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To our big-hearted guest of honor and speaker, ma’am/sir; our indefatigable and

equal school principal, Dr. Marietta B. Yap; our vibrant Administrative Officer, Ma.
Filomena T. Caldito; to our hardworking Head Teachers of the different Departments
together with the competent and deeply motivated members of the teaching and non-
teaching staff; officials of the different associations of Sarrrat National High School; to
the proud and loving parents, fellow graduates, visitors, friends; ladies and gentlemen, a
pleasant day.

One of history’s most influential people, Martin Luther King, once said, "I have a
dream." In Tagalog, we say "May pangarap ako" and in Iloko, we say "Adda arapaap
ko." Can you feel how powerful this statement is? Every person is entitled to pursue
his/her dream, and I am standing here today because, just like everyone else out here, I
am a dreamer.

I once thought I’d lost everything because of the pandemic. I thought all my
efforts were wasted, all the opportunities I sought for so many years of hard work were
gone. I was devastated and discouraged. I though all my sacrifices in the past years
had been in vain. However, there were people who never left my side and who always
believed in me. They made me realize that what I once thought to be the end, was only
a gateway to a new beginning, a new journey. They have drawn out my despair and
replaced it with hope, and this has surely made me reach new heights and new
wonders. I owe it all to them.

Foremost, I am very grateful to our very exceptional school principal, Dr. Marietta
B. Yap. Without her support and supervision, the school wouldn’t have flourished the
way it has now. I would also like to commend the effort, time, and talent of the staff of
Sarrat National High School. With your competence, we were able to make history and
reach wider horizons.

Of course, we would never forget our ever-diligent teachers. Thank you so much
for your dedication, which is indeed the trademark of SNHS’s tradition of excellence.
These teachers always do their best to ensure our success. Although we were
unfamiliar with the new normal, our teachers were still able to deliver quality education
to us. Thank you mentors for all the knowledge and values you have embedded in each
of us. You carved us a path that we didn’t even know we could walk on.

In particular, I would also like to acknowledge my coaches. Back then, I could

only hope to attend regional level competitions, but despite the pandemic we made it
internationally. Thanks to them, I learned that our greatest competitor is ourselves. We
ourselves know our weaknesses, what we are missing, what we should improve, and it
is up to us to fill these voids, conquer our fears, and finally achieve our dreams. I can
attest that our goals were reached only because of your guidance. You tought us that
we determine the limits of what we can achieve. We can go farther if we aim to.

I would also like to express my gratitude to my friends for making these past two
years of our senior high school life exciting. Even with the lockdowns and quarantines
caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, you never fail to make me laugh. There was never
a dull moment with you guys around.

Last but not the least, I am very grateful to my relatives, my parents and my
family as whole. Without them, I would never have been molded into who I am today.
Fellow graduates, they raised us, fed us, clothed us, taught us morals and values. They
were always willing and ready to move heaven and earth just to do what’s best for us.
Our relatives as well alwys had our back extending added support. You made the
journey less difficult.

Through your efforts, with the support of each other, and by the grace of God,
whose presence we recall several times each day, we have survived the past two years
of the new normal of learning. But more than just surviving, we became experienced,
we learned to be resourceful, be creative, reflective and bcame more aware of
ourselves. We learned about the uncertainties of life, and we also learned how to face
and address these uncertainties.

We may have different journeys to take, but we are all dreamers. To borrow the
words of Miss Universe 2018, Catriona Gray, to everyone with a dream, know that your
dreams are valid, and on your path, you are never denied, only redirected.

In this regard, we are here to celebrate the graduation of an outstanding class, a

distinguished class, a formidable class, a class brimming not only with knowledge but
with compassion and ambition – the Sarrat National High School Class of 2022. March
forward Class 2022 with courage and pride. Let us come back here one day and say
“My dear Alma Mater – this is what I have become.” Thank you, and mabuhay.

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