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Assignment 1:

I. Read the following statements carefully then beside each, mark whether or not you agree with it.
Beside your response indicate the corresponding reason.

Statement Agree Disagree Reason

1. One cannot teach ✅ Teaching requires both

without instructional auditory and visual
materials. materials. It serves as
the heart of active
engagement of
students in language
learning. It’s also a
basic component for an
effective teaching and
learning process. So
without instructional
materials, it is
impossible to teach
your students and
incorporate to them
what do you wanted to

2. To facilitate a ✅ Because during the

meaningful language teaching and learning
learning experience, process, the tangible
tangible materials are and intangible are both
most needed. needed and are given
equal importance to
ensure that language
learning engagement is
meaningful and

3. Having varied ✅ Well having varied

instructional materials instructional materials
quarantees holistic does not quarantees
learning. the holistic learning of
the students. Hence, it
could be a best step to
formulate the best
instructional materials
that fits into the needs
of every students,
ensuring the
effectiveness of
teaching. As a matter of
fact, every teacher are
given a freedom to
formulate and design
their own instructional
materials to make the
teaching and learning
process more effective,
that of course
considers the context,
content, and structure
of the given topic.

4. Anybody can design ✅ It’s not anybody, but

and develop a learning it’s any teacher. Once
materials for class use. you’re a teacher, you
are given the freedom
to design and develop
your own style of
learning materials for
class use. That’s why
it’s necessary that you
first need to study the
different backgrounds
of your students,
because it would be
your anchor or guide
upon formulating an
instructional materials
considering the varied
needs of your students.

II. How do you visualize a teaching-learning activity-

1. Without instructional activity
A teaching and learning activity without an instructional activity will never ensure the
effectiveness of teaching because the instructional activities will be the guiding structure on how
a teacher and students interact and participate during the teaching-learning activity. As a
teacher you might find it hard to incorporate the ideas and information’s to your students since
you are not properly guided on the ways of how you should conduct a class promoting a better
teaching and learning process. . So without it, it’s impossible for a teacher to teach her students
effectively, and students will never learn also to what the teacher had taught to them.
2. With instructional activity
A teaching and learning process with an instructional activity will insure an effective teaching-
learning activity. Since you are now guided on how you should teach your students and handle a
class, promoting an effective teaching and learning process using a varied instructional activities,
you will find it more easy to incorporate ideas and information’s to your students. Using these
instructional activities you can open more opportunities for learning and importantly, it allows
you, as a teacher, to learn from teaching.


1. From the inputs, take down 5 essential words which struck you the most and explain how these
words can guide you in designing and developing an instructional material for language learning.
These words can help me a lot to make or develop an instructional materials for
language learning. These words will serve as my step on making and designing my instructional
material. When you are making an instructional material you need to evaluate first your
student. Collecting the points that you need to enhance so that you can give emphasis to it.
Adapt to the changes around you so that you can deal easily to your students. And then start to
develop your own design of instruction for your class. Next, reflect if it’s really useful to your
class and does it meets the needs of your student. And if everything is well you can utilize the
design that you have made promoting the fun and effective learning.

2. Use these key words in crafting your own recommendations/considerations on the development
of instructional, materials for language learning.
-As what I have said on the first question, those words could be my guide to make or
craft my own instructional materials. Before you are going to make an instructional materials
you need to evaluate your student first. Try to assess, look and collect points that you feel that
there is a need to enhance or to be given more attention so that you can give emphasis to it.
Then adapt to the changes around you, specially to the changes that’s happening to your
student and in the classroom which are mostly due other forces that affects them, so that you
can deal easily to your students. And then start to develop your own design of instruction for
your class. Next, reflect if it’s really useful to your class and does it meets the needs of your
student. And if everything is well you can now utilize the design that you have made promoting
a fun and effective teaching and learning process.

3. Why is there a need to develop an instructional material when there are ready-made ones?

The first notable reason for that is we are handling a different types of students, and the
fact that each and every students differs on their particular needs not just in academic matter
but also on the behavioral aspects. We cannot just simply utilize those ready-to-use instructional
materials, because it might not fit to the needs of the students that the teacher should address.
So it’s better that a teacher will make or utilize his/her own design of instructional material that
considers and addresses the particular needs of his/her students. In that way we can insure the
effectiveness of the teaching and learning process.

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