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INTRODUCTION Los adjetivos posesivos 2. Rewrite the sentences with the saxon genitiv of the words in brackets. our —_nuestro/a, nuestros/as 3 Their project is excellent. (the students) your Wwestora, vuestros/as su, sus (dle ustedes 4 His sunglasses are in the kitchen. (Lewis) thelr su, sus (de ellos/as) + Indican de quién es algo. 5 Their sandwiches are on the table, (the chile + Siempre van delante del sustantivo que indica lo que se pose, sin importar el género ni el ntimero que tenga: ‘my class, my books (ti clase, mis libros) + Enla3*persona del singular hay tres formas, dependiendo El verbo to.be en presente r de siel poseedor es de género masculino (his), femenino Sinica principalmente“Ser*o “estar her) o neutro (its) «-firmativas sujeto + am /s/ are. sel nico verb tres formas dstntas en el presente. Las formas cor 11 Complete the sentences with the correct possessive fea ores adjectives. Sine is my fend, (Ela es mi amiga) 1 Celia has got long halt hairis dark + Negativa: sujeto + am /is are +a particula not 2 Hove chocolate cak mother also loves it contraccin n't (que se puede afadir ais aare,p d poate naar "m not a good swimmer. (No soy (un) buen nadade Interrogativa: Am /Is /Are + sujeto, Are you in my class? (Estas en mi clase?) + Respuestas breves: se pone el pronombre persot ‘am /is / areo'mnot /isn't/ aren't. house is big, too. Is he your cousin? Yes, heis. / No, he isnt. (les tu primo? Si./No) PEgenitivosajén 7 Descrpcionesy hechos —Ednburgh sin Scoland + Se emplea para indicar posesi6n y se usa con personas, generales (Edimburgo esta en Esc Bree rae a forara se sade un sect (0 aad yuna s the gins house (la casa de la nina) the dog’s eyes (los ojos del perro) Finlanets culture (la cultura de Finlandia) am thirteen years od. a (Tengo trece aos) Profesiones, religiones y Heis an engineer. + Siel sustantivo es un plural regular o acaba en s, se afiade nacionalidades (les (un) ingeniero,) solo ', pero si es un plural irregular se aniade ’s How much sit? I's 20 e the animals’ shelter (el refugio de animales) Precios (Cudnto es? Son 20 eu the men’s clothes (la ropa de los hombres) ss Sohehnisinetracions hone Its eight kilometres k + Siel nombre propio acaba en s, se puede afadir ’ 0's. (Mide ocho kikémetros Thomas'/ Thomas's house (la casa de Thomas) i jee wean ted Tiempoatmosfético (Harecalory sol) + Conlas cosas se usa of, no el genitivo sajén. the weight of the bag (el peso de la bolsa) 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of tbe. 1 Mum in the bathroom, 2 you at home? 31 (nos) at the sports centre. 4 Alice and Molly here. 5 Mr Robson in his office? 6 Erinand! (not) at the shopping centre. 7 her hair brown or black? 8 Purple my favourite colour. ERatnes Significa ‘tener’. Expresa lo que poseemos o las caracteristicas, de alguien o algo cuando lo describimos. + Afirmativa: sujeto + have (‘ve) got o has (') got. We have got a dog. (Tenemos un perro) + Negativa: sujeto + have/ has + not on’t+ got. The gin hasn't got pets. (La nia no tiene mascotas,) + Interrogativa: Have / Has + sujeto + got. Has he got a tablet? (jE tiene una tableta?) + Respuestas breves: se pone el pronombre personal sujeto + have / has © haven't / hasn't (sin got) Have you got a white shirt? Yes, | have. /No, haven't. (jTienes una camisa blanca? Si. No) 4 Write sentences with the words below and the correct form of have got. 1 Heidi / green eyes /? 2 I/anew handbag 3 we/not/eggs 4 you /a computer /in your room 5 our flat /a small kitchen 6 Elliot / not/a coat / 5 complete the mini-dialogues withthe correct form of tobe or have got Holly at home? basketball practice today you? at the shopping centre. you an extra pen? B: Yes,1 three pens. a alt cold, The temperature is 28°C. : Good, because a jacket. Contables No contables ‘firm a tase There is milk. There are pencil. Lier Thereisn’t a dog. eee Negative Therearentbnne, Thereisn’t cof Isthere a bike? : Interrogative Fo reccnidowsy theresalt Respuestas _Yes, there s. /No, there isn't breves Yes, there are. /No, there aren't. + Afirmativa: There is (0 Ia contraccién There's) va seguido de nombres contables en singular ono contables. There are va sequido de nombres contables cen plural. Ambos se traducen como"Hay’ + Negativa: There is / There are + la particula not There ‘sot / There are not) ola contraccion n't (There isn't / There aren’t, + Interrogativa:Is/Are + there. + Respuestas breves: se pone there + is/are en afirmativa y there + isnt /aren’t en negativa. 6 complete the sentences withthe correct form of there sor there are 1 a sports centre near my house. | go there three times a week. 2 a supermarket in this area? 3 two beautiful parks in my town. | like going for walks there. 4 The flat has got a big kitchen, but adining room. 5 cups on the table? 6 There is juice, but fizzy drink #UNIT1 Peete Con nombres contables y no contables. Se usa delante de un nombre que es conocido por the el hablante. eljla,los/as — Wehavegot acar. The caris ed. Con nombres contables en singular. ‘Se usan delante de un nombre que no es conocido ayan_ porelhablante, ores a bakery, an umbrella pero a unicom Frases afitmativas: Con nombres contables en plural y no contables. Frases interrogativas: Cuando la pregunta expresa una oferta o peticion y se espera que la respuesta sea afirmativa, some unos/as There are some flowers. algunos/as _‘vegot some money. algo de tun poco de umpocn de») Would yu ike some water Frases negativas e interrogativas: Con nombres contables en plural y no contables. ningdin/una nada de any (nose traduce) There aren't any houses. haven't got any homework. algun/una algunos/as Are there any tomatoes? algo de Have you got any rice? (ono se traduce) Con nombres contables en plural many muchos/as Many shops are open. Frases negativas ¢ interrogativas: Con nombres no contables. much Sa haven't got much time. 5 Was there much food? Con nombres no contables. Cuando va con el verbo to be, sirve para preguntar el precio de una cosa. How much tea do youneed? {Cuanto/a...? How much is it? 7 Con nombres contables en plural low many ...? Cuantos/as...? How many kids are there? Choose the correct answer. There is an /a / some bus stop near my hou: Look at a/ many / the traffic light. It's red. There is an /a/ the apple in your bag. My mum buys many / some / a fruit at ther lein the tow e are the / many / much pe 6 Mystreet hasn't got any / much / some round: 7 Weha alive ven't got any / some / much water - ont Complete the sentences with the words below. 1 There amusement parki 2. My brother works in factory. 3 people visit London every d 4 There aren't spaces in the cat 5 zebra crossing is over there. 6 She hasn't got jewellery - 0 necklace and two rings. 7 Are you hu gry? | want pizz Complete the questions with How much or Ho ‘Then answer the questions to make them true 1 houses are there on y 2 does an ice cream co: 3 classrooms are there school? 4 students are there in 5 time does it take toc your house to school? 6 water do you drink a | Se usa para hablar de verdades generales, hacer descripciones, ‘comentar hechos habituales 0 cotidlanos, expresar gustos y ‘opiniones, y también para hablar de programas y horarios + Afirmativa: sujeto + verbo én la forma base (infinitivo sin to), €en todas las personas menos en la 3* del singular, en la que se afade-s meet my friends every weekend. (Quedo con mis amigos todos los fines de semana) En los siguientes casos, se afiade -es en ver de-s ~ Siacaba en ss, sh, hy x pass- passes, wash - washes, wateh- watches, mix-mixes ~ Siacaba en a: do -does, 90 - goes Siacaba en consonante + y, se cambia lay por una k study studies, carry- carries Negativa: sujeto + do / does + not on't+ verbo en la forma base. He doesn’t speak German. (El no habla alemén) Interrogativa: Do / Does + sujeto + verbo en la forma base. ‘Do,you sing ina band? (zCantas en un grupo?) Sila pregunta tiene una particula interrogativa, se pone esta primeto, antes de do / does, When do you visit your grandparents? ({Cuando visitas a tus abuelos?) Respuestas breves: se pone el pronombre personal sujeto + do / does o don't doesn't Does she play football? Yes, she does. /No, she doesn't. (Ella juega al fitbo? Si. / No} + Con el Present Simple se suelen usar las siguientes expresiones temporales: every day / week / year (todos/as los/as dias / semanas / fos), ance / twice a year (una vez / dos veces al ao), on + dia dela semana en plural at night (por la noche), {in the morning (por la mafana),in the summer (en verano), etc ‘Todas pueden iral principio o al final dela frase, pero se suelen poner al final We go to the mountains in the summer. (Vamos a las montafias en verano, + ElPresent Simple también suele utilizarse con estos adverbios de frecuencia bays (siempre) usualy (normalmente), often (2 menudo), sometimes (algunas veces, a veces), rarely (ara vez) y never (nunca). Estos se colocan delante del verbo, pero si acompafian al verbo to be, se sian detras. She often plays cards. (Ella a menudo juega a las carts.) Theircaris always clean, (Su coche siempre esta limpio}) GRAMMAR APPEM Choose the correct answer, 1 Katie paint / paints pictures in her art lesson every wel 2 Sally and John live / ives in Australia, 3. My friends don’t go / doesn’t go camping every summe 4 We always explore / explores new places when we are iday. 5 Jenny don't usually order / doesn’t usually order pizza. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets, Use the Present Simple. 1 The art students sometimes (go) to museums. 2 Jane (exercise) every morning, 3 Ethan and (not work) on Saturday afternoon 4 My brother and | often (watch) TV after school, 5 Tina usually (not go out) in the evenings during the week. 6 Kevin often. tudy) with me. ns with the words below. Use the Present 1 Kelly and Paul / go abroad / every summer 2 what / Sam / usually / do / on holiday 3 Mark/ enjoy / playing football 4 when /the tour / begin 5 who/you / often / see / on Sundays Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple. Then match the sentences to the questior in Exercise 3. nottravel © start © take © notlike © meet a No,he. sport. b lusually my friends Gary and Toby. © No, they usually in August. d He tours of historical sights. er at 10.30 am. #UNIT2 + Afirmativa: sujeto +am / is /are + verbo terminado er Plaisance 9 Jam reading a great book. (Estoy leyendo un libro muy bueno) En los siguientes casos, hay que fijarse en estas reglas ortograficas para afadir “ing: Sj acaba en e muda, se pierde la e: ive living -Siesde 1 silaba y acaba en 1 vocal + 1 consonante que no sea w,xoy, se dobla esta consonante: un -running -Sies de 2silabas, tiene el acento en la tiltima y termina en 1 vocal + 1 consonante que no sea w, xo, se dobla la titima consonante: refer referring = Si acaba en ie, se cambia fe por una y: lie - ying Negativa: sujeto +.am /is/are + la particula not ola contraccién n't (que se puede ahadira is yaare, pero noaam) + verbo terminado en -ing. En la conversacién suele usarse la forma contraida. She isn't eating at a restaurant. (Ella no esta comiendo en un restaurante.) Interrogativa: Am /Is/Are + sujeto + verbo terminado en -ing. ‘Are you watching fim? (zEstas viendo una pelicula?) Sila pregunta tiene una particula interrogativa, se pone esta primero, antes de am / is / are. What is she doing? (,Qué est haciendo ella?) Respuestas breves: se pone el pronombre personal sujeto 4am [is/are o’m not /isn’t/ aren't. Is your father cooking? Yes, heis./No, heisn't. (Tu padre esta cocinando? Si. No) Usos: am riding my bike. Decir lo que esté ocurriendo (€stoy montando en bic ten el momento de hablar ete a People are talking about the eas news. (La gente ests hablando de as noticias) Inthe picture the mans reading a book (Ena foto, el hombre estéleyendo un libro.) Describir fotos «Con el Present Continuous se suelen usar ia siguientes ‘expresiones temporales: now (ahora) at the moment (en este momento), right now (justo ahora, ahora mismo}, today (hoy), these days (hoy en dia), this week (esta semana), etc. “Todas pueden ir al principio o al final de la frase, pero se suelen poner al final We are buying the train tickets at the moment. (Estamos comprando los billetes de tren en este momento) 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous. Then choose the correc ny homework oF 11 ¢ calculator / flash drive at the moment not play) computer gam eat basketball practi 2 The boys textbooks because they a + petal througt 3 We (look) at a flow a projector / microscope No) 4 (not take) my scissors / compass .0 school today. | haven't got a maths lesson. 5 Tony (not have) lunch / juice right now. He's in a lesson. 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use pl Present Continuous. 1 Thet at the moment 2 We he tablets in right now 3. My laptop. at the moment al at a map of Europe now. 51 10 my friend right now. 3. Write questions with the words below. Use the Pri Continuous. Then match the questions to the ans 1 you / explore / the city / now iat / your friend / do / right nos 3 your parents / work /at the moment 4 your teacher / use / the projector / righ 5 who / speak at the momen a Ms Larson. d Yes,heis b No, they arent. © She's exercis ences eee ceed + El Present Simple expresa habitos, mientras que el Present Continuous indica lo que esta ocurriendo en el momento de hablar. usually eat vegetables, buigoday I'm eating meat. (Normalmente como verduras, pero hoy estoy comiendo came) + Se-suele usar el Present Simple para contar lo que acurre en luna historia o en una pelicula The girl finds a box and opens it. (La chica encuentra una caja y la abre.) + El Present Continuous se suele usar para describir fotos, ya que se habla de la escena como si fuera algo que est ocurriendo en ese momento. In these pictures, 1am learning to surf. (Enestas fotografias, estoy aprendiendo a hacer surf) Los verbos estaticos se utilizan para expresar gustos, sentimientos y deseos, actividades de la mente, posesion y percepcién. Se refieren a estados en lugar de a acciones, por lo que no se suelen utilizar con el Present Continuous. She likes my new house, (A ella le gusta mi casa nueva.) don't understand you. (No te entiendo) 1 Choose the correct ans 1 Adal drives /is driving a lorry at the moment. 2 Jenny never takes / is taking a taxi to school. 3 Tom doesn't go / isn’t going abroad every year 4 The girls walk / are walking to school together every 5 My brother and | don’t ride / aren't riding our bikes ight now: 6 talk / am talking to Ben at the moment 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous, 1 Joanna visit) her grandma aht now. 2 Mydad ail) in his boat every 51 (not meet) my friends right now. 6 Pau usually not run) 3 Write questions with the words below. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. Then answer the questions so they are true for you 1 how / you / usually / get / to school 2. your mum / drive / to work / today 3 you and your friend / chat / right now 4 your English teacher / always / give / homework iat app / you / often / use at / you / have / for lunch / today 4: Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Make any necessary changes 1 My ilends don't go out every night. ight now) 2 Nick is shopping at the mark (often) the moment. 3. Is your mum cooking at the moment? (every day) 4 Lusually take the tram to school. (now) 5. Josh doesn't exercise every day. (at the moment #UNIT3. Contables No contables There was a car. | Afirmativa Te eel, There was milk There wasn'tadog. There wasn't Negativa — Thereweren'tbirds. coffee. iva Was there a bike? i Interrogativa Was there Ske sp Wasthere salt Respuestas Yes, there was./No, there wasn't breves Yes there were./No, there werent + Afirmativa: There was va seguido de nombres contables en singular o no contables. There were va sequido de nombres, contables en plural Son las formas de pasado de There is y There are y, por lo tanto, significan Habia" o“Hubo”. ‘Negativa: There was / There were +la particula not (There was not / There were not) oa contraccion n't (There wasn’t / There weren't « Interrogativa: Was / Were + there. + Respuestas breves: se pone there + was / were en aS afirmativa y there + wasn’t / weren't en negativa, Choose the correct answer. as cold yesterday. There wasn't / There weren't any people 2 There was / There were three cats in my garden yesterday morning 3 There was / There were a football match on TV last night. 4 There wasn’t / There weren't any pizza at the part yesterday afternoon 5 There wasn’t / There weren't any juice in the fridge. Complete the sentences with the correct form of there was or there were. 1 any cars in the car park. Itwas empty. 2 ‘a documentary on TV last Saturday. It was excellent 3 a stapler on my desk, but now it’s not there 4 some funny pic in the magazine. any music at my grandparents’ party last week. 3 Complete the questions with Was there or Were ther Then answer the questions so they are true for you. 1 any ice cream for dessert yesterday? 2 eggs for breakfast this morning? 3 rain last night? 4 any homework yesterday 5 any friends at your house last weekend? 4 Write affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences with the words in the chart below. Use the correct form of there was or there were. asnake ontv last week any good films inthe town square_ last night ‘many people inFlorida yesterday aterrible hurricane fordinner on Monday any ships Inthe park. two weeks a any beef inthe port several years EI + Afirmativa: sujeto + verbo acabado en -ed en el caso de los. vverbos regulares, que es igual en todas las personas. Los verbos irregulares no siguen ninguna tegla y, por eso, hay que aprender de memeria sus formas de pasado. Puedes consultarlalsta de las péginas 132-133. He cleaned the fioor. (El limpis el suelo.) They heard some noises. (Qyeron (algunos) ruidos) Enlos siguientes casos, hay que fijase en estas reglas ortogréficas para afiadir-ed: -Siesde 1 silaba y acaba en 1 vocal + 1 consonante que no sea w, x0 y, se dobla esta consonante: stop - stopped plan-planned ~Sies de? silabas tiene el acento en la itima y termina en ‘1 vocal + 1 consonante que no sea w,x oy, se dobla la tltima consonante: prefer-preferred _permit- permitted - Si acaba en consonante + y, se cambia la y por una i worry - worried try-tried - Si acaba en e muda, solo se afiade bake baked live-lived Usos read your message. Expresaracclonespasadas (fendyourmens Decir qué se hizo en un. momento concreto The train left at 1 pm. (Eltren salié alas 13h) Contar acciones pasadas consecutivas had dinner and went to bed. (Cenéy me acosté) inthe past, people wrote letters. (Enel pasado, la gente escribia carts) Contar cémo eran las cosas enotro tiempo Con el Past Simple se suelen usar estas expresiones temporales: las que llevan ago (hace) al final de la expresion, last night / week / month / year (anche, semana pasada, el mes /afio pasado), at + una hora, on + un dia dela semana o una fecha, in + un aio, in the past (en el pasado), yesterday (ayer, etc. Todas puedien iral principio o al final de la frase, pero se suelen poner al final. | finished schoo! in 2018. (Terminé el colegio en 2018) + Elpasedo de have got en afirmativa es had (sin got) / Wehad an exam yesterday. X Wehad gotorrexam yesterday: (Tuvimos un examen ayer) GRAMMAR APPEN 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple affirmative. 1 Markis an artist. He beautiful picture. (paint) this 2 (G0) 3 Tony three years ago, o the dentist yester ay. (start) playing the guitar 4 5 My sister and! (clean) our rooms yesterday afternoon, 6 Mike 2 baby (cry) last night. (run) a marathon two weeks 2. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Simple affirmative and Nick two hours ago. 3 Three helicopte over our house an hour ago. 4 Jenny, the train yesterday evening, 5 My favourite author anew book. 6 My mum me home from school yesterday, 3. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. Use the Past Simple affirmative, 1 walk/ yesterday / Paul / to school /the new restau 2 last week 4 drink /1/ three cups of coffee / this r 5 dinner together / Jessica and her grandfather 6 last night / watch / a very good film / we #UNIT4 3. Write the words in the correct order to make sente Use the Past Simple affirmative or negative. Eimer a + Negativa: sujeto + did not o didn’t + verbo en la forma base She didn’t help me. 1 not clean / yesterday / the windows la nome ayuds) + Elpasado de have got en negatives cd’ have. 2 tothe church /take/in the morning / the tourist: We didn’t have an exam yesterday. Rareurguidel (No tuvimos un examen ayer) . 3 after 10 minutes / get / the ambulance / there ‘1 Write negative sentences with the correct form of the verbs in bold and the words in brackets. Use the Past Simple. 1 Ileft my phone here yesterday. (umbrella) 4 a first-aid kit / not take / yesterday / the climbers 5 in/walt/we /a safe place 2 Gary broke his leg. (arm| 6 favourite song / not sing / the singer / my iver. (River Thames) 3 They sailed on the St Lawren 4 Write sentences with the words in the chart so the 4 bought a laptop. (tablet true for you. Use the Past Simple affirmative or ne ; \ lastye 5. We took the underground. (tram myarm ; : our maths a piel wee teacher go ago 6 Leslie's parents hiked in the mountains. (grandparents) mytiend (00) Sonrtogate ee grandparents visit abroad, last w my family Ponerety last st 2. Coimplete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple affirmative or negative. : not call) or help. 1 ke I z p J 3 You inot walk) the dog this afternoon. * 4s (not have) a shower this 5 6 ning. 5 Uncle Zack (drive) me to the airport 61 tidy) my room yesterday. ‘GRAMMAR APPEND El Past Simple en interrogativa 2. Write questions for the answers in bold to complete + Interrogativa: Did + sujeto + verbo en la forma base. Did you bring your coat? (;Traiste tu abrigo?) pregunta tiene una particula interrogativa, se pone esta primero, antes de did, When did you arrive? (,Cudndo llegaste?) + Respuestas breves: se pone el pronombre personal sujeto + did o didn’t, id he open the door? Yes, he did./‘No, he didn’t. (El abrié la puerta? Si./No} + Elpasado de have got en interrogativa se forma con Did + sujeto + have Did you have an exam yesterday? (Tuviste un examen ayer?) 1 Write questions with the words below. Then match the questions to the answers. 1 they /stand up / when the president came ir 2. you /find / your way / easily 3 when / your niece / arrive 4 he/ forget / your birthday she / get 6 what / they / buy On Mond: a b Some paints and paintbrushes. «€ Yes, they did. d Inthe fores e Yes, he did, No, we didn't the dialogue. Use the Past Simple. 1A: B: flew to Ethiopia on 15th January 2A: B: | went to Ethiopia to teach children there. 3A: B: I stayed in alittle village. ah B: Yes, | worked with two other students. 5A: B: Yes, I worked hard, but | had a good time Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Simple. Matt Janet the tennis game 2 3 The firefighter the family 4 you II these bag 5 you and Ev his leg, Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Then answer the questions. 1 you (do) after school yesterday? 2 you (use) an atlas in .graphy lesson? 3 you (go) to the nairdresser last month’ 4 What time you arrive home from school yesterday # UNITS El Past Continuous en afiren + Afirmativa: sujeto + was / were + verbo terminado en ~ing. he sea, (Yo estaba nadando en el mar.) Iwas swimming ir Las reglas ortogréficas para afiadir ing estén en la pagina 116. Usos Expresar lo que estaba ocurtiendo en un momento {was reading a book Sean dal ata (Yo estaba leyendo un libro.) Describir acciones prolongadas y simultaneas en el pasado, or while 0 as omas They were cooking while /as we were cleaning the house. (Estaban cocinando mientras tabamos limpiando la casa) Se suelen usar estas expresiones temporales: las que llevan ‘ago (hace) al final de la expresién, at + una hora, yesterday ‘morning / afternoon (ayer por a mafiana / tarde), last night {anoche), all day (todo el dia), etc. Tadas pueden irl principio o al final de la frase, pero se suelen poner al final They were studying for the test yesterday afternoon. (Estuvieron estudiando para el examen ayer por la tarde.) 1. choose the correct verb in brackets to complete the entences, Use the Past Continuous affirmative 1 Chris and inthe ‘ountryside at 2.00. (hike / compete ail ids all morning, 3 Thegi onthe grass a Fr fhe mountain at 8 5 ina tree all night. 6 Dad and the house 2 3 Match A to B to make sentences. Then comple sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the! Continuous affirmative. A (loo 1 At midnight, 2. At 4.00, we 3 Leaves fall 4 At9.00, Dad cut) 5 Beth hold 8 a across the field d from thet Write sentences with the words in the chart b Use the Past Continuous affirmative. 1 write computer games thestudents listen to music my sister surf avideo myparents sleep messages my friend play the web the cat make — under the sofa 1 2 3 4 5 6 Complete the text with the verbs below. Use \uous affirmative. A Beautiful Saturday Morning it was a beautiful day. The sun and the sky was blue. At 10.00, my friends and a picnic in the count We on the grass unde tree and we our sand Amy Us some stories Did those thin her adventures in the rainforest. really happen to her? I'm not fascinated, ce 3 + Negativa: sujeto-+ was / were + not o n't + verbo terminado ening Weweren‘t watching a fim. (No estébamos viendo una Pelicula) Interrogativa: Was / Were + sujeto + verbo terminado ening Was he sleeping? (if estaba durmiendo?) Sila pregunta tlene una paricua interrogatva, se pone esta primero, antes de was / were What were you doing inthe park? (;Qué estabas haciendo en el parque?) Respuestas breves: se pone el pronombre personal sueto + was / were o wasn't / weren't Were you working on your project? Yes, was./No,| wasn‘ (éfstabas trabajando en tu proyecto? Si./ No) with the verbs below. Use the 1 Complete the sentences Past Continuous negative 1 The children the show, 2. The baby was sleeping. 5 3 I gave you instructions, but yc 4 The tourist 5 Bob 2. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. Use the Past Continuous affirmative or negative. 1 laugh / my funny stories / my friends / at 2 Les / at midnight / ne 3 yesterday morning / not train / the athlete for the competition 4 the hill /at 6.00am /1/climb up 5 talk /her new box thor / abou 6a 1u/ at the comer / not wait Write questions with the words below. Use the Past Continuous. Then match the questions to the answers. 1 they / work /in the field /at 5.00 am 2 you /sit/on the grass 3. where / you /hike 4 why / Jennifer / cry 5 Mum /hold /her handbag 6 who /Mr Evans / talk to a In the rainforest b Yes, she was © His daughter. d Yes, they were @ She was watching a sad film, f No, Iwasn't Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the affirmative, negative or interrogative form of the Past Continuous, 1 The people (laugh). They didn't think the comedian was funny. 2 What Kelly (wear) yesterday? 3 Sid didn't get up. He (lie) in bed all morning 4 you ride) your electric bike at 3.00? 51 (use) any paints — just z pencil 6 Cathy and (hike) in the ‘anyon. It was beautiful #UNIT6 Can expresa habilidag 0 capacidad para hacer algo (saber) y posibilidad (poder), y también se usa para pedir permiso 0 favores (poder Afirmati si I can go to the park later. Puedo ir al parque luego.) + Negativa: sujeto + cannot o can't + verbo en la forma base. {can’t visit my grandparents this week, (No puedo visitar a mis abuelos esta semana.) + Interrogativa: Can + sujeto + ver Can you open the door? ( + Respuestas breves: can ocan't, Can you speak italian? Yes, can. /No, !can't ({Sabes hablar italiano? Si,/ No) Could expresa habilidad o capacidad y posibilidad en el pasado, + Afirmativa: es un verbo modal, no se afiade -s en la 3* persona del singular He could ice-skate when he was three years old. (El sabia patinar sobre hielo cuando tenia tres afios,) + Negativa: sujeto + could not o couldn't (la forma més habitual es la segunda) + verbo en Ia forma base, couldn't catch the train this moming. (No pude coger el tren esta mariana.) Interrogativ Could he run Could + sujet rarathon in the past? {£1 podia correr un maratén en el pasado?) + Respuestas breves: could o couldn't. Could you read when you were four years old? Yes, | could. No, ‘couldn't, (;Sabias leer cuando tenias cuatro afios? Si./No.) 1 plete th tences with can or can't so they are sujeto + can + verbo en la forma base. Como es in verbo modal, no se afiade-s en la 3% persona del singular. -can swim very well (Ella sabe nadar muy bien.) 10 en la forma bese. uedes abrir la puerta? ¢ pone el pronombre personal sujeto + ujeto + could + verbo en la forma base. Como + verb en la forma base. pone el pronombre personal sujeto + 2 Write questions with the words below and can. Then answer the questions. 1. monkeys /fly 2 anelephant / jum 3 dogs /swim 4 asnak oust 3 complete the sentences with could or couldn‘ 1 o for a hike on Saturday 2 wim when I was three yea because my dad taught me 4. Write questions with the words below and co Then answer the questions 1 people / drive / cars /in the 15 uty 2 your grandpat watch /TV / when they w 3 you a mobile phone / when yo 4 people / see / films in the cinema / in 1960 | Afirmativa:sujeto + must + verbo en la forma base. Expresa la obligacién y la necesidad o conveniencia de hacer algo, y significa “deber’ Como es un verbo modal, no se afiade-s en la. persona del singular, * He must work on his projec. (El debe trabajar en su proyecto) + Negativa: sujeto + must not o mustn't (la forma més habitual es la segunda) + verbo en la forma base, Expresa prohibicién, que algo no esta permitido, y también que algo no se debe hacer porque no es conveniente o correcto, 2 You mustn’t use your phone while driving. (No debes usar el teléfono mientras conduces) [esté prohibido} Youmustn’ttellhim my secret. (No debes contarle mi secreta) [no es correcto} + Interrogativa: Must + sujeto + verbo en la forma base. En este caso, must expresa obligacién 0 necesidad, aunque este verbo modal no se suele usar en la forma interrogativa, ‘Must he do the test? (EI debe hacer el examen?) + Respuestas breves: se pone el pronombre personal sujeto + mast. ‘Must |clean this? Yes, you must. (:Debo limpiar esto? Si.) ‘Should se use para dar 0 pedir consejos y para decir lo que se deberia ono hacer. + Afirmativa:sujeto + should + verbo en la forma base. Como 5 un verbo modal, no se aftade-s en la 3* persona del singular. 3 She should study more. (Ella deberia estudiar més, + Negativa: sujeto + should not o shouldn't (la forma mas habitual es Ia segunda) + verbo en la forma base, Youshouldn't eat junk food, (No debertas comer comida basura.) + Interrogativa: Should + sujeto + verbo en la forma base ‘Should we wait in the waiting room? (qDeberiamos esperar en la sala de espera?) + Respuestas breves: se pone el pronombte personal sujeto should 0 shouldn't. Should | eave now? Yes, you should, /No, you shouldn't. (WDeberta irme ahora? Si. /No.) GRAMMAR APPEN ith must or mustn't Complete the sentences 1 The lesson starts at 9.00. 2 Professional athlete train every d 3 Detect look for evidens aw ny mistakes. 5 You {rive a car without a licence 6 We haven't got any fruit. 1 jo tot market today, Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of should, 1 ar / this dres: party 2 you / not leave / school / before aa 3 they / take /a first-aid kit 4 he/try/to get ajob 5 how/ we /solve / this problem 6 you/not swim / her Choose the correct answer. 1 Ian /could / must go home now. It’s late 2 The police shouldn't / couldn't / mustn't find any 3 Youte tired. You should / could / must lie down a 4 | mustn't / can't / shouldn't see Kim. Where is sh 5 Can / Could / Should | move inv joy? What di hink? 6 You mustn't / couldn't / must ride an electric bil You're only 12! 7 I should / can / must run 10 km in 50 minut 8 Could / Should / Can you #UNIT7 El comparativo de los adjetivos Para comparar cosas, anymales, personas, etc, se utlizan los adjetivos en grado comparativo, + Elcomparativo de superioridad (mas... que) se usa para comparar cosas, animales, personas, etc, cuando uno supera al otro en algin aspecto. Para formarlo hay que fjarse en la longitud del adjetivo: 1, Sitiene 1 siaba, 0 2 y termina en y,el adjetivo se considera corto y se le afade la terminacién -er.Detrds se pone la particula than, These books are cheaper than those notebooks. (€stos libros son mas baratos que esos cuadernos} En los siguientes casos, el adjetivo cambia al afadile -er Sitiene 1 silaba y acaba en 1 voeal +1 consonante que no sea w, x 0 y, se dobla esa consonante: thin thinner Siacaba en consonante + y, se cambiala y por una k lucky luckier, dry drier ~ Siacaba en e muda, solo se ahade -rnice-nicer 2, Sitiene 2 silabas 0 mas, el adjetivo se considera largo y el comparativo se forma con more + adjetivo + than. She is more famous than her brother. (Gila es mas famosa que su hermano.) (ST esatetvosiregulares ‘Nino sequir ninguna rela, hay que aprender su forma comparativa de memoria good (bueno/a) better bad (malo/a) worse far(lejanofa) farther /further little (poco/a) tess 1. Complete the sentences with the comparative form ofthe adjectives in brackets (cold) the weather in 2. My father is usuall ale my mothe 3 Thisarticle aterestin: the other or 4 The streets in n parts of town ar wide) the streets in th: old part of town. think ph 6 Comedies are nny) Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives below 1. Derek's hair is black and his sister's is brown. Derek 2. My father runs and exercises at the gym, but watching sport on TV. My father is 3 Riding a bicycle is riding notorbik 4 Whales ar sharks. salespeople 6 Mia isn't shy, but her brother is. Mia is Write sentences with the words below and the verk to be. Use the comparative form of the adjectives. 1 Carrie/ca 2 the yellow curtains / long / the white curtains 3. my friend /clever/ me 4 I/quic nt (turtles 6 Mrs Parker / kind / Ms Burke Write sentences comparing the items below. Use tt comparative form of the following adjectives. 1 winter / summer een mine _mio/a, mios/as tuyo/a, tuyos/as, suyo/a, suyos/as (de usted) suyo/a, suyos/as (de él) suyo/a, suyos/as (de ella) ours uestro/a, nuestros/as wuestro/a, vuestros/as, suyo/a, suyos/as (de ustedes) suyo/a, suyos/as (de ellos/as) yours theirs Sustituyen al sustantivo que indica lo que se posee y concuerdan con el poseedor. This maths book is yours. (€ste libro de matematicas es tuyo,) Altraducirlos, se pueden acompafar estos pronombres con, elarticulo determinado. Those pencils aren't mine. They're hers. {E308 lapices no son (los) mios, Son (los) suyos (de ella.) + Ena 3* persona del singular hay dos formas: masculina (his) y ferenina (hers). No hay forma neutra 1 Choose the correct answer. 1 Did Mrand Mrs theirs? buy this house? Is it ours / his 2. Did you paint this picture? Is it mine / yours / hers? 3 I bought the ham sandwich for Sandra. It's hers / his 4 The fingerprints on the desk are not the criminal’, but the fingerprints on the door are yours / his 5 My husband and theirs / yours bought this company. I's ours fer gave me her bicycle, so now it’s yours / mine / hers, 2 GRAMMAR APPEN Complete the sentences with the possessive pronouns below. ours © hers © mir r 1 This phone isn't | think it's Tammy's 2 Are these steaks Harold order them? 2 Did you and 3 Celia left her handbag on the chair. It’s 4 Vivian's boyfriend bought a scooter. The blue scooter 5 We're using these paintbrushes, but they aren't, Replace the words in bold with possessive pronouns. 1 Thehorsi re Greg's 2 The electric bike is my electric bike. 3 This room is the teachers’ room, 4 This dog is my dog and my sister’. 5. This boat is Ms Harrison's, Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct possessive pronouns. 1 A:Can you give the glue to Sus B: Why’ 2 A: Isthis your flash drive? B: Yes, it's Isit ? 3. A: Have you and Kay got sandwiches? B: Yes, t 4 As Has Richard got a motorbike ese sandwiches are. B: Yes, the red motorbike is 5 Az Areth water ottles for the students? B: Yes, the bottles on the table are #UNITS Sigaifica ir + infinitivo, + Negativat sujeto-+am /is / ar + Respuestas breves: ‘Afirmativa: sujeto + am /1s /are + golngto + verbo en|2 forma base We are going to adopt a dog. (Vamos a2 re-+noto n't +going to-+ verbo .doptar un perro. ena forma base. Fm not going to participate in (No voy participar en la compet Interrogativa: Am /Is/ Are + sujeto + going to + the competition. forma base. Is she going to look for anew job? {fla va a buscar un trabajo nuevo?) pronombre personal sujeto e pone am [is / are o‘mnot / isn't / aren't. fare you going toarrive tomorrow? Yes, am. /No,"'m not (Vasa llegar mafiana? Si./No.) Usos, He's going to visit hi El vaavisitara su tio Look at those clouds. I's going torain {Mira esas nubes. Va a llover Hablar de intenciones, planes Expresar lo que va a suceder porque se ven indicios de ello Con be going tose suelen usa las siguientes expresiones temporales:later (mas tarde, luego), san (pronto, dentro de poco), this afternoon / evening (est tarde noche), In +10 a tonight (esta noche), tomorrow (mariana), next week / month /year ia semana /el mes /elafioque viene / tréximo/a), inthe future en elfuturc), on + un dia. dea eemana o una fecha, etc Todas pueden I al principio o al ina de la frase, pero se suelen poner al final. They are going to buy a new bike tomorrow. \Van a comprar una bici nueva mafiane.) 1 choose the correct verbs in brackets to complete the ces, Use be going to: puters next Complete the questions with the verbs in bracl Use be going to. Then match the questions tot! 1 (celebre birthday with your family? 2 When Max 3 Carol the race tomorrow? 4 your parents to London on Sunday? 5 What show you 6 How many pizzas Da a Four d Yes, am. i e OnTuesday. b No, she isn’ « 1a Mia. £ Yes, they are. 3. complete the sentences with the verbs belo Use be going to. lamb for dir 1 We 21 anew dining r 3 Rickand | atiip 4 He his scooter its raining, 5 Detective Wilson A. Write two affirmative, two negative and tw sentences with the words in the chart bele the city 1 return tothe shopping theteacher explore centre Dean and! hike ——-—ourtests theboys _volunteer_in the canyor Mum drive agroup you join at the animal

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