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European Schools — an (one te Seoman Goa Ret: 612-0-2010-0n-2 Orig: FR Policy on enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the 2011-2012 school year Contra Enrolment Authority | PREAMBLE [At ts meeting of 25 and 26 Apri 2008 in The Hague, the Board of Governors decid to create a Central Enrolment Authority charged with deciding on enrolments in the Brussels European Schools. The detals ofthe procedures governing ts operation and its tasks were adopted atthe meeting of the Board of Governors of 23, 24 and 25 October 2008, {A its meeting of 1, 2 and 3 December 2010, the Board of Governors adopted the guidelines {forthe 2011-2012 enrolment policy, which ae set out in point I ‘The basis of the enrolment policy devised by the Central Enrolment Authority isto be found in the public service mission assigned to the European Schools by the partes to the ‘Convention defining the Statute of the European Schools, ie. fist and foremost, the ‘education together af cidren ofthe staf of the European Communities. It should, however, be noted that at its meeting of 25 and 28 October 2005, the Board of Governors canfrmed that no guarantee of schooling in the European School of their choice could be given to parents applying for their chik's enrolment in one ofthe four Brussels ‘Schools, This slatement of facts al the more true given the development ofthe situation of the European Schools since then. ‘The Brussels European Schools face considerable dificulies in terms of accommodation capaci. The following points in particular iustate these accommodation difficulies: = The total purl population ofthe four schools ie up: 1445 new pups were envoted during the 2010-2011 school year enrolment procedure; ~The numberof ciassrooms avalabe on each ste is a constraining facto. Forming classes with pupil numbers approaching or even reaching the maximum limit of 30 leads to organisational ficulties, suchas: 9 The admission ofa single pupil witha special priory cterion means division ofthe group. ‘0 There is automatic division of the group for certain courses (science courses cannot be taught to classes with more than 24 pups). ‘©. The maximum number of pups per class will ultimately be reduced to 28%, automatically leading tothe division of larger groups. Independently of the formation of classes, the schools communal facies (Glayground, school canteen, gymnasium, science laboratories, et) have to be able to accommodate all the pupls on roll in a school, whist also meeting safety and secunty enteria. ‘To mitigate the consequences of the growing number of new enrolments, the European ‘School, Brussels IV opened in September 2007. Two enrolment polcis imposing the enrolment of new pupils in the sections open at the Europesn School, Brussels IV (2007- 2008 and 2008-2008) enabled the schoo!s core pupil numbers to be constituted forthe rursery and primary cycles. The enrolment poly for the 2010-2011 schoo! year enabled Constiuton of the schoo!s core pupil numbers for the secondary cycle to be started, by Imposing the encolment of new pupils in primary year 5 in the sections open atthe European 5 bedson ofthe Board of Govemors of 17 and 18 Apel 2007 * Decision ofthe Board of Governors of 17 and 18 Api 2007 and of 14, 1 and 16 Api 2010 wane? Saaecacaaseenaeea ial ‘School, Brussels IV and in secondary year 1, with the exception of the Dutch language ‘section. Its essential to buld on and sustain the benefits of those previous policies, However, the Brussels IV School presents the folowing characteristics: It fs curently based on a temporary ste whose size Is limited compared with its permanent ste at Laeken, to which i wil move for the beginning of the 2012-2013, school yearn September 2012, ‘The school was only able to accommodate the nursery and primary cycles when it fist opened. Thanks to the Berkendael 68 bulling, which became avaiable in September 2010, and to prefabricated buldings planned for September 2011, the ‘school can accommodate secondary years 1 and 2 in the DE, EN, FR and IT language sections at the beginning ofthe next school year. ~The language sections opened there are unbalanced ia pupil numbers terms. Despite the resiricive measures adopted, the Dutch language section remains Lundersubscrived, meaning that the secondary cycle could not be opened. New ‘enrolments in primary year 5 of the Dutch language section will be accepted at the Brussels IV School, with the opening of the secondary cycle on the schoo! permanent ste at Laeken in September 2012 in prospect. It folows from these fincings that a strict polcy on enrolment of pupils in the Brussels European Schools needs to be imposed, whilst also taking account of the preferences ‘expressed by parents as far as reasonably possible. Consequently, rules designed to ‘optimise the overall resources and to avoid unnecessary dvsion of pupl groups ae set out below. 1, GUIDELINES FOR THE 2011-2012 POLICY [A ts meeting of 1,2 and 3 December 2010 the Board of Governors approved the fllowing objectives, which are not classed in any paricular order of priory, with a view to the

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