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Fill in the Blanks _20_
kaustubh Mahadik

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20 Question

Question. 1
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
Man is the greatest truth of all, there is nothing ______ him.
1. with
2. however
3. before
4. beyond

Question. 2
Direction: Fill in the blank with the appropriate word.
It's very kind of you to ____ to speak at the meeting.
1. Divide
2. Comply
3. Agree
4. Deny

Question. 3
Choose the right alternative to make it a meaningful sentence.
Tea may be used to _____ Coffee.
1. Compliment
2. Complementation
3. Complement
4. Complementary

Question. 4
Fill in the blank with a suitable word to make the following sentence a meaningful one.
The festival is a three-day-long celebration that combines ______ feasts as well as ______ fasting.
1. unornamented, resolute
2. paltry, obstinate
3. scanty, parsimonious
4. sumptuous, rigid

Question. 5
An employment advertisement should _______ the number of vacancies.
1. declare
2. specify

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3. provide
4. contain

Question. 6
Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sen-
His rather casual remarks on politics ______ his lack of seriousness about the subject.
1. masked
2. belied
3. betrayed
4. suppressed

Question. 7
Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sen-
If we manage to _____ our natural resources, We would leave a better planet for our children.
1. uphold
2. restrain
3. cherish
4. conserve

Question. 8
I have great _____ for them at this time because I have had a similar experience.
1. sincerity
2. sympathy
3. sorrow
4. sadness

Question. 9
I am completely confused as to why she did it and so it's not ______ to imagine why other people
are mystified, too.
1. definite
2. difficult
3. debatable
4. decided

Question. 10
It was easy to realise why, the machine had stopped working since it was a direct _____ of his fail-
ure to maintain it.

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1. Complement
2. Concern
3. ConseQuestionnce
4. Conviction

Question. 11
Directions: Choose the appropriate modal to complete the sentence.
This_______ be the most difficult decision she would ever make.
1. need
2. dare
3. will
4. might

Question. 12
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
One of my friends _______ owner of the house.
1. Are
2. Is
3. Was
4. None of this

Question. 13
Direction: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate pair of words.
Some women ______ travelling by car. It ______ them satisfied.
1. dislike, makes
2. dislikes, make
3. disliked, make
4. None of these

Question. 14
Direction: Choose the appropriate word for the given sentence:
A student will be failed ______ he does not work hard.
1. if
2. though
3. unless
4. untill

Question. 15

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A sentence has been given with a blank to be filled with an appropriate word/words. Choose the
correct alternative.
When she ______ at her place, Mahima had left.
1. had arrived
2. has arrived
3. arrived
4. arrives

Question. 16
A sentence has been given with a blank to be filled with an appropriate word/words. Choose the
correct alternative.
The boys sang _______ the girls danced.
1. when
2. unless
3. to
4. while

Question. 17
A sentence has been given with a blank to be filled with an appropriate word. Choose the correct
No matter how tough a situation gets, you can always ______ it with your will power.
1. overcome
2. overwhelm
3. come
4. covert

Question. 18
A sentence has been given with a blank to be filled with an appropriate word/words. Choose the
correct alternative.
She is the girl ______ stole my handbag.
1. which
2. who
3. whom
4. that

Question. 19
A sentence has been given with a blank to be filled with an appropriate word/words. Choose the
correct alternative.
Neither her parents _______ her husband wants to meet her.

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1. and
2. not
3. nor
4. or

Question. 20
Fill in the blanks with the correct option:
He doesn't have ____ money to donate.
1. much
2. some
3. any
4. many

Answer key
20 Question

Question. 1
Correct Option - 4

Question. 2
Correct Option - 3

Question. 3
Correct Option - 3

Question. 4
Correct Option - 4

Question. 5
Correct Option - 2

Question. 6
Correct Option - 3

Question. 7
Correct Option - 4

Question. 8
Correct Option - 2

Question. 9
Correct Option - 2

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Question. 10
Correct Option - 3

Question. 11
Correct Option - 4

Question. 12
Correct Option - 2

Question. 13
Correct Option - 1

Question. 14
Correct Option - 1

Question. 15
Correct Option - 3

Question. 16
Correct Option - 4

Question. 17
Correct Option - 1

Question. 18
Correct Option - 2

Question. 19
Correct Option - 3

Question. 20
Correct Option - 1

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