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Task Cards: #1 Prefixes #2 Prefixes

Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix:
Unhelpful You shouldn’t eat chicken There was a ____agreement
that is ____cooked. over the bill for dinner.

Prefix Root Suffix A. under C. mis A. un C. dis

B. anti D. pre B. mis D. anti

#3 Prefixes #4 Prefixes #5 Prefixes

Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix:
We were ___satisfied with The book report was very I saw a ___view of the
the service at the restaurant. poor and had to be ___done. movie Harry Potter.
A. mis C. dis A. pre C. un A. pre C. dis
B. pre D. under B. re D. under B. over D. under

#6 Prefixes #7 Prefixes #8 Prefixes

Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix:

Copyright © 2016 Science Spot

Tom ___buttoned his jacket Alex felt he was Ed had so much fun he
when he came inside. ___treated and ignored. wanted to __play the game.
A. re C. mis A. pre C. dis A. pre C. mis
B. un D. pre B. re D. mis B. re D. dis
#9 Prefixes # 10 Prefixes # 11 Prefixes

Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix:
I’m sorry, I ___read Planting more trees will help It is __legal to lie under
the directions. ___store the environment. oath in a court of law.
A. dis C. over A. under C. re A. il C. un
B. under D. mis B. over D. pre B. in D. dis

# 12 Prefixes # 13 Prefixes # 14 Prefixes

Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix:
I am still thirsty, I decided not to see the I am ___able to finish
please __fill my cup. movie after the bad __view. the assignment in time.
A. un C. re A. sub C. un A. dis C. un
B. under D. mis B. re D. dis B. under D. re

# 15 Prefixes # 16 Prefixes # 17 Prefixes

Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix:

Copyright © 2016 Science Spot

I made a big ___take Jill wants to be an ___cover We were unable to ___cover
on my book report. agent when she grows up. who the culprit was.
A. mis C. under A. un C. auto A. dis C. sub
B. un D. in B. over D. under B. mis D. auto
# 18 Prefixes # 19 Prefixes # 20 Prefixes

Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix:
Mark got a huge __count Did you ______ your Ed couldn’t _____ the sneeze
on his new television. car keys again? that was about to happen.
A. mis C. dis A. replace C. displace A. prevent C. invent
B. super D. pro B. misplace D. unplace B. misvent D. revent

# 21 Prefixes # 22 Prefixes # 23 Prefixes

Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix:
It was too late to _____ The bread was so I want to _____ for the
what Sally had done. ______ it burned. math quiz next period.
A. disdo C. undo A. undercooked C. miscooked A. preview C. unview
B. misdo D. predo B. overcooked D. ilcooked B. review D. proview

# 24 Prefixes # 25 Prefixes # 26 Prefixes

Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix: Choose the correct prefix:

Copyright © 2016 Science Spot

I try not to think of I want to ______ my I always _____ words wrong
______ things. online account. in front of the whole class.
A. nonpleasant C. unpleasant A. deable C. misable A. prespell C. misspell
B. displeasant D. ilpleasant B. unable D. disable B. respell D. unspell

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