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P'mltuv finrne:itlnlimilm, k.
The game system of Archworld is designed with several purposes in mind:

1) To explain in terms of wargaming the capabilities of the armies

and the peoples of the Archworld novels (by the same author and
his wife).

2) To provide a simple yet realistic set of rules that will cover

ancient, medieval, and early gunnery periods.

One of the reasons behind the genesis of the Archworld rules has been an
attempt to respond to the needs and complaints of many wargamers who feel that
most of the ancient warfare rules now available are far too complex. Too many
of these game systems require an excessive amount of logkeeping and the use of
overly long sets of tables.· A need for referees and a lot of pencilpushing
detracts from the enjoyment of the game.

The other problem with many fantasy rules is that they bear little relation to
the literary fantasy tradition. These games tend to rely upon vast numbers of
omnipotent beings and spell-casting wizards rather than the strategic capabili­
ties of a kingdom's legions of ordinary soldiers. Careful research will show
that magic was rarely used with any great effect in combat situations.
Magical beasties were often too unreliable for battlefields and were more
likely to shine at hauntings, in the status of guardians (usually of treasure),
or by performing individual acts of destruction.

As for sorcery, a wizard could save his own skin and possibly his king's (or
whoever controlled the pursestrings), add to morale, and perhaps practice
medicine. When magic was used, it often seemed to backfire on its wielders,
at the very least consuming a great deal of time in the making and draining a
phenomenal amount of energy from the user. On most occasions, the price was
just too high to pay. Magical weapons, of course, abounded and did at times
give one side an advantage; but in the long run all but the subtlest magic
seemed to cancel itself out.

Archworld is intended to provide a reasonable and easy-to-understand account­

ing of the uses of weapons and armor of the period, and the strategy of
empiremaking and the like. The gamer who is not interested in the refight­
ing of Archworld battles may simply disregard the fantasy elements and still
use these rules to create realistic battle situations for any period
up to the late 1600s.
It is a proven fact that approximately 20,000 to 40,000
years ago, Earth had more than one moon. These extra
moons, it seems, were nothing more than a group of
asteroids of varying sizes. It is not known whether
they had always orbited around Earth or were only briefly
captured by the planet. However, it is known that
eventually they fell to earth!

On our world the damage was slight, with the bulk of the falling
meteorites grazing South America and falling into the sea. But in the
alternate universe of Archworld, the fall of stone was heavy, long,
and uncannily accurate.

The lands which would have become North and South America were badly
smashed and reduced to island chains. Africa and Europe escaped total
destruction, but chains of craters made patterns across them which ran
all the way to the vast sea that now covered what had once been Asia.
The turmoil and upheaval of the planet's surface had been great, indeed,
but even more awesome was the change which this unexpected chaos
wrought upon Archworld's various life forms.

The planet's surface quieted after some years of volcanic

reaction and, at last, the tortured earth lay still beneath
the glowing ring of debris which now circled in the skies
above. And partly as a result of the now high dust content
of the air, partly as the result of skillful manipulation by
some alien force, the surface temperature declined and,
slowly but surely, the glaciers crept down from the poles.

Civilizations gradually roused themselves from the rubble of

this once fruitful world, reached their peaks, and fell with
apalling suddenness. And as a pattern of culture asserted
itself, all too frequent invasions of the warm lands by the
peoples of the glacier-covered areas became a common occurance.
After a time, these invaders became known as The Endless Storm,
and proclaimed themselves as the tools of (though they were
often referred to, less politely, as the Lice of) the Nameless
One. Whenever a portion of the Ice Straits froze, closing the
watery gap separating the two lands, the peoples of the Endless
Storm would raid the warm lands seeking plunder. But if certain
special conditions prevailed, a Cleansing would be declared.
Then the entire population of the North would invade the warm
lands for the sole purpose of destroying all life but themselves.
Should they ever succeed in totally wiping out their enemies,

the Nameless One would be free and would reward his warriors accordingly. Five
times the hordes of the Endless Storm had crossed the ice bridge in ever­
increasing numbers. Each time they had been repulsed. However, the last
Cleansing had almost succeeded. It was finally broken by the Bright Alliance
at the Last Battle some three hundred years ago.

As a result of that invasion, much knowledge was lost, and the Archmen were
only now climbing back up the ladder of civilization. The five nations of the
Metal Basin led the way through their monopoly of the secret of gunpowder and
their superior knowledge of metallurgy. This enabled them to exert a certain
amount of control over their neighbors--nations and tribes in varying stages
of development from Iron Age peoples on up.

This was how things stood in the warm lands in the year 3596, on the night of
the first full moon of the new year, when Gaer Carenna, in the company of the
seven Car-Muth-Mey wizards, strode forth from his tent and proclaimed to all
the legions of the North that the time of the Ultimate Cleansing had come at

Under the combined power of the wizards of Car-Muth-Mey and their ice elemen­
tals the waters slowly but surely began to freeze, But before this freezing
was complete, a mission was sent from the stark sands of Lower Basum into the
very heart of the warm lands. Seven Car-Muth-Mey long ships carrying among
them 800 men of the wizard Elcor's army and 1200 heavily armed Ice Riders were
led by Elcor himself into the lands of their enemy. When they reached shore,
they fanned out to contact allies and prepare the way for the army of invaders
to come. As this advance guard made its way through the warm lands, it
encountered several groups of nomads. Elcor's men enjoyed themselves by
torturing these luckless tribesmen before sending them "cleansed" to the
Nameless One. Then they proceeded on their way to spread their treachery
throughout the lands of the enemy. The Cleansing had truly begun ••••
Archworld is set up for campaigns and extended play. These
rules have been designed so that they require the use of
only a limited amount of bookkeeping and game mechanics
while at the same time suffering no loss of playability.

Unlike many fantasy games, Archworld stresses military

ability in actual combat and on a grand tactical level. A
player who neglects both military and economic considera­
tions for spell-slinging and assorted "majickers" will find
himself defeated early in the game. Magic does have its
place and can certainly be used, but restraints, such as
the high cost of buying magic, should insure that it is
relegated to a realistic and proper role. No dragons will
0 plummet down upon your head from the Archworld skies.

Muskets and cannon exist in Archworld, but they are mon­

opolized by five nations. This presents no real imbalance
of power for, as any experienced gamer will realize, some
weapons that have an advantage in one situation will
definitely be at a disadvantage in another. Thus, a wise
commander will strive to have an appropriate mixture of
all types of troops at his command.

At the time we are concerned with, Archworld was divided
into the following types of nations:

ADVANCED: These nations hold the secret of gunpowder and

also have the knowledge and industry needed to produce high­
grade plate armor. They also are relatively wealthy and
militarily powerful. The five countries in this category

MEDIEVAL: These peoples form the bulk of Archworld's popu­

lation and are loosely described in the following categories-­
city-states, small kingdoms, religious orders, military
orders, and most mercenary groups.


There are two methods of acquiring heroes.
to create them.
One is to buy them. The other is


The hero is a single figure which

has extra fighting and leadership
abilities. His action in battle
will be treated in another section.
One hero may be purchased at a
cost of 200 points per month, and
there is no limit to the number of
heroes one may purchase. However,
each additional hero figure purchased
will double in cost (second hero
costs 400 points per month, a third
costs 800 points per month, etc.).
A great hero of the Conan type will
cost 3,000 points per month, and if 1
you desire more than one great hero
(up to a maximum of three) you must
throw a die to see whether they fight
amongst themselves or play nice. A
1, 3, or 5, means they fight, with
the hero receiving the highest roll
remaining alive. A roll of 2, 4,
or 6, means they all remain loyal to you and settle any of their differences

A cheaper but more unreliable method of creating either a hero or an elite

unit is the following:

A stand, unit, or figure may be involved in a heroic event determined as:

1. The capture of an enemy standard.

2. The capture of an enemy king, prince, wizard, etc.
3. The capture of an enemy cannon or war machine
4. The successful defense of a-position, king, flag, etc.

When a unit or figure fulfills any of the above conditions� a die roll of 1, 2,
or 3, means the unit becomes elite, while a roll of 4, 5, or 6, means that one
figure from the unit becomes a hero. (Heroes created in this manner have a
cost of 100 points per month.)

When a hero performs a heroic deed on four separate occasions, he becomes a

Great Hero.

all rolls individually. A

reversed spell will affect
both the caster and the hir­
ing party in his presence.
If an assassination spell is
successful the wizard is
drained of power for one
game month.

MEN FIRING (shield, quilt) ARMOR ARMOR

1-2 4-6 7 7 7-8 8

3-4 3-6 6 6 7 7
5-6 2-6 5-6 6 6 6
7-8 1-6 4-6 5-6 5-6 6
9-10 "-" 4-6 4-6 4-6 5- 6
11-12 "-" 3-6 4-6 4-6 5-6
13-14 "-" 2-6 3-6 3-6 4-6
15-18 n_n 1-6 3-6 3-6 4-6
19-25 "-" "-" 2-6 2-6 4-6

All troops will fire at the nearest target available or at special targets if
so ordered and written. This creates a field of fire of:
Footmen--45 degrees to the left and right.
Horsemen--180 degrees to the left, 45 degrees to the right
Horde--360 degrees
Thus, as a target nears a mass of men their fire may be broken up into smaller
groups of men for greater accuracy.
In addition to the basic die throw� the following modifiers are to be added
or subtracted:

Add +l if:
1. Shooting into the enemy's right side or at any enemies who are unable to
use their shields.
2. Shooting at an elephant or chariot,

Add +2 if:
1. Shooting at unarmored or lightly armored gun or catapult crews.
2. The target is in three or more ranks.
3. The target is stationary cavalry or unarmored horse.
4. The target is in a block or square/triangle formation.
5. The target has its back turned.
6. Archers, slings, crossbows at less than 1/2 range,

Add +3 if:
1. Target is in a moving column.
2. Troops firing are enchanted beings.
3. Heavy crossbows, longbows, or centaurs at less than 1/2 range.

Subtract -1 if:
1. Unit is firing at over 1/2 range.
2. Firing at armored horses.
3. Target is moving over a distance of 60 paces during the game turn.
4. Target is under light cover (hedges, fences, walls, etc.).
5. Target is in open order.

AMBUSH: Any unit concealed in a woods may declare an ambush upon any enemy
unit outside or just entering a woods when said unit comes within the hidden
unit's charging distance. The declaration of ambush pins the enemy unit,
allowing it only 20 paces of evasion movement. If the ambushed unit is
armed with missile weapons, only half may fire and these fire as though they
were firing at maximum range. The unit being charged is considered defense­
less due to surprise for the first round of melee unless they are armed with
spears or pikes. If so armed, 1/2 the men are permitted to fight. If the
unit being ambushed is destroyed, the victor may continue his move to the
end of his movement allowance.

FIRE ARROWS: These are prepared by three men for one turn. To start a fire,
one die is rolled for each three men; a roll of 4, 5, or 6 starts a fire on
a grass-roofed or wooden building; a roll of 6 will start a fire in a stone
fortress or castle. The fire will burn for one full turn before it can be
extinguished by a roll of 4, 5, or 6 by the defenders. For each turn the
fire burns, it causes 10 points worth of damage to all structures except
stone, in which case it causes 5 points worth of damage.

FIRE: Anyone except knights or gentlemen may set a fire with a roll of 3
or better with one die. Figure must be within 30 paces of where the fire
is to start.

CAPTURE OF A FLAG: When the flag stand is contacted by an enemy, a die

will be rolled to determine if the flag is captured. A roll of 6 will
capture the flag for infantry, and a roll of 5 or 6 will capture it for
cavalry. The elimination of all the enemy force will, of course, capture
the flag, since the flagbearer himself represents twenty men.


Wizards come in four basic levels: 1) ASSISTANT--this is a mere apprentice;

2) FREELANCE--he usually attaches himself to courts or armies in need;
3) MAGE--a higher quality spellbinder; 4) MASTER--he knows the ultimate secrets
and is usually a king in his own right, eg. the Car-muth-mey wizards.

Master wizards roll as countries (medieval) but with no lip.e of succession.

WIZARD CAPABILITIES: ASSISTANT--healer, diviner of fords within one mile;

can perform one function per day. FREELANCE--all of the above plus the
ability to deflect missiles, invisibility for three turns, strength potion;
can perform two functions per day. MAGE--all-of the above plus ability to
instantaneously transport himself as much as 50 miles from the field of battle,
ability to cast a zone of invulnerability that will protect anyone within six
inches of the wizard (holds for 3 turns), can strike down an attakcer three
inches away; can perform five functions a day. MASTER--all of the above plus
the ability to instantaneously transport himself as much as 500 miles from
the field of battle, can also start a fire within 100 paces; can perform ten
functions per day.

All other wizardly functions require extra preparation and more equipment than
a wizard normally carries. A master can also create a ford 60 paces by 200
paces long if he is undisturbed for three turns and is within 60 paces of a
river. (Cost--8,000 points) "Disturbed" means there is either an attacking
force within 100 paces or missile fire is being directed at the wizard. Costs
of hiring minor wizards equal one die (6-sided) times 1000 gold pieces.

MAGICAL WEAPONS: Magical weapons serve the following purposes: They add a
plus 2 to the morale of all friends within 100 paces and a minus 5 to the
morale of all enemies within 100 paces. They also add a plus 10 to the
Killing Ability of the bearer. These type of weapons may be bought by a
player at the rate of a sum of two die x 20,000. All types of people may
purchase these weapons and the weapons themselves include axes, swords,
spears, and one turn's worth of arrows.


Good or Neutral Evil

Swords of the Bright Alliance: The Black Banner; adds +10 to

Five swords that can only be used all troops following it.
in defense. Adds +30 to fighter. The Great Black Sword: worth
1) Flaresword +30 points in killing ability.
2) Greaver Gothul's Axe: adds +30 points
3) Windrider killing ability.
4) Kinghigh Armor of Mileus Blandolf: this
5) Reaper suit. adds a -25 to attacker's
Blessed Arrows of Gea: enough for melee points and a -5 to any
15 flights, adds a +10 to the archer's die roll.
archer's die roll.

All these weapons are initially lost. They may be found with the help of
two master wizards at a cost of the total of three die rolls x 20,000 each.
A wizard can also make an amulet of deflection at a cost of two die rolls
x 20,000. This amulet will deflect fifteen axe, sword, etc., blows and/or
arrow flights before it is exhausted. The amulet is often favored by well
off and rather paranoid kings. It will also deflect three magic spells.


Throughout these rules one thing is clear; alot of assorted beings are getting
mauled. To symbolize what well-littered battlefields look like-voila!--the
casualty stand. There are two types of casualty stands:

Infantry 30mm x 30mm

Cavalry 30mm X 50mm

These represent the twenty actual casualties in dead and wounded men and horses
suffered by one game casualty. It is when they begin to pile up in depth and
width that the situations mentioned at Waterloo and other great battles
become apparent.
1 1 I 10 paces
2 2 1 of each 1/2 movemen½ no charge
3 3 2 and 1 1/ 4 movement, no charge,
count as disorganized

Thus, for the first time on a modern war game table the actual carnage of war is
recreated, and the tactical difficulty is resolved. And, by marking the amount
of casualty stands represented in pencil on the back of the stand actually used,
you can easily keep an accurate count of casualties.

Once per game month it is necessary to draw a disease card from the 10 card pack.
The pack is composed of 16 blank cards, 1 dissentery (10% loss of men), 1 horse
loss (30% of the horses wiped out), 1 plague (30% loss of men), 1 month's supply
of food loss. All disease cards can be cancelled out by a wizard at the cost of
20,000 money points per card.

After combat it is necessary to discover how many men are actually dead, or
merely maimed and recoverable. The simplest method is:

1/3 of all casualties are returnable to the field the next day. This accounts
for all stragglers, etc. For each wizard in your employ, you may recover an
additional 10% of your losses up to a total of 75% of your loss. This applies
only to the winner of the battle.

The loser recovers 10% of his losses. These are stragglers and walking wounded.
He may recover another 10% if he has wizards in his employ.

Giants: 35mm to 60mm in height one would suspect these +15 +10
chaps would be very destructive. However, their
slowness is self-defeating. But they are hard
to get rid of. It takes 10 kills to do them in.
All Beings Who Use Outsize Weapons: +5 0
Dwarves: Good chaps who'll always oppose Northerners +4 +3
Elite Northern Warriors: These include the entire range +3 +2
of Darklander fanatics--Ice Riders, Evil Wizards,
Personal troops, Lice of the North, Faceless Men,
Ashkara: Mountain beings often on the side of the North +l 0
Snyra: Lizard people from the far South, they are never +6 0
active in winter or at night. They do not fatigue.
Feldkyn: General term from the run-of-the-mill peasant 0 0
populace, made up of several races and ranging in
size from normal heights down to 3 feet tall.
Wodkyn: These are the true wood dwellers. They have magic +3 +1
all their own, and are deadly to enemies in their
All Other Beings Who Have Magical Powers. +2 0

Centaurs: A powerful man/beast armed with natural weapons

besides his armament. +5 +1


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