments.

Dream Technology is A Company and training platform, Based in Solapur,

Maharashtra. Founded by Mr. Shrikant Kadam, a Person with engineering power and
training professor. Known for his skills in design and development of various innovative
technology products. Mr. Shrikant kadam sir had taken more than 900+ students for their
training company. And have Professional training skills.

Keen interest in study and research of embedded design has basic and fundamental
experience in Application design and development. He has special skills in identifying and
providing solutions for problems. For its constant innovative and relentless efforts in new
innovations, the founder has been recognized by various prestigious Polytechnic Colleges.
Chapter 2: Introduction to Industry

 Introduction:

Dream Technology was founded in 2015. It is a Software Company That

mainly focuses on delivering appropriate desktop and Mobile applications.
And also, Provides internship training for Students.

Dream Technologies is a next-generation technology company

that helps Enterprises reimagine their businesses for the digital age. Our
technology products and services are built on Years of innovation, with a
world-renowned management philosophy, a strong culture of invention
and risk-taking, and a relentless focus on customer relationships.
Dream Technology also takes pride in its many diversities, social
responsibility,sustainability, and educational initiatives. Global delivery
capabilities, and over 900+ ‘Students’ Training Experience.
Dream Technology delivers services across industry verticals to
leading enterprises.

Office: Solapur, Maharashtra, India.

Chapter 3: Software and Hardware Tools used

3.1 Introduction

Mobile Application Development:

Application development is the process by which applications are

created for the mobile devices. These software applications are
designed to be run on mobile devices, such as Smartphones, Tablet
computers, Smart watches, etc. Application development is generally
done by team who handles different tasks such as UI Design, Graphic
Design, Coding teams, Testing teams, etc. It is a long process having
multiple layers of tasks and processes to Develop a functioning well
made app.

Application Developer:

An application developer designs and codes software and applications

for Mobile devices. This developer often works for large organizations
or directly for an app development company to develop apps that can
serve users with Specific tasks or help them in daily life.


Software Specifications Hardware Specifica

Tools Tools tions

Android Chipmunk 2021.2.1 A Laptop HP 15s

Studio Version 2.0

Figma (UI Designing tool) - -

Android Android version 10.0 Mobile device VIVO

Chapter 4: Basics of Mobile applications development

4.1 Introduction: What is Android Studio

Android Studio is the official Integrated development environment

(IDE) for Google’s Android operating system, Built on JetBrains’
IntelliJ IDEA software and designed specifically for android
development it is available for download on Windows, macOS and
Linux based operating systems. It is a replacement for the Eclipse.
Basically, it provides application development environment to develop
and design Mobile applications.


 API- Application Program Interface
 APK- Android Package
 AVD- Android Virtual Device

 DVM- Dalvik Virtual Machine

 HTTP- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

 JDK- Java Development Kit
 JRE- Java Runtime Environment
 JVM- Java Virtual Machine

 SDK- Software Development Kit
 SSL- Secure Sockets Layer

 XML- Extensible Markup Language
Features of Android Studio:

 Gradle-based build support

 Android-specific refactoring and quick fixes

 A rich layout editor that provides drag and drop UI components such
Buttons, Label, Images, etc.

 ProGuard integration and app-signing capabilities.

 Provides Android Virtual devices (Emulator) to run test apps.

Interface of Android Studio:

Fig. Android Studio UI

Android studio is popular and mainstream App development tool because it makes developers work
easier by providing convenient features and environment. That makes app development bit easier.

 Android Applications :

Android applications are usually developed in the Java language using the Android Software
Development Kit. Once developed, Android applications can be packaged easily and sold out
either through a store such as Google Play, Slide ME, Opera Mobile Store, Mobango, F-droid and
the Amazon Appstore.

There are many android applications in the market. The top categories are

 Android versions:
These will help you to identify on which version you should make your
application. All these versions have a percentage chart across the whole
globe according to a survey, which will help you to identify the maximum
used android version to maximize your application benefits and provide it
to the maximum users.

 Android 1.0 (2008) - No Version Name

 Android 1.1 2009) - Petit Four

 Android 1.5 (2009) - Cupcake

 Android 1.6 (2009) - Donut

 Android 2.0 - 2.1 (2009) - Eclair

 Android 2.2 - 2.2.3 (2010) - Froyo

 Android 2.3 - 2.3.7 (2010) - Gingerbread

 Android 3.0 - 3.2.6 (2011) - Honeycomb

 Android 4.0 - 4.0.4 (2011) - Ice Cream Sandwich

 Android 4.1 - 4.3.1 (2012) - Jelly Bean

 Android 4.4 - 4.4.4 (2013) - KitKat

 Android 5.0 - 5.1.1 (2014) - Lollipop

 Android 6.0 - 6.0.1 (2015) - Marshmallow

 Android 7.0 - 7.1.2 (2016) - Nougat

 Android 8.0 - 8.1 (2017) - Oreo

 Android 9.0 (2018) - Pie

 Android 10 (2019) - Android 10

Introduction: What Figma

Figma is WebFigma is a free, online UI tool where you can create,
collaborate, prototype and handoff all in the same place. Stay in the flow
by ideating, creating and collaborating in one end-to-end tool.
Products. Figma. An all-in-one graphics Designing tool.

Features of Figma:

 Dynamic designing build support

 Option to collaborate and work with team.

 A rich layout editor that provides drag and drop UI components

such Buttons, Label, Images, etc.

 Professional tools to help you build the best application

 Allows online testing. Like a walkthrough

 External plugins to fill in any voids of tools.

Interface of WebFigma(
Fig. WebFigma UI
4.2 Application Development Structure:

 Undertaking UI / UX Designing

The main purpose of the design of the app is to deliver effortless and seamless user
experience with a much-polished look. The success of the app actually depends on how
well the users of the app are adopting as well as benefiting from its different features.

The UI Designing will be done on figma tool and will be later implemented in
android studio.
4.3 Process of App development:

 Analysis and Planning

At this particular stage, the idea of app starts with taking shape, and it actually turnsinto
an actual mobile app development project. Analysis, as well as planning, begin with
defining the different use cases as well as capturing the detailed functional requirements.
After identifying the requirements of the app, prepare a detailed product roadmap. It
includes prioritizing the app requirements and then grouping them into different delivery
roadmaps. In case of resources, time and costs are an essential concern, then define a
minimum viable product or MVP and then prioritize this for the particular initial launch.

 Developing a Prototype
Prototypes are quite useful for stimulating the experience of the user and the workflows
of the app which are expected form the finished product. While the entire prototype
development can be quite time-consuming, but the efforts are totally worth it since they
provide early-stage testing of the design and functionality of the app.

 Comprehensive Testing
Performing a thorough QA or quality assurance during the entire mobile app
development process which make applications stable, secure and usable. In order to
ensure comprehensive QA testing of the app, you have to prepare test cases which
address different aspects of app testing. Test cases are meant for recording testing
results for the purpose of software quality evaluation and also tracking fixes for entire

 Final Deployment & Support

Releasing a particular native mobile app need submitting the app to the app stores
which include Google Play Store for Android apps and Apple App Store for iOS apps. For
this particular reason, you will require a developer account with Google Play Store and
Apple App store before your launch your mobile app.
Chapter 5: Introduction to JAVA

 Introduction :

Java is a programming language created by James Gosling from Sun Microsystems

(Sun) in 1991. The first publicly available version of Java (Java 1.0) was released in
1995. Sun Microsystems was acquired by the Oracle Corporation in 2010. Over time new
enhanced versions of Java have been released. The current version of Java is Java 1.7 which is
also known as Java 7. From the Java programming language, the Java platform evolved. The
Java platform allows software developers to write program code in other languages than
the Java programming language and still runs on the Java virtual machine. The Java platform
is usually associated with the Java virtual machine and the Java core libraries.

 Java Virtual machine :

The Java virtual machine (JVM) is a software implementation of a computer that

executes programs like a real machine. The Java virtual machine is written specifically
for a specific operating system, e.g. for Linux a special implementation is required as well as
for Windows.

 Java Runtime Environment vs. Java Development Kit :

A Java distribution comes typically in two flavours, the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
and the Java Development Kit (JDK). The Java runtime environment (JRE) consists of the JVM
and the Java class libraries and contains the necessary functionality to start Java programs.
The JDK contains in addition the development tools necessary to create Java programs. The
JDK consists therefore of a Java compiler, the Java virtual machine, and the Java class

 Features of Java :

The main objective of Java programming language creation was to make it portable,
simple and secure programming language. Apart from this, there are also some awesome
features which play important role in the popularity of this language. The features of
Java are also known as java buzzwords.
Chapter 6.Developing a Deployable Application Project

Introduction : Developing a KIDS APPLICATION

• Analysis, Planning and Undertaking UI Design:

At this stage of app development, me and my fellow team members started researching the
Requirements, Components, References and started Planning the project. Different UI designs were
proposed to develop app and multiple ways to implement them. We Decided to assign different tasks to
different team members. Then we understood how many activities/screens app will require and started
designing multiple activities. Then a rough app design was designed on Figma (app designing tool). As
given below.

1.splash screen 2. Dashboard Activity 3. Main Activity

Then we decided What subject to add, for kids learning easily in this APP.
 The subject we decided to include in app were :

1. Alphabet
2. Fruits
3. Animals
4. Flowers
5. Days of the week

• Developing a Prototype:

At this stage the Basic planning and design of app was completed and we started to design app
Prototype, we started creating multiple activities and coding them the first ever activity we created
was Splash activity we slightly changed the design in app and added animations to logo and text.
One of our team had taken the task of making graphics such as Banners, Logos, backgrounds, etc.
The big task during this activity was creating good animation and Timing it using coding specifically
using (Handler.postDelayed()) method. So, after specific time dashboard/Home activity will be

• Comprehensive Testing:
Performing a thorough QA or quality assurance during the entire mobile app development process
which make applications stable, secure and usable. In order to ensure comprehensive QA testing of the
app, we had to prepare test cases which address different aspects of app testing. Test cases are meant
for recording testing results for the purpose of software quality evaluation and also tracking fixes for
entire retesting.

 Final Deployment and Testing:

Releasing a particular native mobile app need submitting the app to the app stores which include
Google Play Store for Android apps and Apple App Store for iOS apps. For this particular reason. So, we
had to test app thoroughly and fix all bugs and errors. At this stage app had little bugs that needs to be
fixed. We weren’t sure if we are going to Deploy this app or not. But we still did our very best in
developing this app with all dedication and with equal team efforts. -And with that our app is ready.
• Screenshots of final app project:
 App Funtionality :

The app works just like we had planned, The end results definitely meet the Expected results.
There are many fun apps which have been introduced for young kids to learn while they are playing.
These apps includes different animals name, learning alphabets, number, different flowers, fruits and
lots more. All these apps are filled with fun activities to ensure students do not get bored.
Chapter 7: Advantages and Applications of App Development

 Ed"caťio⭲al apps aíc i⭲ťcíacťi:c a⭲d r"⭲ roí c:cíQo⭲c ťo "sc. ľkcíc aíc sc:cíal bc⭲criťs or lcaí⭲i⭲g app
dc:clopmc⭲ť, i⭲cl"di⭲g k⭲owlcdgc c⭲ka⭲ccmc⭲ť, pcíso⭲alizcd lcaí⭲i⭲g cxpcíic⭲ccs, impío:cd
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 SQsťcmaťic WaQ or Ḻcaí⭲i⭲g ...

 Mobility to Learn Everywhere

 Education apps improve education system, it will make easier for students to learn things and
remember it for a long time.
Chapter 8: Challenges in app Development

1. Dealing with the Screen Real Estate:

Users have many different devices with different screen sizes. And designing only for the latest
platform is a big no-no. so the challenge is to create an app which can run across as many
devices as possible. Countless mobile platforms have different limitations based on screen sizes,
OS requirements, embedded technologies, pixel intensities etc. as a developer you have to make
sure it runs on all most of the devices.

2. Making the App Interactive:

Interactions are just as important as responsive design. Mobile devices today are laden with
high-tech sensors, thus offering aplenty of opportunities. So, make the most of these sensors!

3. Keeping it Simple and Clear:

An app that makes users think isn’t a good app. The challenge is to design an application
which is self-explanatory. But keep in mind that if the functioning of the app is clear to you (the
Chapter 9: Short report on topic

The training experience was amazing, I learned a lot of new skills and experienced how an
app developers Work environment is like. It was fun to learn app development its an interesting
topic there’s so much more to learn and experiment. The field is still growing so this is the best
time to get in app development.

Topics Learned in short:

• Learned how to use Android Studio

• Learned little about app Designing

• Learned how to code apps

• Learned how to deal with errors and Exceptions

• Learned how the work environment operates, etc

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