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Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act


(Pub.L. 111-203, H.R. 4173)

15 16
I II III IV V Titles

Oct. 2010 Jan. 2011 April 2011 July 2011 Oct. 2011 Jan. 2012

Accounting and auditing

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (136)

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (6) Department of Housing and Urban Development (9) Department of Labor (1) Department of the Treasury (16) Farm Credit Administration (21) Farm Service Agency (2) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) (31) Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (4) Federal Housing Finance Agency (12) Financial stability Orderly Liquidation Authority Transfer of powers to the OCC, the FDIC and the Fed Regulation of advisers to hedge funds and others Insurance


Comment dates
A title may have multiple dates as each ruling has an impact on more than one business area.


Capital/Liquidity Compensation

Federal Reserve Board (the Fed) (86)


Improvements to regulation

Federal Trade Commission (5) Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (7) Financial Stability Oversight Council (21) Government Accountability Ofce (11)

Consumer/Investor protection


Oct. 2010
Wall Street Transparency and Accountability

Jan. 2011

April 2011

July 2011

Oct. 2011

Jan. 2012

Multiple agencies (84)

Over-the-counter/Listed derivatives

Effective dates

National Credit Union Administration (12) Ofce of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) (36) Ofce of the Federal Register (1) Ofce of Thrift Supervision (7) Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (8)


Payment, clearing and settlement supervision

Oct. 2010
Energy and resources
Investor protections and improvements to the regulation of securities Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act

Jan. 2011

April 2011

25 206

Compliance dates

Oct. 2011

Jan. 2012

Securities and Exchange Commission (247)

Insurance Living wills Private money* Proprietary trading Securities

Oct. 2010

Jan. 2011

April 2011

Awaiting next steps

Oct. 2011

Jan. 2012


As of July 2011
U.S. Sentencing Commission (8)

Systemic risk Whistleblowers

Source: Knowledge Mosaic

Note: There are no rules applying to Titles XIII and XVI.

*Includes private equity, hedge fund and investment advisers.

Copyright 2011 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

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