Test 22 A Mitad

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impstar ‘Question 1: What do you do when you tel someone tion forget to..!? ‘Question 2: What docs the verb reserve! mean? ‘Question 3: Look at the frst word of each ‘option, Then check to see which one of these Shateh is dong TEST 2 READIN! Questions 1-5 For each question, choose the correct answer. To EEA wry has Lisa contacted Carlos? To: Carlos Fromieues A totell him about her holiday Good holiday? When you're back -& _t0emind him to do something at college, don't forget to signup. _—_togive him some details for the language course. Tell me if you need some more information about it. = 2 A You must pay £30 if you cisplay photographs £30 TO RESERVE B Weill keep a photograph for you if you pay £30, ANY PHOTOGRAPH . © Some ofthe photos in the exhibition IN THE EXHIBITION Same oie 3 What is Shakeh doing in this text message? ‘A offering Eisa her congratuiations Elsa, So nice to see you last night! B__ providing some new information | meant to ask you more about your new job. Brilliant! © thanking Elsa for her lunch I'm sure you're pleased! Let's have lunch soon. Shakeh The Study Centre will COLLEGE HOLIDAYS | A__ open again for students on Thursday, ' After next Thursday, the . B open for fewer hours until Thursday. Study Centre will be © change its opening hours from Thursday and weekends. ee Whi proportion matches sin the options! What i happen after Thursday? osed during evenings Question 5: Does Keiko feel postive or negate about the hotel? What does Keiko feel about tho Regent Hotel? uit We're staying at the Regent Hotel is wot tha cna Ue tied ti A She wishes it was closer to the Its not the one we tried to book beach dition rst, but it doesn’t matter; this 's actually nearer the beach B__ She prefers another hotel to it. I'm spending all my time! é She thinks it has an advantage. READING TEST 2 Questions 6 - 10 For each question, choose the correct answer. he people below all want to watch a TV programme. On page 45, there are descriptions of eight TV programmes. Decide which programme would be most suitable for the people below. 6 Sota and Martina ae interestd in dance. The ike both modem and tactonal let and er learning about tte dancers" experiencos and | They often go out in the evening, STIPSTRIP . 7 Charlie and Emma are very Keen on nature, Nereidasen particularly wildlife and the Antarctic. They en) Martira lke diferent earn iene experts discussing environmental issues, but cut about cancers don't like phone-in programmes. and going out. Which eseription contains these ideas? ‘Question 7: Chavie W NaN and Emma lie nat Which descriptions ‘mention ts? os Mason and Noah both go cycling every weeke entering short- and long-distance races. They to be as fit as possible and also learn about th history of cycle racing. ‘Question 8: What do Mason and Noah enioy dong! Find three things, then look for related ideas in the descriptions Question 9: Both the countryside and the city are mentioned — what said about both of then? Dipak and Anika enjoy live arts, especially the: and classical music concerts. They live in the countryside and cannot go to the city very oft Question 10: Emi and Artur enjay trie ‘Which descriptions are related to travel Emilia and Artur are interested in exploration, especially people who go on trips for the first or in unusual ways. They would like to plan a t themselves one ¢ TEST 2 READIN int TV programmes Stage Sensational Three young actors play in this new evening cape from the traditional approach of the scho series about a drama club. Keen to e they develop their own modern style — but can they manage to show it in public performances? Animal Access If you're concemed about green issues, if you care about wild animals, here's the programme for you. Join our panel discussion by phoning in with your questions or sugg ions for keeping our planet safo for animals, and you could even win the top prize: a trip to Antarctica, ‘The Road to Success An enjoyable biography of one of the fastest cyclists of all ime. Mixing old sections of film with current interviews and even the to phone in with your own questions about technique and so on - this programme will inspire you to ride faster yoursel Perfect Performances Whether your tastes are traditional or more modern, you'll love this celebration of plays and operas, each one performed to the highest standards and broadcast to your living room. Additional material about history and background is available interactively. B (One Man and His Bike ‘The longest journey: whether this is your first viewing or you are returning to keep up-to- date, you'll be entertained by Harry Lomas's self-recorded commentary. Harry describes his strange experiences as he rides around the world on his old red bike, following routes nobody's tried before. Tonight he meets a beer. Moving Story Follow the joys and heartaches of a junior dance schoo!'s 2 pts to reach the national final championships in different styles. Every afternoon you can see an update of their progress and you can phone in your vote on | individual performances. ‘The Last Paradise The white frozen landscape of the South Pole is said to be the last place humans haven't damaged beyond repair. Watch the fascinating filming of native animals and birds. You'll feel you're there yoursetf with some of the never-before-used camera techniques. Routes and Riding For children and par programme is designed to get children riding bikes, exploring the countryside, getting fit nts alike, this and healthier, and learning more about the natural world around them. Special routes are shown for first-time riders, READING TEST 2 ica) Questions 11 - 15 h question, choose the correct answer. Design We might think of design as a recent thing: we wear ‘designer’ clothes and sunglasses, drive fancy cars and watch TV programmes about designing our own super-modern houses. Yet, design has accompanied humans throughout their history. Think of the Egyptian pyramids, for example, the earliest of which was designed at least 4500 years ago. No one could disagree that the pyramids are one cient of the most amazing designs known to man. Then there are c instruments and furniture technology, Almost everything around us has been designed: the chair you're sitt on, the brush you clean your teeth with, the mobile phone that is ways in your hand Today's top designers are well-known and admired for what they do, especially when it comes to the fashion and home interiors industries. They make a ot of money, too. Whether or not you think this is fair when others, such as doctors and charity workers, are out there saving lives and helping people, doesn't make a difference. Afterall, every job has its place in the world, And although it may not be ntial to have that gorgeous new jacket or the latest mobile phone, it does make our lives a little bit nicer. Not only do we want things to look good, we need them to do what they're meant to do, too. And without doubt, good design makes things easier for us. Machin make the manufacturing of goods quick and efficient, ‘smart’ motorways tell us about traffic up ahead so we can plan another route, and architects dream up the most incredible ways to make the best use of space in our homes. How on earth did people manage without today's ‘modern conveniences"? ‘Somehow, they did, Take sailors of the past, for example. What an amazing experience to manage to sail the globe with only the most basic of equipment and ‘discover’ new lands and people! Similar journeys today take far less time and are more predictable. Ships are filed with computers that help them to avoid the worst of the weather, and high-tech cruise ships look more like luxury hotels. Their passengers can relax, be entertained and watch the world go by in comfort. 46 TEST 2 READIN " 2 8 4 6 The writer mention: ayptian pyramids in order to explain A how attractive they are compared to today’s designs B how important they are to modem designers. how well they were designed for the period. D how long design has been around for. What does the writer say about top designers? A They eam too much for what they do. B__Theirjob is as important as other people's. © They aim to solve common problems people have. D_ Their work focuses on a limited number of products. In the third parag aph, the writer says that ‘A well-designed products work better than ones which aren't. We expect products to have more than one purpos B © today's products can have complicated designs. D products of the past were not convenient to use. What does the writer suggest in the final paragraph? ‘A For some objects, appearance is less important than use. Modern boats are designed to handle any weather condition, journeys were more exciting in the past. ravellers on crul hem. ve little knowledge of all the design around ‘A good conclusion for this article would be, ‘Design has changed a lot since the days of the pyramids, ‘A but the achievements of the past should not be forgotten. B but designers stil use some of the old design methods. © but the basic ideas of style remain the same. D but many of us do not pay attention to it Question 11: Find where the Egyptian pyramids are ist ‘mentioned in the text Wat doss the writer say directly before thist Question 12: The wirter mentions all our ‘options in some way but wich one is his opinion? Question 13: Read the whole ofthe thie paragraph before choosing your answer ‘What does the writer actually ay n the paragraph? Question 14: ‘Suggest ‘means thatthe writer does not clearly state his ‘opinion, Read "between ‘the lines'to work out what he thinks. ‘Question 15: Think about what the whole text says before choosing READING TEST 2 47 TIP STRIP ‘Question 16: Look for an option which answers the previous questors. Question 17: Find an ‘option which refers to people: inthis case, the instructors ‘Question 18: Which option could be connected what to eat? Question 19: What could This includes after the gap refer to? Question 20: Is there an option which is related inatip? TEST 2F ie Questions 16 - 20 | ive sentences have been removed from the text below. ‘or each question, choose the correct answer. There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use. Blue Sky Cycling Tours Wondering where to go away this summer? Want a holiday with excitement? [HE | ___]soin us ona Bie Sky Cyctng Tou Our expert tour leaders will guide you along a carefully planned route and help you jt fit while you relax. Not only are they great fun, but they are qualified fitness instructors, too. | 47 The distance you cover each day will depend on the kind of countryside you're travelling through, and we'll make sure you never get to tired. Our routes include lots of places of interest, with frequent brea s to enjoy a coffee, a tour of an old castle or a swim in a lakel What you eat is, 0 course, important when you're cycling for several hours a day! Each lunchtime you'll stop at a different village, where you'll be able to try lo specialities. { 18 There's no need to worry about trying to carry your luggage on your bike, as our drivers will take this from hotel to hotel in our support cars, to be ready for you every night. Accommodation is arranged in good-quality hotels. [19 This includes single rooms for a small extra payment. Breakfast and dinner are provide and there's a ide range of healthy meals to choose from. In order to keep our tour groups friendly and safe, we limit the number of gue oneach trip.[ 20 This means there is plenty of opportunity to get to knov each other well, and make the most of your leaders’ experience and knowledge. Young people over the age of fourteen are welcome on our trips, provided that the have a good level of fitness. Contact us to make a booking! READING TEST 2 ‘Question 21: The ‘meaning youneed connected to what hanpens after something else has just happened. ‘Question 22: One of the verbs can be used Gescrive how a eeing ismace. Question 23: This s the only word which takes ‘with to for meaning you need. Question 24: Which word means Understand! and can be sed in this context? ‘Question 25: Which ‘word forms part ofthe phrase ‘the .. of to refer to time? Question 26: Which word forms part of the phrase... place’ to mean appen? TEST 2 READI Questions 21-26 For each question, choose the correct answer. Music and feelings It seems that music is almost as old as human life itself. If we knock two things together in time, like a stick and a drum, for example, we enjoy hearing the 1), Music has meaning for humans and it has the power to ct .ge how e feel. It can make us excited and it can (22) sad feelings. In our minds, we also (23), certain pieces of music with particular people or places However, sometimes we almost do not (24), tho effect that music has on us. For example, when you watch a TV programme or a film, there's often music playing ~ pe 1aps for the (25). of the time — and it tells you, though not directly, that something dangerous is about to (26) place, or that this is a romantic moment, and so on, But many people hardly remember the music when they've finished watching the programme. 21 A result Bond © final D answe 22 A form B invent © discover © D create 23 A join Badd © connect =D fix 24 A realise B know © follow D find 25° A main B majority «most D maximum 26 A make B have © take D get Questions 27 ~ 32 For each question, write the correct answer. Wite one word for each gap. The benefits of broccoli By Flora Brown, Class 10B Some people say they love the taste of broccoli, while others — like me — think t's bitter. But whatever we think of this vegetable, experts agree that it's healthy. en, fact, they say it’s really good for us. xperts are trying to decide whether or (28), broccoll is a ‘superfood! ~ {ood which is especially good for our bodies. This hasn’t been decided yet, but the of benefits broccoli provides is pretty amazing. That's because, like lots of other green vegetables, it’s full of good things. They say that as long (29), we eat plenty of it, broccoll is probably able (30) reduce heart disease, keep our bones strong and help our eyesight. One question that (31), often asked by people like me about vegetables broccoll is, ‘Are they better for u when they are cooked or raw?’ Research ws that (32), method of cooking broccoli is fine ~ it's the quantity that | 's important. Question 27: The wore you need forms part of a phrase with fact, meaning actually, Question 28: The word you need forms part of phrase with whether or: Question 29: The word you need forms part of a phrase with ‘as long, meaning ft Question 30: The word you need here completes the verb form te able Question 31: Look at the verb form after the sap. What kind oftense isthig ‘Question 32: The word youneed means that both raw and cooked brocealiis OK. READING TEST 2 Question I: + Remember that yo are writing to. fe Should your eral formal or informal Start and end your eal an appropriate wa and use full + Pan your ans: wich pce of information wll you putin each paragraph? + Remember tovwirite about al the points in the notes! Question 2: + Answerall ofthe Questions inthe ask + Connect your ideas together to create an imeresting arte, Remember to use paragraphs + Think about what yous lie to say and dont repeat information. Question 3 + Plan your story What happened next! How does the story end + Urearange of language. wil rake interesting forthe reader You must answer this question. Write your answer in about 100 words. Question 1 Read this email from your English-speaking frend Alex and the notes you have made. subject Mysistrs birthday A Wey scter Anas brtdey next week! 'm excel about celebrating +—-—~| ie too ‘ou sad you wouldnt mind helping me choose a present for he. Ar Yes~ svoge you free tomorrow morning to come shopping with me? Where to po atopy Do you think its a er 3 £20 gif so Explain | have a couple of ideas for presen buy her something to wear, or should I just get she can spend it on what she want {Sory, but ‘Anyway, let me know! Alex Write your email to Alex using all the notes. Choose one of these questions. Write your answer in about 100 words. ‘Question 2 \guage website. You see this announcement on an English-la | antctes wanted | Agreat computer game (wha computer game do you most enjoy sling? What do you about? Bo y sstions. We will publish the best articles on our Write an article answering these qi | webs your article: Question 3 Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with this sentence. The clouds over the sea were getting darker. Write your story.

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